Top 28 Business Apps Like Alma Mater School - Best Alternatives

Alma Mater School Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Alma Mater School alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Business apps that are similar to Alma Mater School. Pick one from this list to be your new Alma Mater School app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Alma Mater School on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like Alma Mater School - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Alma Mater School alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like Alma Mater School 2025.

Alma Grower

Alma Grower

Alma Grower is a ground-breaking app that allows growers access to real time data from the Alma sugar mill during the harvest season. Growers can view their cane quality and delivery status, anytime, anywhere as it is delivered and...

Price: Free Developer: Alan Chatman
Smart Clinic - Cloud by Alma

Smart Clinic - Cloud by Alma

In the Age of knowing,You can’t afford to be unaware. In today’s competitive world, staying ahead means truly knowing what's going on at all times. The more informed you are, the better your business results. Being an excellent manager means...

Price: Free Developer: Alma Lasers
ALMA Kolkata

ALMA Kolkata

Completely designed to take advantage of the latest version of the App makes it convenient for a wide audience to access ALMA information from around the globe. SYNC your calendars with the handy look-up of upcoming events in the club and...

Hotelli-Ravintola Alma

Hotelli-Ravintola Alma

Hotelli-Ravintola Alman mobiilisovellus tarjoaa heti hyödynnettäviä etuja sekä ravintola- että hotelliasiakkaillemme! Aina kun yövyt meillä, tai nautit herkullisen lounaan ravintolassamme, saat sovellukseen henkilökohtaisen ”leiman”, joita keräämällä saat rahanarvoisia etuja. Lounas- ja hotellipassi kulkevat aina mukanasi! Mobiilisovelluksesta löydät parilla painalluksella Hotelli-Ravintola...

Price: Free Developer: Oy Alma Group Hotels Ab
Nart Sigorta Mobil

Nart Sigorta Mobil

Nart Sigorta ve Reasurans Brokerliği'nin müşterileri için hazırladığı uygulamadır. Uygulama üzerinden aşağıdaki işlemleri gerçekleştirebilirsiniz: - Mevcut poliçeleri görüntüleme, yeni poliçe için teklif alma, - Müşteri temsilcisi ile iletişim sağlama, - Hasar İhbarı bildirme, - Sağlık poliçelerinize yönelik anlaşmalı kurumları bulma, yol tarifi alma -...

Price: Free Developer: Nart Sigorta
HBR Türkiye

HBR Türkiye

Dünyanın en prestijli iş ve yönetim dergisi Harvard Business Review 95 yıldır yönetime yön veriyor, yol gösteriyor ve iş dünyasının temel sorunlarına pratik ve reel çözümler sunuyor. HBR Türkiye derginin 11. lokal edisyonu olarak Ekim 2012’de yayın hayatına başlamıştır. Hedef...

Price: Free Developer: INFOMAG PUBLISHING


Aday Tanıtım ve İletişim Çözümlerimizi Keşfedin Mobil Dünyada Yerinizi Hemen Alın MOBİL UYGULAMANIZ İLE ETKİLEŞİMİ VE İLETİŞİMİ ARTTIRIN Kullanıcılarınız tüm gelişmeleri cep telefonundan veya tabletten takip edebilir. Size mesaj yollayabilir, kullanıcılarınızdan gelen mesajları cevaplayabilirsiniz. Kullanıcılara atacağınız bildirimler ile etkinliklerinizden haberdar edebilirsiniz. YÖNETİM PANELİNDEN...

Astron Mobil Onay

Astron Mobil Onay

İş süreçlerinde yer alan tüm onay aşamalarında kullanılabilecek genel amaçlı onay uygulamasıdır. Herhangi bir iş süreci bilgisine ihtiyaç duymadan onay/ret işlemi gerçekleştirmeyi sağladığı için her tür uygulamaya entegre edilmeye uygundur. Entegre edilen tüm uygulamalar tarafından kullanıcılara gönderilen onay taleplerinin...



Bursagaz için geliştirilmiş olan Satın Alma Talebi (SAT) Satın Alma Siparişi (SAS) uygulaması ile kurum içi oluşturulan belirlenmiş hiyerarşik yapıdaki SAT ve SAS taleplerini görebilir, onaylayabilir veya ret edebilirsiniz. Tamamen SAP ile entegre olarak çalışan uygulama; mobil ortamdan erişim kolaylığı...

Price: Free Developer: BURSAGAZ


We provide affordable accounting software, consulting and business advisory services to small to medium sized businesses to help support growth and financial viability. We give the same care and attention to all clients regardless of size or revenue. We are...

Price: Free Developer: App Builder
Car Consultants

Car Consultants

Car Consultants app save your money and time. Get an estimate for the visible damages on your car without having to even leave your home. You will be able to get estimate from the Car Consultants and also have...

Price: Free Developer: Chilli Peppers, s.r.o.
CIPS Simulador

CIPS Simulador

Explore as diferentes opções que a nossa aplicação CIPS SIMULADOR tem para si. No catalogo disponível, consulte detalhes e informações técnicas. Simule diferentes portas. Escolha diferentes modelos, cores e texturas de acordo com a sua preferência.

Price: Free Developer: Alma Mater
EAA Meter Matters

EAA Meter Matters

Thank you for your interest in the Meters Matter App! The Meters Mater App allows permit holders to electronically submit meter readings a mobile device to the Edwards Aquifer Authority.

Price: Free Developer: Quacito / INFOCRATS
FGCU Alumni Association

FGCU Alumni Association

The FGCU Alumni Association app is your connection to your alma mater. Read up on the latest campus news, find an FGCU alumni event near you and access a mobile membership card to receive benefits and discounts on the...

Price: Free Developer: Florida Gulf Coast University
UVU  Alumni

UVU Alumni

The UVU Alumni app brings the power of membership to your device while bringing you closer to your alma mater. The app allows you to carry a digital version of your alumni or SAA membership card with you at...

Price: Free Developer: Utah Valley University
VCU Alumni

VCU Alumni

The VCU Alumni app brings the power of the VCU Alumni network to your mobile device. Read the latest campus news or find a VCU event to attend near you. Alumni can also access their mobile alumni card, access...

Price: Free Developer: Virginia Commonwealth University


indexAR is a mobile AR browser that gives you access to all kinds of AR experiences around you. So, the first thing you should do when you start the app, is to look around, literally! We make this possible by...

Price: Free Developer: Mo'Real Universe SRL
Smart School Bus by SamTech

Smart School Bus by SamTech

As a parent, safety is a principal concern. Imagine you can keep track of your child’s safety while on the school bus, or arriving to his destination (the school), or entering the school with the rest of the kids,...

Price: Free Developer: SamTech Middle East
School Leadership Conferences

School Leadership Conferences

The Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators (PASA) and the Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA) host a joint multi-day conference for school leaders from across the commonwealth. Serving and supporting the role of school administrators and school board directors; the...

Price: Free Developer: Pennsylvania School Boards Association Inc
Haas Business School Events

Haas Business School Events

The Haas School of Business mobile app is a tool used by Berkeley-Haas to enable students, alumni and other guests to download real-time information including schedules, maps, and guides to various school-led events.

Price: Free Developer: Haas School of Business, University of California at Berkeley
SOBS School Online Booking Systems

SOBS School Online Booking Systems

SOBS School Notices allows you to login into your school and view the school notices on your iPhone or iPad. The app allows you to view notices from previous and future dates. Support is included for notices with attachments,...

Price: Free Developer: Focus Computing Pty Ltd
Chequamegon School District

Chequamegon School District

The Chequamegon School District app allows you to stay up-to-date with the latest news, events, and notifications from the district, including all of our schools. - You can select which schools to receive news, events, and notifications from. - School Events...

Price: Free Developer: Chequamegon School District
Holy Name of Jesus School

Holy Name of Jesus School

The app for families, students, alumni, and friends of Holy Name of Jesus School in Kansas City, KS. Keep up-to-date with school events and activities, connect with others, see what's for lunch, and so much more!

Price: Free Developer: Holy Name School
Mar Vista High School

Mar Vista High School

The Mar Vista High School App is the official mobile app from Mar Vista High School, providing on-the-go access to a variety of campus information, useful links and services.

Price: Free Developer: Sweetwater Union High School District
St. Ann Parish & School PV KS

St. Ann Parish & School PV KS

St. Ann Catholic Church in Prairie Village, KS mobile app is packed with features to help you grow, learn and interact with the Catholic community. Enjoy up-to-date news, calendar, and social information from St. Ann Catholic Parish and...

Price: Free Developer: St Ann Church & School PV KS
Anchorage Public School

Anchorage Public School

Anchorage Independent Public School in Kentucky, app for students and parents. Quickly access student email, the lunch menu, Infinite Campus, faculty web pages, sports information, and the calendar of events.

Price: Free Developer: Anchorage Independent Public School
Fordham Preparatory School

Fordham Preparatory School

Enjoy up-to-date news, calendar, directory information, and social information from Fordham Prep High School! Through this app, you can configure what calendars and feeds of interest and be notified when content is available or of schedule changes.

Price: Free Developer: Fordham Preparatory School

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