Top 11 Utilities Apps Like ARMO 2018 - Best Alternatives

ARMO 2018 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best ARMO 2018 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 11 Utilities apps that are similar to ARMO 2018. Pick one from this list to be your new ARMO 2018 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to ARMO 2018 on your iOS devices.

Top 11 Apps Like ARMO 2018 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid ARMO 2018 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 11 similar apps like ARMO 2018 2025.

HYEmoji – Armenian Emojis, Yerevan, Armenia!

HYEmoji – Armenian Emojis, Yerevan, Armenia!

Welcome to HYEmoji! Emojis for Armenians! Thrill your friends and family with 180+ hilarious, modern, custom-illustrated HYEmojis, especially designed with Armenians in mind! Your messages will be getting rave reviews in no time! Get your Armo on with HYEmoji! Install...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Anoush Thorose


This APP is developed specifically for the HKIE Geotechnical Division Annual Seminar 2018, which is to be held on 18 May 2018. With this APP, successful registrants of the event will be able to login and browse / download...

Price: Free Developer:
Autocom 2018

Autocom 2018

A eficiência do design aliada à experiência do uso é o que define o app Autocom 2018. Faça o download e tenha acesso: - Lista Completa de Expositores - Planta da Feira - Grade de Palestras - Credenciamento Online E muito mais novidades para...

Price: Free Developer: Mobile2you Tecnologia Ltda - ME
Sura Argentina 2018

Sura Argentina 2018

Te damos la bienvenida a nuestro gran viaje a Argentina 2018. Disfrutarás de las mejores experiencias para que tu viaje sea memorable y totalmente positivo.

Price: Free Developer: Wigilabs


2018桃園科技藝術節,結合互動多媒體,呈現出日新月異的科技藝術,導入最新光碼技術,讓導覽不再趨於傳統,而是更有科技感,符合此次展覽宗旨。 此APP包含下列功能: -我要掃描: 運用光碼技術進行展場導覽,以手機鏡頭掃描光源,可以讓使用者獲得更多此展品的額外資訊 ( 例如詳細的佈展主題、作者介紹等 )。 -我的收藏: 本次展覽規劃29個展區,使用者透過掃描光碼取得導覽內容後,該展區收藏鈕即會亮起,點選按鈕可重新閱讀已收藏的導覽內容。 -我要抽獎 連結到主辦單位所準備的表單,填寫抽獎問券。 -我的兌換券 若掃描完全部29個展區,集滿我的收藏後,將會獲得展覽主辦單位準備的兌換券, 展覽期間,在指定店家或服務處點選並出示兌換券,可獲得優惠價格或服務。 Q&A: 一、.什麼是光碼? 答: 光碼為工研院研發,透過專利設備發出特殊光源,由手機鏡頭接收並解碼的信息傳遞技術。 二、如何掃描光碼? 答:使用者下載APP後,可在展場內尋找導覽光源,按下「我要掃描」按鈕並持手機對準光源,便可獲得導覽資訊,並紀錄於「我的收藏」。 三、如何使用兌換券? 答:請依兌換券之說明前往服務臺或指定店家,開啟APP並出示兌換券後,由現場工作人員協助兌換流程。

Price: Free Developer: iEgoart Inc.
SignalScope Advanced 2018

SignalScope Advanced 2018

SignalScope Advanced 2018 offers an advanced tool set to meet your measurement and analysis needs as an engineer, consultant, educator, student, researcher, or savvy hobbyist in areas such as acoustics (sound and vibration), audio, electronics, and electroacoustics. Features: - Analyze signals...

Price: USD 149.99 Developer: Faber Acoustical, LLC
SAVAG 2018

SAVAG 2018

Cliente móvel para o sistema SAVAG. Acesse seu perfil para criar novas OSs de Aviação Agrícola.

Price: Free Developer: Belogik
WKS Ticket 2018

WKS Ticket 2018

Mobiles Ticketsystem für das Warenwirtschaftssystem von Wienen IT Business Solutions GmbH. Diese App ist nur in Verbindung mit einem Zugang zum Warenwirtschaftssystem WKS und dem dazu gehörigen Modul Ticket möglich. Diese App ermöglicht das Erfassen von Arbeitszeiten und deren Dokumentation. Zusätzlich...

Price: Free Developer: Wienen IT Business Solutions
Encogerco 2018

Encogerco 2018

A realização do segundo Simpósio Brasileiro de Praias Arenosas - II SBPA de forma integrada ao décimo primeiro Encontro Nacional de Gerenciamento Costeiro - XI ENCOGERCO visa proporcionar um espaço de debates técnicos e científicos no que se refere...

Price: Free Developer: Marcello Pessoa
Carnaval do Recife 2018

Carnaval do Recife 2018

Carnaval no Recife é sinônimo de festa na rua! A Prefeitura do Recife juntou toda essa alegria em um lugar só, pra você se divertir sem preocupação! O aplicativo possui: programação e agenda do folião, além de dicas de...

Price: Free Developer: Roadmaps Solucoes em Tecnologia da Inforrmacao Ltda. ME.

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