Top 48 Entertainment Apps Like Master craft for Minecraft PE - Best Alternatives

Master craft for Minecraft PE Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Master craft for Minecraft PE alternatives for iOS? We have listed 48 Entertainment apps that are similar to Master craft for Minecraft PE. Pick one from this list to be your new Master craft for Minecraft PE app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Master craft for Minecraft PE on your iOS devices.

Top 48 Apps Like Master craft for Minecraft PE - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Master craft for Minecraft PE alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 48 similar apps like Master craft for Minecraft PE 2025.

View-Master® Discovery Underwater

View-Master® Discovery Underwater

View-Master® Discovery Underwater ***A View-Master® Virtual Reality Viewer or other Google Cardboard compatible viewer is required. *** View-Master®: Discovery Underwater is not optimized for the iPhone 5 or iPhone 5c. Plunge into a whole new world beneath the waves with the...

Price: Free Developer: Mattel, Inc.
View-Master® Destinations

View-Master® Destinations

Travel the World’s Destinations in Virtual Reality with View-Master®: Destinations! ***A View-Master® Virtual Reality Viewer or other Google Cardboard compatible viewer is required. *** View-Master®: Destinations is not optimized for the iPhone 5 or iPhone 5c. View-Master®: Destinations allows you...

Price: Free Developer: Mattel, Inc.
View-Master® National Geographic Dinosaurs

View-Master® National Geographic Dinosaurs

***A View-Master® Virtual Reality Viewer or other Google Cardboard compatible viewer is required. *** View-Master®: National Geographic Dinosaurs is not optimized for the iPhone 5 or iPhone 5c. Encounter massive dinosaurs with the Virtual Reality View-Master®! View-Master®: National Geographic Dinosaurs takes...

Price: Free Developer: Mattel, Inc.


***需要 View-Master® 恐龙世界,或其他与 Google Cardboard 兼容的眼镜。 ***View-Master®:《国家地理恐龙》(National Geographic Dinosaurs) 并未针对 iPhone 5 或 iPhone 5c 进行优化。 戴上虚拟现实 View-Master®,与众多大型恐龙面对面! View-Master®:《国家地理恐龙》(National Geographic Dinosaurs) 会带您回到由恐龙统治陆地的史前时代。通过全景视图和逼真的音效,在众多大型恐龙的自然栖息地与它们面对面,使您获得身临其境之感。您可以用照片捕捉它们的动作,然后保存在您的智能手机中。您可以畅玩一款惊心动魄的互动生存游戏,在其中猎取食物,并避免被捕食! 您可以观看恐龙展览,并从每个角度研究这些恐龙,《国家地理》庞大的档案馆中丰富的照片和笔记是您了解它们的得力工具。探索所有这些内容的同时,您还能够定制恐龙的皮肤。 将您自己置身于令人惊叹的 360 度图景中,给您带来被完全包围的体验。向上看、向下看、环顾四周 -- 无论您向哪个方向转动,都能看到相应的画面,因为您是以“虚拟方式”站在环境之中! 此体验包经过专门设计,不但可与 View-Master® 虚拟现实眼镜(单独销售)搭配以发挥最佳效果,而且还与任何 Google Cardboard 眼镜兼容。只需下载应用,将您的智能手机插入眼镜,View-Master® 就能变成一个门户,通向令您身临其境的虚拟现实冒险,将您传送到世界各地,甚至超越时空。 快来看看吧。您一定会对自己能够看到的画面感到难以置信! • 戴上 View-Master® 虚拟现实眼镜(单独销售)进入虚拟现实世界。有了《国家地理恐龙》(National Geographic Dinosaurs) 体验包,您可以尽情探索恐龙王国! • View-Master®:《国家地理恐龙》(National Geographic...

Price: Free Developer: Mattel, Inc.
Master A Million

Master A Million

Compatible with the original Master A Million™ ball and the new Master A Million™ 2.0 Bluetooth ball. Master a Million™ is the million bounce ball that challenges you to see how fast you can reach a million. The app tracks...

Price: Free Developer: Gramercy Consultants
Supreme Master Television

Supreme Master Television

This is the official app for Supreme Master Television. Supreme Master Television is an international, non-profit channel airing constructive news and programs that foster peace and promote healthy, green living. Our free-to-air channel offers high-quality and relevant shows around the...

Price: Free Developer: Supreme Master Television
Stack Master

Stack Master

Stack Master is a stack training application. To learn a stack, best option from my perspective, are the flash cards. There are some awesome flash cards applications but I wanted something "stack oriented", easy and fun, that runs on my...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Devious-Monkey
View-Master® Batman Animated VR

View-Master® Batman Animated VR

***A View-Master® Virtual Reality Viewer or other Google Cardboard compatible viewer is required. *** View-Master®: Batman Animated VR is not optimized for the iPhone 5 or iPhone 5c. Explore the Batcave in immersive VR and see the Batmobile, the Trophy...

Price: Free Developer: Mattel, Inc.
Master Kits

Master Kits

Control por Bluetooth de Brazo Robótico y o WiFi

Price: Free Developer: Innovacion Master
View-Master® National Geographic Wildlife

View-Master® National Geographic Wildlife

Go on Safari with the Virtual Reality View-Master®! ***A View-Master® Virtual Reality Viewer or other Google Cardboard compatible viewer is required. *** View-Master®: National Geographic Wildlife is not optimized for the iPhone 5, iPhone 5c or iPhone 4S and will...

Price: Free Developer: Mattel, Inc.
Create Smart Craft

Create Smart Craft

This App is designed to be used in conjunction with the Create Smart Craft DIY Craft Kits. Firstly you should make the craft following the instructions and using the pieces included in your Create Smart Craft Kit. Once the...

Price: Free Developer: Imagine Craft Pty Ltd
Indy Craft Brew

Indy Craft Brew

The official Indy Craft Brew app! This app contains all the powers of our website and more! Check out what's brewing locally, some Indy craft highlights and some occasional discounts at places around Indiana.

Price: Free Developer: Indy Craft Brew
Craft Fidget Spinner: Workshop

Craft Fidget Spinner: Workshop

Dip into the exciting atmosphere of this trendy device – fidget spinner! Here you can not only watch it swiping in different ways, but also craft your own one! Learn some schemes, add some unique details and be ready...

Price: Free Developer: Kseniya Vazilyuk
Cube Escape Games:FIND THE CRAFT

Cube Escape Games:FIND THE CRAFT

Welcome to Escape Games:FIND THE CRAFT, a physical puzzle game within a beautifully tactile world.Easy to begin yet hard to put down, enjoy a unique mix of intriguing puzzles with a simple user interface. A haunting soundtrack coupled with...

Price: Free Developer: Xiling Gong
Paper Cut Craft

Paper Cut Craft

Cut the paper through the lines to see some figure in the end – that’s awesome! Rounds, cubes, squares, stars, dogs, cats, hands… there are so many geometry (and not only) patterns here! Just be accurate, exact and careful...

Price: Free Developer: Daria Pavlyuk
Craft Skin and Maps Editor

Craft Skin and Maps Editor

Do not like ready-made skins? Do you want to create different images of your characters: terrible for horror maps, funny for adventure maps, courageous for battle for survival? Then download cool Craft Skin and Maps editor, feel like a...

Price: Free Developer: Andrew Abramovich
Keith Preene Craft Beer Tour

Keith Preene Craft Beer Tour

Craft beer stories straight to your ears for less than the price of a pint! G'day, I'm Keith. I love beer. My mate Brian told me about this new craft beer thing and I thought I'd go have a...

Price: Free Developer: Kris Herbert
MI Art Coast Craft Beer Festival

MI Art Coast Craft Beer Festival

The official app of MI Art Coast Craft Beer Festival! WThe Michigan Art Coast Craft Beer, Food & Art Festival will take place on June 17-18 in Douglas, Michigan. Entry fees are $30 on line and $35 at gate....

Price: Free Developer: Fest Buddy
Milka Biscuit Craft

Milka Biscuit Craft

Nešto se sprema na magičnim Alpima! Milka heroji te pozivaju da zakoračiš u svet mašte i uz njihovu pomoć stekneš nova znanja i probudiš kreativnost. Milka Biscuit Craft je mala alpska radionica koja igračima omogućava da demostriraju svoj talenat ukrašavajući...

Price: Free Developer: MONDELEZ GLOBAL LLC
Morton Arboretum Craft Beer Festival

Morton Arboretum Craft Beer Festival

The official app of the The Morton Arboretum Craft Beer Festival. Use this handy App before and during the festival to: * View which Breweries are attending * View which beers they will be sharing, rate and take notes on them. * Mark...

Price: Free Developer: Fest Buddy
Reporting for Duty

Reporting for Duty

* An interactive experience by Produced Moon for Manchester Science Festival* DATE: Wednesday 25 October TIME: 11.00–16.00 PRICE: Free. Drop in any time AGE RESTRICTIONS: 10 and older It's the Second World War, and the warship Eva Maria is about to be destroyed by...

Price: Free Developer: Melanie Phillips
jflicks for cord cutters

jflicks for cord cutters

The jflicks for cord cutters app allows one to watch and schedule recordings from your local TV channels from the comfort of your device. You can enjoy your shows on a big screen TV using AirPlay. Along...

Price: Free Developer: Douglas J Barnum
App for VK - невидимка для ВКонтакте (ВК)

App for VK - невидимка для ВКонтакте (ВК)

Клиент для социальной сети VK. Вы сможете: *** ПРОСМАТРИВАТЬ ГОСТЕЙ (прим. Гостями могут быть только пользователи App For VK) *** Просматривать ленту новостей *** Общаться с друзьями *** Слушать радио *** Просматривать профили друзей *** Многое другое и все это в режиме Невидимки Сделано с душой...

Price: Free Developer: Batyr Kanzitdinov
Art For Kids Hub

Art For Kids Hub

Subscribe and get instant access to our massive library of art lessons, but without any of those annoying ads and suggested inappropriate videos. Keep your family or classroom focused safely on art! We’re also adding exclusive art foundational lessons just...

Price: Free Developer: Art For Kids LLC
Clock for Minecraft

Clock for Minecraft

This is a a valuable gift for the original MINECRAFT game lovers to know the actual time in the game. MINECRAFT is a sanbox indie game originally created by Swedish programmer Markus Persson and later developed and published by...

Price: Free Developer: Motion 9 Studios, LLC
Coloring Book for Me

Coloring Book for Me

Plunge into a fairy world of coloring with the Coloring Book for Me app, a perfect tool to relax, while the time away and release your inner artist. Find joy and color your stress away! Coloring Book for Me brings...

Price: Free Developer: Apalon Apps
Customy Themes for Minecraft

Customy Themes for Minecraft

Create your own themes for Minecraft PE. Customize your home page with Wallpapers, Colors, Buttons, Sounds and Fonts. You have hundreds of possibilities to create your custom theme. Make your Minecraft Pocket Edition unique and exclusive. This is the only app that creates...

Price: Free Developer: KISSAPP, S.L.
DOS for TV

DOS for TV

Here comes DOS for Apple TV, where old meets new! Some people say that DOS will never die, and here's the proof. DOS (Disk Operating System) is not old, it is ancient, but all the same still alive an kicking. And it...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Harry bachmann
Edition for Social Video

Edition for Social Video

The Only Edition Facebook Videos App. Watch Facebook Videos - All your facebook videos in one place. No PC, Mac or iTunes needed! Facebook has lots of interesting videos but there is no direct simple option to easily find just the...

Price: Free Developer: Kapil Kumar
Edmonds Center for the Arts

Edmonds Center for the Arts

Edmonds Center for the Arts (ECA) opened its doors to the public in 2006. ECA, a non-profit organization hired by the City of Edmonds Public Facilities District, manages the facility. ECA presents an array of outstanding performing artists from...

Price: Free Developer: Edmonds Center for the Arts
Skins AR for Minecraft

Skins AR for Minecraft

The best skins for Minecraft PE & PC. NEW: Print your favorite skins All skins are organized by categories so you can do better your searches (New, Top, Girls, Boys, Animals, Heroes, Love, Professions, Games, People, Fantasy, Mobs ...) With Skins AR...

Price: Free Developer: KISSAPP, S.L.
Comic Maker for Minecraft

Comic Maker for Minecraft

Create your own Minecraft comics with Comic Maker for Minecraft! Turn your own photos of Minecraft figures into panel-by-panel adventures, sketches, and skits using sound effects, stickers, game backgrounds, and more! Plus there’s even more content to unlock with...

Price: Free Developer: Mattel, Inc.
Addons Builder for Minecraft PE

Addons Builder for Minecraft PE

Build your own Addon easily and simply. Customize your addon with multiple combinations. You can create millions of different addons. Features: - Choose from over 30 Mobs - Create your own list of addons to use when you want - Imports Minecraft with just...

Price: Free Developer: KISSAPP, S.L.
Amazing Seeds for Minecraft

Amazing Seeds for Minecraft

Amazing Seeds for Minecraft now includes seeds for Pocket Edition, traditional PC, MacOS and Xbox 360 versions of Minecraft! ---- Amazing Seeds for Minecraft has the very best Minecraft Seeds collection anywhere. Our Minecraft Seeds are carefully curated, hand picked Minecraft seeds....

Price: Free Developer: Flamethrower
Amazing Seeds for Minecraft Pro Edition

Amazing Seeds for Minecraft Pro Edition

50% off, for a limited time! ---- Amazing Seeds for Minecraft features the very best Minecraft Seeds collection anywhere. These are carefully curated, hand picked Minecraft seeds. We test each and every seed before we include them...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Flamethrower
Girls Skins For Minecraft PE (Pocket Edition) & Minecraft PC

Girls Skins For Minecraft PE (Pocket Edition) & Minecraft PC

Best Girls Skins for Minecraft Pocket Edition & Minecraft PC, 3000+ best girls skins all FREE downloads. Choose the Best Girl skins and set them as your own skin in Minecraft PE or Minecraft PC. We will updates more high quality...

Price: Free Developer: mobsub
Boy Skins 2 for Minecraft PE & PC ( Free )

Boy Skins 2 for Minecraft PE & PC ( Free )

*** FIND AWESOME MINECRAFT SKIN *** Have you ever wanted to have awesome skin in Minecraft? Or just have Minecraft skin in free? There are 5000+ Minecraft skins in this app. You can get free Minecraft Skins everyday!!! Features: * Explore...

Price: Free Developer: Yong Mi
Cool Songs App For Minecraft (Fun Parodies - Sounds and Music)

Cool Songs App For Minecraft (Fun Parodies - Sounds and Music)

-- THE BEST MINECRAFT SONGS APP in the App Store ! ---- These are some of the best Minecraft music and parodies based on the popular game Minecraft. We have hand picked a good selection of them. GET IT NOW!! ========...

Price: Free Developer: Jamil Metibaa
Multiplayer Servers for Minecraft PE & PC w Mods

Multiplayer Servers for Minecraft PE & PC w Mods

*** 50% OFF FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY *** *** EXCLUSIVE MULTIPLAYER SERVERS WITH THIS APP (updated hourly)*** *** Nº1 MULTIPLAYER SERVERS FOR MINECRAFT PE & PC (OVER 750 IN PE!!)*** Download this fantastic app now and you will have all of...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: KISSAPP, S.L.
Pocket Maps for Minecraft PE Game

Pocket Maps for Minecraft PE Game

EXPLORE the absolute BEST Minecraft PE Maps available right now! With this app you are ensured to get the very best of MCPE Maps built by the Best MCPE builders! Have you ever wanted custom maps for your Minecraft...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Zhuang Liu
Animated Boy Skins for Minecraft PE FREE

Animated Boy Skins for Minecraft PE FREE

Animated Boy Skins for Minecraft PE HAND-PICKED & DESIGNED BY PROFESSIONAL DESIGNERS If you are a Minecraft Player and looking for the best app to search for your new Boy Skins, "Animated Boy Skins for Minecraft PE" is the perfect...

Price: Free Developer: Indira Mehta
Aphmau Skins for Minecraft PE

Aphmau Skins for Minecraft PE

Aphmau Skins for Minecraft PE HAND-PICKED & DESIGNED BY PROFESSIONAL DESIGNERS If you are a Minecraft Player and looking for the best app to search for your new Aphmau Skins, "Aphmau Skins for Minecraft PE" is the perfect app to...

Price: Free Developer: Nisha Mehta
Best 3D Animal Skins for Minecraft PE

Best 3D Animal Skins for Minecraft PE

Best 3D Animal skins for minecraft PE HAND-PICKED & DESIGNED BY PROFESSIONAL DESIGNERS If you are a minecraft Player and looking for the best app to search for your new animal skins, "Best 3D Animal skins for minecraft PE" is...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Shailesh Makadia
Multiplayer for Minecraft PE Server Pocket Edition

Multiplayer for Minecraft PE Server Pocket Edition

*** 50% OFF FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY *** Add any Minecraft PE server fast and easily. THOUSANDS of the best multiplayer servers for Minecraft PE! Survival, Hunger Games, Economy, and many more types of servers. Playing Minecraft alone can get...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Jewelsapps S. L.
Servers for Minecraft PE - New

Servers for Minecraft PE - New

This app allows you to find and advertise Minecraft Pocket Edition Servers in a fast and easy manner. This app contains a list of server addresses for Servers For Minecraft PE. Use this app to find the best servers for minecraft...

Price: Free Developer: Rascal Gaming
Skins FNAF Edition For Minecraft PE

Skins FNAF Edition For Minecraft PE

**** NOW YOU CAN GET FNAF SKINS ON MINECRAFT PE **** If you are a Minecraft player and you're looking for the best app for FNAF skins, this is the perfect app to grab. You'll get top of the line...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: BlueGenesisApps
Baby Skins for Minecraft PE

Baby Skins for Minecraft PE

Baby Skins for Minecraft PE HAND-PICKED & DESIGNED BY PROFESSIONAL DESIGNERS If you are a Minecraft Player and looking for the best app to search for your new Baby Skins, "Baby Skins for Minecraft PE" is the perfect app to...

Price: Free Developer: Nisha Mehta

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