Top 19 Education Apps Like DIN Merchant - Best Alternatives

DIN Merchant Alternatives

Do you want to find the best DIN Merchant alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Education apps that are similar to DIN Merchant. Pick one from this list to be your new DIN Merchant app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to DIN Merchant on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like DIN Merchant - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid DIN Merchant alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like DIN Merchant 2025.

Ad-Din: For Masjid & Madrasah

Ad-Din: For Masjid & Madrasah

Almost every Masjid/Mosque & Madressah/Religious Schools have issues reaching & publishing important details to congregants in the community, and facing challenges within to administer all through papers “Ad-Din Mobile & Web App” features a lot more while addressing above issues KEY...

Price: Free Developer: Immense Inc.
Din Vej+

Din Vej+

Din Vej+ hjælper dig hele vejen i din jobsøgningsproces. Du får adgang til et kontaktmodul, hvor du kan læse og sende breve og beskeder fra og til a-kassen. Derudover får du tips og inspiration, som hjælper vi dig...

Price: Free Developer: Lærernes a-kasse
Advance English Speaking Course - 28 Din Me Sikhe

Advance English Speaking Course - 28 Din Me Sikhe

It is very necessary to know how to speak English in today's world. If you want to learn how to speak English fluently, this learn english in 28 days app will help you achieve your goal. This app includes...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Mo Moin
Anatomi og fysiologi - test din viden

Anatomi og fysiologi - test din viden

Indeholder en MC-testes ca. 450 spørgsmål og 4 svarmuligheder til hver - dog er der kun et rigtigt svar, og grøn markering giver straks rigtigtsvar. Spørgsmålene er kategoriseret i 10 klassiske områder, der traditionelt undervises i på Sygeplejerskeuddannelsen og...

Price: Free Developer: Berit Dahl Nielsen
Doctor Bane 30 din me- Become Doctor in 30 days

Doctor Bane 30 din me- Become Doctor in 30 days

This app is made for the common people to know the various facts and gain knowledge to live a healthy life. This app will teach you most common medical things daily till 30 days which every person should know. Doctors...

Price: Free Developer: Santosh Mishra
Hafte De Din

Hafte De Din

Teach children the days of the week in a fun and playful manner.

Price: Free Developer: Vismaad Mediatech
Matematica-Ceasul din padure

Matematica-Ceasul din padure

În pădure există un ceas mare care este mânuit de animale. Într-o zi, a fost rândul fraților koala să învârtă limbile ceasului. Cu toate acestea, fratele mai mic s-a plictisit și a fugit să se joace cu prietenii săi...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Infomedia Pro S.R.L.
Povestea lui Dinţişor

Povestea lui Dinţişor

- o poveste cu morala - un joc antrenant - planse de colorat Toate acestea intr-un singur program pe telefonul sau pe iPad-ul dumneavoastra, la indemana copilului: “Povestea lui Dintisor”. O poveste cu morala, menita sa convinga copiii sa se spele...

Price: Free Developer: Infomedia Pro S.R.L.


Did you also sometimes wonder how many kinds of different screws are around in the world? Everything is fixed with screws and if you need a replacement screw, you don't even know what's the name of this screw? To...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Tobias Werner
Kryptos Merchant

Kryptos Merchant

Kryptos Merchant App is the merchant site app for restaurants registered with Kryptos. Merchant can process their orders using this app.

Price: Free Developer: Kryptos Mobile
Merchant of Venice - Reader

Merchant of Venice - Reader

Express Publishing Showtime Readers is a brand new series of books with six levels, which introduces students to classic children's stories in English, using a unique approach with special emphasis on dramatisation. Merchant of Venice Antonio is a wealthy and popular...

Price: Free Developer: Express Publishing
GCSEPod Stickers: The Merchant of Venice

GCSEPod Stickers: The Merchant of Venice

GCSEPod presents these fun, colourful, and educational stickers straight from the pages of William Shakespeare’s dramatic play, The Merchant of Venice. Let your friends know what you’re revising, and feel more involved in the fictional world that you’re studying.

Price: Free Developer: Soundbitelearning UK Ltd
ThinkTech Hawaii

ThinkTech Hawaii

ThinkTech Hawaii, Inc., is a Hawaii nonprofit corporation dedicated to raising public awareness and providing a platform for civic engagement. We strive to make Every Day Better in hopes of making Hawaii a more vital, thriving economy and a...

Price: Free Developer: Michael Dorchain


See what these users are saying about Shakespeare Pro: “It’s really great!” —Kenneth Branagh, actor and director “‘The app’s the thing.’ Hamlet was almost right. Great to see Shakespeare Pro superplaying with Shakespeare’s plays.” —David Crystal, Linguist and Author of Shakespeare's Words “The Shakespeare...

Price: Free Developer:
Business Law Exam Review

Business Law Exam Review

Business Law Exam Review: 1600 Quizzes & Professional Notes Get +1600 Study notes, exam quizzes, terms & definitions and Prepare & Pass Your Exam easily to guarantee the highest score. With this app you can learn on the Go, Anytime &...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Karim SLITI
Business Law: 1200 study notes

Business Law: 1200 study notes

Business Law: Get +1200 Study notes, exam quizzes, terms & definitions and Prepare & Pass Your Exam easily to guarantee the highest score. With this app you can learn on the Go, Anytime & Everywhere. The learning & understanding process never...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Karim SLITI
Colregs. Rules of the Road

Colregs. Rules of the Road

Rules of the Road - International regulations for preventing collisions at sea 1972. With amendments Dec 2009. This app now comes with new Maritime Geography and Introduction to Radar modules included as well! As commercial shipping expanded after the Second...

Price: Free Developer: Coracle


Cinta pertama selalu terasa istimewa. Sulit untuk dilupakan meski kini sudah bersama orang lain. Selalu punya tempat tersendiri di ruang hati ini. Kuharap juga begitu untuk goKampus, sebuah APLIKASI PERTAMA yang membuat segala urusan kampus beres hanya dalam genggaman...

Price: Free Developer: goKampus

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