Top 21 Food & Drink Apps Like HIROSHIMA ITALIAN AO-あお- - Best Alternatives


Do you want to find the best HIROSHIMA ITALIAN AO-あお- alternatives for iOS? We have listed 21 Food & Drink apps that are similar to HIROSHIMA ITALIAN AO-あお-. Pick one from this list to be your new HIROSHIMA ITALIAN AO-あお- app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to HIROSHIMA ITALIAN AO-あお- on your iOS devices.

Top 21 Apps Like HIROSHIMA ITALIAN AO-あお- - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid HIROSHIMA ITALIAN AO-あお- alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 21 similar apps like HIROSHIMA ITALIAN AO-あお- 2025.

Hotel Melon/ホテルメロン

Hotel Melon/ホテルメロン

−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− アプリ機能紹介 メイン機能 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ▶特徴 ・【Hotel Melon/ホテルメロン】からの最新情報をプッシュ通知で受け取れます。 ダウンロード後はプッシュ通知設定をONにしてくださいね。 ・アプリ会員限定のクーポンも配信予定です! お得に通いたい方にオススメです。 ・トーク機能ではお店の営業時間外や自分が移動中でもお問合せが可能! ▶店舗紹介 ゆったりと寛げる「Hotel Melon/ホテルメロン」。 清潔感のある部屋はリピーターも続出。 ぜひ一度ご来店ください。 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ご注意 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ※アプリ利用は無料です。 ※最新版のアプリをご利用いただくためには、端末のソフトウェアアップデートでOSのバージョンを最新にする必要がございます。 ※一部ご利用頂けないOSがございますのであらかじめご了承ください。推奨バージョンはiOS9以上です。

Price: Free Developer: KEIWA, K.K.
Italian Food Decoder

Italian Food Decoder

The ITALIAN FOOD DECODER is the perfect companion for exploring the world of Italian cuisine. This app provides instant translations of all the food names, terms and phrases commonly used in cooking. And it's much more than just a...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Agorite
Italian Pie

Italian Pie

Your ideal meal is just a few taps away. Download the Italian Pie app free for iPhone today. With the Italian Pie mobile app, ordering food has never been easier. Whether you're looking for a quick snack or...

Price: Free Developer: Italian Pie
Villa Italian Specialties

Villa Italian Specialties

With the Villa Italian Specialties mobile app, ordering food for takeout has never been easier. Scroll through our easy-to-navigate menu, select the dishes that strike your fancy, specify any special instructions, submit your payment information securely - and then...

Vita Italian Bar & Grill

Vita Italian Bar & Grill

Vita Italian Bar & Grill is proud to welcome Chef Mitch Weaver to it's newly built restaurant in Pomona, CA. Chef Mitch is a Southern California native whose culinary expertise has spanned eateries from coast to coast. His journey...

Price: Free Developer: Vita Italian Bar & Grill
Zeppe's Italian Ice

Zeppe's Italian Ice

Zeppe’s is dedicated to making amazing frozen desserts – our Italian ice and old fashioned frozen custard are FANTASTIC! With Zeppe's mobile app, you will be able too: • Order and pay within the app • Earn rewards with our loyalty program •...

Price: Free Developer: Zeppes Italian Ice Franchise LLC
Authentico I love Italian food

Authentico I love Italian food

Authentico is the best free app to help you recognize the authentic Italian food just scanning the barcode on the package. Just because it seems Italian, doesn’t mean it’s original. Stop paying more for fake Italian products, Authentico is...

Price: Free Developer: AUTHENTICO SRL
Italian Food ~ The Best Of Italian Food Recipes

Italian Food ~ The Best Of Italian Food Recipes

Looking for the best and most delicious Italian Recipes? You have found it! This incredible Italian Recipe app has all the Italian recipes you will need. This app provide you huge delicious list of Italian recipes for all lovers of...

Price: Free Developer: Phuoc Nguyen
Italian Recipes SMART Cookbook

Italian Recipes SMART Cookbook

Italian Recipes SMART Cookbook is an app to explore the cheesy and savory food from the land of Italy. This ranges from Pizza to Pasta and Bruschetta to Risotto and more. This app has a vast offline collection of...

Price: Free Developer: Edutainment Ventures LLC
Specialty Italian Bistro

Specialty Italian Bistro

Download our new app for some delicioso deals from Specialty Italian Bistro, the gourmet food and catering eatery that boasts authentic old-world cuisine and a cozy, family-friendly ambience. Our app has coupons, a special offer for joining, a rewards...

Price: Free Developer: Total Loyalty Solutions
Italian recipes and instructional videos

Italian recipes and instructional videos

Italian food -- italian recipes and instructional videos, seasonal recipes, menus and wine recommendations ""Italian sustenance is striking and fulfilling without being substantial. It's rich and textural and utilizes an entire palette of flavors. ""Appreciating Italian food is more experiential,...

Price: Free Developer: kundan kumar
AO Sushi

AO Sushi

With the AO Sushi mobile app, ordering food for takeout has never been easier. Scroll through our easy-to-navigate menu, select the dishes that strike your fancy, specify any special instructions, submit your payment information securely - and then sit...

Price: Free Developer: ChowNow
Atelier Bar AO 前橋の料理工房バー 公式アプリ

Atelier Bar AO 前橋の料理工房バー 公式アプリ

Bar AOの公式アプリをリリースしました! このアプリでは、Bar AOの最新情報の受け取りや便利な機能を使う事ができます。 【アプリで出来ること】 本アプリを利用して以下のことが行えます。 1.最新情報をチェック!  Bar AOのサービス内容が確認できます。  また、お店からメッセージが届くので、いつでも最新の情報がご確認いただけます。 2.マイページで情報を確認!  Bar AOのご利用状況が確認できます。 3.友達に紹介!  Bar AOを通じてお友達に紹介する事ができます。 4.他にも便利な機能満載!

Price: Free Developer: HIROSHI IIJIMA


Sopa é o app que contém mais de 240 receitas, em português, todas elas preparadas e documentas por Odeir Venturin, desde 2012. A lista até o momento inclui as seguintes receitas: Pão integral com aveia, Bolo integral e light, Pão todo...

Price: Free Developer: Vitor Venturin Rotiv


O Cardapps permite procurar o melhor em comida e bebida, localizando as melhores churrascarias, lanchonetes, sorveterias, bares, restaurantes e outros estabelecimento que estejam mais próximos de você. Com Cardapps é possível ter várias informações de um estabelecimento: Cardápio: Visualize o cardápio...

Price: Free Developer: Fabiano Pereira Bhering
Receitas Portuguesas

Receitas Portuguesas

Acreditamos que todos podem se tornar um Masterchef por direito próprio! O que é uma missão é entender apenas algumas receitas culinárias simples e princípios gerais. Esta aplicação irá fornecer isso! Esta aplicação reúne as melhores e mais populares receitas...

Price: Free Developer: MeGo Technologies Private Limited
DataDivas Mobile

DataDivas Mobile

Software restaurante comanda eletrônica voltada para proporcionar velocidade no atendimento a clientes. Solução móvel de comanda eletrônica para restaurantes permite o registro de pedidos de forma ágil e simples, o garçom faz o pedido ao lado do cliente. Tocando...

Price: Free Developer: Ronaldo Clemente
Get In - Restaurantes e Bares

Get In - Restaurantes e Bares

O Get In está de cara nova! E agora você tem o tempo ao seu favor ;) Frequentar restaurantes é mais do que experimentar uma comida diferente e conhecer uma outra cultura. Em momentos como este, também é celebrado a vida, a amizade,...

Price: Free Developer: Get In


A Menu é a revista de gastronomia da Editora Três. Lançada há 13 anos e líder em assinantes neste segmento no Brasil, a revista valoriza a gastronomia brasileira e também a internacional. Traz informações inteligentes, modernas e saborosas sobre...

Price: Free Developer: Editora Três
Vercelli Pizzas Pq. Espacial

Vercelli Pizzas Pq. Espacial

Agora você já pode fazer um pedido pelo seu smartphone ou tablet. Escolha entre nossa variedade de produtos em nosso cardápio. Com tradição e experiência de 17 anos, a Vercelli Pizzas produz pizzas com Qualidade Artesanal e ingredientes de primeira qualidade...

Price: Free Developer: Wabiz Negocios Inteligentes Ltda Epp

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