Top 4 Lifestyle Apps Like Palleja VIU - Best Alternatives

Palleja VIU Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Palleja VIU alternatives for iOS? We have listed 4 Lifestyle apps that are similar to Palleja VIU. Pick one from this list to be your new Palleja VIU app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Palleja VIU on your iOS devices.

Top 4 Apps Like Palleja VIU - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Palleja VIU alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 4 similar apps like Palleja VIU 2025.

Viu Calvià

Viu Calvià

Viu Calvià Application makes information about the municipality of Calvià available to citizens, allowing you to view the points of general interest, as well as the available services, the agenda of activities and channel the most important announcements adapted...

Price: Free Developer: Ajuntament de Calvia
Viu Xàbia

Viu Xàbia

App oficial de Turismo de Xàbia. Todos lo negocios geolocalizados, visitas virtuales de los lugares más emblemáticos, calas, playas, rincones mágicos,... Otorga información sobre las fiestas patronales, horarios, etc y todo aquello que tanto un vecino o turista necesita.

Price: Free Developer: A-ora
Invista Negócios Imobiliários

Invista Negócios Imobiliários

Diante do forte aquecimento no setor de Construção Civil no Brasil e, principalmente, na região da Grande Florianópolis, em Santa Catarina, aliado à carência de profissionais sérios, competentes e comprometidos com o real interesse dos clientes, nasceu, no ano...

Price: Free Developer: App Media LTDA

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