Top 39 Entertainment Apps Like Music Mate (MV Streaming) - Best Alternatives

Music Mate (MV Streaming) Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Music Mate (MV Streaming) alternatives for iOS? We have listed 39 Entertainment apps that are similar to Music Mate (MV Streaming). Pick one from this list to be your new Music Mate (MV Streaming) app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Music Mate (MV Streaming) on your iOS devices.

Top 39 Apps Like Music Mate (MV Streaming) - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Music Mate (MV Streaming) alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like Music Mate (MV Streaming) 2025.

Katrina Music - Music Player For Cloud Platforms from Box Drive

Katrina Music - Music Player For Cloud Platforms from Box Drive

Just put your music into the Dropbox and Google Driver, connect to the app and play your music enjoy! App Features: √ Full iOS9, iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Support! √ Sleep timer √ Lock screen playback controls √ Background music playback √ Create your own...

Price: Free Developer: Music Pocket
Key II Music

Key II Music

Appreciate your favourite performers by supporting them Now! This Application will provide fans a platform to listen to their favourite Performer. This application will allow the fans to show their appreciation in the form of ratings, applause meter and by...

Price: Free Developer: Key II Music Ltd.
Findy Music

Findy Music

It’s a free music player to listen to your favorite songs and more from your iPhone/iPod/iPad. App Key Features : - Browse by categories - Listen music from your music library - Repeat and shuffle songs - search for category, artist, DJ, song, remix...

Price: Free Developer: Khalid Gasimov


TOWB Music is the first originated “Blind Music Competition” based, audio distribution platform, where you can discover a new artist, listen to the ones you already love and more importantly share and connect with other music fans from around...

Price: Free Developer: TOWB MUSIC Inc.
Flits - Livestream Music

Flits - Livestream Music

Live broadcast your music activity across the globe. Just hit the GO LIVE button any time you are at a concert, happen to be passing by a talented busker, or rehearsing a new song in your bedroom. You can watch...

Price: Free Developer: Flits Music GmbH
Michigan Irish Music Festival

Michigan Irish Music Festival

The Michigan Irish Music Festival App brings our lineup to your phone! View our schedule Set alerts for your favorite acts Navigate the festival map Find food, vendors, and other points of interest Stay up to date with our news feed Michigan Irish Music Festival Sept....

Price: Free Developer: Michigan Irish Music Festival Muskegon
Music Box Direct

Music Box Direct

Bringing the art house to your house. Music Box Direct is the streaming service platform of Music Box Films and Doppelganger Releasing, dedicated to curating a diverse repertoire of films and television series from around the world. Try it...

Price: Free Developer: Music Box Direct
MyMy Music Hip Hop

MyMy Music Hip Hop

MyMy Music is the best way to discover and stream hot independent Hip Hop to your mobile. The catalog is curated through community voting which ensures only the best underground Hip Hop and R&B make the cut. Best part...

Price: Free Developer: MyMy Music
NSM Music My Jukebox-US

NSM Music My Jukebox-US

The NSM My Jukebox App, allows you to Locate NSM Jukeboxes near by and Browse & Play music on a NSM Jukebox using your own mobile phone. If this is your first time you are using the NSM My Jukebox...

Price: Free Developer: NSM Music
Preschool Kids Music Phone App

Preschool Kids Music Phone App

Kids Music Phone is a delightful little app to entertain toddlers to make pretend phone call and sing-along nursery rhymes in call. Play tested and it works! Let your little one learn classic nursery rhymes the fun way! - Bright...

Price: Free Developer: Tiny Tots App Club
Perfect Mate

Perfect Mate

Ever wanted to have the Perfect Mate? Now you can! With the Perfect Mate app, you can choose your mate and then he or she will give you compliments and endearing comments anytime you need to hear just the right...

Price: Free Developer: Sevren Brewer
Wake Up Mate

Wake Up Mate

Welcome to your 'Wake Up Mate' Alarm. Wake up Mate is professional and simple to operate with a fun Aussie theme. Let yourself be awakened with our alarm comprising of Aussie sayings,wildlife sounds and slang from our great Aussie Land. Wake Up...

Price: Free Developer: Tim Warren
Awesome Love Letters : 60+ Best Love Letters For Your Soul Mate

Awesome Love Letters : 60+ Best Love Letters For Your Soul Mate

Welcome to the World of Love and Romance. Create Your Love Letter for your dear ones in some clicks. Do you want to express your feelings for your loved one. But you don't have words to express it. Then this App is...



いつか出会える運命の人の名前や生年月日、出会う時期まで占えちゃう! 名前と誕生日で占う、あなたの未来や縁。 300以上の占いが無料で遊べる カリスマ開運アドバイザー川井春水監修占いアプリ 【mateの特徴】 300個以上の占いが無料で楽しめます。 いつでもあなたにオススメの占いを4つ表示するので、選ぶのも簡単! 占えること -縁ある人・場所・時間 -あなたの魅力 -あなたを助けてくれる人 -あなたの運命の恋 -彼との相性 -彼の気持ち -ふたりの恋の行方 など 【ミニゲームにチャレンジしてたくさん占おう】 1日3回チャレンジできるミニゲームで、高得点を出すとさらに占いができるよ! 【占いはカリスマ開運アドバイザー川井春水監修】 荘厳緊密法(そうごんきんみつほう)という密教に由来する占いを使う開運アドバイザー。 将来の予測、経営・人事の相談等、様々な相談に対し的確なアドバイスを与え、国際的に活躍し確実に実績をあげている。 過去アメリカ在住時にその占いを使用し、行方不明者の発見や事件の解決をしたことがある。 【対応環境】 対応端末 ▼OS 対応:iOS9.0以上 ▼端末 推奨:iPhone6/6Plus/6s/6sPlus/7/7Plus 対応:iPhone4s/5/5s/6/6Plus/6s/6sPlus/SE/7/7Plus ※推奨環境以外では動作が重くなる場合があります。 【対応言語】 日本語

Price: Free Developer: ZAPPALLAS, INC.
Drinking Game - Drinking Mate

Drinking Game - Drinking Mate

Finally a drinking game that includes everyone in the room! Drinking Mate is playable with 2 or more players. After years of playing the same drinking games were half the players lose interest after five minutes, we decided to make a...

Price: Free Developer: William Gjeruldsen
MATE India

MATE India

MATE app allows you to know about what to watch on streaming platforms, what to eat and where to go. and all of this is according to your MOOD

Price: Free Developer: Rakesh Kumar Narula
Mate Ma'a Tonga Radio

Mate Ma'a Tonga Radio

Unites Tongan Radio Station around the globe and to live our motto, "Mate Ma'a Tonga". Listen us live through the application.

Price: Free Developer: Veisinia Tautuaa
Video Mate - Top Music Videos

Video Mate - Top Music Videos

Video Mate - top music videos is best application for video lover. App will sort list all video and divide them in most tending, itunes top 100, youtube top 100, and more categories base on region wise. Which...

Price: Free Developer: Arpit Reddy
The most beautiful love mate:Kids Free Games

The most beautiful love mate:Kids Free Games

It would be very well if people's feelings were written on their foreheads. But no, all of us wear a mask of indifference to hide our real feelings, and only these masks we are ready to show to other...

Price: Free Developer: Yupeng Zhang
MV Lao

MV Lao

The new way of enjoying MV Lao is here, with MV Lao application, you can now enjoy your favorite MV Lao shows anywhere anytime you want. Not just that, MV Lao application provides you program schedule and access to...

Price: Free Developer: M.V. TELEVISION (THAILAND) CO.,LTD.


VMedia is the largest private/commercial media organisation in the Maldives, with TV, Radio & Online. vMedia is owned and operated by Island Broadcasting Company. Its broadcasting channels cover 95% of the country. VTV and VFM99 broadcast contents mainly...

Price: Free Developer: Ahmed Irshan


自動化的從 YouTube 上查詢目前錢櫃熱門點唱排行榜的 MV K歌版本,讓您在前往 KTV 前能夠方便地透過手機先練好歌再出門,或是邊移動邊練唱。 功能: 1. 自動記錄瀏覽過的歌曲,即使該歌曲經從排行榜消失還是能夠在記錄中看到 2. 收藏功能讓您將最愛的不論是台語歌國語歌新歌老歌都可以放到通一個列表中 小技巧:KTV 版本 MV 通常左聲道是音樂,右聲道有人聲。所以如果要完全模擬 KTV 環境,可以接上耳機,然後只戴左耳。 本 App 所列之相關 MV 皆取自 YouTube,不涉及任何影片上傳以及下載等行為。所有影片與縮圖以及音樂版權皆屬於原唱片,製作,音樂公司所有,本 App 僅提供一工具做為 YouTube 部分內容播放器。

Price: Free Developer: Sheng-Wei Li
POPS - Movies, Music & TV Show

POPS - Movies, Music & TV Show

POPS App contains thousands of exclusive, high-quality, carefully curated and licensed entertainment content, bringing great experience to those who love to listen online music and watch online video. Besides, POPS content appropriate for all ages from kids video such...

Price: Free Developer: POPS Worldwide
Germany Radio Live (Deutschland - Deutsch / German Radio)

Germany Radio Live (Deutschland - Deutsch / German Radio)

This Germany Radio Live app is the most simple and comprehensive radio app for D.E. which covers many popular radio channels and stations in Germany. One of the great features provided in this app is that this app support multitasking...

Price: Free Developer: Teik Leong Lee


【ImbaTV独家首发】 这是一款专为iPhone用户提供的在线赛事直播、回看、自拍和周边视频的播放软件。依托于ImbaTV独有的视频传输、压缩技术和丰富的视频媒体资源,为您提供便捷、稳定、流畅、高清的视频播放体验。我们将不断完善软件的用户体验,提供最新的赛事资源。 这里有海量的高清直播、比赛回看、赛事点播、赛事周边视频,imbatv自拍搞笑MV等360度全覆盖。支持在线观看、全屏播放、小屏播放、视频检索、赛事浏览,比分回顾等。 【功能特性】 1、优质海量的最新最热电竞游戏的视频内容(直播,回看,MV等),播放清晰流畅。 2、横竖屏都能看,支持手势调节音量、进度。 3、提供热词检索及游戏分类索引功能,方便快速定位内容。 4、各大电竞游戏的详细赛况,比分一览无遗。 5、72小时直播节目单,为用户提供详细的直播信息。 【建议反馈】 如有好的建议或问题反馈可以登录我们的官方论坛:。 同时请欢迎大家加入ImbatVT用户交流群:423900129,为我们建言献策。

Price: Free Developer: Imba Cultural Communications Co., Ltd.
Laugh & Peace Music

Laugh & Peace Music

芸人ソング・歌ネタ・リズムネタ大集結! よしもと関連楽曲を総称した「Laugh&Peace Music(ラフ&ピース・ミュージック)」の楽曲を検索できるアプリです。 昔懐かしいヒット曲から最新の曲まで、今後も次々とコンテンツを追加していきます! ●フリーワードで楽曲検索 ●アーティスト別で楽曲検索 ●Laugh&Peace Musicの音楽配信最新情報がわかる ●楽曲毎に配信先サービスが一目瞭然 必見 ※先行試聴・動画配信がある場合は、ニュースにて通知いたします。 【楽曲・音声を個別に配信!】 配信前楽曲の先行試聴や、ここでしか聴けないアーティストからのコメント音声などを配信。 【MV・コメント動画を個別に配信!】 MVの先行配信や、ここでしか見れないアーティストからのコメント動画などを公開。 【配信楽曲を試聴しよう!】 配信された楽曲がどんな曲か試聴ができます。 【好きな楽曲をお気に入り登録!】 大好きなアーティストの楽曲をお気に入り登録していつでも情報をチェック! 【楽曲を評価しよう!】 楽曲の感想を5段階で評価ができます。 よしもと関連楽曲は、アプリ「Laugh&Peace Music(ラフ&ピース・ミュージック)」で検索!

Price: Free Developer: YOSHIMOTO KOGYO CO.,LTD.


MMSubLite is a first and only one application which play movie, music video with English or Myanmar Subtitles. MMSubLite can play Mp4, Mov, m4v, mp3 and wav. The English and Myanmar Subtitle (.srt) is supported. The default Myanmar...

Price: Free Developer: K&Y Innovation
OY Sing

OY Sing

Nơi giao lưu Karaoke thời thượng nhất Việt Nam, một phần mềm Karaoke để giao lưu giải trí và được sử dụng bởi những người trẻ tài năng. Bất cứ nơi đâu, muốn hát là hát, lưu tác phẩm...

Price: Free Developer: Bianca Knatchbull
ETN Streaming

ETN Streaming

ETN Streaming es un sistema de entretenimiento a bordo que puede ser encontrado en vehículos de transporte de pasajeros de alta gama. Para conectar tu dispositivo iPhone al servicio ETN Streaming simplemente instala el cliente ETN Streaming en tu...

Price: Free Developer: ETN Turistar Lujo Streaming
Streaming Genie

Streaming Genie

HitFix's experts have scoured streaming providers and have hand picked the best movies and TV shows that you can watch right now. All you have to do is answer a few multiple choice questions and Streaming Genie will recommend...

Price: Free Developer: UPROXX Media Group, Inc.
Streaming Television Network

Streaming Television Network

This is the official app for the Streaming Television Inc’s Network. Watch streamed local and national entertainers, faith-based organizations, reality show, social and political programming and other, weekly scheduled shows streamed to this Mobile App, as well as,...

Price: Free Developer: Wireless1Marketing Group LLC
Magic TV Streaming

Magic TV Streaming

KNOWN ISSUE: Cannot Stream to iOS 6 device with old firmware Require Firmware 7.02 or newer to stream to iOS6 device *** Require MTV7000D/MTV7000D-MINI/MTV8000D Hardware *** Video Streaming from MTV7000D/MTV8000D to iPhone, iPod Touch & iPad Discover and stream video from MTV7000D/MTV8000D in...

Price: Free Developer: Pixel Magic Systems Ltd.
EBUS Streaming

EBUS Streaming

EBUS Streaming es un sistema de entretenimiento a bordo que puede ser encontrado en vehículos de transporte de pasajeros de alta gama. Para conectar tu dispositivo iPhone al servicio EBUS Streaming simplemente instala el cliente EBUS Streaming en tu...

Price: Free Developer: Actia
Estrella Roja Streaming

Estrella Roja Streaming

Estrella Roja Streaming es un sistema de entretenimiento a bordo que puede ser encontrado en vehículos de transporte de pasajeros de alta gama. Para conectar tu dispositivo iPhone al servicio Estrella Roja Streaming simplemente instala el cliente Estrella Roja...

Price: Free Developer: Actia
Live Sports TV Streaming HD

Live Sports TV Streaming HD

Live Sports TV Streaming Provide Live Channels Streaming for Cricket Matches , Live Racing, Live Tennis, Sports News,Talk Shows and much more. you can watch live Sports matches, live Cricket Streaming using this app, live Football match streaming...

Price: Free Developer: Jack Kyle
Pak India TV Live Streaming

Pak India TV Live Streaming

Pak India Live TV Streaming Provide Live Channels Streaming for Cricket , News, Dramas, Talk Shows and much more. you can watch live Sports matches, live Cricket Streaming using this app, live Football match streaming for the selected events...

Price: Free Developer: Jack Kyle
Parhikuni Streaming

Parhikuni Streaming

Parhikuni Streaming en la Ruta es un sistema de entretenimiento a bordo que puede ser encontrado en vehículos de transporte de pasajeros de alta gama. Para conectar tu dispositivo iPhone al servicio Parhikuni Streaming en la Ruta simplemente instala...

Price: Free Developer: Actia
Reelgood - Streaming Guide

Reelgood - Streaming Guide

Webby Award Winner 2019 - Best Entertainment App Join the millions using Reelgood for searching, browsing, watching, and tracking TV shows and movies across all their streaming services. See everything that's on Netflix, Hulu, Prime Video, HBO, Starz, Showtime and...

Price: Free Developer: Reelgoodapp

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