Do you want to find the best Modern Literal Version - Bible alternatives for iOS? We have listed 38 Book apps that are similar to Modern Literal Version - Bible. Pick one from this list to be your new Modern Literal Version - Bible app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Modern Literal Version - Bible on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Modern Literal Version - Bible alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like Modern Literal Version - Bible 2025.
Read your favorite books in a modern ereader app that is truly enjoyable to use! – Supported ebook formats: The app supports pdf, epub, fb2 and txt. More coming soon. The pdf format is available on devices running iOS 11 or later....
**免費雜誌** 《Modern Home》(摩登家庭) 香港第一本設計及裝飾雜誌,涵蓋全面家居設計資訊。室內設計範例,第一手報道,數量最多;名師家居專訪,展現其人其居;直擊國際展覽,廣闊精確;環球情報,緊貼潮流脈搏;綠色專題,積極響應環保;互動欄目,讀者分享食、住、購物消息;名人專欄,觀點獨到。家居設計、生活品味,應有盡有。 **此平台上的所有雜誌皆為最新出版**
Modern Library Top 100 Novels 1. ULYSSES by James Joyce 2. THE GREAT GATSBY by F. Scott Fitzgerald 3. A PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST AS A YOUNG MAN by James Joyce 4. LOLITA by Vladimir Nabokov 5. BRAVE NEW WORLD by Aldous Huxley 6. THE...
This app is designed to provide you with complete information and guidelines about Food and Drink in Islam and other important food-and-drink-related topics including the importance of distinguishing between Halal (permitted) and Haram (prohibited) foods and its consequent effects...
Hymn Ancient & Modern Hymn Book - Your connection to 'loving' moments. The joyous CAROLS! Hymn Book is that old Ancient & Modern hymns brought on a digital platter to your mobile device. Stop wasting your time searching for the lyrics...
"Read, study and spread the word of God." This amazing FREE Bible app is the best one for church services! It is user-friendly and it so easy to find any verse in a matter of seconds. This King James Version...
This app can download and display all the eBook editions of the Springer Graduate Text 173, Graph Theory, by Reinhard Diestel. The book is currently available in English, German, Chinese, Japanese and Russian. The purchase of any edition in a...
MapleRead is an advanced versatile ebook reader app with plenty of useful customization options. There are 3 editions, SE, CE and CX. SE: EPUB+PDF reader+server CE: EPUB reader CX: EPUB reader demo * SE and CE can run side-by-side via split-view multitasking * Easily transfer...
MapleRead is an advanced versatile ebook reader app with plenty of useful customization options. There are 3 editions, SE, CE and CX. SE: EPUB+PDF reader+server CE: EPUB reader CX: EPUB reader demo * SE and CE can run side-by-side via split-view multitasking * Easily transfer...
Young's Literal Translation (YLT) is a translation of the Bible into English. Young's Literal Translation (YLT) is a translation of the Bible into English. The translation was made by Robert Young, compiler of Young's Analytical Concordance to the Bible and...
The New American Standard Bible (NASB or NAS), completed in 1971, is widely regarded as one of the most literally translated of 20th-century English Bible translations. According to the NASB's preface, the translators had a "Fourfold Aim" in this...
Al-Qur'an (Quran in Indonesian) Al-Qur’ān (ejaan KBBI: Alquran, Arab: القرآن) adalah kitab suci agama Islam. Umat Islam percaya bahwa Al-Qur'an merupakan puncak dan penutup wahyu Allah yang diperuntukkan bagi manusia, dan bagian dari rukun iman, yang disampaikan kepada Nabi Muhammad...
Study the Original Read the Bible in several different Greek Versions: The Byzantine/Majority Text (2000), Tischendorf 8th Ed. (1869), Textus Receptus (1550) with variants of Scrivener 1894, and the Westcott/Hort/USB4 Variants (1881). Parallel Versions are the Authorized (King James) Version...
Bible NASB (Audio) The holy bible with audio New American Standard Bible (NASB). It's free This simple and user friendly app is an easier way to feel God’s word in your heart and to feel heaven closer to you and your...
Portuguese bible NVI (Audio) The holy bible with audio Nova Versão Internacional (NVI). It's free This simple and user friendly app is an easier way to feel God’s word in your heart and to feel heaven closer to you and your...
HOLY BIBLE ( BIBLE KJV ) - FREE Read God's Word without internet. The app was conceived to propagate and make The Christian Bible studies easier through reading and listening anytime and anywhere, with resources such as: Audiobook, Search, Favorite,...
SHIFTER the Interactive Graphic Novel has arrived! Innovative use of parallax animation and interactivity is masterfully woven together to create a multimedia experience of unparalleled scope, featuring the amazing voice talents of **WIL WHEATON**! *** NOTE: Compatible with iPad 2...
This app include version book American Standard-ASV1901 (ASV) Bible in Basic English (BBE) Darby English Bible (DARBY) King James Version (KJV) Webster's Bible (WBT) World English Bible (WEB) Young's Literal Translation (YLT) function of app: read bible bookmark bible history bible search bible setting font and set default version book
"Read, study and spread the word of God." This amazing FREE Bible app is the best one for church services! It is user-friendly and it so easy to find any verse in a matter of seconds. This King James Version...
▶ Don't miss any GAME OF THRONES episode premieres! ▶ Be the first to know when THE WINDS OF WINTER IS FINISHED! Find out the RELEASE DATE thanks to our app and get notified when the BOOK IS AVAILABLE for pre-order/order! ▶...
Bible World English Version(Book and Audio) Please check the application web site for video introduction of the application. The reader application provides the following important customer benefits: ...
The Holy Bible - is a beautiful, easy to use, full featured Bible app designed for quick navigation, easy note taking and powerful Bible study, with the American Standard Version (ASV) and King James Version (KJV) Bible translations. Find...
If you like our reader LoudReader, please go to APP store to search 'Loudreader' for many more great works: Bible (in 10+ different languages) Illustrated Bible Stories by Logan Marshall Illustrated Bible Stories by Mary A. Lathbury History of the United States 30 Politics...
The Amplified Bible (AMP) is an English language translation of the Bible produced jointly by Zondervan (subsidiary of News Corp) and The Lockman Foundation. The first edition was published in 1965. It is largely a revision of the American...
BibleALL - Multi Version Bible provides 1000+ Bible Versions in 40+ languages with many Reading Plans. You can Read, Listen, Play Quiz and Create awesome Bible Quotes and Share your love with Bible Community. Download the free BibleALL -...
The book "English for Primary 3 English Version” includes 44 pages which are compiled according to the purpose "Learning by playing" and in the future we will integrate sound a long with illustrations (for example about illustrating a...
The book "English for Primary 4 English Version” includes 44 pages which are compiled according to the purpose "Learning by playing" and in the future we will integrate sound a long with illustrations (for example about illustrating a...
Experience Sign Language Bibles in an interactive and easy to use interface in various translations featuring skilled signers in sharp, close-up, color video. Immerse yourself in a complete Bible experience; interacting in rich Bible content accessible in sign language....
The Holy Bible - King James Version is a beautiful, easy to use, full featured Tecarta Bible app designed for quick navigation, easy note taking and powerful Bible study. The King James Version (KJV) of the Bible is included with...
Bible Search! is a unique tool that will rejuvenate your personal bible study and truly fulfills the verse, “Seek and you will find”, on a whole nother level. Simply search for any keyword or reference, filter (by book or...
Amharic Bible KJV 3D is a beautiful Ethiopian bible study app, easy to use, full 3D featured bible app designed for quick navigation and powerful Amharic Bible KJV Bible study. Description: By READING the Holy Bible you are letting the...
Bible KJV 3D is a beautiful bible study app, easy to use, full 3D featured bible app designed for quick navigation and powerful Bible KJV 3D Bible study. Description: By READING the Holy Bible you are letting the Words of...
The most complete Bible app on mobile. More than 1200 Bibles are available, in all languages! Join millions of satisfied users in using this app. Read, Listen & Study The Bible - Offline Bible Works offline. Read even without internet access other...
Christmas – Interactive Bible Stories brings the story of the birth of Christ to life for children of all ages: children can engage through the narration and the interactions provided on each scene. This app works on iPad, iPod...
Esther – Interactive Bible Stories brings the story of Esther to life for children of all ages: children can engage through the narration and the interactions provided on each scene. The Bible story, “Esther”, is based on the actual...
Amharic Bible Study is a beautiful bible study app, easy to use, full 3D featured bible app designed for quick navigation and powerful Amharic Bible Study Ethiopian Bible. Description: By READING the Holy Bible you are letting the Words of...
Experience the Bible in a whole new way with AcroBible for the iPhone/iPod touch and iPad. AcroBible KJV puts the entire King James Version of the Bible at your fingertips. The touchscreen interface makes it easy to navigate,...
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