Do you want to find the best AI Foundry Augmented Reality alternatives for iOS? We have listed 32 Entertainment apps that are similar to AI Foundry Augmented Reality. Pick one from this list to be your new AI Foundry Augmented Reality app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to AI Foundry Augmented Reality on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid AI Foundry Augmented Reality alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 32 similar apps like AI Foundry Augmented Reality 2025.
AI Love is an experiment in finding love and AI. Explore and find new interesting ways to interact and communicate.
Teach an AI what face you find most attractive by rating artificially generated photos of faces. Using patent-pending technology, once the training is complete our AI can predict and generate the face you'd find most perfect.
Be the fastest and smartest typist, use thousands of ready-made messages for every occasion from our Message Box! For any time, any place any topic - you always find the right thing to say. Copy and Share with your friend’s... lets you change your voice to any person's voice immediately: - AI based engine to change your voice. - Add your own voice as a filter - Choose from a list of filters For ideas & feedback: [email protected] terms: privacy: VIP Subscription: - You...
◆ AIと配信部屋を訪れた人々がおしゃべりするLIVE! AIキャラによるエンドレスなおしゃべり配信のコミュニティに参加することのできるアプリ「AIライブ」がリリースされました! SHOWROOMやユーチューバー、バーチャルユーチューバー(VTuber)など、様々な配信者の「LIVE配信」を楽しむコンテンツが登場している昨今ですが、このアプリがお届けするLIVEは『AIキャラ』が行うおしゃべりライブです。多彩な雑談が可能なAIキャラが、配信部屋を訪れた人たちと奇想天外なおしゃべりを繰り広げます!。 AIキャラはユーザのみなさんとの会話や「言葉の学習」によって成長を続けています。Siriやりんなちゃんといった数多くの人工知能や人工無脳が存在している現在ですが、また一味違ったおしゃべりAIの魅力を堪能できるとアプリになっています。他の人工知能や人工無脳と比べ、幅広い雑談や愚痴の相手になれるよう設計されています。みんなで育成してユニークな人工知能を作り上げましょう。 配信者が人間であるこれまでの配信とは異なり、人間と会話をすることができるよう開発されたプログラムが主人公。人間が行う配信でないことから、LIVEに終わりはありません。エンドレスに繰り広げられるAIキャラによる予測不能で奇想天外な配信をぜひお楽しみください!。雑談から豆知識、占い、愚痴、悩み相談など幅広い会話でAIキャラが対応します!この頃はラップや様々な方言も勉強中です。(できることはAIキャラのレベルアップによって増加します) ◆ みんなで「AIライバー」を育成する! 「AIライブ」上に登場するAIキャラは、ユーザからのおしゃべりや「言葉の学習」、「プレゼント」などを通して、経験値を蓄積しレベルアップします。レベルアップに応じて話のバリエーションや特技、口調などが変化していきます。AIキャラがどんな成長を遂げるかは、「AIライブ」を利用するユーザの皆さん次第です。みんなでAIキャラを育て上げましょう。 ◆ キャラクターは随時追加予定! キャラクターは随時追加していきます。不思議少女、犬、ロボットなど様々なおしゃべりキャラクターを導入予定です。
Aplicativo gerador de tirinhas "E aí Pah", você pode criar as melhores e mais divertidas tirinhas "E aí Pah", suas piadas serão ainda mais divertidas com as incríveis possibilidades que o aplicativo "E aí Pah" possui. Com diversos modelos de tirinhas...
Ai la thanh troll 2015 là một phiên bản hoàn toàn mới game dòng game nổi tiếng ai là thánh troll, với bộ sưu tập cực kì khủng lên đến hơn 1000 câu hỏi cực kì troll và cực...
"AI Palmistry - palam - " is an application that performs hand analysis and personality analysis just by taking pictures of the palm! 【Completely free】 "AI Palmistry - palam - " is free to download, no in-app billing! 【What is AI?】 AI is...
Tyche is one of the most sophisticated AI-like human intelligence. Talk and listen to Tyche, it will learn and respond to you. Tyche AI allows the users to talk about the world around them using natural language human beings can...
This AI Buddy app is a companion app that is used in conjunction with your AI Buddy device. The AI Buddy device has an AI chip, built-in Wifi and a TF/microSD card that lets you store and access files....
Watch VR 360 video coverage of MomoCon 2016 using Cardboard headsets.
Sculpture Trails Outdoor Museum is located deep in the woods among the rolling hills of Solsberry, Indiana. The Museum's Mission is to bring Outdoor Sculpture and Art Education to the community through various hands-on sculpture workshops, services and programs. Founded...
Download this Virtual Reality application to see the University of Georgia’s campus like never before! Created by UGA student David Andriate, this app lets you experience the lavish North Campus, bustling Main Campus, and the hidden Presidential Garden. This...
Did it ever happen to you, after taking a break from one of your miniature/army painting projects that you couldn’t get a hold of the right painting order? What kind of mixtures did you create to paint that cool...
Be the first to see all the newest trailers coming to theaters and all the hottest releases across iTunes, Netflix, HBO, Showtime, Hulu Plus & more! And download the free mobile app Popcorn Lists!
The augmented art collection is an ongoing project initiated and developed by UNICAT art agency in partnership with Augmented Space Agency. Together, they have been experimenting since 2016 with the first Romanian collection of augmented art. Each art piece...
Augmented Space Agency are explorers of digital frontiers, architects of virtual spaces, designers of future experiences. Overcoming the barriers between the physical and digital spaces through augmented, mixed and virtual realities. Our experimental approach creates along this space journey...
With ARnie you will be able to see augmented reality. All the stuff, that you can see and play with is clearly arranged in the campaigns preview. All campaigns are described how to use them. Some campaigns are more...
Welcome to Clay, the first app to take your doodles to the third dimension! This simple and friendly tool lets you make augmented reality sculptures in a fun and natural way. With Clay you can sculpt, have fun, and share your...
Augmented reality games and apps can enable amazing viewing experience. Our ar cards were created with amazing attention to detail, just how augmented reality needs to be done. See why MyARGalaxy – Solar System is one of the most...
This free App is compatible with iPad3+ and works with 2 sets of Augmented Reality gaming activities: 1) FREE Rock Launcher game 2) Story Time with Gracie and 8 activities found in the Rocks In My Socks Book IMPORTANT...
This free App is compatible with iPad3+ and works with 2 sets of Augmented Reality gaming activities: 1) FREE Rock Launcher game 2) Story Time with Gracie and 8 activities found in the Rocks In My Socks Book IMPORTANT...
Messages Augmented Reality is a new and amazing way to send special messages. You can send text, emoticons, symbols and kawaii in Augmented Reality with cool screen effects. How it works? You create the Augmented Reality message. A message link will...
"Augmented Events" is an app that events, functions, and exhibitions can register with to make their event come alive with augmented reality content. If you are attending an event that is registered with "Augmented Events", the app gives you access...
AugRay brings a compelling and pioneering way for you to connect and engage with the world in a more evocative manner, via our Extended Reality (XR) application. We make it possible for you to expand your experiences by merging...
ARBI is an Augmented Reality APP ready to use with the Official Augmented Reality Book ARBI. This application lets you see how the book characters come alive with animations inside your phone or tablet . This application together with the Augmented...
ARBI 2 (ARBI and the Treasure Chest) is an Augmented Reality APP ready to use with the Official Augmented Reality Book ARBI 2 (ARBI and the Treasure Chest) This application lets you see how the book characters come alive...
Experience Reddit in Virtual Reality! View pictures, gifs and videos of cute cats, delicious food, fine art, beautiful landscapes and much more in Virtual Reality on your iPhone with any Virtual Reality Viewer out there. • Magnet navigation for Google Cardboard •...
Reality Mobile App is designed for mobile uploading of videos directly to the Reality TV videoportal. You can view and like and dislike videos and follow users just like on your laptop, mac or PC browser. Reality TV - You In...
Get 101 of the Best Manifesting Quotes from "I Create Reality - Beyond Visualization". Each is presented on a background picture that is fun and memorable. You can share the quotes (and images now) by text or email. And...
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