Top 30 Education Apps Like RA Tools Robótica Básico 2 - Best Alternatives

RA Tools Robótica Básico 2 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best RA Tools Robótica Básico 2 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Education apps that are similar to RA Tools Robótica Básico 2. Pick one from this list to be your new RA Tools Robótica Básico 2 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to RA Tools Robótica Básico 2 on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like RA Tools Robótica Básico 2 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid RA Tools Robótica Básico 2 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like RA Tools Robótica Básico 2 2025.

NEA RA 2019

NEA RA 2019

The official mobile app for the 2019 NEA Annual Meeting and Representative Assembly. View the RA agenda, business items, and media updates, get access to myRA features, and more!

RA Anaya Retos

RA Anaya Retos

RA Anaya Retos es una aplicación de realidad aumentada para móviles y tabletas. Con ella se pueden visualizar a través de la cámara de los dispositivos móviles personajes de láminas coloreables. Para usarla, tan solo hay que instalar la aplicación,...

Price: Free Developer: Grupo Anaya, S.A.
i+ RA

i+ RA

L’application i+ RA de Chenelière Éducation vous permet de découvrir autrement les contenus numériques de nos collections contenant de la réalité augmentée. Facile d’utilisation, la réalité augmentée favorise les apprentissages et stimule la curiosité à l’aide de matériel exclusif et...

Price: Free Developer: TC Média Livres Inc.
Aprendizaje Móvil RA

Aprendizaje Móvil RA

Aprendizaje Móvil – RA es una aplicación desarrollada para apoyar los procesos de formación corporativa. Con la aplicación Aprendizaje Móvil - RA, colaboradores, clientes y aliados podrán utilizar sus Smartphones para acceder a múltiples recursos de capacitación como actividades...

Price: Free Developer: Hemisferio D SAS
RA Augmented Reality

RA Augmented Reality

This tool can be used for peer-to-peer, physician-to-patient, and physician-to-caregiver discussions. It allows you to open up a pop-up, hands-on, virtual world right in front of you that discusses the role of inflammatory cytokines in RA pathophysiology,...

Price: Free Developer: Med Learning Group


PENSADO PARA VOCÊ Com o App RA SAE Digital, desenvolvido pelo SAE Digital, você tem acesso a diversas atividades virtuais de estudo por meio do seu celular ou tablet. São atividades interativas, jogos, vídeos, animações, textos e imagens diversas...

Price: Free Developer: SAE Digital
Greenhat RA

Greenhat RA

Aplicación para ser usada en en los marcadores de realidad aumentada ubicados los libros de Greenhat y aprender el uso de la misma Los marcadores los puedes conseguir de manera gratuita en la siguiente página

Price: Free Developer: Greenhat
RA Tools Robótica Avanzado 1

RA Tools Robótica Avanzado 1

Aplicación para ser usada en en los marcadores de realidad aumentada ubicados los libros de Greenhat Tools Robótica Avanzado 1. Los marcadores los puedes conseguir de manera gratuita en la siguiente página

Price: Free Developer: Greenhat
RA Tools Robótica Avanzado 2

RA Tools Robótica Avanzado 2

Aplicación para ser usada en en los marcadores de realidad aumentada ubicados los libros de Greenhat Tools Robótica Avanzado 2. Los marcadores los puedes conseguir de manera gratuita en la siguiente página

Price: Free Developer: Greenhat
RA Tools Robótica Avanzado 3

RA Tools Robótica Avanzado 3

Aplicación para ser usada en en los marcadores de realidad aumentada ubicados los libros de Greenhat Tools Robótica Avanzado 3. Los marcadores los puedes conseguir de manera gratuita en la siguiente página

Price: Free Developer: Greenhat
Spy Tools for Kids

Spy Tools for Kids

This app is intended for entertainment purposes only. Spy Tools for Kids is a collection of tools for creative pretend play. We've brought together several exciting tools for budding spies to use: a disguise kit, identification kit, fingerprint scanner, voice...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Thinkamingo
GP Tools

GP Tools

Designed for busy doctors, the new GP Tools app fully integrates with the GPTools appraisal and revalidation website, allowing you to enter your CPD activities when you are away from your computer. Periodically sync with the GP Tools cloud...

Price: Free Developer: GP Tools
ASD Tools

ASD Tools

Does your child have processing or communication difficulties? Do they find it hard to complete a task? Do you want to guide or introduce learning, structure or routine but are find it hard to achieve? Are you finding...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Method Buzz Pty. Ltd.
Instrumentation Tools

Instrumentation Tools

Instrumentation Tools IOS App is the unique place for Instrumentation engineers worldwide who want to learn and study. We provide a variety of technical articles presented on very understandable way, as well as FREE handy guides, Instrumentation online tools...

Price: Free Developer: S Bharadwaj Reddy
Instrumentation Tools Pro

Instrumentation Tools Pro

Instrumentation Tools IOS App is the unique place for Instrumentation engineers worldwide who want to learn and study. We provide a variety of technical articles presented on very understandable way, as well as FREE handy guides, Instrumentation online tools...

Price: Free Developer: S Bharadwaj Reddy
K-2 Math Tools

K-2 Math Tools

K-2 Math Tools A set of math tools to use in K-2 classrooms. No math problems are presented. Use the tools to solve problems from other contexts. The Tools include: marker board, base 10 blocks (1s & 10s), counters in several...

Price: Free Developer: Classroom Focused Software
FLEX - Math Tools

FLEX - Math Tools

FLEX - Math Tools is an interactive tool for teaching basic mathematics. It contains several different tools to enhance the understanding of mathematical concepts. With FLEX - Math Tools, you as a teacher visualize new mathematical concepts with your...

Price: Free Developer: Leripa AB
Conceptua Math Tools App

Conceptua Math Tools App

The Conceptua Math Free Tools are interactive visual models designed to teach mathematics concepts to students in grades 3-5. A total of 30 tools elegantly develop number sense in Fractions, Multiplication and Division, and Place Value. The tools offer...

Price: Free Developer: Conceptua Math
Geometry Teaching Tools

Geometry Teaching Tools

Geometry Teaching Tools has been designed to explore and help develop key concepts of geometry. Within a whole class, group, or on a one to one basis, the teacher has immediate access to resources that traditionally took time to...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Primary Games Ltd
NTC Tools App

NTC Tools App

NTC Tools is a mobile companion to the online tools system offered as part of New Teacher Center's Learning Zone. Users can review past tool entries, and create new entries in both online and offline mode. Highlights: · Use your Learning...

Price: Free Developer: New Teacher Center
See and Learn Phrases 2

See and Learn Phrases 2

See and Learn Phrases 2 is designed to teach children with Down syndrome to progress from using single words to using two words together when they talk. It is part of See and Learn Language and Reading – a...

Price: USD 35.99 Developer: Down Syndrome Education Enterprises C.I.C.
See and Learn Vocabulary 2

See and Learn Vocabulary 2

See and Learn Vocabulary 2 provides activities and step-by-step guidance to help parents and educators teach young children to understand and say 60 common early words. It is part of See and Learn Language and Reading – a structured...

Price: USD 23.99 Developer: Down Syndrome Education Enterprises C.I.C.
See and Learn Saying Words 2

See and Learn Saying Words 2

See and Learn Saying Words 2 offers activities to encourage the imitation and repetition of one- and two-syllable words. It aims to help children with Down syndrome learn to say whole words clearly. See and Learn Saying Words 2 includes...

Price: USD 16.99 Developer: Down Syndrome Education Enterprises C.I.C.


News-2-You is the weekly newspaper for beginning readers and special needs students. Every week, students can connect with the world through concise symbol-supported news articles, puzzles, games and recipes. The news stories provide stimulating information on reader-friendly topics. Connect to...

Price: Free Developer: N2Y LLC
So Much 2 Say - Picture Communication

So Much 2 Say - Picture Communication

$7.99 sale price(from $18.99) until April 6th in honor of World Autism Day! "I highly recommend So Much 2 Say for the beginning communicator who needs a cost effective fully flexible and customizable communication system." - Dr. Robin Parker on...

Price: USD 18.99 Developer: Close 2 Home Apps, LLC
UniversItalia 2.0, A1/A2+B1/B2

UniversItalia 2.0, A1/A2+B1/B2

Mit dieser kostenlosen App greifen Sie unkompliziert und schnell auf die Audios von UniversItalia 2.0 zu. Mit der neuen Bibliotheksfunktion verwalten Sie jetzt selbst die Inhalte zu allen verfügbaren Kurs- und Arbeitsbüchern. Die UniversItalia 2.0 App nutzt das beliebte Augmented...

Price: Free Developer: Hueber Verlag
Aprender a Leer 2 FULL

Aprender a Leer 2 FULL

La segunda parte del método interactivo LEO CON GRIN para niños desde 5 hasta 8 años. 25 LECCIONES: Jugando aprenden y practican los sinfones, las sílabas trabadas, y compuestas, perfeccionan la lectura de palabras y frases, y adquieren una...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Educaplanet S.L.
Aprender a Leer 2 Grin y Uipi

Aprender a Leer 2 Grin y Uipi

La segunda parte del método interactivo LEO CON GRIN para niños desde 5 hasta 8 años. 25 LECCIONES: Jugando aprenden las sílabas trabadas, y compuestas, perfeccionan la lectura de palabras y frases, y adquieren una mayor comprensión lectora. 12...

Price: Free Developer: Educaplanet S.L.
Balance Benders Level 2 (Lite)

Balance Benders Level 2 (Lite)

Logic and algebraic reasoning puzzles - More fun & addictive than Sudoku! Move over Sudoku, here come Balance Benders™! You can use these activities as quick, fun logic problems or as stepping stones to success in algebra. Students develop deductive...

Price: Free Developer: The Critical Thinking Co.
Dr. Panda Restaurant 2

Dr. Panda Restaurant 2

**Best Kids App in more than 50 countries!** Dr. Panda’s Restaurant is re-opening, and this time all the choices are yours! Make the pizza of your dreams, a pasta dish to rave about, or a soup so spicy your customers...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Dr. Panda Ltd

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