Top 10 Social Networking Apps Like Novus Space - Best Alternatives

Novus Space Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Novus Space alternatives for iOS? We have listed 10 Social Networking apps that are similar to Novus Space. Pick one from this list to be your new Novus Space app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Novus Space on your iOS devices.

Top 10 Apps Like Novus Space - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Novus Space alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 10 similar apps like Novus Space 2025.

Traffic Lords Space

Traffic Lords Space

TRAFFIC LORDS open space will give u the opportunity to develop relationships and meet future colleagues, create cooperation of various kinds and advance your goals. We offer you an environment with unique designs, vibrant real-world community, hassle-free, comfort and productive...

Price: Free Developer: Pickspace
Sarona Space

Sarona Space

The Sarona space App allows members to tap into the entire community of entrepreneurs. Discuss ideas, book conference rooms, workspace, and more. Stay connected and get our teams help anytime you need. About Sarona space: Venture capital Sarona Space is a...

Price: Free Developer: Pickspace
Space FM

Space FM

【关于Space FM】 一位在航行的宇航员说: —— “迄今为止 Space FM 对我来说是一个介于音乐和社交之间,但又不止于此的存在。音乐是我生活里最重要的一个部分,而社交是我现实生活里最难的一部分,所以能把这两者加到一起,对我来说真的是个绝妙的搭配。” 我们试图构造了一个独特的,新奇的,平等的虚拟世界。许多热爱音乐和分享记录的宇航员居住在这里。这里没有搜索全凭偶遇,也许你能碰巧听到一首喜欢了很久的歌,顺藤摸瓜认识分享它的人。 【更多宇航员的感受】 -“我会在上面分享一些自己觉得好听的歌,生活里没人分享还挺孤独的,发朋友圈犹如石沉大海挺惨的,毕竟不是那么多人品味都跟你一样而且愿意和你互动,Space FM 就是一个好地方呀,会有人收听,会有人喜欢。得到反馈就很开心。” -“这是一个参与感很强,设计感很棒的宇宙空间。我在Space FM 里可以选择过自己的生活,偶尔有网上邻居来串门,偶尔去宇航员家里坐坐。” 【推荐和报道】 -获「小米应用商店 - 2019年度金米奖」 -获「豌豆荚设计奖」 -经「爱范儿-AppSo」推荐 -经「极客公园」推荐 【反馈联系】 太空探索正在进行中,我们乐于倾听宇航宇对于 SpaceFM 的想法和反馈。你可以通过下方的的联系方式找到地面控制台。 微博:@SpaceFM 微信:spacefm

Price: Free Developer: Shenzhen Poplab Technology Co. Ltd.
Workshop Space

Workshop Space

Welcome to WORKSHOP- a collaborative space for designers and creators. WORKSHOP invites you to work in an inspiring collaborative workspace designated for designers and creators of all fields- from product and jewelry design to interior, graphic and fashion design,...

Price: Free Developer: Pickspace
Dogether Space

Dogether Space

App for the members of the Dogether coworking space in Rishon LeZiyyon - discover the companies around you, chat with fellow members and book meeting rooms directly from the app.

Price: Free Developer: Pickspace
@work Space

@work Space

@work is a boutique office space and a co-working environment located in the heart of Ono-Valley. This is a dedicated App for @work members. Members will find ways to communicate with other members within the community. Post questions, and...

Price: Free Developer: Pickspace
IgotLike! My interactive space

IgotLike! My interactive space

IgotLike is an interactive platform to bring you into the game of fame and recognition with sweet bonuses. Build the audience to promote your content, views and ideas with numerous filters, categories and local recognition on the map. Find...

Price: Free Developer: Maksym Kuliaiev
Common Ground: Coworking Space

Common Ground: Coworking Space

The Common Ground App connects you with other members in real time. Get quick feedback on a problem or plan after hour drinks, the app is community - digitized. The app enables registered users to book amenities owned by Common...

Price: Free Developer: Common Ground Works Sdn Bhd
iDa: Our space

iDa: Our space

iDa connects people with common interests in the real world! Use our app to meet with your friends, relatives, and new interesting people around you. After registration go to Menu. There you can upload your avatar, add contacts and create groups....

Price: Free Developer: Alexander Ivanov

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