Do you want to find the best MOS Universal Player alternatives for iOS? We have listed 27 Education apps that are similar to MOS Universal Player. Pick one from this list to be your new MOS Universal Player app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to MOS Universal Player on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid MOS Universal Player alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 27 similar apps like MOS Universal Player 2025.
MOS Player for iPad is a learning app that lets you follow your eLearning courses on your iPad, anytime and anywhere you want. Whether you are travelling or simply offline, you access your eLearning courses on your iPad anywhere and...
Pane e Mos Maiorum è l'app creata da chi è cresciuto tra una versione di latino e una di greco. Abbiamo raccolto tante versioni di qualità e approfondimenti dettagliati sugli autori, sulle loro vite e sulle loro opere. Pane e...
The application allows you to listen to audio essays to photos of old and modern Moscow in the album "Moscow time" (the album can be bought on the site The basis for the publication of 79 pairs of...
Learn how to use spreadsheets like a pro with this collection of 196 easy to follow video lessons and guides. Lessons include: Excel 2013 Tutorial - Basic Graph Excel 2013 Tutorial - Copy Cut Paste paste without formatting Excel 2013 Tutorial - Order...
myVRC is a customizable smartphone application designed to support student veterans in their transition to higher education. The app offers an organized approach to the often confusing pathways in academia and assists veterans with their new mission - achieving...
Çfarë është MATU? Matu është platformë online që shërben për përgatitje për testin e maturës. Kujt i shërben MATU? Matu i shërben të gjithë nxënësve të cilët janë lodhur nga përdorimi i metodave klasike për përgatitjen e provimit të maturës. Në MATU...
This Animated book makes kids want to read! The Pacha Alive app brings the softcover book – Pacha's Pajamas: A Story Written by Nature – to life. Hovering the Pacha Alive app over illustrations in the book brings the illustrations...
Alfabeti Shqip është aplikacionn edukativ për fëmijë, i cili përmban të gjitha shkronjat e alfabetit shqip me anë të ilustrimeve dhe narracionit atraktiv që e bëjnë aplikacionin shumë të dobishëm për fëmijët dhe njëkohësisht shumë më të kapshëm për mësim. Mëso...
Приложение «AR-квесты МЦКО» — это уникальный образовательный проект, соавтором которого может стать любой желающий. Путешествия, экскурсии и уроки в городе станут значительно интереснее если использовать технологии дополненной реальности. Увидеть, что было на этом месте несколько лет назад или будет в...
Universal Notes is the most comprehensive study and assessment tool for medical students in the world. Overview : Universal Notes contains a complete collection of well-organized and searchable medical school notes for all years of training with a built...
Universal Zoom provides you with a superpower of seeing the invisible! Discover the world around us from the tiniest subatomic particles to the most prominent space structures known to science. Learn about the units of measurement (metric & imperial)...
Universal Aviation Training Platform is an easy-to-use hosted Learning Management System (LMS) for Flight Crew. Access your Computer Based Training on the go without leaving the familiar iPad interface. Take your courses with you and continue your training from home...
READ 180 just got even better. After decades of extensive, ongoing research and development, we’re proud to introduce READ 180 Universal – the NEW comprehensive blended learning solution for Grades 4 and up. Respectful and engaging for struggling...
Co:Writer® Universal app and third-party keyboard gives students easy access to word prediction on iPad, iPad Pro, iPhone, and iPod Touch. Students simply sign in to their Co:Writer Universal accounts to write with their personal settings and vocabulary. ABOUT...
Universal Education is the only company that offers 100% live accredited courses that can be taken anywhere in the world! Whether you are a student or a professional, you can and will learn from carefully selected faculty with...
Universal Convent School is a complete school automation system. It's features and functionalities is not only limited to school admin but also facilitates parents, teachers, students and school vehicle transporters. Universal Convent School for Parents- Does my child reached school? What is...
The Universal Academy app by SchoolInfoApp enables parents, students, teachers and administrators to quickly access the resources, tools, news and information to stay connected and informed! The Universal Academy app by SchoolInfoApp features: - Important school and class news and announcements -...
Universal Convent is the app made for Universal Convent's students and their parents to manage and to have a look on the student's activities in school. Some of the features of app are : - Leave Management - Attendance Management - Complaint/Feedback - Fees...
Il Raffaello Player è l’applicazione che permette di visionare i testi digitali M.I.O. Book del Gruppo Editoriale Raffaello. Trovi ulteriori informazioni su Per assistenza scrivici a [email protected] o visita il centro di supporto:
Download the free Ability mLearning Player app for smartphones and tablets to bring mobile learning to LearnerWeb Enterprise LMS and Ability LMS customers. Ability mLearning Player provides organizations with an easy way to deliver training content to any user...
Gracias por utilizar Speed Up! Speed Up! Player es un aplicación gratuita que te permite tener acceso a los audios de la serie de libros Speed Up! de Eduvisión. Los archivos de audio fueron grabados por hablantes nativos de inglés en...
Keybox Player - AutoScript 는 어학 연습시 듣기구간 설정의 불편함을 혁신적으로 해결한 구간반복(찍찍이) 어학반복학습기입니다. - 특허출원 AI 기술 - 10-2018-0005018 (등록번호) Keybox Player - AutoScript 는 무료앱입니다. 듣기연습을 무료로 무제한 할 수 있습니다. * 자동 스크립트 추출 시에는 1일 3회 광고시청후...
▶ PallyCon(팰리컨) Player는 학습 강의에 필요한 최적의 기능을 탑재한 플레이어로 쉽고 편리하게 학습 동영상을 이용할 수 있습니다. ▶ 모바일 사이트와 연동되어 별도의 앱 개발 없이도 온라인 학습에 필요한 다양한 기능과 우수한 보안 기능을 모두 제공합니다. ▶ SD급 화질 동영상(MP4)을 IOS 全단말에서...
The HMH Player® app** bridges formal and informal learning time, redefining digital and classroom instruction as we know it. With the ability to customize and present dynamic lessons, the app seamlessly merges technology with instruction offering a way...
Read interactive digital/work/course books (produced with MyBookMachine Editor) on your iPad or your iPhone. You or your pupils/readers/learners can easily read and work through the living multimedia interactive books, workbooks, coursebooks etc. produced by MyBookMachine Editor. To remind you: MyBookMachine...
Absorb LMS Offline Player The Absorb LMS Offline Player gives you, as a learner, the opportunity to take your online courses even when you’re offline. Download your course while you’re connected and you can learn on a plane, in the...
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