Top 19 Medical Apps Like Nicklaus CME Events - Best Alternatives

Nicklaus CME Events Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Nicklaus CME Events alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Medical apps that are similar to Nicklaus CME Events. Pick one from this list to be your new Nicklaus CME Events app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Nicklaus CME Events on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Nicklaus CME Events - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Nicklaus CME Events alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Nicklaus CME Events 2025. je brza i optimizirana aplikacija za pristup Portalu - najboljem regionalnom portalu za kontinuiranu medicinsku edukaciju. Aplikacija je namijenjena za zdravstvene djelatnike/profesionalce svih profila, uključujući i studentne medicine, farmacije i zdravstvenih/sestrinskih studija. Naš cilj je da zdravstvenim djelatnicima...

Price: Free Developer: Nermin Salkic


Global Academy for Medical Education Inc. offers Continuing Medical Education (CME/CE) programs for health professionals in all specialties. As an extension to our live events and web-based programs, this innovative FREE CME CASES app, powered by RealCME, will help you...

Price: Free Developer: RealCME, Inc.
Medscape CME & Education

Medscape CME & Education

The FREE Medscape CME & Education app helps healthcare professionals stay knowledgeable about the latest medical information while fulfilling continuing education (CME/CE, ABIM MOC) requirements right from their iPhone or iPad. Medscape Education is the leading source for online continuing...

Price: Free Developer: WebMD
Cleveland Clinic CME

Cleveland Clinic CME

***FOR MEETING ATTENDEES ONLY*** The Cleveland Clinic CME mobile application allows you to browse through presentation, speaker and exhibitor information from select Cleveland Clinic CME events. Additionally, you can draw directly on available presentation slides using your finger, and take notes...

Price: Free Developer: Cleveland Clinic Innovations


Die CME B2B App stellt einen gesicherten Zugang für Mitarbeiter von Sponsorfirmen zu den jeweiligen auf CMEducation verfügbaren CME-Kursen des Sponsors zur Verfügung.

Price: Free Developer: Academy2 GmbH & Co. KG
SPH CME Conference 2017

SPH CME Conference 2017

Tap in to the latest news, schedules, speakers. and updates for the 63rd Annual St. Paul's Hospital CME Conference for Primary Care Physicians. The SPH CME Conference 2017 mobile App key features: * Full speaker list * Conference schedule * Exhibitors and Session...

Price: Free Developer: Providence Health Care Society
SPH CME Conference 2018

SPH CME Conference 2018

Tap in to the latest news, schedules, speakers. and updates for the 64th Annual St. Paul’s Hospital CME Conference for Primary Care Physicians. The SPH CME Conference 2018 mobile App key features: * Full speaker list * Conference schedule * Exhibitors and Session...

Price: Free Developer: Providence Health Care Society
SPH CME Conference 2019

SPH CME Conference 2019

Tap in to the latest news, schedules, speakers. and updates for the 65th Annual St. Paul’s Hospital CME Conference for Primary Care Physicians. The SPH CME Conference 2019 mobile App key features: * Full speaker list * Conference schedule * Exhibitors and Session...

Price: Free Developer: Providence Health Care Society
Physician's Weekly CME

Physician's Weekly CME

You can stay current with your continuing medical education needs with the application from Physician's Weekly. Our CME application allows you to download course material for offline viewing, complete the assessment and evaluation, and receive your certificate on your...

Price: Free Developer: Physician's Weekly
MSL Society Events

MSL Society Events

The Medical Science Liaison Society is excited to offer the MSL Society Events app! Conference attendees are encouraged to download the MSL Society Events app to keep up with the action from any device! Connect with fellow attendees, access documents, speaker information, exhibitors and sponsors; as well as information about all conference activities. Download the app today and don't miss out on a minute of the action!

Price: Free Developer: Medical Science Liaison Society
NVMO Events

NVMO Events

De NVMO Events App geeft u een overzicht van alle NVMO bijeenkomsten en nascholingsactiviteiten. Daarnaast treft u er algemene informatie over de vereniging. U kunt eenvoudig de NVMO Events App downloaden, waarna u de bijeenkomst van uw interesse kunt...

Price: Free Developer: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Medische Oncologie
CRF Events

CRF Events

The CRF Events App is the essential guide to all conferences brought to you by the Cardiovascular Research Foundation. The CRF Events app helps attendees navigate and enhance their educational experience before, during, and after conferences. Users can: -...

Price: Free Developer: Cardiovascular Research Foundation
CBBS Events

CBBS Events

The California Blood Bank Society is excited to offer the CBBS Events App for this year's conferences. Conference attendees are encouraged to download the CBBS Events App to keep up with the action from any device! Connect with fellow attendees, access documents, speaker information, exhibitors and sponsors; as well as information about all activities occurring during this year's conferences. Download the app today and don't miss out on a minute of the action!

Price: Free Developer: Your Membership
BTS Events

BTS Events

This comprehensive app will provide a quick and easy way for delegates to access a wide range of information at all times for the British Thoracic Society events. The app will include: * A detailed programme with the ability...

Millennium Events

Millennium Events

Millennium Events è una società organizzatrice di eventi, incentivi, congressi, riunioni scientifiche, simposi, convention, eventi celebrativi, che opera dal 2000. La nostra sede è a Roma , ma realizziamo eventi e forniamo servizi in tante città italiane. Abbiamo organizzato eventi...

Price: Free Developer: Marco Paglia
EAU Events

EAU Events

This app is your companion when you attend the EAU's congresses and meetings! You can view an up-to-date scientific programme, find essential logistical information and stay informed on last-minute updates. You can also use the app to see what...

Price: Free Developer: European Association of Urology
Gilead Events

Gilead Events

It’s meant to house multiple events within itself. The primary purpose of the app is to disseminate the event information to our event participants. Information such as event schedule, speakers, exhibitor and sponsors info, participant info and any...

Price: Free Developer: Gilead Sciences, Inc.
ISHA Events

ISHA Events

This is the official mobile application for ISHA Events. To get the most out of your conference experience, please use the app to check out the following features: * Attendee List * Check-In * Polls * Schedule * Speakers * Sponsors & Exhibitors


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