Top 30 Education Apps Like Global Warming mobile - Best Alternatives

Global Warming mobile Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Global Warming mobile alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Education apps that are similar to Global Warming mobile. Pick one from this list to be your new Global Warming mobile app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Global Warming mobile on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Global Warming mobile - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Global Warming mobile alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Global Warming mobile 2025.

Four12 Global

Four12 Global

Welcome to the official Four12 Global App!   Four12 Global is a dynamic partnership of churches across the globe working together through authentic relationships to Equip, Restore and Advance the church. Our mission is built on Ephesians 4:12; which tells us...

Price: Free Developer: Four12 Global NPC
SMU Global Exchange

SMU Global Exchange

Global exposure is an integral part of the SMU learning experience because it is important for students to know how to engage and thrive in an international environment – the Office of Global Learning (OGL) reflects the broader intent...

Price: Free Developer: Singapore Management University
Concourse Global

Concourse Global

If you’re considering international education, searching for the right college or university program can be confusing and stressful. Don’t get lost! Concourse is your GPS for higher education. - Simply enter your student profile and tell us what you’re...

Price: Free Developer: Concourse Global Enrollment, Inc.
ACCESS Global Learning Questionnaire

ACCESS Global Learning Questionnaire

The ACCESS Global Learning Preference App is designed to help users identify their preferred learning style. The user answers a series of questions and the App provides a learning preference category after the questionnaire is completed based on the...

Price: Free Developer: ACCESS Global
Baptist Center Global Concerns

Baptist Center Global Concerns

Welcome to the Baptist Center for Global Concerns app! The Center is devoted to exploring the world of moral concerns, equipping people to work toward moral change, and engaging the nameless and voiceless to ease the burdens of suffering. Check...

Price: Free Developer: Baptist Center for Global Concerns
Global Alumni Weekend 2019

Global Alumni Weekend 2019

The Global Alumni Weekend (GAW) is a weekend for all IE Alumni, graduate and undergraduate, to come back home to our Madrid Campus and reconnect with places, things and people that changed their lives. This is a great opportunity for...

Price: Free Developer: IE Business School
Global Citizen: Take Action

Global Citizen: Take Action

This is the app for people who want to solve the world’s biggest challenges by learning about issues, taking action, and joining the growing movement for social change. By taking action with this app, you will help create a world...

Price: Free Developer: Global Poverty Project, Inc
Global Kingdom Ministries

Global Kingdom Ministries

Global Kingdom Ministries (GKM) is a multi-cultural family of believers that worships together, grows together and shares the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our app is packed with powerful content and resources to help you grow and stay connected...

Global Oneness Project

Global Oneness Project

Global Oneness Project provides award-winning, short documentary films which explore cultural, environmental, and social issues from around the world. The films connect local human experiences to global meta-level issues such as climate change, endangered cultures, migration, poverty, and sustainability...

Price: Free Developer: Global Oneness Project LLC
Global Unites

Global Unites

Join the worldwide movement to inspire, connect and equip youth to transform global societies through movements that promote hope, non-violence and reconciliation! We work alongside local leaders to transform conflict by hosting international summits, national conferences, specialized workshops and strategic...

Price: Free Developer: Global Unites
Global Warming Tips

Global Warming Tips

Global Warming is a dramatically urgent and serious problem. We don't need to wait for governments to find a solution for this problem: each individual can bring an important help adopting a more responsible lifestyle: starting from little, everyday...

Price: Free Developer: WebPix Solutions
Is Our Planet Toast?

Is Our Planet Toast?

This app explores global warming by providing a simple simulation of the accumulation of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. Students can change the parameters of the simulation to explore what could be done to slow or even stop global...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Danny Pilkenton


Warming Stripes visualizes our warming world. The trend is unmistakable. Maybe you have noticed pictures with these blue and red stripes in social media channels like twitter or Facebook lately. Beyond being a pretty cool looking on its own, this images...

Price: Free Developer: Ralf Andrae
You’re Getting Warmer!

You’re Getting Warmer!

You’re Getting Warmer! is a fun app using humorous animations created by children to highlight the causes of global warming and test your knowledge of the subject. Recommended for players ages 8 upwards. Watch the entertaining short animations made by...

Price: Free Developer: Gerald Conn
Sustainable Productivity

Sustainable Productivity

Global warming, also referred to as climate change, is the observed century-scale rise in the average temperature of the Earth's climate system and its related effects. This is an Augmented Reality app to showcase the impact of global warming. The app...

Price: Free Developer: Futurristic Business Solutions LLC
Toca Dance

Toca Dance

** Now with neon costumes that glow in the dark ** Start warming up - it's time for Toca Dance! Whether you’re a dance master or you have two left feet, with Toca Dance you’re a star choreographer ready to create...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Toca Boca AB
7-STEP 英语口语自动记忆: Let's improve speaking and listening skills in English.

7-STEP 英语口语自动记忆: Let's improve speaking and listening skills in English.

▶▶【Free Event】 All In-App Purchases!! (Limited Time) ▶“7-STEP”于2013年1月入选“iPhone 5最令人着迷的应用”之一! ▶英语必须练习练习再练习。 - 短语的每日练习可以借助苹果iOS系统的“通知中心”在选定的时间进行! ▶必须对英语保持学习兴趣,对吗? - 通过7步学习过程以不同的方式来学习一个句子。厌倦感,即刻消失! ▶你听说过在日常生活中使用的句子需要刻意去记忆吗? -仅需通过7个步骤的学习方法,你将会毫不费劲地记住它们。 ▶开口说英语你必须练好听力? - 通过不同的句型和一个特殊的听力模式,就能开启你双耳的听力学习。 ▶学英语就像玩游戏? - 完全沉浸在英语的快速句子游戏中– 英语能力马上提高~ 【特点】 ◆ 7-STEP 英语句型学习法,帮助你注意细节 ◆ 7-STEP 英语句型学习法是记忆英语的好方法! 英语马上就能进入你的大脑~ ◆ 各种各样的学习方法,包括热身、听、复习、问答、选择、游戏以及定时提醒! 给你很多乐趣~ ◆ 复习功能借助iPhone的“通知中心”,实现最有效的学习。 ◆ 大量的必备英语表达和实例。 ◆ 来自母语使用者的,生动、准确的真人发音练习 ◆ 母语真人发音,培养更好的英语听力技巧 ◆ 通过各种各样的英语速度游戏,更易于记住英语表达 ◆ 使用让英语学习更舒适的用户界面设计 ◆ 应用程序兼容iPhone 5和iPad mini等。(一次购买即可享受所有功能。) 【主要的学习功能】 ◆7-STEP英语句型学习法◆ “7-STEP英语句型学习法”就是你一直期待的,一种全新的英语学习方法。7-STEP英语句型学习法是按照各个学习阶段来制定的,你将能马上记住英语句型。 - 步骤1 (热身): 读并记下重要的英语表达以及如何运用。 - 步骤2...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Woori Kim
7-STEP 영어회화 패턴 자동암기: Let's improve listening & speaking skills with idioms & phrases in English for the Korean

7-STEP 영어회화 패턴 자동암기: Let's improve listening & speaking skills with idioms & phrases in English for the Korean

▶▶이 앱의 두 번째 버전인 '8-STEP'이 출시되었습니다. 컨텐츠 및 앱의 기능이 많이 업그레이드 되었습니다. 처음 구매하시는 분이라면, 8-STEP을 구매하실 것을 추천드립니다. ^__^ ▶▶APPLE에서 선정하는 '2014년을 빛낸 최고의 앱'으로 선정되었습니다.(2014년 12월 / 한국 앱스토어) ▶▶무료 이벤트: 앱내결제 유료항목을 무료로...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Woori Kim
7-STEP英会話自動暗記: Let's study speaking and listening skills with phrase & idiom

7-STEP英会話自動暗記: Let's study speaking and listening skills with phrase & idiom

▶【アプリ内課金】 有料アイテムの無料化イベント実施中 ▶【Free Event】 All In-App Purchases!! (Limited Time) ▶Apple社が決める2013年 11月 
'iPhone 5における 素晴らしい APP' に選定!!! ▶英語は何よりも継続しなければいけません。このアプリはそのお手伝いをします! -復習アラーム機能は、毎日同じ時間に学習した内容を繰り返し勉強する手伝いをしてくれます。 ▶このアプリは継続して英語学習ができるように作っています。レビューに書かれているように多くの方々に喜ばれているスマートな機能です。 ▶英語の勉強も楽しければ継続して勉強できますよね?このアプリはそのお手伝いをします。 -7段階の学習法はさまざまな視点から1つの文章を学習します。飽きずに楽しく英会話を暗記させてくれます。 ▶英語をゲームのように楽しく? -スピード英語ゲームは学習した内容を楽しく復習できるよう構成されています。興味と実力がどんどん向上していきます。 ▶リスニングができれば英語が話せる? -様々なタイプのリスニング学習が用意されています。いつの間にかリスニング能力が向上した自分に気づくことになるでしょう。 ▶英語表現がもっと多ければいいですって? -7-STEP アプリに既に含まれる表現の他に、Everyday English 機能で毎日毎日新しい英語表現をダウンロードすることができます。 ◆いつの間にか覚えてしまう7-STEP英会話自動暗記勉強法!サクサク覚えて英語がスラスラ ◆Warming, Listening, Reviewing, Answering, Selecting, Playingからなるバラエティ豊かな学習法! ◆アイフォーンの通知機能を活用した“復習アラーム”機能で学習効率最大化 ◆豊富な例文とバラエティ豊かな必須表現法 ◆ネイティブの声優による正確な生の発音による学習 ◆正確なネイティブの発音で英語のリスニング能力を向上させることができます。 ◆さまざまなSPEED英語ゲームで英語表現がスクスク ◆学習に便利なユーザーインターフェースのデザイン ◆一度購入されるとiPhoneとiPadの両方で利用できる'Universal...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Woori Kim
CLE Mobile

CLE Mobile

Attorneys can now listen to continuing legal education (CLE) programming on their iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch. West LegalEdcenter has recreated its online experience with the free CLE Mobile app. All of the regulatory safeguards that states require have...

Price: Free Developer: Thomson Reuters
Blackboard Collaborate™ Mobile

Blackboard Collaborate™ Mobile

Blackboard Collaborate™ Mobile – Collaborate on your mobile device! With Blackboard Collaborate Mobile, you can join web conferencing sessions right from your iPhone or iPad. IMPORTANT: Use this app with the Original experience of Collaborate. If your institution uses the new...

Price: Free Developer: Blackboard Collaborate Inc.
GMDE Mobile

GMDE Mobile

Most mobile device field mapping software is excellent for locating the geologist horizontally (in X and Y, longitude and latitude, etc.) but does not bring the third dimension, elevation (i.e., Z), into the picture. However, to do significant calculations...

Price: Free Developer: Richard Allmendinger
PowerSchool Mobile

PowerSchool Mobile

Built for convenient access to real-time student information like grades, assignments, and attendance, the PowerSchool Mobile App provides enhanced functionality for parents, guardians, and students. • Get easy access to the most important student data with an updated user...

Price: Free Developer: PowerSchool Group LLC
Cesma Mobile

Cesma Mobile

CESMA mobile app is a simple and intuitive application focused on enhancing the communication between teachers and parents. The school management, teachers, parents, and students get on a single platform to bring transparency in the entire system related to...

Price: Free Developer: Foradian Technologies
Mobile History Map

Mobile History Map

Mobile History Map, a pioneering initiative of the mSchools programme, the use of mobile technology applied to non-technological subjects and encourages learning with mobile. Mobile History Map is a geo-positioning app and platform allowing students to collaboratively create content about...

Price: Free Developer: Mobile World Capital
Rowan Mobile

Rowan Mobile

Rowan Mobile is the official app of Rowan University. Stay connected to Rowan from anywhere with Rowan Mobile. Why should you download Rowan Mobile? • With Rowan Mobile, you can quickly access important student resources, like course schedules and...

Price: Free Developer: Rowan University
Smithsonian Mobile

Smithsonian Mobile

Smithsonian Mobile is your digital mobile guide to the Smithsonian, built collaboratively with our visitors. Find out what’s on where, discover highlights, search our collections, access tours, podcasts and other apps. Add tips and photos from your visit for...

Price: Free Developer: Smithsonian Institution
TRACS Mobile

TRACS Mobile

Connect to your courses anywhere with TRACS Mobile, an extension of the official TXST Mobile App. Move between TXST Mobile and TRACS to get the full Texas State University mobile experience. Interact with your TRACS sites, receive course Announcements...

Price: Free Developer: Texas State University - San Marcos
Administrator's Plus Mobile

Administrator's Plus Mobile

Easily search and scroll through all students, staff and contacts to quickly call, text or email. Access student demographic fields such as allergy information and locker combinations. See when a student is absent or tardy. Know what class a...

Price: Free Developer: Rediker Software, Inc.

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