Top 29 Games Apps Like Bridge Beter Magazine - Best Alternatives

Bridge Beter Magazine Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Bridge Beter Magazine alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Games apps that are similar to Bridge Beter Magazine. Pick one from this list to be your new Bridge Beter Magazine app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Bridge Beter Magazine on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Games Like Bridge Beter Magazine - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Bridge Beter Magazine alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar games like Bridge Beter Magazine 2025.

Audrey Grant’s Better Bridge

Audrey Grant’s Better Bridge

Improve your bridge game with instructional material from the game’s top teacher. Intermediate and experienced bridge players can enjoy a free preview of the Interactive Daily Bridge Column. New players can view a free interactive introduction to the game...

Price: Free Developer: Audrey Grant's Better Bridge Inc.
Wiz Bridge + Card Game

Wiz Bridge + Card Game

Whether you’re a seasoned Grand Master, or a complete novice, WiZ Bridge + is the app for you. Read on …. FOR THE BRIDGE MASTER Becoming frustrated with partner, and their bidding, is a fundamental aspect of playing Bridge (some actually...

Price: Free Developer: Breva Bridge Card Game Ltd
Bridge Bandit - Play & learn bridge

Bridge Bandit - Play & learn bridge

It’s your favourite bridge game, but unlike you’ve ever seen before and more fun than you can imagine. Bridge Bandit is bridge reinvented. Play in 2 modes and online or offline. ###Warning: Playing bridge can seriously improve your mental abilities.### Now...

Bridge Base Online

Bridge Base Online

Play contract, duplicate and social bridge on Bridge Base Online (BBO), the world’s largest bridge club.  Unlimited free play. Kill time with casual play against either human or robot opponents, compete in any of a zillion tournaments, make new...

Price: Free Developer: Bridge Base Online, Ltd.
Cargo Bridge

Cargo Bridge

The most popular game Cargo Bridge from Limex Games becomes available to millions of our fans on the iPad in 2011. In Cargo Bridge your goal is to build bridges within each one of 24 levels, that allows your...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Software Planet Group Ltd.
ARZombi 2 Bridge MR

ARZombi 2 Bridge MR

With the use of the Structure Sensor and Bridge Mixed Reality Headset - you will scan your home, board up your home's Door and Windows to defend against wave after wave of zombies climbing into your home. ARZombi Bridge is...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Grisly Manor Studios
Bridge At Home

Bridge At Home

Bridge At Home is made to play real contract bridge with real people in front of you with real cards. The app will show each player a hand that has been played in a sanctioned duplicate event. Once each...

Price: Free Developer: Jean-Pierre Becotte
Bridge Bidding Box

Bridge Bidding Box

Bridge Bidding Box is a free and simple to use application which will help you during your card games of bridge. With this digital version of a bidding box you just need to put your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch...

Price: Free Developer: Mateusz Adamus
Bridge Trump Indicator

Bridge Trump Indicator

Bridge Trump Indicator is a free and simple to use application which will help you during your card games of bridge. With this digital version of a trump indicator you just need to put your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch...

Price: Free Developer: Mateusz Adamus
Cargo Bridge HD

Cargo Bridge HD

Cargo Bridge, Limex Games' most popular download, first became available to millions of iPhone users in summer 2011. The object of the game is to build bridges within each of 24 different levels. This is how your little workers...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Software Planet Group Ltd.


Door de games te spelen op de app van PlaytoWork vergroot je de kans op het vinden van een echte baan die past bij jou! Heb je net een MBO-studie afgerond en ben je op zoek naar een baan,...

Price: Free Developer: PlaytoWork


GameFrysk is een verzameling van taalspelletjes. Leer de Friese taal op een leuke manier, leer nieuwe woorden en beter spellen. Speel de spelletjes zoals Typfleantúch, Letterbrij en Wurdkrûper en kijk of je de beste bent. GameFrysk is in samling fan...

Price: Free Developer: Afûk


Gratis verkeersborden oefenen De VERJO Bordentrainer is een spel waarmee je op een leuke manier jouw kennis test van de verkeersborden in Nederland. Beantwoord zoveel mogelijk vragen zo snel mogelijk goed. Hoe beter je bordenkennis en reactietijd, hoe meer punten...

Price: Free Developer: Verjo BV
Kosmos Klikker: Jouw Zonnetje in Bloei

Kosmos Klikker: Jouw Zonnetje in Bloei

Kosmos Klikker is een game die spelenderwijs de koppelingen tussen letters en klanken in het brein sterker maakt en helpt bij dyslexie. Al klikkend door een kosmos van letters en klanken en een doolhof van sterren en planeten trainen...

Price: Free Developer: IWAL instituten voor dyslexie B.V.


Iedere dag van de week wordt er een nieuwe quiz gepubliceerd. Een quiz bestaat uit tien vragen en een stelling. Je krijgt zestien seconden om een vraag te beantwoorden. Iedere vraag die je goed beantwoordt, levert punten op. Hoe...

Price: Free Developer: Omroep Brabant
Denksport BE

Denksport BE

Speel de Vlaamse puzzels van Denksport op de iPad! Woordzoekers, kruiswoordraadsels, doorlopers, cijfercodes, cryptogrammen, sudoku's, filippines, blokpuzzels, legpuzzels, Zweedse puzzels en een hoop logische puzzels in één app. Vragen of suggesties? Mail naar [email protected]. Woordzoekers, blokpuzzels en legpuzzels zijn...

Price: Free Developer: Keesing Media Group B.V.
Denksport NL

Denksport NL

Speel de puzzels van Denksport op de iPad! Woordzoekers, sudoku's, kruiswoordraadsels, doorlopers, cijfercodes, cryptogrammen, filippines, blokpuzzels, legpuzzels, Zweedse puzzels en een hoop logische puzzels in één app. Vragen of suggesties? Mail naar [email protected]. Woordzoekers, blokpuzzels en legpuzzels zijn leuke puzzels...

Price: Free Developer: Keesing Media Group B.V.
Toepen - leukste kaartspel!

Toepen - leukste kaartspel!

* Toepen, de beste en enige Toepen-App in de AppStore!* *#Nr.1 geweest in de App Store! +50.000 downloads!* *HOE WERKT GAMECENTER?* Kijk helemaal onderaan deze beschrijving voor een uitleg! Het klassieke kaartspel beroemd in heel Nederland is nu eindelijk op de iPad! De...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: GraafICT
ToepenHD - leukste kaartspel!

ToepenHD - leukste kaartspel!

* Toepen, de beste en enige Toepen-App in de AppStore!* *#Nr.1 geweest in de App Store! +50.000 downloads!* *HOE WERKT GAMECENTER?* Kijk helemaal onderaan deze beschrijving voor een uitleg! Het klassieke kaartspel beroemd in heel Nederland is nu eindelijk op de iPad! De...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: GraafICT
Magazine Mogul

Magazine Mogul

Take charge of your own magazine! It's up to you to turn heads and help your community grow through the power of the press! It all starts with compelling coverage. Brainstorm story ideas and angles with your editorial team, then...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Kairosoft Co.,Ltd
64 - Russian Chess Magazine 17/01

64 - Russian Chess Magazine 17/01

Magazine is published in Russian! Only contents and puzzles are translated in English. "64 - Chess Review" is Russia's most popular chess monthly, in print since 1924. Known for high quality articles and deep game analysis. The magazine is now...

Price: Free Developer: Chess King
Antcolonygames Magazine Issue #3

Antcolonygames Magazine Issue #3

At this time, in the future, things are not going well. The earths surface has become uninhabitable, and mankind has retreated into underground silos. What happened, apparently, was that some of the robots got infected with some sort of computer...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Antcolonygames
Weaphones Firearms Simulator 2

Weaphones Firearms Simulator 2

The creators of the most authentic mobile firearms simulator bring you next chapter with Weaphones: Firearms Simulator Volume 2. Continuing our tradition of blending realism with fun, Volume 2 features all new weapons, from a machine pistol to a fully...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Mark Raykhenberg
Weaphones: Firearms Simulator Volume 1

Weaphones: Firearms Simulator Volume 1

Welcome to the world of Weaphones, the ultimate firearms simulator for your iPhone, iPod and iPad. Blurring the line between digital and physical, Weaphones combines the two to create a fully interactive real world experience. Switch off the safety, load...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Mark Raykhenberg
Weaphones™ Firearms Sim Mini

Weaphones™ Firearms Sim Mini

Welcome to the world of Weaphones™, the ultimate firearms simulator for your iPhone, iPod and iPad. Blurring the line between digital and physical, Weaphones combines the two to create a fully interactive real world experience. Switch off the safety, load...

Price: Free Developer: Mark Raykhenberg
Weaphones™ WW2 Firearms Sim

Weaphones™ WW2 Firearms Sim

Experience the weapons of World War II like never before. Weaphones WW2 Free Edition redefines what the term first person shooter means. Don’t just play the game, be part of it. Take hold of your device and experience what...

Price: Free Developer: Mark Raykhenberg
Arimaa Trainer

Arimaa Trainer

Arimaa is one of the fastest growing modern strategy games. Rules are simple and intuitive enough for kids to play easily, yet there is more than enough strategic depth to satisfy the most demanding gamer. If you enjoy challenging...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Martti Juotasniemi
Editor in Chief® Beg 1 (Lite)

Editor in Chief® Beg 1 (Lite)

Develop real-life editing skills for superior writing and top test scores! This fun, highly-effective educational app teaches students in Grades 2-3 grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and critical reading in a standards-based thinking approach instead of the usual drill and practice...

Price: Free Developer: The Critical Thinking Co.

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