Top 31 Health & Fitness Apps Like STAT-DAT TRAINER 2018™ - Best Alternatives

STAT-DAT TRAINER 2018™ Alternatives

Do you want to find the best STAT-DAT TRAINER 2018™ alternatives for iOS? We have listed 31 Health & Fitness apps that are similar to STAT-DAT TRAINER 2018™. Pick one from this list to be your new STAT-DAT TRAINER 2018™ app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to STAT-DAT TRAINER 2018™ on your iOS devices.

Top 31 Apps Like STAT-DAT TRAINER 2018™ - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid STAT-DAT TRAINER 2018™ alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 31 similar apps like STAT-DAT TRAINER 2018™ 2025.

Pickleball Stat

Pickleball Stat

PickleballStat allows you to enter rallies shot-by-shot to generate key performance metrics about your game. PickleballStat will break down your strokes by forehand and backand for serves, 3rd shotes, attackable shots, winners, forced errors, and unforced errors. Understand which shots...

Price: Free Developer: Key Systems Consulting


The Future of Personal Training is Here

Price: Free Developer: Armada International Advisors


Drinking Stats is an application that was created to give you motivation when trying to lose weight. Cutting out drinking is a great way to get healthy, trim your waistline, and be more active. Record your last drinking date,...

Price: Free Developer: David Bell
Mindfulness Mentor

Mindfulness Mentor

De Mindfulness Mentor app bevat de volledige 8-weekse Mindfulness training én 4 verdiepingsthema’s. Zonder verborgen kosten, géén in-app aankopen. Professioneel opgenomen, Nederlands gesproken, off-line te gebruiken. _____________________ INHOUD VAN DE MINDFULNESS MENTOR APP: Deze app bevat: * De officiële 8-weekse Mindfulness basis- én...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Esther Mostert
myDNA Vietnam

myDNA Vietnam

myDNA Vietnam là ứng dụng chăm sóc sức khỏe hàng đầu về Gene Dinh Dưỡng. Bạn có thể: -Xem báo cáo myDNA của bạn cùng những lời khuyên thiết thực -Theo dõi chế độ dinh dưỡng qua từng bữa ăn bằng...

Price: Free Developer: Prenetics Limited


App cho phép thành viên phòng gym đặt chỗ sử dụng lớp học, sân tennis, đặt buổi học với HLV. Liên hệ để đăng ký sử dụng: [email protected]

Price: Free Developer: LinxHQ Pte Ltd
Werk & Zwangerschap

Werk & Zwangerschap

Je hebt een (parttime) baan en verwacht een kindje. Je bent helemaal in de wolken, maar vraagt je wel af wat je rechten en plichten zijn als je zwanger bent en werkt. Om je daarbij te helpen is er...

Price: Free Developer: FNV
Vraag Maar

Vraag Maar

Wil je weten wat te doen als iemand aan zelfmoord denkt? Veel mensen vinden het lastig om over zelfmoord te praten, maar het kán wel. De VraagMaar app helpt je erbij, met uitleg, oefeningen, tips & tricks. Met een...

Price: Free Developer: Stichting 113 Zelfmoordpreventie
Mijn Eetmeter

Mijn Eetmeter

Mijn Eetmeter is een online eetdagboek dat mensen helpt om gezonder te eten. Je krijgt inzicht in je eetpatroon en in de hoeveelheid energie en voedingsstoffen die je binnenkrijgt. Ook krijg je concrete tips hoe je gezonder kan kiezen...

Price: Free Developer: Voedingscentrum
Himalaya Health Spa

Himalaya Health Spa

“Himalaya Health Spa” là là trung tâm chăm sóc sức khỏe và sắc đẹp do Nữ hoàng khả ái Vũ Kim Anh điều hành. Là một mô hình làm đẹp tiên phong trong việc kết hợp Y học Cổ...

Onasa Shop

Onasa Shop

“Onasa” Spa là trung tâm, cung cấp các dịch vụ chăm sóc sắc đẹp cũng như các dòng sản phẩm hàng đầu trong và ngoài nước. Lấy chất lượng dịch vụ làm mục tiêu cốt lõi, “Onasa” Spa luôn...

Hello Trainer

Hello Trainer

Finding a personal trainer is no longer a problem! NOW, this app makes it easier for you to find the trainer of your dream! Your nightmares and headaches are no longer an issue. You just need to download this...

Price: Free Developer: Hello Trainer LLC
Brain Trainer Plus: Tune Up Your Left Right Brain

Brain Trainer Plus: Tune Up Your Left Right Brain

Whether you want to improve your brain health and performance, or just to have a fun and maintain cognitive functions, this app is for you! ‘Brain Trainer Plus’ is one of the best brain training apps for iPhone /...

Price: Free Developer: Vinta Games
Brain Trainer: Tune Your Brain

Brain Trainer: Tune Your Brain

Whether you want to improve your brain health and performance, or just to have a fun and maintain cognitive functions, this app is for you! ‘Brain Trainer: Tune Up Your Left and Right Brain’ is one of the best...

Price: Free Developer: Vinta Games
Female Workout Fitness Trainer

Female Workout Fitness Trainer

Female Workout - Female Fitness Trainer helps you to burn belly fat, tone butt, slim legs, trim waistline and get in shape. Follow the home workout to feel the burn. Keep fit and be a better me! Train your body,...

Price: Free Developer: SivaCharan L
Kickboxing Fitness Trainer

Kickboxing Fitness Trainer

Fasting, high-intensity exercise is often called a rapid weight loss method. These methods are really effective but also make your health, your body go down, even extremely dangerous effects. So, if you want to lose weight fast, find another...

Price: Free Developer: Son Phi
FitGenerator: Personal Trainer

FitGenerator: Personal Trainer

FITGENERATOR is THE BEST Personal Trainer available on mobile devices. You can access your personal training plan prepared especially for you by professional fitness gurus at any time. Each training plan includes diversified training sessions to make it attractive...

Price: Free Developer: FITGENERATOR SP. Z O.O.
my.trainer AR: fitness coach

my.trainer AR: fitness coach

Are you tired of watching lengthy videos, and memorizing pages of fitness advice? ​ ​ Today's fitness products want you to do it all yourself! my.trainer AR is 100% free to get started Download NOW and get right into your workout. • Augmented Reality...

Price: Free Developer: Graham Henry
NCSF Personal Trainer Calculators

NCSF Personal Trainer Calculators

NCSF Personal Trainer Calculators are free to download but will need to be activated by providing a current, valid NCSF Member Number. For individuals who are not current Members, a one-year NCSF membership can be obtained from the organization...

Price: Free Developer: NCSF
Running Trainer: Couch to 5K

Running Trainer: Couch to 5K

GPS TRACKER & TRAINING COACH: Whether your goal is to run a mile or a marathon, your personal Running Trainer is with you every step of the way! Detailed audio instructions coach you through each workout to your goal...

Price: Free Developer: Running Records, LLC
Fitness Trainer

Fitness Trainer

Fitness trainer is a very entertaining application designed for the pupil who do not have time to go to gym. Even the workout is not required heavy weight. This application guides you to get fitness without the gym equipments...

Price: Free Developer: Adil Zulfiqar
Arthro 2018

Arthro 2018

2nd Arthro Bengaluru Conference is scheduled to be held in Bengaluru from 25th - 28th July 2018. This application is intended for use by participants i.e. delegates, organizers & sponsors to cover the entire gamut of activities like scientific...

Price: Free Developer: Chowgule Mediconsult Private Ltd
Congreso Argentino CCV 2018

Congreso Argentino CCV 2018

Cronograma del Congreso Argentino de Cirugía Cardiovascular 2018. Universidad Católica 3 al 5 de Diciembre de 2018

Price: Free Developer: DR NUBE LLC
PAARS 2018

PAARS 2018

The 10th ARC 2018, Arab radiology conference of the Pan Arab Association of Radiological Societies (PAARS) and The 52nd Annual Conference of The Egyptian Society of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine (ESRNM) to be held in Alexandria , Egypt...

Price: Free Developer: ICOM Group
Congres FRDNBM 2018

Congres FRDNBM 2018

Aplicatie pentru cel de-al 16-lea Congres al Federației Române de Diabet, Nutriție și Boli Metabolice, care se desfasoara in Cluj, in perioada 07-09 noiembrie 2018. Descarcati aplicatia si bucurati-va de o experienta digitala, avand la dispozitie numeroase module ce faciliteaza...

Price: Free Developer: Digital Agency Romania
Fysioterapikongressen 2018

Fysioterapikongressen 2018

Fysioterapikongressen er den største og viktigste møteplassen for alle fysioterapeuter i Norge. 12.-14. februar 2018 på Norges Varemesse, Lillestrøm. Applikasjonen er til bruk under selve arrangementet. Her finner man program og praktisk informasjon. Appen er tilgjengelig for alle, men kun...

Price: Free Developer: fluxLoop AS
PAIRS 2018

PAIRS 2018

The 2018 edition has taken a graceful step towards the international arena in order to deliver a higher caliber meeting. The scientific committee has compiled a rich and versatile program with plenty of educational opportunities in the growing and...

Price: Free Developer: Milos Stojanovic
AeHIN 2018

AeHIN 2018

6th General Assembly of the Asia eHealth Information Network (AeHIN) and Conference on Interoperable Digital Health for Universal Health Coverage. Cinnamon Grand, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Price: Free Developer: DITA
Cardiostim 2018

Cardiostim 2018

Официальное приложение XIII Международного Конгресса по электростимуляции и клинической электрофизиологии сердца «Кардиостим 2018». Мобильное приложение позволяет: - удобно работать с научной программой конгресса. - ознакамливаться с тезисами докладов и отмечать те из них, что вызвали интерес - осуществлять поиск научных работ представленных на...

Price: Free Developer: MedExpo


DIE MEMO, der Digitale Medien Kongress für die Fitness- und Gesundheitsbranche, wird erstmals am 24. und 25. Mai 2018 in Wiesbaden stattfinden. Mit der MEMO-App hast Du alle aktuellen Informationen zum Programm, den Speakern und Vorträgen sowie alles zur...

Price: Free Developer: Motion One GmbH

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