Top 22 Education Apps Like JENSEN SCM Secure - Best Alternatives

JENSEN SCM Secure Alternatives

Do you want to find the best JENSEN SCM Secure alternatives for iOS? We have listed 22 Education apps that are similar to JENSEN SCM Secure. Pick one from this list to be your new JENSEN SCM Secure app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to JENSEN SCM Secure on your iOS devices.

Top 22 Apps Like JENSEN SCM Secure - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid JENSEN SCM Secure alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 22 similar apps like JENSEN SCM Secure 2025.

Henning Hamster

Henning Hamster

- Bog- og læsespil for alle børn fra ca. 5 år. - Underholdende ord- og sætningsøvelser i sammenhæng med bogen. - Sjove billeder og tekster, som motiverer til samtaler om "engang man gjorde de voksne sure". - Ordoplæsning, gør det muligt for...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Madam Bachs forlag
Phototropism in Plants

Phototropism in Plants

Become an active participant in your own learning. Witness the effects of phototropism in plants by investigating it—not just reading about it. Get an upclose look at the inside structure of growing plants to understand why they bend toward the...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Sebit, LLC
Children Museum Treasure Coast

Children Museum Treasure Coast

The Children’s Museum of the Treasure Coast (TCM) is in the heart of Indian Riverside Park in Jensen Beach. The Children's Museum opened in August 2008 and has welcomed over 100,000 visitors and over 20,000 students have experienced the...

Price: Free Developer: bfac, LLC
SPED Organizer

SPED Organizer

This is the organization app for special education teachers! Add all your students to a list and enter their data to get started. Look at student overviews to get a simple list of their information, goals, notes, and progress data....

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Parker Jensen
mobilskema til Elevplan

mobilskema til Elevplan

Med mobilskema til Elevplan, har du den nemmeste og hurtigste adgang til din Elevplan information, og med over flere tusinde downloads om måneden, er der ingen tvivl om mobilskemas kvalitet. ・Den eneste Elevplan applikation ・Hurtig, pålidelig og responsivt ・Skemaet er gennemtænkt ned...

Price: Free Developer: Magnus Jensen
Big Break: Act & Sing Game

Big Break: Act & Sing Game

Big Break Bobby needs actors for his movie production studios. That’s where you come in! Act out lines along with game characters, guess emotions of the characters, and even see yourself in a movie! Earn points based on...

Price: Free Developer: Emote Play Apps Inc.
Cortex Flex

Cortex Flex

Flex your mind with a multitude of challenging one minute games! Designed for entertainment and fun, no brain scientists, rocket scientists, nor quantum scientists were consulted - or harmed - during the creation of Cortex Flex. Yet,...

Price: Free Developer: Lynn Jensen
Eksamens Lab

Eksamens Lab

Lær at håndtere studiepres, strukturer dit faglige indhold, og træn dit oplæg i Virtual Reality. Eksamens Lab er et træningsredskab til dig der ønsker at styrke din faglige formidling i pressede situationer, hvor det er nødvendigt at fastholde et fagligt...

Price: Free Developer: Lars Jensen
Fast Skema

Fast Skema

Fast Skema gør det nemt for lærere og elever, der ikke skifter skema ugentligt, at have deres skema lige ved hånden. Med en simpel opsætning process, hvor man kan indsætte sit skema med alle de ønskede detaljer, kan man...

Price: Free Developer: Magnus Jensen
SCM Secure

SCM Secure

SCM Secure brings out the creativity in preschool and keeps parents up to date on what happens at school, while providing control and relief for the educator. Educators can easily add blog posts as documentation for selected individuals or groups,...

Price: Free Developer: Smart Classroom Manager Sweden AB
nexus media

nexus media

Die neue NEXUS-Bücherreihe! Praxisnah, lese-, lehr- und lernmotivierend! Wer SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT mit Logistik, Beschaffung, Produktion, Distribution/Entsorgung und Qualität versteht und richtig einsetzt, kann damit die industrielle Wertschöpfung steuern. Voraussetzung sind Grund- und Anwenderkenntnisse der digitalen Geschäftsmodelle. Diese sechs Themen...

Price: Free Developer: Nexus Media AG


New communication media have considerable advantages over the printed media in terms of speed and publication processes. Ajit-e, started with these ideas to be the source and publishing media of academics particularly in areas associated with communication and information. Ajit-e is...

Price: Free Developer: Ozhan Tingoy


CSCMP has been built by members, for members with the mission to connect, develop and educate the world’s logistics and supply chain management professionals throughout their careers. No matter where you are in your career development, CSCMP has...

Price: Free Developer: Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP)
GoPad Secure for Schools

GoPad Secure for Schools

GoPad Secure app provides early childhood educators with all the features they need to take attendance, keep children's medical details, keep track of approved caregivers, manage staff and track visitors - all with children's security in mind. Data is...

Price: Free Developer: GoPad Secure Technologies Inc.
HMH Secure Browser

HMH Secure Browser

The HMH Secure Browser is designed to provide a secure assessment experience for proctored testing events. It is designed to provide easy deployment on both managed networks and networks without centrally managed systems. It provides a modern web browser...

Price: Free Developer: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
ISBE ISA Secure Exam Browser

ISBE ISA Secure Exam Browser

The Illinois Science Assessment Secure Exam Browser is a tool to ensure that testing integrity is maintained at all times. This tool prevents users from: • Switching applications • Copying exam exhibits to outside applications • Taking screen captures of exam exhibits •...

Price: Free Developer: Illinois State Board of Education
Secure Upload

Secure Upload

The secure upload application allows the user with authorisation and access to be able to securely upload data to a secure server. This data will be available for review. The application allows the flexibility to choose test dates and...

Price: Free Developer: MASH Virtual
Values Exchange Secure

Values Exchange Secure

Please note that this app is for secure Values Exchange sites only. If you have not been directed to this app by your lecturers it is not for your Values Exchange. For all other Values Exchange sites please install...

Price: Free Developer: David Seedhouse
(ISC)² Secure Summits

(ISC)² Secure Summits

The (ISC)2 Secure Summits mobile application allows attendees of the Secure Summits to view presentation, speaker, and exhibitor information. Users can take notes and draw on slides inside the app. Additionally, users can share information with attendees and colleagues...

Price: Free Developer: (ISC)²
iStudy Secure Access

iStudy Secure Access

iStudy Secure Accessは、弊社の学習管理システム(LMS)「iStudy LMS」へセキュアなアクセスを可能にするオプションのクライアントツールです。 本アプリをご利用いただくことで、サーバの設定により、クライアントにコンテンツ情報を一切保管せずに学習いただくことが可能です。 本アプリを起動中は以下の操作が制限されます。 制限される内容は、サーバ側の設定によります。 ・コピー不可 ・ファイルのダウンロード不可 ・印刷不可 【対応製品】 iStudy LMS 以降

Price: Free Developer: iStudy Co.,Ltd.
ADAM Secure Browser

ADAM Secure Browser

ADAM (Assessment Delivery and Management) is a next generation platform designed to accommodate a wide variety of assessment creation, delivery, and reporting workflows. The ADAM secure browser provides school districts the ability to deliver assessments in a “lock-down”...

Price: Free Developer: Learning Logistics

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