Do you want to find the best LSU Augmented Reality alternatives for iOS? We have listed 23 Education apps that are similar to LSU Augmented Reality. Pick one from this list to be your new LSU Augmented Reality app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to LSU Augmented Reality on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid LSU Augmented Reality alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 23 similar apps like LSU Augmented Reality 2025.
LSU Mobile brings information from all over LSU's campus to your phone and tablet. Find buildings, view bus routes, locate buses in real time, and access a variety other campus resources. Features: * Maps — Search for LSU's buildings by name,...
The Graduate School of Banking at LSU (GSBLSU) mobile application provides convenient access to vital information for students, faculty and alumni of the Graduate School of Banking at LSU. The GSBLSU App makes it easy to stay connected to all of the...
Established in 1893, the Louisiana State University Department of Bands is steeped in rich history, prestige, and tradition. LSU Bands is a multifaceted organization consisting of three concert ensembles, the Bengal Brass volleyball, gymnastics, and basketball bands, and the...
We are happy to announce that The "5th Annual Louisiana Conference on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics" will be held on April 7-8 at the Xavier Convocation Center Annex Building, Xavier University of Louisiana, New Orleans. The conference is co-sponsored...
The PLAY app was developed by scientists at LSU’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center and LSU’s School of Kinesiology. The app is designed for parents of preschoolers, with the goal of using videos and instructional content to help parents promote...
Augmented Earth Augmented Earth is a great way to enhance and explore the world. Earth is an amazing planet. Every single place on Earth has an interesting history, fascinating scientific facts, and Incredibles stories to be told. Augmented Earth provides a...
Scan, learn, discover! With the Delta-Augmented app you can scan and play back all media data directly from your textbook. Just hold your smartphone or tablet over the page in your book: The app automatically detects all stored audio...
Scannen, lernen, entdecken! Mit der Klett-Augmented-App können Sie alle Mediendaten Ihres Lehrwerks direkt scannen und abspielen. Halten Sie Ihr Smartphone oder Tablet einfach über die Seite im Buch: Die App erkennt automatisch alle hinterlegten Hördateien, Videos oder Links...
EVO DINO Future-oriented smart book in augmented reality • Look at realistic pictures • Read interesting texts • Experience realistic dinosaurs through augmented reality What is Augmented Reality? Augmented Reality is computer technology that brings virtual reality to the real world. It is an excellent smart educational...
The Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 - 1000 times better. This Trent 1000 augmented reality app showcases this engine and its attributes across four augmented reality scenes, all in fascinating detail and showcasing the use of high technology and innovation. Use...
Champs Augmented Reality ini menceritakan tentang ke empat teman Cody sang juara, mereka adalah Piko si monyet puitis, Bon-bon sang juara catur, Asha si pelari hebat dan Twienie si penyanyi romantis. Ke empat teman Cody mengikuti lomba-lomba yang mereka...
Startl PE is the companion app for the Physical Education Workbook. This Augmented Reality app can be used to scan pages of the Physical Education Workbook in order to view the videos embedded within the book. The Physical Education Workbook...
Augmented Reality allows us to learn, play and work in a different way. Whether building furniture, fixing kitchen appliances or repairing a machine at work – it is always a struggle to find and apply the right information without...
Amway India Augmented Reality, a teaser mobile app provides excitement with the product by engaging you to scan the product or the product card and see a 4D image of product and learn some features. The App contains the...
Augmented Reality Treasure Hunt is a mathematics unit of work for Year 5 to 8 students (Grades 4 to 6) set in the context of a four-day treasure hunt. Students work collaboratively to find and solve clues that will...
Learn to Dance in Augmented Reality. ** NEW (since Version 1.2) We bring the dance class to your home! Instructors appear directly in your environment, so you can learn from the comfort of your home, on your schedule, at a...
Welcome to the official Reality Church application. Check out the content that interests you. After you've downloaded and enjoyed the content, you can share it with your friends and family via Facebook, Twitter, or email. For more information about...
Experience Augmented Reality at YOUR Fair! For absolutely no cost to you, download these images and display them, at any size, in any location, at your fair. Choose one or display all three. It's simple! Your fairgoer will download...
The church app for Reality Church Stockton. We exist to glorify God by making disciples of all people. Download this app to get further connected with our church community through: - Events - Giving - Sermons For more information visit:
Fun, Safe, and Interactive Bite of Reality is a two-and-a-half-hour, hands-on simulation that appeals to teens while giving them a taste of real-world financial realities. Teens are given a fictional occupation, salary, spouse and family, student loan debt, credit card...
Inkmeo Augmented Reality App is an innovative mobile App that presents the objects and products through Augmented Reality. Do you want to enjoy the coloured images of the Inkmeo colouring roll ? Augmented reality makes this possible. This App...
With the Post Reality app you can explore the incredible world of augmented reality. Normal posters spring to life with video, audio, buttons, and more. Use this app to view augmented reality posters that have been built on the...
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