Top 33 Education Apps Like Astral Education NTA UGC NET - Best Alternatives

Astral Education NTA UGC NET Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Astral Education NTA UGC NET alternatives for iOS? We have listed 33 Education apps that are similar to Astral Education NTA UGC NET. Pick one from this list to be your new Astral Education NTA UGC NET app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Astral Education NTA UGC NET on your iOS devices.

Top 33 Apps Like Astral Education NTA UGC NET - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Astral Education NTA UGC NET alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 33 similar apps like Astral Education NTA UGC NET 2025.

Guided Lessons |

Guided Lessons |

With step-by-step interactive lessons, skill-building games, original songs, and stories developed by award-winning teachers and artists, we’ll help you navigate your child’s educational journey from pre-K through 5th grade. Our unique kid-friendly interface makes it easy for your...

Price: Free Developer:


The MINDSTORMS® EV3 LEGO® Education programming app provides middle school students with hands-on opportunities to develop their creative and problem-solving skills. EV3 Programming and the EV3 intelligent brick combine building and coding to help students learn programming principles, engineering,...

Price: Free Developer: LEGO Education
Qualified Education Agents

Qualified Education Agents

Qualified Education Agents are international education counsellors who have completed industry-recommended training courses. The recognised courses are developed by ICEF, PIER and other government organisations and indicate each education counsellors' specialisation in student recruitment for various countries across the...

Price: Free Developer: International Education Services Ltd.
Quiver Education

Quiver Education

Responding to popular demand, we are thrilled to introduce Quiver Education! The same magical augmented reality colouring experience, but with a focus on educational content and a one time purchase for a lifetime of content! Designed with educators in mind,...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: QuiverVision Limited
Education Galaxy Connect

Education Galaxy Connect

Education Galaxy Connect allows teachers and school administrators to quickly and easily connect with their online Education Galaxy accounts. Parents can now connect with their child’s account to improve the home/school connection. Teachers will be able to: 1. Pull 7 Different...

Price: Free Developer: Education Galaxy
Free Market Education

Free Market Education

Free Market Education is a new free market learning center where teachers and students are independent contractors and enter into learning endeavors in which they engage face to face in learning/practice environments of their choice. Free Market Education(FME) is a...

Price: Free Developer: Free Market Education, LLC
Minecraft: Education Edition

Minecraft: Education Edition

This app is for school use: Do not download unless you have a Minecraft: Education Edition subscription and an Office 365 Education account. If you are not sure about your school’s subscription or the services you have access to,...

Price: Free Developer: Mojang
WeDo 2.0 LEGO® Education

WeDo 2.0 LEGO® Education

WeDo 2.0 makes coding a reality for elementary students. Using LEGO® bricks, easy-to-use software and engaging STEM projects, teachers have all they need to teach their students simple programming skills. This unique combination of building with LEGO® bricks, and then...

Price: Free Developer: LEGO Education player app player app is a groundbreaking project that explores the possibility of creating interactive videos using small pieces of footage, to promote learning. The mobile player app enables to make use of great hyper video content directly on your mobile device. The...

Price: Free Developer: Alberto Cattaneo
Coding Express LEGO® Education

Coding Express LEGO® Education

All on board the Coding Express! Coding Express introduces early coding concepts and 21st century skills to preschoolers. Using the popular LEGO® DUPLO® train set, teacher guide and an easy-to-use app, preschool teachers have all they need to teach early...

Price: Free Developer: LEGO Education
Diksha Learning

Diksha Learning

Diksha is founded with the sole purpose of helping candidates to achieve their dream of qualifying UGC NET/JRF conducted by National Testing Agency(NTA). It aims at helping candidates for preparing NTA NET/JRF Exam in all possible ways and in...

Price: Free Developer: Diksha School
JEE Test Prep - Extramarks

JEE Test Prep - Extramarks

Extramarks JEE Test Prep App is an advanced testing platform for IIT JEE Mains and JEE Advanced, comprehending all the latest changes in the exam patterns and formats. This will help in, and test the student's preparation for IIT...

Price: Free Developer: Extramarks Education India Pvt Ltd
NEET  Test Prep - Extramarks

NEET Test Prep - Extramarks

If medical profession is your dream, NEET Test Prep App is all you need to realize it! Extramarks NEET Test Prep App is an advanced and adaptive preparation platform for National Eligibility cum Entrance Test. Integrated in the app are...

Price: Free Developer: Extramarks Education India Pvt Ltd
UGC NET Exam Preparation Free

UGC NET Exam Preparation Free

The National Educational Testing Bureau of University Grants Commission (UGC) conducts National Eligibility Test (NET) to determine eligibility for lectureship and for award of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) for Indian nationals in order to ensure minimum standards for the...



With the aim to bring transparency around the key metrics, Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE) undertook the unprecedented effort to make all the Key Performance Indexes (KPIs) available to the general public. This app is an effort...

Price: Free Developer: TILICHO LABS LLP


LEARN FROM EXPERTS...!! ZENITH offers daily online test series & share current / important notes on mobile app for (IAS, RAS, UGC-NET, Lectureship). Kindly find details below about the courses offered... 1. UGC-NET: Daily online objective topic-wise test as per new pattern of...

Price: Free Developer: R K Infotech


Career Endeavour is a structured institution complete in all aspects which provides quality guidance for IIT-JAM, CSIR-UGC-NET/JRF, GATE and other prestigious examinations like TIFR, BARC, JEST, PhD Entrance etc. Our sole motto is to provide high quality education and...

Price: Free Developer: Manjeet Mehta


UPES was formed in 2003 with a goal to provide various specialised programs that meet the needs of India’s higher education sector. We have an esteemed reputation for providing students with the best academic expertise, which is combined with a vast swath...

Price: Free Developer: Moofwd
@ UPES Campus

@ UPES Campus

UPES was formed in 2003 with a goal to provide various specialised programs that meet the needs of India’s higher education sector. We have an esteemed reputation for providing students with the best academic expertise, which is combined with a vast swath...

Price: Free Developer: Moofwd


Adhyayan Mantra is very famous for its UGC NET coaching. It also provides coaching for CTET in other branches. Adhyayan Mantra is situated in GREEN PARK near Metro Station. It has given a numerous successful candidate for UGC...

Price: Free Developer: Manjeet Mehta


你的孩子是否正处在...... 哇呀学语...... 点读识字...... 启迪阅读...... 开启创作天赋.....等阶段呢? 你是否在寻找一个...... 学英语...... 学中文...... 看科普......等工具呢? 那就用WaWaYaYa爱读家吧! WaWaYaYa爱读家——让3-12岁孩子爱上阅读 60+权威出版机构合作 3000+儿童精品读物 1万多儿童UGC创作作品 持续更新...... 【用户评价】 既可以是父母给孩子的睡前故事读物,也可以是孩子自己学习的好意帮手,不可多得的一款学习软件。很喜欢,赞一个! ——lxf芳草天涯 宝宝三岁,每天都要听着故事睡觉,现在已经实现自己动手自己点击“为我读”,一个故事听好多遍,多听几遍,就能记住,了不起! ——王子之耳 第一次打开它的时候,是发现它有很多英语绘本可以阅读,发音标准,孩子很喜欢看,在看中文阅读时,哇,绘本故事也超级多,分类很完整,同时也按年龄,年级分类,很容易找到,大家值得下载 ——洣粒 【分级学英语】【跟读评测】 学龄前到小学英语,有声情景朗读,地道老外发音;跟读、取词、翻译等功能齐上阵,助力英语启蒙。Oxford牛津、Collins柯林斯、蟋蟀童书等英语:《小土豆 Potato Pals》系列;《阅读与想象 Read and Imagine early starter》系列;《新经典童话 Classic Tales》系列;《阅读与发现 Read and Discover》系列;《大猫 Big Cat》系列;《小红龙 Little Red Dragon》系列等,让孩子找到自己的英语启蒙方式。 【亲子读绘本】【幼儿启蒙】 新旧经典童话、神话、百科、文学等标准普通话,绘声绘色朗读,还带卡拉OK 那个字不会就点哪里:翻译、解释、组词、笔画手写演示、汉字故事。So Easy!《葫芦兄弟》、《神笔马良》、《小马过河》等童话系列;《森林之王》、《狐狸的十只鸡》、《聪明的小鹿》等世界经典文学系列;《爱旅行的云》等“欢乐童年”系列;《木兰从军》、《孟姜女哭长城》等中国民间故事;《大闹天宫》、《大战红孩儿》等“小小西游”系列;《小蝌蚪找妈妈》、《狐假虎威》、《刻舟求剑》、《井底之蛙》等童话、成语、寓言故事;《超级有趣的科学实验室》系列、《丽丽的幻想世界》系列、《哈罗》系列、《三个鼠兄弟》系列、《晚安书》系列等,1500多个故事协助爸妈轻松完成亲子共读。 【课外读故事】【分级中文】 小学一年级至小学六年级,课外扩展阅读必备,不只是拓展视界,更是提供学生自信,活跃课堂的必备读物:《白蛇传》、《梁山伯与祝英台》、《盘古开天辟地》、《嫦娥奔月》等中国神话故事;《阿里巴巴与四十大盗》、《卖火柴的小女孩》、《尼尔斯骑鹅旅行记》、《木偶奇遇记》等世界经典双语童话;《岳飞》、《包拯》、《鲁班》、《诸葛亮》、《孔子》等中华名人名圣故事等。 《欢乐童年系列》、《超级有趣的科学实验室》、《丽丽的幻想世界》、《彩虹故事屋》、《哈罗系列》、《闹闹》系列等生活故事...... 【作品秀】【儿童UGC】 孩子是每一个父母的老师,给孩子“出版”人生的第一本书,是孩子的也是家长的。孩子们创作、改写、续写的绘本故事:《想飞的乌龟》、《我会飞》、《山顶的秘密》、《狮子和羊》、《小木偶奇遇记》、《我爱平底锅》、《咕咚来了》、《小猪找朋友》、《丑小鸭》、《大树与小鸟》、《月亮病了》、《怕变青蛙的小蝌蚪》、《闹闹的怪病》、《爱护环境》、《雪人先生》、《萱萱的假期》等优秀儿童获奖作品 【WaWaYaYa品牌】 WaWaYaYa 以互动式自主学习为基本理念,倡导快乐、高效、自主的学习方式,近二十年儿童教育专业积累,陪伴孩子健康成长! 【订阅自动续费SVIP会员说明】 1、服务名称:WaWaYaYa 连续包月SVIP(1个月)、WaWaYaYa 连续包年SVIP(12个月) 2、价格:连续包月产品为68元/月(或9.99美元/月),连续包年产品为688元/年(或99.99美元/年) 3、购买自动订阅会员的账号,会在每个月订阅期到期前24小时,从您的iTunes账户中扣费,扣费成功后顺延一个订阅周期。 4、如需取消订阅,请手动打开苹果手机“设置” -->进入“iTunes Store 与 App Store”-->点击“Apple...

KD Tech

KD Tech

Established in the fond memory of Late K D Singh the father of the Founder and Director of K D Campus, Ms. Neetu Singh, it offers coaching for entrance examination of various competitive examinations like SSC, BANK PO, SSC...

Price: Free Developer: Manjeet Mehta to go to go

In " to go" findest du unter anderem ... ● 1.000+ Artikel zu Studium, Universität & Studentenleben Wir stellen dir zahlreiche Bachelor- und Master-Studiengänge vor, beraten dich aber auch zum MBA, LL.M. oder zur Promotion bzw. Doktorarbeit. In unserer Rubrik Studienwissen...

Price: Free Developer: GmbH & Co KG


Study.Net for iOS provides easy and convenient access to Study.Net course materials. FEATURES - Download and save your Study.Net course material files to your iOS devices - Annotate PDF materials - Save PDF annotations to the Study.Net Cloud Service for backup and...

Price: Free Developer: Study.Net Corporation
Net Texts

Net Texts

Introducing the Net Texts iPad app, which lets students use multimedia courses customized by their own teachers instead of a backpack full of heavy books! Teachers can use our Web site ( to select existing courses or create...

Price: Free Developer: Net Texts, Inc.


Le réseau social éducatif des lycées franciliens MonLycé se décline en application mobile. Version plus allégée de votre espace numérique et accessible directement sur smartphone et tablette, l'application MonLycé facilite la communication entre l'établissement et la maison ! Enseignant, élève...

Price: Free Developer: Open Digital Education
Net Texts for iPhone

Net Texts for iPhone

Introducing the Net Texts iPhone app, which lets students use multimedia courses customized by their own teachers instead of a backpack full of heavy books! Teachers can use our Web site ( to select existing courses or create new...

Price: Free Developer: Net Texts, Inc.
Mama Net

Mama Net

Your daily maternity app! A woman’s journey through motherhood is a beautiful process. We are here to guide and reassure women who are contemplating conceiving, expectant mothers, and new mothers in relation to their journey. Curious about what’s happening...

Price: Free Developer: Mama Net Sdn. Bhd.


Con l'app Diario puoi dire addio ai costosi diari cartacei! Diario è il diario scolastico online completamente gratuito da portare sempre sul tuo smartphone o iPad! Scrivi i compiti su app diario come su un registro elettronico, aggiungi...

Price: Free Developer: Skuola Network s.r.l.

En encontrarás todo lo necesario para aprobar el teórico del carnet de conducir: -Temas explicados en vídeo. Hacer test sin entender la norma es una locura, primero te explicamos de forma divertida y amena para que después los test...

Price: Free Developer: Miteorico Escuela de Conductores S.L.
Yubu en

Yubu en

Welkom bij de leerlingenapp van Yubu, en de Keuzegids. Deze app helpt jou bij het maken van de profiel- of studiekeuze die echt bij jou past. Gebruik de app om door de onafhankelijke opleidingsinformatie van de Keuzegids te browsen....

Price: Free Developer:

Yiyecek ve İçecek gruplarımızı tek bir platformda birleştirdiğimiz “PepBook” web sitemizdeki içerikleri siz değerli çalışanlarımızın mobil cihazlarından erişebilmesi için yayınladığımız mobil uygulamayı indirebilirsiniz. Uygulamaya portalımıza girerken kullandığınız kullanıcı adı ve şifre ile giriş yapabilirsiniz. Bu sayede sizler için sunulan...

Price: Free Developer: Infinity Teknoloji

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