Top 28 Lifestyle Apps Like Terra Dei Re - Best Alternatives

Terra Dei Re Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Terra Dei Re alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Lifestyle apps that are similar to Terra Dei Re. Pick one from this list to be your new Terra Dei Re app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Terra Dei Re on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like Terra Dei Re - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Terra Dei Re alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like Terra Dei Re 2025.

Terra International Realty

Terra International Realty

Terra International Realty® Mobile is easy to use GPS-enabled mobile app that can help you find a house to buy/rent. You can search for luxury homes and real estate anytime, anywhere using the Terra International Realty® Mobile app. Your home...

Price: Free Developer: Terra International Realty
Proinvest Imóveis

Proinvest Imóveis

TERRA VALORIZA. É na terra que você cria sua família. É na terra que você realiza seus sonhos. É na terra que você protege seu patrimônio. E, é claro, é na terra que você faz um investimento seguro. Atuante...

Price: Free Developer: App Media LTDA
Revista Avatim

Revista Avatim

Somos uma empresa que acredita no equilíbrio como força motivadora da vida. Que vive em harmonia com a natureza e busca nela a inspiração para criar diferentes aromas, desenhando o cenário perfeito para harmonizar corpo, mente e ambiente. Criamos essências...

Price: Free Developer: Editora Profashional


Un dels millors productes de la nostra terra. El Cava. Et presentem CavaPhone, la guía mes completa que existeix sobre el mon del Cava. - História del Cava, Zona Geogràfica, Clima. - Varietats del raïm - Tipus de Cava - Gaudeix del Cava; amb...

Price: Free Developer: Francesc Navarro Machio
nearbuy - the lifestyle app

nearbuy - the lifestyle app

More than 5 million people across India are using nearbuy right now to discover restaurants, spa, salons, movie halls, amusement parks and fun things to do nearby while saving money. We have thousands of cashback offers, deals, discounts &...

Price: Free Developer: Nearbuy India Private Limited
Albatros Magazine

Albatros Magazine

1990 Albatros Magazine nasce ad Arezzo dall'idea di tre giovani fratelli. Il nome del negozio sottolinea la nascita di qualcosa d'importante e puntuale come gli arrivi settimanali del pronto moda, grazie a quest'ultimi, i negozi Albatros Magazine riescono ad...

Price: Free Developer: Digit Italy
Hong Kong Housing Market

Hong Kong Housing Market

Your home search can be viewed on an interactive map and organized by price, neighborhood, or even closest to the exact point you are standing. The Hong Kong Housing Market Mobile App is a powerful Property search Real Estate...

Price: Free Developer: Terra International Realty
Ecopunts Gaia

Ecopunts Gaia

Ecopunts Gaia és un joc d’acció i estratègia amb què descobriràs el territori de la província de Barcelona en clau de sostenibilitat. Podràs construir la teva ciutat sostenible i col·laborar amb altres jugadors per salvar la Terra dels perills...

Price: Free Developer: Omitsis Consulting S.L.


NYUM (National Youth Upcycling Movement) is organised by Crescent Girls' School in collaboration with TERRA and supported by South 2 Cluster Schools and Ministry of Education, Singapore. It aims to promote the awareness of upcycling and other environmental-related issues...

Price: Free Developer: Daniel Wireless Software Pte. Ltd.
Missio Dei Church

Missio Dei Church

Missio Dei Church believes the advance of God’s Kingdom comes not through new ways of doing church, but through faithful preaching and contextualizing of the unchanging Gospel for a changing culture. We are a community of believers located in...

Price: Free Developer: Missio Dei Church, Inc.
Significato Dei Sogni

Significato Dei Sogni

Tutti i sogni dalla A alla Z. Italian meaning dictionary. Significato e interpretazione dei sogni.

Price: Free Developer: CEM YOLOGLU
Degusta Sigari

Degusta Sigari

Vuoi imparare l’arte della Degustazione dei Sigari? Vuoi avere informazioni dettagliate sui principali Sigari in commercio? Degusta Sigari è l’Applicazione che ti insegnerà a conoscere e a degustare i migliori Sigari al mondo. Attraverso semplici passaggi verrai a conoscenza di tutte...

Price: Free Developer: Giulio Mollica


Vuoi realizzare la TUA APP come questa !!! APPPUNTO sviluppata con TrePi ti permette di vedere come potrebbe essere la APP della TUA ATTIVITA' Mostrandoti un negozio di prodotti per la SALUTE ed il BENESSERE affiancato ad una serie...

Price: Free Developer: Silfla Snc di Moltisanti Laura & C.


Ecool-i è l’innovativo sistema che permette di controllare, direttamente da PC, smartphone o tablet, il tuo impianto di raffrescamento evaporativo Art-Eco. Se necessario, Ecool-i può essere implementato da altre funzioni per la gestione di molti altri dispositivi. Grazie al collegamento...

Price: Free Developer: ilevia
Mercati In Tasca

Mercati In Tasca

I mercati rionali sono una forma distributiva storicamente presente ed importante nel panorama italiano, il successo di un mercato, spesso dipende dalla freschezza dei prodotti, complementarietà di assortimento, buon rapporto qualità/prezzo e comodità di spesa. Quando si è nella...

Price: Free Developer: CODEPLOY SRLS


Parma essendo una città culturalmente vivace, nota per le sue tradizioni musicali e teatrali, offre un ricco programma di eventi, d’intrattenimento e di svago che anima ogni anno i teatri, le piazze e i luoghi più originali e suggestivi...

Price: Free Developer: RAMA internet service


VIVALDI application for GIOVE iCONTROLight and iCONTROL+. VIVALDI GIOVE iCONTROLight is a multiprotocol device of VIVALDIGROUP (Venice - Italy) for the supervision and the control of the VIVALDIGROUP audio-video multiroom systems, of the GIOVE FREENET remote controls and of the...

Price: Free Developer: ilevia
One Pass

One Pass

One Pass è l’app gratuita per iPhone e iPod Touch che ti dà accesso ad una serie di informazioni riguardo alle tue associazioni, circoli ricreativi, club e locali preferiti...E non solo! Grazie a One Pass potrai : - Ricercare le sedi...

Price: Free Developer: Prometheus Srl


20代・第二新卒のための転職・求人サイト「Re就活」の公式アプリです。 ◆未経験者歓迎、キャリアチェンジの求人多数! ◆あなたを採用したい企業から直接スカウトが届く! ◆はじめての転職でも安心の転職ノウハウ満載! 「もう一度、納得できる仕事を探したい」…というあなたの向上心に期待する企業との出会いが待つ転職・求人サイト「Re就活」。 おかげさまで20代が選ぶ、20代向け転職サイトNo.1にも選ばれました。 ※調査委託先:株式会社マクロミル(2018年10月調査) 未経験の職種・業種にキャリアチェンジ転職を目指す20代の若手社会人・第二新卒、新しい生活を目指す既卒・ニート・フリーターの就職・転職求人サイトです。 これまでの経歴ではなく、これからの可能性に期待するたくさんの企業があなたのチャレンジを待っています! ■主な機能 ○アプリを起動するだけでラクラク求人検索! Re就活アプリから20代・第二新卒・既卒歓迎の転職・求人情報を手軽にチェックすることができます。 ○あなたを採用したい企業からスカウトが届く! 希望条件や職務経歴を登録いただくと、あなたの経験やポテンシャルに興味をもった企業から直接スカウトが届きます。 企業に公開されるWeb履歴書は匿名なので安心! ○転職イベント情報満載! 20代・第二新卒・既卒のための転職イベント情報が多数掲載。転職イベントに参加してお気に入りの1社を見つけよう! ○Re就活編集部からの最新情報をゲット 転職・求人情報や転職ノウハウ、転職イベント情報などあなたの転職活動に役立つ最新情報をお届けします。 通知をオンにしておくことで、最新情報をすぐにチェックできるようになります。 【注意事項】 本アプリの利用には、モバイルネットワーク、またはWi-Fiが必要です。 【プッシュ通知について】 お得な情報をプッシュ通知でお知らせします。アプリの初回起動時にプッシュ通知を「ON」に設定するようお願いします。なお、オン・オフの設定は後から変更もできます。 【位置情報の取得について】 情報配信の目的で位置情報取得の許可をアプリからさせて頂く場合がございます。 位置情報は個人情報とは一切関連するものではなく、また本アプリ以外での利用は一切行いませんので安心してご利用ください。 【著作権について】 本アプリに記載されている内容の著作権は株式会社学情に帰属し、いかなる目的であれ無断での複製、引用、転送、頒布、改編、修正、追加など一切の行為を禁止いたします。

Price: Free Developer: Gakujo Co., Ltd.


Download Re-Gift App Today to Buy & Sell Gifts! We don’t always make the right choices when choosing gifts for our loved ones and we can very often get it wrong. It’s not easy telling someone that you don’t like...

Price: Free Developer: Regift Limited
AZ RE Matchmaker

AZ RE Matchmaker

Wondering what homes are available in beautiful Phoenix, Arizona? Then look no further, AZ RE Matchmaker is the app for you! This app can be used for all your real estate needs anytime. Constantly keep up to date on...

Price: Free Developer: Jetaime Green
RE Solutions LLC - Louisville, KY

RE Solutions LLC - Louisville, KY

The RE Solutions LLC - Louisville, KY app empowers their real estate business with a simple-to-use mobile solution allowing clients to access their preferred network of vendors and stay up to date with the latest real estate updates.

Price: Free Developer: Dizzle
Reくらす リフォーム・増改築専門店

Reくらす リフォーム・増改築専門店

「アプリの主な機能」 住む人も、その家に集まる人もみんなが笑顔になる、理想の生活空間を実現するために...Reくらすでは、知識・技術・経験を備えた 『担当者&職人』、女性ならではの提案もおまかせ『女性プランナー』、最初から最後まで『専任担当者』、それぞれの人のチカラを活かし、お客様の理想の生活空間を提供しております。安さだけのローコストはご提案しません。必要以上に高い仕様もご提案しません。目指すのは、オーナー様にとって「ちょうどいい暮らし」です。お客様に有意義な情報を発信してまいります。 ■アプリ限定クーポン情報を取得できます。 ■お知らせ プッシュ通知でご案内いたします。 ■MAP アクセス位置情報を元にルートを案内します。 ■楽しめるコミュニケーションをたくさん掲載 情報をメールやSNSを使いみんなに教え広げることができます。またお気に入りの情報や記事を簡単にプリントアウトできます。 ■コメントできます。 ■アンケートなど双方向で楽しめます。 ■お気に入り情報をいつでもコレクション追加ができます。 ■身近な店舗や会社同士のお得な情報やクーポンを取得できます。

Price: Free Developer: OMOYAI PROJECT


It’s truly beautiful to have an app that can tell you how much fuel your car burns. We call it Re:Fuel With a registration process as quick as a simple login, you are just seconds away from using it. Having more then...

Price: Free Developer: Damjan Dimovski


Search all the popular Real Estate portals from one app! That's what RE_startUP is all about. We convert your saved searches into courtesy links that search all the popular consumer Real Estate portals. This saves you the...

Price: Free Developer: LiliTech
DoctorAromas RE

DoctorAromas RE

-Easily control all your Doctor Aromas' Room Experience bluetooth controlled Dispensers. -Turn the Doctor Aromas' Dispenser on and off. -Control frequency and intensity levels of the home perfume, and working hours of the dispenser (hours and days) -Distinguish different Doctor Aromas' Dispensers...

Price: Free Developer: Doctor Aromas
Springs Homes - Colorado RE

Springs Homes - Colorado RE

The Springs Homes app empowers their real estate business with a simple-to-use mobile solution allowing clients to access their preferred network of vendors and stay up to date with the latest real estate updates.

Price: Free Developer: Dizzle

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