Top 20 Business Apps Like CEM Sync - Best Alternatives

CEM Sync Alternatives

Do you want to find the best CEM Sync alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Business apps that are similar to CEM Sync. Pick one from this list to be your new CEM Sync app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to CEM Sync on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like CEM Sync - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid CEM Sync alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like CEM Sync 2025.

Olivia by Paradox - CEM

Olivia by Paradox - CEM

Paradox CEM We’ve taken the Paradox CEM (Candidate Experience Manager) from web to iOS to help you quickly and effectively communicate with your candidates. Paradox CEM mobile app benefits include: • Easily manage the candidates that your...

Price: Free Developer: Paradox, LLC
CEM Books

CEM Books

Imagine being able to access capture or broadcast your Department's vital performance and safety information in real time all the time, on the web or your phone. Now you can. CEM Books app is a free realtime cloud based Departmental...

Price: Free Developer: iED Apps
CEM in Telecoms Global 19

CEM in Telecoms Global 19

This app is the official companion for CEM Global. You can search the agenda, create meetings, send messages, take part in the Q&A and much more. Year after year the Customer Experience Management Telecoms returns, helping telecoms businesses around...

Price: Free Developer: Sense 6 Software Limited
B&V Beijing

B&V Beijing

● Founded in 1995 as a representative office and established a legal entity in 2004 ● Staffs: 320 ● Full project capture and execution capability: Sales & Marketing, Engineering, Procurement, Project Controls, Construction, Quality, Project Accounting ● Unique...

Price: Free Developer: Beijing MayInTech Technology Co., Ltd.
J.D. Power

J.D. Power

J.D. Power’s customer experience measurement and management (CEM) solution combines globally-recognized industry benchmarks, an innovative platform, and our data and analytics expertise. Our mobile app puts the power in your pocket with alert resolution and understanding key metrics that...

Price: Free Developer: J.D. Power


The LightspeedEVO app is a new convenient way of accessing your dealership information to help manage your business anywhere, anytime on your Apple device. It provides a fast, intuitive, and secure mobile integration to the LightspeedEVO dealer management system....

Price: Free Developer: CDK Global, Inc.


Welcome to the new LightspeedEVO app! This new app is being built from the ground up with newer and better technology. We're just getting started, so not all of the functionality from the old app is here...

Price: Free Developer: CDK Global, Inc.


'IEIA Open Seminar 2017' is the premier event of the Exhibition Industry in India, where all the leading Indian and international industry professionals converge for networking, business prospecting, knowledge sharing, working out partnerships and collaborations, M&A discussions, business development...

Price: Free Developer: Persource


digital dialog acceptance - with the sCHECK app sCHECK is one of the after sales modules of the CEM Automotive solution and assists the process of a mobile dialog acceptance on a tablet.

Price: Free Developer: T-Systems International GmbH
SYNC Engage

SYNC Engage

SYNC Engage est une application de synchronisation d'événements télévisuels et radios via une technologie de second écran révolutionnaire. Suivez nos lives via la timeline, Facebook ou Twitter et découvrez d'autres fonctionnalités via la synchronisation audio.

Price: Free Developer: SYNC SAS
Labor Sync

Labor Sync

Labor Sync allows employers and employees to track time and location right from a smartphone or computer. 15 supported languages allow employees to tailor their experience across devices. BUSINESS OWNERS and FOREMEN: You no longer have to worry about accurate time tracking...

Price: Free Developer: Labor Sync LLC


DiLoc|Sync - Kommunikation für mobiles Personal Die lückenlose Information von Mitarbeiter/Innen, die viel unterwegs sind, gewinnt immer mehr an Bedeutung. Da nicht überall eine Internet-Anbindung vorausgesetzt werden kann, müssen diese Dokumente auch offline, also direkt auf den Geräten verfügbar sein....

Price: Free Developer: CN-Consult GmbH
TOP Folders - Scan & Sync Docs

TOP Folders - Scan & Sync Docs

Create high quality PDF scans of any document in seconds! Sign, print & sync to the cloud. With integrated touch ID support to keep your documents safe, it’s like having a powerful office scanner in your pocket! ========================= TOP FOLDERS -...

Price: Free Developer: Bassm Boles
Biz Sync 名刺

Biz Sync 名刺

Biz Sync名刺は、ALEXONが提供するクラウド「Biz Sync」の名刺管理専用のアプリです。 iPhoneで名刺を画像取り込み、Biz Syncにデータを保存します。 名刺データの作成(OCR処理)が行われ、Biz Sync名刺やブラウザでデータの編集、閲覧、削除、管理が行えます。 ・Biz Sync名刺の機能 - iPhone付属のカメラを用いた名刺画像の撮影 
- 複数の名刺画像をアルバムから選択
- 名刺交換日の設定 
- 名刺情報の自動読み取り(OCR処理) 
 名前、会社名、部署、役職、メールアドレス、電話番号、携帯番号、FAX、郵便番号、住所、URL - フリガナの自動付与
 - 名刺の編集と削除
 - 氏名、会社名、電話番号、携帯番号、メールアドレスの一覧表示 - 表示切替(更新日時順、50音順) 
- 名刺検索
 - 名刺画像の拡大表示
 - 名刺情報から電話、メール、メッセージ、Safari、マップの起動
 - グループ内の名刺の共有、閲覧 - 日本語と英語の名刺に対応 ・Biz Sync名刺の特徴 - Biz Syncへのアップロード 
Biz Syncにサインインすると、名刺データはBiz Syncにアップロードされ、ブラウザからもiPhoneからも編集できます。 iPhone本体には名刺データが保存されません。 
- 名刺データの自動認識、画像補正
 Biz Syncに名刺データをアップロードする際に、名刺画像の余白の切り取り、明るさ補正を行えます。 アップロード時に、OCR(自動文字認識)によって名刺内の文字情報を読み取ります。 読み取った情報に加えて、フリガナを自動付与します。読み取り後のデータはiPhoneやPCで修正できます。 
- 名刺の共有 
名刺は同一組織のメンバーと共有されます。共有された名刺はメンバー全員が編集、閲覧可能です。 ・ご利用条件 - ご利用にはインターネットへの接続が必要です。通信にかかる費用はお客様のご負担となります。

 - iPhone 5S以降のiPhoneに対応しています。iPhone 3G, 3GS, 4, 4S, 5,...

Price: Free Developer: ALEXON co.,ltd.
DejaOffice CRM with PC Sync

DejaOffice CRM with PC Sync

DejaOffice is an amazing Personal CRM with PC Sync to Outlook, Act!, Goldmine and Palm Desktop. Download now to try it! Full support for color categories on your calendar. Contacts, Calendar, Tasks and Notes all in one place. This is extended by...

Price: Free Developer: CompanionLink Software
Cloude - The Most Reliable Contacts Cloud Backup, Sync and Restore

Cloude - The Most Reliable Contacts Cloud Backup, Sync and Restore

Never lose your contacts again! Cloude allows you to backup and sync your address book in the cloud. If you lose your contacts, you can easily restore your address book from the cloud to any iOS device. 30 days FREE...

Price: Free Developer: LLC
PA Sync

PA Sync

PhoneAppli「Collaboration Directory」(PACD)は、ビジネスコミュニケーションを最適化し、イノベーションを生み出すワークスタイルを提案する、Webベースの電話帳アプリケーションです。 そのiPhone向け新アプリ「PA Sync for iPhone(PA Sync)」をリリースいたします。 PA Syncは、iOS10から追加された新機能着信ID機能を使用し、着信時のみ誰からの着信かを表示するアプリになります。 *PA Syncのご利用には、PACDサーバver.2.0.6以降が必要です。

Price: Free Developer: PhoneAppli,inc


PONSSE Sync offers to you automatic Ponsse machine discovery in same network. PONSSE Sync mobile app can search, connect and synchronize files with a Ponsse machines in the same local area. Local Area Network can be: WLAN Wireless...

Price: Free Developer: Ponsse Oyj
Supernote - Cloud sync notes

Supernote - Cloud sync notes

A simple, easy-to-use convenient notepad app appeared! "Notepad - Supernote - Simple, Cloud Sync" is a simple notepad application. Cloud sync, search function can be used. ■ Notepad - Function of Supernote · Delete notes, order manually · Coloring the memo with 5 colors...

Price: Free Developer: Mitsuhiro Hashimoto

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