Top 10 Education Apps Like 2T Malaiisch - Best Alternatives

2T Malaiisch Alternatives

Do you want to find the best 2T Malaiisch alternatives for iOS? We have listed 10 Education apps that are similar to 2T Malaiisch. Pick one from this list to be your new 2T Malaiisch app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to 2T Malaiisch on your iOS devices.

Top 10 Apps Like 2T Malaiisch - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid 2T Malaiisch alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 10 similar apps like 2T Malaiisch 2025.

2T Danish

2T Danish

The language courses from 2T Language Learning lets you learn at the level that suits you, and comes in different modules. They are based on the principle that you can hear a sentence or word in English and then Danish,...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Testmann
2T Dänisch

2T Dänisch

Die Sprachkurse von 2T Language Learning schulen Sie auf einem Niveau, das zu Ihnen passt, und ist in mehrere Module unterteilt. Diese basieren auf dem Prinzip, dass Sie einen Satz oder ein Wort auf Deutsch und dann auf Dänisch hören,...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Testmann
2T Englisch

2T Englisch

Die Sprachkurse von 2T Language Learning schulen Sie auf einem Niveau, das zu Ihnen passt, und ist in mehrere Module unterteilt. Diese basieren auf dem Prinzip, dass Sie einen Satz oder ein Wort auf Deutsch und dann auf Englisch hören,...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Testmann
2T Farsi

2T Farsi

The language courses from 2T Language Learning lets you learn at the level that suits you, and comes in different modules. They are based on the principle that you can hear a sentence or word in English and then Farsi...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Testmann
2T Farsi (Dansk)

2T Farsi (Dansk)

Sprogkurserne fra 2T Language Learning lader dig lære på det niveau der passer dig, og kommer i forskellige moduler. De er baseret på princippet om at du kan høre en sætning eller et ord på dansk og derefter farsi /...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Testmann
2T German

2T German

The language courses from 2T Language Learning lets you learn at the level that suits you, and comes in different modules. They are based on the principle that you can hear a sentence or word in English and then German,...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Testmann
2T Malay

2T Malay

The language courses from 2T Language Learning lets you learn at the level that suits you, and comes in different modules. They are based on the principle that you can hear a sentence or word in English and then Malay,...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Testmann
2T Gangetabel

2T Gangetabel

Denne app lader dig nemt lære tabellerne fra 1 til 20, på det niveau der passer dig. Du kan både øve og træne tabellerne, og herefter se hvor hurtigt du kan komme igennem dem, og slå din egen rekord...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Testmann
2T Math Puzzle - The Original

2T Math Puzzle - The Original

This app enables you to train your memory while training your math skills at the same time. You can train plus, minus and multiplication as well as combine these. See how fast you can do it. Comes with different play...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Testmann

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