Top 40 Education Apps Like Pastor John 26 Radio - Best Alternatives

Pastor John 26 Radio Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Pastor John 26 Radio alternatives for iOS? We have listed 40 Education apps that are similar to Pastor John 26 Radio. Pick one from this list to be your new Pastor John 26 Radio app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Pastor John 26 Radio on your iOS devices.

Top 40 Apps Like Pastor John 26 Radio - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Pastor John 26 Radio alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like Pastor John 26 Radio 2025.



แอ็พพลิเคชั่น ระบบจัดการบทเรียนพระคัมภีร์เพื่อการอภิบาล สามารถสร้างบทเรียนได้ง่ายๆ เพียงครั้งเดียว แต่สามารถแสดงผลผ่านทางเครื่องฉายโปรเจ็คเตอร์, TV, เว็ปไซต์, สร้างแบบฟอร์ม หรือพิมพ์เป็นเอกสาร และทั้งหมดจะถูกจัดเก็บเป็นคลังความรู้เพื่อแบ่งปันกันได้ไม่รู้จบ เราออกแบบวิธีการสร้างบทเรียนใหม่ เพื่อการแสดงผลครอบคลุมทุกรูปแบบ รูปแบบเอกสารของ iChurch Pastor เป็นการแบ่งเนื้องหาเป็นช่องๆ สามารถใส่ตัวหัวข้อหลัก, หัวข้อรอง, ข้อความปกติ, ข้อพระคำภีร์, รูปภาพ และ บันทึกส่วนตัว และสามารถเลือกสถานะเนื้อหาแต่ละช่องให้พิมพ์ หรือแสดงสไลด์ รู้จัก iChurch Pastor มากขึ้น ดูเพิ่มเติมที่

Price: Free Developer: Somwang Issaramala
Escola Bom Pastor

Escola Bom Pastor

Escola Bom Pastor Através do aplicativo Escola Bom Pastor, os pais ou responsáveis poderão receber informações acerca do dia a dia de seus filhos, comunicados, tarefas e atividades a serem realizadas, eventos organizados pela Escola, planejamento e produções pedagógicas, calendário...

Price: Free Developer: Escola Bom Pastor
Calvary - Pastor Del Way

Calvary - Pastor Del Way

This app is packed with powerful content and resources to help you grow and stay connected. With this app you can: - Watch or Listen to messages from Senior Pastor Del Way - Sign up for events - Stay up to date...

Price: Free Developer: Temple Calvary Church Inc
EECMN - Pastor Endiryas Hawaz

EECMN - Pastor Endiryas Hawaz

The EECMN App features content from Pastor Endiryas Hawaz who leads Ethiopian Evangelical Church in St. Paul, Minnesota. For more information about Ethiopian Evangelical Church in Minnesota, please visit: The Ethiopian Evangelical Church in Minnesota App was created with the Subsplash...

Pastor Taiwo's Ministries

Pastor Taiwo's Ministries

Welcome to the official TFOLC application. Check out all our content that interests you, download, enjoy and share the content with your friends via Twitter, Facebook or email. For more information about Pastor Taiwo Odukoya and The Fountain Of Life Church,...

Price: Free Developer: The Fountain of Life Church
Good Shepherd Baptist Church

Good Shepherd Baptist Church

The Good Shepherd Baptist Church, Petersburg, Virginia, was organized between 1930-1933 by the late Reverend Emmitt Peterson. It was located in a house at 515 St. Matthew Street as a Christian Mission. Reverend Peterson relinquished the leadership of the...

Price: Free Developer: Good Shepherd Baptist Church
Tommy Moya

Tommy Moya

Bienvenidos a la Aplicación del ministerio del Pastor Tommy Moya. Nuestra meta con esta aplicación es empoderarte en las verdades presentes del Reino, Gracia y Nuevo Pacto. El Pastor Tommy Moya es el fundador de la Comunidad Virtual Transformados...

Price: Free Developer: Jose Moya
OCBFChurch App

OCBFChurch App

Welcome to the OCBFChurch App! You can experience God and community at a whole new level through our mobile app. Get started with our app today by perusing our amazing features that conveniently allow you to connect, serve and...

Price: Free Developer: Subsplash Inc
New Hope Turlock

New Hope Turlock

Welcome to the official New Hope Church App! Check out all of the great content designed to help you grow in your relationship with Christ. Share all of it with your friends on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, email and more....

Price: Free Developer: NEW HOPE CHURCH (CA)
St John Ambulance 360

St John Ambulance 360

Introducing St John 360, a new way to experience St John Ambulance with compelling Augmented Reality (AR) experiences. After downloading this App you will be able to interact and trigger AR activations at St John training venues, in marketing...

Price: Free Developer: St John Ambulance Australia (Victoria) Inc
St. John Lutheran - Plymouth

St. John Lutheran - Plymouth

Welcome to the St. John Lutheran Church & School mobile app! Here at St. John Lutheran you'll find a community of real people who journey through life together. Please join us for weekend worship—we offer authentic worship and engaging...

St. John Paul II High School

St. John Paul II High School

Welcome to St. John Paul II Catholic High School in New Braunfels, Texas! School Mission: St. John Paul II Catholic High School is an Archdiocesan, Roman Catholic college preparatory high school for young women and men that affirms the...

Price: Free Developer: John Paul II Catholic High School
Saint John XXIII Catholic

Saint John XXIII Catholic

St. John XXIII Catholic School is a R.E.A.L. Catholic community that nurtures the whole child through academic excellence, 21st Century innovation and active Catholic stewardship. Founded in 1999, and serving as a ministry of St. Bernadette’s Roman Catholic Parish, St....

Price: Free Developer: Saint John XXIII Catholic
John Abbott College

John Abbott College

The John Abbott College App is the official campus app for current, new, and prospective John Abbott students. Access events, calendars, contacts, maps and more. Stay organized with your classes and assignments through the timetable. The JAC App brings...

Price: Free Developer: College d'Enseignement General et Professionnel John Abbott
John Wister

John Wister

Every school is different. So we don't just build apps -  We create an extension of your school. Each school app is designed to capture the unique personality and energy of your school! The Mastery Charter John Wister Elementary mobile app by a|g streamlines...

Price: Free Developer: Mastery Charter School John Wister Campus
St John the Divine

St John the Divine

Welcome to the official St John the Divine Greek Orthodox Church app. View our live streaming liturgy and videos of Father Nick's sermons, plus much, much more. After you’ve downloaded and enjoyed the content, you can share it with...

Price: Free Developer: St John the Divine Greek Orthodox Church
John Knox Video Lectures

John Knox Video Lectures

The Apostle Paul writes in the epistle to the Romans, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall...

Price: Free Developer: John Knox Institute Digital
Saint John School Wellesley MA

Saint John School Wellesley MA

Saint John School in Wellesley, Massachusetts is built on the cornerstones of Academic Excellence, Faith Development, and Community. Our mission is to provide each student with an education that promotes the development of the whole person within an atmosphere...

Price: Free Developer: St John The Evangelist School
John P. Holland Charter School

John P. Holland Charter School

The official app for John P. Holland Charter School allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from...

Price: Free Developer: John P. Holland Charter School Inc.
Cary School District 26

Cary School District 26

The official Cary School District 26 app gives you a personalized window into what is happening at the district and schools. Get the news and information that you care about and get involved. Anyone can: -View District and school news -Use the...

Price: Free Developer: Cary Community Consolidated School District 26
26 Letters

26 Letters

The 26 Letters method was developed by an Adult Literacy volunteer tutor to help beginner readers quickly learn the alphabet letter shapes and their main sounds. While it was created to serve adults, 26 Letters is visually-designed for...

Price: Free Developer: Penny Sidik
ABC Phonics & Alphabet Songs

ABC Phonics & Alphabet Songs

FREE GAMES ! ABC Alphabets Sound for toddlers and kids. Babies will enjoy ABC songs. HOW TO PLAY In applications with a button and a Alphabet English. 26 letters from A to Z, when pressed, it 26 sounds with the English alphabet....

Price: Free Developer: Nattagrit Ridtikhab
26 английских времен

26 английских времен

Программа "26 английских времен" поможет разобраться с самой сложной темой грамматики английского языка - "английские времена"! - Все 26 времён (временных форм) английского языка! (Past Simple (Active/ Passive) ; Present Simple (Active/ Passive) ; Future Simple (Active/ Passive) ;...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Maxim Morozov
26 millió angol mondat

26 millió angol mondat

A HVG egykori kedvence, a 26 ezer angol szó most új formában tér vissza. Dinamikus példamondatok millióival teszi könnyeddé az angoltanulást. Tényleg 26 millió mondat van benne? - Valójában több mint 16 milliárd. De ezzel a névvel tiszteleg az App nagysikerű elődje...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Attila Varga


26国学网是国内首家专注于国学移动社交O2O以及国学云大数据建设的平台。 国学移动社交: 随时随地轻轻松松与国学同仁互动。 国学问答学习: 学国学碰到任何问题不用再发愁了,即时问答。精编国学文章满足您深度学习需求。 国学O2O: 为广大国学修习者提供线上线下活动互动。 国学云大数据 : 可以实现任何人、任何时间、任何地点、可以通过此APP连接到26国学网国学云大数据平台,享受最充分的优质国学资源服务。 精准版块分类方便您快速找到你所需的内容: 公务员 企业家 校园 学术 公众

Price: Free Developer: YumLive
Core Java

Core Java

Object-Oriented Programming is a methodology to design a program using classes and objects. It simplifies the software development by providing some concepts: 1. Object 2. Class 3. Inheritance 4. Polymorphism 5. Abstraction 6. Encapsulation Advantage of OOPs over Procedure-oriented programming language 1)OOPs makes development and maintenance...

Price: Free Developer: Two Minds Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Hello Jadoo season1 by ToMoKiDS

Hello Jadoo season1 by ToMoKiDS

Tooniverse popular animation 'Hello Jadoo' season 1 OPEN!!(Korean animation) Opening Event Don’t miss a chance to get FREE opening & ending + 4 episodes~!! + Season 1 contains complete episodes! (40 episodes + Special 4 episodes) + Most loved animation from...

Price: Free Developer: UANGEL Corp.


【课程介绍】 课程针对没有任何程序设计基础的初学者,全面介绍C语言及利用C语言进行程序设计的方法。课程注重知识的传授,更关注学习者能够通过实践的方式,真正学会利用C语言解决问题,奠定程序设计的基础。为此,专门设计了实践方案,指导学习者在听讲的同时,有效完成实践。讲课中还适时穿插进行学习指导,帮助初学者尽快掌握程序设计的学习方法。 【课程目标】 课程主要针对无任何编程经历的初学者,利用主讲者多年来教授大一学生的教学经验,准确把握知识点掌握中的难点,在和视频配套的实践方案配合下,帮助初学者顺利掌握知识,获得学习中的自信。 【课程计划】 本课以系列课程的形式开出,供学习者渐次深入,掌握C语言及程序设计的方法。 课程目录 一 1人人学点程序设计 2 程序设计语言 3 搭建C语言的运行平台 4 C语言程序初体验 5 本课的学习策略建议 6 让代码积累“看得见” 7 分支结构程序体验 8 数值数据类型及表示 9 变量 10 标识符及其命名 二 11 算术运算符与算术表达式 12 自增与自减 13 数值型数据的存储 14 指针及其运算 15 数据的输入 16 数据的输出 17 赋值运算符与赋值表达式 18 逗号运算符与逗号表达式 19 字符数据及字符类型 20 表达“条件”——条件表达式 21 将条件“组合”起来——逻辑表达式 22 控制结构与流程图 23 用if语句实现分支结构 三 24 if语句的嵌套 25 用switch语句实现多分支结构 26 利用switch语句解决问题 27 条件运算符和条件表达式 28 编程学习中常见障碍的克服 29 调试利器——程序的单步执行 30...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Wang Lingling
Die 26 Kantone der Schweiz - Kennst du sie ?

Die 26 Kantone der Schweiz - Kennst du sie ?

Die 26 Kantone der Schweiz - Kennst du sie ?  Zürich  Bern  Luzern  Uri  Schwyz  Obwalden  Nidwalden  Glarus  Zug  Freiburg  Solothurn  Basel-Stadt  Basel-Landschaft  Schaffhausen  Appenzell Ausserrhoden  Appenzell Innerrhoden  St. Gallen  Graubünden  Aargau  Thurgau  Tessin  Waadt  Wallis  Neuenburg  Genf  Jura

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Julien Bourgouint
Proclaim Radio - John Fonville

Proclaim Radio - John Fonville

Him we Proclaim! The Proclaim Radio App links you to the radio outreach ministry of Dr. John Fonville of Jacksonville, Florida. You can hear John's daily 26-minute radio/podcasts for in-depth teaching into God's Word and a focus on the...

Price: Free Developer: PROCLAIM RADIO INC
AT Radio

AT Radio

This is a 24hr non-stop UK based station featuring live coverage from major Education Events mixed with student workshops and a chart-topping mix of tunes. Guests include figures from the world of learning and teaching featuring topical news stories...

Price: Free Developer: Russell Prue
HAM Radio Technician prep

HAM Radio Technician prep

Become a HAM Radio! Best preparation for your Technician license Exam Made for you by an Amateur (HAM) radio operator NEW Auto Mode: You can now listen to spoken questions and answers while you are on the road or waiting...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Marcus Roskosch
Radio Trinitas

Radio Trinitas

Radio TRINITAS este acum mai ușor accesibil utilizatorilor de smartphone. Noua aplicație pentru iPhone oferă utilizatorilor posibilitatea de a asculta postul de radio al Patriarhiei Române și de a afla, în același timp, ultimele știri și informații din viața...

Price: Free Developer: PATRIARHIA ROMANA - Radio TRINITAS
Carolina Catholic Radio

Carolina Catholic Radio

The Carolina Catholic Radio mobile app is packed with features to help you pray, learn, and interact with the listener community. App Features Include: Listen Live, Events, Prayer Wall, Photo Submissions, Prayer Journal, Contact Information, GPS Directions, Ministries, Bible, Photo Gallery, Social Media integration, and Push Notifications Even More Features include: Catechism, Catholic Media and...

Price: Free Developer: Carolina Catholic Radio Network
Good Fight of Faith Radio

Good Fight of Faith Radio

Good Fight of Faith Radio (Доброе Сражение Веры) is a online based Christian radio station that features Bible Believing preaching and teaching along with conservative Christian music for the purpose of spreading the word of God to the Russian...

Price: Free Developer: Final Fight Bible Radio
HAM Radio Extra Exam prep

HAM Radio Extra Exam prep

Best preparation for your Extra license Exam Made for you by an Amateur (HAM) radio operator NEW: Auto Mode: You can now listen to spoken questions and answers while you are on the road or waiting for the train. No...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Marcus Roskosch
HAM Radio General Exam prep

HAM Radio General Exam prep

Best preparation for your General license Exam Made for you by an Amateur (HAM) radio operator NEW Auto Mode: You can now listen to spoken questions and answers while you are on the road or waiting for the train. No...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Marcus Roskosch
Korean Radio Bible Doctor

Korean Radio Bible Doctor

Korean Radio Bible Doctor is a Bible Believing radio station in the Korean language. 성경대로 믿는 그리스도인의 한국어 라디오 방송

Price: Free Developer: Final Fight Bible Radio
Lutheran Public Radio

Lutheran Public Radio

The Lutheran Public Radio/Issues, Etc. app. Listen to Sacred Music for the World or Talk Radio for the Thinking Christian anytime, anywhere. This app was developed with the Subsplash App Platform.

Price: Free Developer: Lutheran Public Radio

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