Top 20 Education Apps Like Robot Emil - Best Alternatives

Robot Emil Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Robot Emil alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to Robot Emil. Pick one from this list to be your new Robot Emil app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Robot Emil on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Robot Emil - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Robot Emil alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Robot Emil 2025.

Toca Robot Lab

Toca Robot Lab

Build your own robot with Toca Robot Lab! With all the tools and materials you need, Toca Robot Lab let kids get creative. Make your dream robot by mixing odd pieces found around the house, scrap metal and...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Toca Boca AB
Rugged Robot

Rugged Robot

Please note: Rugged Robot Floor Robot is compatible with any iPad with version 3.0/4.0+ EDR / BLE Bluetooth i.e. iPad3 and later. 
 Download the app to control Rugged Robot, the latest addition to the TTS floor robot family. The...

Price: Free Developer: TTS Group
Osoyoo Arduino Robot Car

Osoyoo Arduino Robot Car

This is the app for controlling the OSOYOO robotic car. The car is part of a learning kit for beginners to learn Arduino programming and get hands-on experience on robot design and assembly. To connect to the robot...

Price: Free Developer: Pinetree Electronics Ltd
Osoyoo Raspberry Pi Robot Car

Osoyoo Raspberry Pi Robot Car

This is the control APP for Osoyoo Raspberry Pi Robot Car. You can watch real time video from car camera and control car movement with arrow keys in the APP. The robot car tutorial and installation guide url is

Price: Free Developer: Pinetree Electronics Ltd
ESL Robot

ESL Robot

ESL Robot is an award-winning artificial intelligence application. It performed very strongly at the annual Loebner Artificial Intelligence Contest. In June 2013, it won 2nd place in the overall competition. In 2011, it won 1st place in the category...

Price: Free Developer: Ron Lee
Mi Robot Builder

Mi Robot Builder

This is the compatible APP for Mi Robot Builder. By using this APP, you can connect your portable devices with robot through bluetooth, and experience intellgent controll of your robot with great diversity of methods. Better than the traditional...

Price: Free Developer: 北京爱其科技有限公司
Robot School. Programming For Kids

Robot School. Programming For Kids

Robot School. Programming For Kids is a programming game suitable for children aged 7 and above.  *** Winner of 2015 Parents’ Choice Gold Award *** ""Of all the programming related games I played,this is the best one ever played." *** "Robot story...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Next is Great
Doc Vibe's Robot Factory

Doc Vibe's Robot Factory

Doc Vibe's Robot Factory App is the complementary app used along with the set of Doc Vibe's Robot Factory AVR Cards to engage families and learners of all ages in a fun filled learning experience. Use the Doc Vibe's...

Price: Free Developer: VizVibe LLC
Robot School. Programming For Kids - FREE

Robot School. Programming For Kids - FREE

Robot School. Programming For Kids is a programming game suitable for children aged 7 and above. Try out free version of Robot School and get hooked into programming! R-obbie the Robot crashed his spaceship in a far away galaxy....

Price: Free Developer: Next is Great
Sago Mini Robot Party

Sago Mini Robot Party

Play wherever you are — without Wi-Fi or Internet. Endless fun! No in-app purchases or third-party advertising. Let’s have a robot party! Build your own cupcake-making robot. Mix and match funny robot parts to invent super silly combinations. Does your robot...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Sago Mini
Deutsch und Mathe 2. Klasse: Emil & Pauline in der Tiefsee - Rechnen und Lesen für die Grundschule

Deutsch und Mathe 2. Klasse: Emil & Pauline in der Tiefsee - Rechnen und Lesen für die Grundschule

Gehe mit Emil und Pauline auf Tauchgang! Zusammen erkundet ihr die bunte Unterwasserwelt! Hilf den Clownfischen, ihre Höhle zu finden, besuche den grimmigen Kraken, finde heraus, was sich in den Riesenmuscheln versteckt und bestaune die Haie in der Waschanlage. Das...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: USM
Ida og Emil - Trin 0

Ida og Emil - Trin 0

Der kræves et UNI-Login for at bruge ”Den Første Læsning – Trin 0”. Ida og Emil på eventyr er et digitalt læseforberedende materiale bygget op omkring 36 sproglige læringsspil, 6 klassiske fortællinger og i tilknytning hertil skriveaktiviteter og forståelsesspørgsmål. Spillene fører...

Price: Free Developer: Lindhardt og Ringhof
Preschool English: Emil & Pauline in the Jungle

Preschool English: Emil & Pauline in the Jungle

Explore the letter jungle with Emil the polar bear and Pauline the penguin! Listen to a frog concert, write letters into the night sky, feed crocodiles and play with dandelions. The iPad app playfully teaches, deepens and consolidates the language skills...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: USM
Den første læsning Trin 2

Den første læsning Trin 2

Der kræves UNI-Login for at bruge ”Den Første Læsning – Trin 2”. For køb, kontakt Alinea på [email protected]. Følg Ida og Emil mod danskfagets nye mål i læsning, stavning og skrivning. Der tages udgangspunkt i sjov og motiverende læse- og...

Price: Free Developer: Lindhardt og Ringhof
Den første læsning Trin 1

Den første læsning Trin 1

Der kræves et UNI-Login for at bruge ”Den første læsning Trin 1 – Ida og Emil knækker koden”. Kontakt Alinea for at købe klasselicenser. Ida og Emil knækker koden er et digital læsetræningsmateriale bygget op omkring sproglige aktiviteter, klassiske fortællinger...

Price: Free Developer: Lindhardt og Ringhof
EFF Academy

EFF Academy

EMIL FREY France ACADEMY est une application mobile pour former aux métiers de la distribution automobile de demain. Vous pourrez suivre hors-ligne, des formations avec des contenus ludiques et variés. Formez-vous quand vous le souhaitez, défiez vos collègues avec...

Price: Free Developer:


Skifta från analog till digital tidsangivelse: Appen löser detta problem från två synvinklar. Antingen kan man skrolla fram exempelvis frasen ”tjugo i elva” (samt förmiddagen) och appen översätter den till 10.40, eller så kan man skriva tidsangivelsen som text...

Price: Free Developer: XLENT Consulting AB
Minitutor: Number Crusher

Minitutor: Number Crusher

Practice early math skills with a fun learning game for kids. Learn the numbers, how to count and how to add them. • Serious education app for your child’s first daily numbers and math practice • Number recognition, order of numbers...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Minitutor
Beskriv Ordet - Matematik

Beskriv Ordet - Matematik

Träna på matematiska begrepp genom att beskriva dem med andra ord. Denna app är framtagen i samarbete med matematik-lärare för att göra det roligare att träna på matematiska begrepp. Högstadienivå. För 2-4 lag.

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Emil Zeilon

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