Top 19 Education Apps Like Aspire AC - Best Alternatives

Aspire AC Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Aspire AC alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Education apps that are similar to Aspire AC. Pick one from this list to be your new Aspire AC app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Aspire AC on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Aspire AC - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Aspire AC alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Aspire AC 2025.

Aspire Generation

Aspire Generation

The Aspire Generation is a community of young people connected by their aspiration to make a difference through community service and leadership. They are the givers, the dreamers, the doers and the leaders who passionately pursue opportunities to address...

Price: Free Developer: La Trobe University
Aspire Nursery

Aspire Nursery

NOTE: This application access is restricted to Aspire Nursery students and parents. Key Features: ------------------ * Keeping you up to date on the Aspire Nursery announcements. **About Aspire Nursery** Vision: -------- We inspire curiosity, independence and a life-long love of learning to help our children...

Price: Free Developer: Mostafa ElShafei
Aspire MDS

Aspire MDS

Aspire MDS has been developed as an institute providing quality and dependable guidance to the students preparing for various competitive exams like ALL INDIA POST GRADUATE DENTAL ENTRANCE EXAM,AIIMS,PGI. Our innovative teaching methodology and quality teaching has made us one of the...

Price: Free Developer: Ginger Webs Pvt. Ltd.
Aspire Professional Consult

Aspire Professional Consult

Aspire Professional Consult Student Application contains online study materials for ICAG students in Ghana to access in document and media format. Get access to Summary Notes, Special Notes, Questions, and E-Learning contents on IFRS, Advanced Audit & Assurance, Case Study,...

Price: Free Developer: Samuel Jr. Berkoh
Aspire Global Education

Aspire Global Education

We at, Aspire Global Education strive towards excellence, ensuring quality education and best results. Specialized coaching is available for tests such as GMAT, GRE, SAT, IELTS, TOEFL and Spoken English. We have developed a rigorous testing practice for our...

Price: Free Developer: Digiproton Technologies Private Limited


Aspire UPIT este aplicația prin care îți poți rezerva un loc de studiu sau o sală de curs într-un mod facil. Tot ce trebuie să faci este să-ți creezi un cont fie că ești student sau profesor în cadrul...

Price: Free Developer: Cosmin Zah
ASPIRE | Guardian

ASPIRE | Guardian

Aspire Guardian Apps has been developed to keep parents updated with their child academic information as well as campus events and important notices. Following are the notable features being provided. 1- Attendance 2- Leave Management 3- Student Academic Performance 4-...

Price: Free Developer: Shahan Sarwar
Bridge Education Group

Bridge Education Group

At Bridge Education Group We aspire to inspire and believe in the creation of successful careers and not just the achievement of study visas. We offer complete customer solutions visa and Coaching concerns. We nurture each case with the...

Price: Free Developer: gagan rai
FSM Teacher

FSM Teacher

We at Furtados School of Music are passionate about bringing quality music education to all children and etch a deeper impact on how music education is imparted. We aspire to be the most trusted organisation in music education for...

Price: Free Developer: Furtados School Music PVT.
Circuit AC/DC

Circuit AC/DC

With Circuit AC / DC build and solve an electrical circuit with the following types of components:    Voltage sources.    Current Sources.    Resistances    Inductors    Capacitors Circuit AC / DC has the following features: Solves circuits of alternating...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: William Sanchez
AC Generator 3D Lab Pro

AC Generator 3D Lab Pro

About An open source physics at Singapore simulation based on codes written by Fu-Kwun Hwang and Loo Kang WEE. more resources can be found here Introduction Electric generators turn motion into alternating-current electric power by exploiting electromagnetic induction. This AC generator...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: loo kang wee
AC Board

AC Board

== 新機能追加!! == カメラで撮影した付箋の形を認識して、 複数のカードを取り込めるようになりました! カードの追加から「スキャン」で利用できます。 == 授業で役立つちょっと便利なツール群「AssistClassシリーズ」第二弾!! == 協働学習やKJ法のようなディスカッションに利用できるツールです。 写真撮影した画像やPDFをカードにしてiPad上のボードに自由に配置することができます。 さらに複数のiPadを連結させることで、ひとつの大きなボードとしてカードの共有・交換を行うことができます。 1. 屋外授業で生徒がiPadを使って植物などの写真カードを作成 2. 教室に戻ったら班ごとにiPadを連結してカードの種類分けと意見交換を行う 3. AirPlayを使って連結中のボード全体をスクリーンに映して班ごとに発表 4. AirPrintを使ってボード全体を印刷してバインダーに保管
 - ボードと呼ばれる画面上に、画像やPDFといったカードを自由に配置できます - カードは直感的な操作で移動・回転・拡大/縮小ができます - ボードやカードは、色・透明度や表面の質感を変更できます - カード上には手描きメモを描いたり、自由な位置にテキスト入力をすることができます - 付箋などをカメラで撮影するとスキャンしてカードとして取り込むことができます - シンプルな操作で複数の端末を連結し、大画面にして利用できます >> 最大8台まで接続可能です(環境によって接続数が低減する場合があります) >> iPadの枠を超えてカードを移動・拡大することができます >> サイズの違う端末同士でもサイズ調整されて表示されます >> 接続時の鍵を設定することで、見知らぬ第三者からの接続を防ぐこともできます - AirPlayやVGAコネクタを使って、ボードやカードをスクリーンに表示することもできます - 作成したボードは画像やPDFで保存したり、印刷したりすることができます - ボードは複数作成可能。フォルダ分けにももちろん対応しています 使い方はあなた次第。 様々な用途で利用できるかも!?

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: NIPPON INFORMATION CO.,LTD.
AC Lions

AC Lions

The AC Lions app keeps you connected with the district, from the front office to your student's classroom. Get news, announcements, calendars, and even grades and attendance straight from the source.

Price: Free Developer: Ascension Christian School


Peri-Operative Labyrinth: Anesthesia Crisis (POL-AC) application help student to learn how to manage common emergency anesthesia condition in Thai language including knowledge, technical skills, and non-technical skills.

Price: Free Developer: Khon Kaen University


Learn more in less time with Synap! Synap is an intelligent revision app used by thousands of students and teachers across the world. It lets you create, practice and share Multiple Choice Quizzes (MCQs) with your friends, and creates a...

Price: Free Developer: MyLabs
Pharma Compounds

Pharma Compounds

This app has been designed to be used as a learning tool for As Level Chemistry and Biology students for use in a research Keele University research project that aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Augmented Reality in science...

Price: Free Developer: University of Keele
Teacher Class123

Teacher Class123

Class123 is a free classroom management tool with various classroom tools and communication features. Class123 is both available on app and on desktop.( ● Give meaningful feedback - Give instant feedback to your students from your mobile or...

Price: Free Developer: Bravepops Company


QuantIC is the UK Quantum Technology Hub in Quantum Enhanced Imaging and we’re working on new technologies that uses quantum physics – the physics of the smallest values such as atoms and photons to make the invisible visible. ...

Price: Free Developer: Luma 3d Interactive

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