Top 36 Education Apps Like Where's Oma? Flashcard Maker - Best Alternatives

Where's Oma? Flashcard Maker Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Where's Oma? Flashcard Maker alternatives for iOS? We have listed 36 Education apps that are similar to Where's Oma? Flashcard Maker. Pick one from this list to be your new Where's Oma? Flashcard Maker app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Where's Oma? Flashcard Maker on your iOS devices.

Top 36 Apps Like Where's Oma? Flashcard Maker - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Where's Oma? Flashcard Maker alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 36 similar apps like Where's Oma? Flashcard Maker 2025.

Where's the Reindeer?

Where's the Reindeer?

It is the night before Christmas and there is just one challenge. Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer has simply vanished! How will all the children around the world receive their presents? It's a foggy Christmas eve and Rudolf is needed...

Price: Free Developer: Natalie Clarke
Where's a thief cat?

Where's a thief cat?

2012年 第一回デジタルえほんアワードにて企画部門準グランプリに選ばれた「ねこみっけ」が、株式会社デジタルえほんと株式会社アクシスからiPadアプリとしてリリースいたしました! 可愛らしい強烈なキャラクターの魅力と、楽しいアニメーション&サウンドが子供達を夢中にさせる動くえほんアプリです。 ----------------------- 「ねこみっけ」第一弾 無料版 ----------------------- ■アプリの概要 画面の中のどこかに隠れている「どろぼうねこ」を探し出して遊ぶデジタルえほんです。 隠れているどろぼうねこの居場所は毎回変化し、見つけた場所によって毎回違った猫のショートストーリーを見ることができます。 ■違う楽しみ方も! 画面の中に登場するキャラクター、モチーフ等には、動いたり音が出るしかけがたくさん隠されているので、純粋に眺めたりタップするだけでも楽しむことができます。 ■お子様1人でもできるシンプルな操作性 小さなお子様でも1人で簡単に操作できるようシンプルなつくりに仕上げました。 (C)滝原 宏野・株式会社デジタルえほん 制作:株式会社アクシス 協力:NPO法人CANVAS ----------------------- This is a game which discovers the "thief cat" which is hiding somewhere in screens. The hiding place of a thief cat changes each time. The animation of the cat which is different by the...

Price: Free Developer: AxIS Co.Ltd.
Find Dad

Find Dad

Wheres My Dad allows children to communicate with Dad while he's away from home. Dad can check in using the Dad App, share photos of his current location and interesting facts about where he is at. Using the Find...

Price: Free Developer: Footsqueek
Matchy Matics

Matchy Matics

*Certified by UK educational app portal Matchy Matics is a fun, simple number puzzle game with an educational twist. The idea is to clear the numbered blocks by finding number combinations (add, subtract, multiply and divide) that equal the...

Price: Free Developer: MM 347 LIMITED
Matchy Matics Deluxe

Matchy Matics Deluxe

*Certified by UK educational app portal Welcome to the fantastic new Matchy Matics update. Fancy a brain teaser or need a little maths practice or maybe just something a little different? Take your time and work your way through...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: MM 347 LIMITED
PEEP Where's Quack?

PEEP Where's Quack?

Quack hides, you seek! In this Where's Quack app, the hilariously quirky Quack hides in a number of different locations. In each location, different hiding places change the way Quack's voice sounds. Is he muffled, or maybe far away?...

Price: Free Developer: WGBH
Where's the Bunny?

Where's the Bunny?

Easter will be here soon and there is just one challenge. The bunny has simply vanished! How will the bunny be able to deliver goodies to children all over the world? Come on a journey to find and meet...

Price: Free Developer: Natalie Clarke
Where's the Dolphin?

Where's the Dolphin?

Orion is swimming in his ocean home but there is just one challenge. The little dolphin has simply vanished! Come on an adventure of discovery to find and meet the dolphin and the magical mermaids and mermen. Read the...

Price: Free Developer: Natalie Clarke
Where's the Turtle

Where's the Turtle

A little turtle is swimming in her island home but there is just one challenge. Sandy, the turtle has simply vanished! Help find Sandy on this Island Adventure. Come on a journey to find and meet Sandy. Read the story...

Price: Free Developer: Natalie Clarke
Was Oma noch wusste

Was Oma noch wusste

Was Oma noch wusste, wissen wir heute nicht mehr. Deshalb gibt diese App Haushaltstipps und Tricks aus allen Bereichen. Sicher ist der ein oder andere Tipp dabei, den Sie noch nicht kennen. Haben Sie einen interessanten Tipp? Schreiben Sie...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Pocketkai


ArkiAI – Harppaa kestävään kehitykseen! ArkiAI valjastaa tekoälyrobotit (botit) valmentamaan käyttäjää kohti kestävää kehitystä. Kolme persoonallista valmentajaa esittelevät aihepiiriä omista näkökulmistaan, erilaisten kestävien tekojen kautta. Käyttäjän tehtävänä on tutustua tekoihin, vertailla niitä ja valita niistä itselleen sopivampia. Näin syntyy oma...

Price: Free Developer: HeadAI Oy


Liiklustest on liiklusteooria küsimuste kogumik, kus on võimalik harjutada ja testida oma teadmisi. Testide lahendamisel saab valida harjutamise ja eksami vahel. Rakendus on hea abivahend harjutada eesolevaks Maanteeameti eksamiks, autokooli eksamiks või lihtsalt oma liiklusalaste teadmiste proovile panemiseks. Harjutamine - Saad valida...

Price: Free Developer: Lulztech Solutions
Lukudiplomi Pirkanmaan

Lukudiplomi Pirkanmaan

Sovellus on tarkoitettu alakoululaisille, jotka suorittavat Pirkanmaan lukudiplomia. Mukautettu lukudiplomi on tarkoitettu oppilaille, joille lukeminen on eri syistä vaikeaa. Sovi lukudiplomin suoritustavoista opettajasi kanssa. Kirjalistoilla on monenlaista luettavaa, romaaneista sarjakuviin. Kirjoja on tarkoitus valita luettavaksi niin, että eri lajit...

Price: Free Developer: Tampereen kaupunki
Pirkanmaan lukudiplomi

Pirkanmaan lukudiplomi

Sovellus on tarkoitettu yläkoulun, lukion ja ammattioppilaitosten opiskelijoille, jotka suorittavat Pirkanmaan lukudiplomia. Mukautettu lukudiplomi on tarkoitettu oppilaille, joille lukeminen on eri syistä vaikeaa. Sovi lukudiplomin suoritustavoista opettajasi kanssa. Kirjalistoilla on monenlaista luettavaa, romaaneista sarjakuviin. Kirjoja on tarkoitus valita luettavaksi niin,...

Price: Free Developer: Tampereen kaupunki


TartuFic - avasta Tartu linna ilukirjanduse kaudu! TartuFic võimaldab avastada Tartut tuntud kirjanike tekstide ja vanade fotode kaudu. Rakendus on mittekommertslikel eesmärkidel kõigile tasuta kasutamiseks. Rakenduses olevad tekstid ja fotod on kaitstud autoriõigustega, mis kuuluvad tekstide/fotode autoritele. Täname autoreid nõusoleku...

Price: Free Developer: Taavi Kunnapuu
ChatAble Suomi

ChatAble Suomi

Hauska, monipuolinen ja täysin muokattavissa – paremmin ChatAble kestää AAC seuraavalle tasolle! Kenelle se on tarkoitettu? Suunniteltu niille, jotka eivät voi kirjoittaa tai puhua mahdollisesti autismi, CP-vamma, Downin syndrooma tai kehityshäiriöt. Mitä se tekee? Paremmin ChatAble tulee ruudukko symbolit (käyttämällä PCS-symboleja tai omia...

Price: USD 99.99 Developer: Therapy Box Limited


Eläinten Juhlat on Seija Gauffinin saman nimisen lorukirjan pohjalta luotu digitaalinen sovellus riimiparien tunnistamisen opetteluun. Vanhojen tuttujen lorujen lisäksi sovelluksessa on interaktiivisia pelejä tukemassa oppimista. Tähän demo-versioon olemme tehneet sovelluksen perus rakenteen ja kaksi erityyppistä peliä. Pelin lopullisessa versiossa...

Price: Free Developer: Outloud


Milline kala jääb ka pärast läbikülmumist ellu? Kes Eesti kaladest teeb urisevat häält ja kes ehitab endale kudemiseks pesa? Kas meripühvel on loom või kala? Kalamäng paneb proovile sinu teadmised peamiste Eesti kalaliikide kohta ja juhatab sind veealuse elu argipäeva. Rakenduses tutvustatakse...

Price: Free Developer: Regio OÜ
Flashcard Machine

Flashcard Machine

Flashcard Machine utilizes the In-App Purchase model so that you can try the app before purchasing. You will receive 100 flashcard flips for free, and you can buy more for as little as $0.99 or unlimited flips for $4.99. ***********...

Price: Free Developer: Flashcard Machine Mobile, LLC
Flashcard Machine+

Flashcard Machine+

*********** At a Glance *********** - Create your own flashcards - Access millions of flashcards created by other users - Intuitively separates flashcards into “correct,” “wrong,” and “flagged” piles for future study sessions - Tag and discover flashcards based...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Flashcard Machine Mobile, LLC
Flashcard Maker app

Flashcard Maker app

Simple to use for everyone! Best Flashcard app ever! You can connect your smartphone device to a TV or Computer Monitor, so can be used in many situations such as presentation at school, events scenes, and education scene for...

Price: Free Developer:
Flashcard Languages - Learn To Speak Multiple New Languages with Flashcards

Flashcard Languages - Learn To Speak Multiple New Languages with Flashcards

Flashcard Languages is the perfect study aid for learning multiple new languages with flashcards!Learn and study German, French, Italian, Russian, Spanish and other languages by reading over 2,000 flashcards for each language. Flashcard Languages is perfect for the native English...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Sport 77 Limited
Quiz and Flashcard Maker

Quiz and Flashcard Maker

*Huge update sale 33% off!* ►Create your own Questions/Flashcards ►Create unlimited Quizzes/Tests ►Perfect for Students and Teachers (ALL AGES!) ►Innovative study & performance analysis tools ►Includes LARGE text /image mode for classroom use! ►THE ULTIMATE STUDY TOOL Study anywhere and anytime with Quiz...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: TouchMint
Medical/Dental Terminology & Abbreviations LITE Flashcard App

Medical/Dental Terminology & Abbreviations LITE Flashcard App

This is the LITE Version of the Most Complete Medical & Dental Terminology Flashcards App in the market. Our applications also integrates the principle of Spaced Repetition to help students retain a large amount of knowledge in their long...

Price: Free Developer:
Flashcard English for 8th grade at Jr high school

Flashcard English for 8th grade at Jr high school

Simple and easy! Best English Flashcard App for 8th grade at junior high school. You can learn each English vocabulary for the 8th grade at junior high school with your iPhone/iPad. You can create your own...

Price: Free Developer:
Flashcard Maker App for EIKEN Grade 4

Flashcard Maker App for EIKEN Grade 4

Simple and easy! Best Flashcard study app for EIKEN Grade 4! You can learn each vocabulary to prepare for EIKEN Grade 4 with your iPhone/iPad. You can create your own deck to make your original flashcard....

Price: Free Developer:
Flashcard Maker App for EIKEN Grade Pre-1

Flashcard Maker App for EIKEN Grade Pre-1

Simple and easy! Best Flashcard study app for EIKEN Grade Pre-1! You can learn each vocabulary to prepare for EIKEN Grade Pre-1 with your iPhone/iPad. You can create your own deck to make your original flashcard....

Price: Free Developer:
Unicorn Cotton Candy Maker

Unicorn Cotton Candy Maker

Have you ever visited the unicorn cotton candy land?? If not? It’s opportunity for you to visit cotton candy maker. You can make rainbow unicorn cotton candy. Pour the colorful sugar in the cotton candy maker. Sweet candy maker...

Price: Free Developer: Sweet Maker Shop
Music Maker Workshops

Music Maker Workshops

Music Mak​er Workshop is a place of excitement! The buzz is real and students of all ages are getting connected and inspired with fun and informative lessons, camps and performing ensemble groups. Music Maker Workshops was rated #1 music...

Price: Free Developer: Music Maker Workshops - Mobile Inventor
Mobo Candy Maker

Mobo Candy Maker

Making the most delicious candy in the world while learning? Now it’s possible! Mobo Candy Maker has been designed to entertain and educate kids. They create colorful candy for guests such as Mr Dog or Hungry Pig. It’s the...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Klementyna Nurzynska
Kid in Story Book Maker

Kid in Story Book Maker

Create and share customized picture storybooks with photos of your child or others as the main character! Created by award-winning app designers, Kid in Story Book Maker makes it easy and fun to create visual stories to support learning,...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Enuma, Inc.
Easy App Maker

Easy App Maker

Easy App Maker allows you to easily create apps on your iOS device. With Easy App Maker, you can quickly and easily create beautiful and interactive apps. Create all types of apps including action packed games, educational apps,...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Ndili Technologies, Inc.
Magical Music Maker - Music Band Creator for Kids

Magical Music Maker - Music Band Creator for Kids

Create music with Magical Music Maker ! Magical Music Maker maker is a brilliant way for kids to get creative with music, using the different instruments and their melodies kids create fun music. Magical Music Maker is a magnificent and...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Gil Weiss
Magical Music Maker Lite - Music Band Creator for Kids

Magical Music Maker Lite - Music Band Creator for Kids

Create music with Magical Music Maker ! Magical Music Maker maker is a brilliant way for kids to get creative with music, using the different instruments and their melodies kids create fun music. Magical Music Maker is a magnificent and...

Price: Free Developer: Gil Weiss
Sentence Maker: Educational Learning Game for Kids

Sentence Maker: Educational Learning Game for Kids

"This app is fantastic. I upgraded to the full version within the same day to get access to 500+ additional unique phrases and sentences." Not ready to buy…. no problem… try Sentence Maker for FREE and find out why...

Price: Free Developer: Innovative Investments Limited

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