Top 29 Utilities Apps Like WPM Coffee Lab - Best Alternatives

WPM Coffee Lab Alternatives

Do you want to find the best WPM Coffee Lab alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Utilities apps that are similar to WPM Coffee Lab. Pick one from this list to be your new WPM Coffee Lab app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to WPM Coffee Lab on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like WPM Coffee Lab - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid WPM Coffee Lab alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like WPM Coffee Lab 2025.

Morse Decoder Pro

Morse Decoder Pro

Translate Morse Code or CW audio to text. The HotPaw Morse Code Decoder takes audio input from the microphone or headset input on your iPhone or iPad, decodes Morse Code, and displays the results in text form. It includes...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: HotPaw Productions


The HotPaw Morse Code Decoder translates Morse Code sound into text. Just use the microphone or headset input on your iPhone or iPad for the audio signal input, and watch decoded text appear. The Morse Code Decoder includes both...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: HotPaw Productions


Tap on the knob in Morse Code to enter text. Then copy the text to use in other apps. Or email it. No need to look at a tiny keyboard. If you know a little Morse...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: HotPaw Productions


Morster is the ultimate morse code tool for iOS devices. Morster can interpret morse code that is created using the key, light from the camera or sounds from the microphone. Playback morse code with configurable sound or lighting...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Sunshine Valley Systems


Translate text into high-quality Morse Code audio. Use with the HotPaw MorseDecoder app for "secret" audio communication between two nearby iPhones using just Morse Code sounds. Just type some text into the Text2Morse text window, and hit the...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: HotPaw Productions


EASYTRON Connect Einzelraumregelung Wohlfühltemperatur einstellen – bequem per App. Die EASYTRON Connect Einzelraumregelung ist auf den STIEBEL ELTRON Wärmepumpenmanager WPM abgestimmt und ergänzt diesen ganzheitlich als ein System. Sie ermöglicht die Erfassung der Raumtemperatur und die Einstellung der Wunschtemperatur in jedem Wohnraum....

Price: Free Developer: Stiebel Eltron


Wohlfühltemperatur einstellen – bequem per App. Die EASYTRON Connect Einzelraumregelung ist auf den tecalor Wärmepumpenmanager WPM abgestimmt und ergänzt diesen ganzheitlich als ein System. Sie ermöglicht die Erfassung der Raumtemperatur und die Einstellung der Wunschtemperatur in jedem Wohnraum. Die Einzelraumregelung besteht aus einer...

Price: Free Developer: tecalor GmbH
Koch Trainer

Koch Trainer

Koch Trainer is a morse code trainer that uses the Koch Method developed by the German psychologist Ludwig Koch in the 1930's. The method basically states that you should learn morse code at the speed you expect to receive,...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Pignology, LLC
Morse Code Guru

Morse Code Guru

*** This has to be the best morse code software for any device, especially iPhones, iPod touches, and iPads. *** - Bill man, USA Fastest, most accurate morse code app in the app store which is coveted even by...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Arun Babu
Grind - Coffee Brewed Simply

Grind - Coffee Brewed Simply

A simple and delightful companion app for making the best cup of coffee. We made Grind so anyone can make a better cup a coffee. From the newbie who was just gifted a French Press, to the pro who wants...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: John Conway
Liberica Coffee Timer

Liberica Coffee Timer

Keep track of every coffee you make with the new Liberica Coffee Timer App! Create and save recipes as you brew. Rate different coffee and find out which roaster, country, or recipe you like best. Share your favorites with friends...

Price: Free Developer: Nathan Kosin
Doctor Coffee

Doctor Coffee

Useful app that helps the coffee producer worldwide to easily identify plagues, diseases and nutricional deficiencies.

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Roxana Soto
Electric Coffee Roasters

Electric Coffee Roasters

La aplicación oficial de Electric Coffee Roasters® te permite acumular puntos que pueden ser canjeados por bebidas gratis. Características * Acumula puntos por cada compra * Canjea tus puntos por bebidas gratis * Conoce nuestras sucursales

Price: Free Developer: Marco Soto
Sup Coffee Timer

Sup Coffee Timer

A timer to help you brew a great cup of filter coffee. Simply choose your preferred method, number of cups desired and follow the brew guide and timer.

Price: Free Developer: 8bytes
Dhiraagu Coffee App

Dhiraagu Coffee App

App for Dhiraagu staff to log customers ideas, issues and complaints.

Price: Free Developer: Dhiraagu PLC


JavaChair is the best, and only, new location-based app to connect coffee lovers with amazing coffee shops nearby. Everyone has walked into a coffee shop to enjoy a delicious roast only to find that all available seating is occupied....

Price: Free Developer: Mobile App Fund
Angora Roast

Angora Roast

Coffee roasting record for home coffee roaster! - Calendar for coffee roasting - Input a temperature and connect Bluetooth thermometer - Search a roasting history - Support for favorites - Record your cupping data up to three times - Set an alarm on a...

Price: Free Developer: Woojin Lim


BaristaTimer will hone your hand-craft coffee brewing skills until you are the Bruce Lee of coffee makers. With features like mode select, optional cool-down timer and a multi-faceted steep timer you'll have no choice but to make good coffee.

Price: Free Developer: Dan Beaulieu
Pro-Lab 24/7 Inspection

Pro-Lab 24/7 Inspection

PRO-LAB® offers laboratory testing services for mold, radon, lead, allergen, asbestos, and drinking water pollutants. Staffed with Certified Indoor Air Quality Professionals, Radon Measurement Specialists, Chemists, PRO-LAB® has the knowledge and experience to assist in any environmental investigations. PRO-LAB®...

Price: Free Developer: Professional Laboratories
Sasha Convert Calculator -Currency&Units converter

Sasha Convert Calculator -Currency&Units converter

Fed up switching between Apps during unit conversion & calculation? Sasha Convert Calculator combines these 2 features into one single page with widget feature too! Favorite Features: - 2 in 1 convert calculator - One-page operation - Auto-update time zone & currency rate...

Price: Free Developer: Sasha Lab
BioLegend Lab Tools

BioLegend Lab Tools

Welcome to the BioLegend Lab Tools application. This app is full of calculators and converters that should come in very hand in the lab or in the classroom. We have included the following calculators: Antibody Usage Calculator Numeric Calculator g...

Price: Free Developer: BioLegend Inc


APP hau CAF enpresako LABeko Sail Sindikalak sortua da eta bertatik ondorengo edukiak erosoki ikuskatzeko aukera izango duzu: - Enpresako Hitzarmen Kolektiboa - Enpresako lan egutegi guztiak - Hitzarmenaren/lizentzien inguruko ohiko galderak kontsultatu - Publikazio edo informazio ezberdinei buruzko notifikazioak jaso - Nomina ikusteko CAFeko PORTALerako sarbide zuzena Esta es...

Price: Free Developer: Akting Ingeniaritza
RegEx Lab: Regular Expressions

RegEx Lab: Regular Expressions

RegEx Lab - test regular expressions • Highlighting of regex syntax and of matches and capture groups. • Results List View which lists all the matches and capture groups. • Replace feature • Dark theme (by default) based on the Solarized colour palette •...

Price: Free Developer: sovio
Utrao Lab

Utrao Lab

Intelligent lab solution, which can remotely control the running status of the equipment, set the parameters for automatic operation of the equipment, monitor the real-time data of the sensors, send abnormal status, and record the historical status information of...

Price: Free Developer: Kamoer Fluild Tech (shanghai) Co., Ltd.
AI Lab

AI Lab

AI Lab gives you a fun way to discover the power of machine learning. It's easy, just point your camera at any object and see what artificial intelligence thinks it is. You get to play with AI Image Classifiers on your...

Price: Free Developer: Swift Management AG
Ubique Lab: Sudoku

Ubique Lab: Sudoku

The latest from the Ubique Lab: the Sudoku AR Solver. The App provides an interactive and entertaining look into the world of Augmented Reality, and gives a taste of the endless possibilities that emerge when the digital and real...

Price: Free Developer: Ubique Innovation AG
EZ-Lab - BViTech

EZ-Lab - BViTech

This App is aimed to help tech people to detect some usual HW issues/defects on iPhone/iPad.

Price: Free Developer: Gian Enrico Conti
Gear Lab

Gear Lab

These calculators have been developed to help in the Setting up, Production and Checking of the gears available via the Ultrascale web site. Three of the main types of gears are covered, these are Worm gears, Helical gears and...

Price: Free Developer: SpiralArm Consulting Limited

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