Top 20 Entertainment Apps Like Cinema Aventura - Best Alternatives

Cinema Aventura Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Cinema Aventura alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Entertainment apps that are similar to Cinema Aventura. Pick one from this list to be your new Cinema Aventura app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Cinema Aventura on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Cinema Aventura - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Cinema Aventura alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Cinema Aventura 2025.

SF Cinema

SF Cinema

The most convenience application to book/buy/check showtimes for the SF Cinema. A simple app that can help you to check the showtimes, closest location, most recent showtimes, order popcorn or combo-set, and much more! You can also check out new...

Price: Free Developer: SF Cinema City Co.,Ltd.
Smart Cinema USA

Smart Cinema USA

Watch the latest theatrical Chinese movies here! Feature: -Authentic film experience with 2K projection -Movies on Smart Cinema USA have English and Chinese subtitles. -Sync commentary version to provide professional comments for specific audience. -Airplay is available. Smart Cinema USA, a direct-to-consumer mobile...

Price: Free Developer: Smart Cinema USA Inc.
Celebration! Cinema

Celebration! Cinema

“Something that, conveniently enough, lies in your pocket.” – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, 2001 It’s the official free Celebration! Cinema app! Features: C! Rewards are available on the App! You can now log in or create a C!...

Price: Free Developer: Celebration Cinema
Christian Cinema

Christian Cinema

With easy access to your library of rented and purchased movies across multiple devices, watch anywhere and anytime. With new films added every week, find new releases and new discoveries; dramas, documentaries, short films, educational and more. Chosen from...

Price: Free Developer: Christian Cinema, LLC
Inspire Cinema

Inspire Cinema

Afiseaza programul filmelor din cinematograful Inspire Cinema din Craiova. Permite rezervarea si cumpararea de locuri pentru spectacolele din program direct de pe telefonul mobil. Prezinta detalii despre filmele care ruleaza in cinematograf, ofera posibilitatea de a vizualiza tarilere si...

Cinema City 9

Cinema City 9

The Cinema City 9 app features daily showtimes and coming soon attractions. The app provides instant access to available showtimes, tickets, and theatre information. Get the latest showtime information and promotional notifications. Never miss another show!

Price: Free Developer: Cinema City 9
Cinema La Plata

Cinema La Plata

Aplicación oficial de la cadena de complejos de cine "Cinema La Plata". Podrás consultar la cartelera cinematográfica, y obtener información detallada y actualizada de todas las películas que estamos proyectando en nuestros complejos. También podrás comprar tu entrada online, abonando en...

Price: Free Developer: Cinema La Plata
Cinema Trivale

Cinema Trivale

Afiseaza programul filmelor din cinematograful Cinema Trivale din Pitesti. Permite rezervarea de locuri pentru spectacolele din program direct de pe telefonul mobil. Prezinta detalii despre filmele care ruleaza in cinematograf si ofera posibulitatea vizionarii trailer-ului. Rezervarile pot fi...

Oscar Cinema

Oscar Cinema

About Us COMPANY OVERVIEW Oscar Cinema LLC was established by Mr. M. M. Kabeer, Managing Director & Founder, at Al Ain, Abu Dhabi in 2004. “Club Cinema” (renamed later as Oscar Cinema), a Single screen movie hall with 800+ seats, was...

Price: Free Developer: MITE Solutions FZC
We Love Cinema

We Love Cinema

We Love Cinema è l’app per chi il cinema lo fa, lo segue e lo ama, punto di riferimento per tutti gli appassionati. Novità e approfondimenti sui film in uscita, le produzioni cinematografiche, i mestieri del cinema, con un occhio...

Price: Free Developer: BNL S.p.A.
Tèrra Aventura

Tèrra Aventura

Experience the thrill of an amazing treasure hunt ! Take one hiking GPS, the very best of the Terra Aventura universe*, 400 epic quests and what do you get? New Aquitaine’s official Geocaching Mobile App! Main features : • Discover 400...

Price: Free Developer: Comite Regional du Tourisme Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Pena Aventura Park

Pena Aventura Park

O Pena Aventura Park, em Ribeira da Pena, é a melhor opção para quem procura novas emoções, mais adrenalina e momentos ao ar livre. Com atividades Lúdicas e de Desportos Aventura, o Pena Aventura Park assume-se como um parque para...

Price: Free Developer: SecularFragment,LDA
Port Aventura

Port Aventura

Plan your visit to PortAventura and don’t miss a thing! This app will help you to get the most out of your stay at Spain's biggest themed resort. Come and discover Ferrari Land! Here you will see what everyone has...

Price: Free Developer: Port Aventura Entertainment S.A.
Elige tu aventura

Elige tu aventura

(De Wikipedia) Elige tu aventura es el nombre de una serie de libros juveniles de hiperficción explorativa, también conocidos como «librojuegos»,1 en los que el lector toma decisiones sobre la forma de actuar que tienen los personajes y modifica así...

Price: Free Developer: alejandro capel cristobal
Recicla Kids - Aventura 1

Recicla Kids - Aventura 1

Conheça a turma Recicla Kids! Aventura 1“Recicla Kids em Um sopro de esperança” Criada pelo sábio “Sr. Chen”, em um planeta muito distante, a turma de cinco super-heróis nascia para combater as maldades e artimanhas desse vilão e, assim, proteger...

Price: Free Developer: BRE Comercio de Livros Ltda
Recicla Kids - Aventura 2

Recicla Kids - Aventura 2

Venha com a gente desvendar um mistério nessa aventura: "O desaparecimento da Vidrolina!" Nossa turminha, mais uma vez, se empenha na missão de descobrir o que aconteceu com essa heroína. Será que ela está em apuros? Será que isso é...

Price: Free Developer: BRE Comercio de Livros Ltda
Tokororo Aventura Park

Tokororo Aventura Park

Tocororo Aventura Park es un parque de ocio infantil perfecto para disfrutar en familia y está ubicado en San Sebastián de los Reyes. Se trata de un espacio fantástico para pasar el tiempo de ocio en familia y realizar...

Price: Free Developer: Gooveris Software
Aventura del Nautilus

Aventura del Nautilus

Pioneers in boat trips to the Medes Islands. The Nautilus Adventure was pioneering in showing you the seabed of the Medes Islands thanks to our unique fleet with underwater viewing. Today, we continue to be one of the most popular activities...

Price: Free Developer: CodiTramuntana SL
Amila eta urrezko orrazia

Amila eta urrezko orrazia

El playbook de “Amila eta Urrezko Orrazia” es una aventura gráfica, un libro digital, un videojuego, una herramienta pedagógica que nos descubrirá los secretos de la mitología vasca, una aplicación para abordar la alfabetización digital… El proyecto persigue desarrollar...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Baleuko

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