Top 20 Health & Fitness Apps Like Sense - slank med fornuft - Best Alternatives

Sense - slank med fornuft Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Sense - slank med fornuft alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Health & Fitness apps that are similar to Sense - slank med fornuft. Pick one from this list to be your new Sense - slank med fornuft app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Sense - slank med fornuft on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Sense - slank med fornuft - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Sense - slank med fornuft alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Sense - slank med fornuft 2025.

Step Master

Step Master

KORG STEP MASTER DANCE PRACTICE PLATFORM Tighter rhythm, more fun! STEP MASTER, the iPhone app that lets you acquire the sense of rhythm that you need for dance. In order to dance impressively, the crucial point is to keep the rhythm! This...

Price: Free Developer: KORG INC.
Pilates Yoga Fitness Workouts

Pilates Yoga Fitness Workouts

Pilates Yoga Fitness Workouts at Home at Anytime with effective strong vinyasa stretching fitness exercise program for Kids, Youngers, Olders and for all age groups. If you want to lose weight fast, Pilates is not the exercise for you. But...

Price: Free Developer: SivaCharan L
Fit For Bucks - Walk & Earn

Fit For Bucks - Walk & Earn

You move your body every day – from walking the dog to taking the stairs to window shopping and going for a run. Fit For Bucks celebrates your commitment to being active by connecting you to local and online...

Price: Free Developer: Fit For Bucks Corporation


The Dynamic Running Therapy app contains several different mindfulness meditation exercises including mindful sitting, walking and running meditation. Developed by psychotherapist and mindful running expert William Pullen, author of “Running with Mindfulness” (Penguin), the app also contains programs for the...

Price: Free Developer: william pullen
Prescription for Serenity

Prescription for Serenity

From the makers of “Prescription for Sleep,” the original hit sleep-aid application (with over 450,000 downloads), comes a next-generation app designed to give you the relaxation and peace you deserve – Prescription for Serenity. The Hibino Sound Therapy Lab, led...

Price: Free Developer: Mission One, LLC
Neale Donald Walsch Meditation: Your Own Conversations With God

Neale Donald Walsch Meditation: Your Own Conversations With God

Having your own Conversation with God is a truly wonderful experience. Sadly though, many people feel they can't have such an experience themselves. But what if they could? What if anyone could ask God anything, knowing...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: SuperMind Apps, LLC
Brush Teeth with The Wiggles

Brush Teeth with The Wiggles

Welcome to the wonderful world of teaching your children how to have healthy teeth! This App was created by The Wiggles in conjunction with Dental experts to help build healthy habits around regular care of your young child's...

Price: Free Developer: The Wiggles International Pty Limited


Are you a mummy or daddy caring for a child with a chronic life-threatening illness? Download NeW-I, an app designed to provide emotional and psychological support to mothers and fathers whose child has been diagnosed with chronic life-threatening illness. Harness...

Price: Free Developer: Andy Hau Yan Ho


Have you ever been feeling low, down in the dumps, stuck in a rut, or just plain stressed out? Of course, the answer to that question will be “Yes” for everyone! We all fall on hard times, and we...

Price: Free Developer: AA Technology LLC
Z Med Clinic

Z Med Clinic

Z Med Clinic Appointments & Medical Consultation Z Med Clinic App lets you communicate with your Z Med clinic and provider with ease!If you have any medical issues or concerns that need to be taken care of, the Z Med...

Price: Free Developer: Ahmed Hashim
UNR Med Women's Health

UNR Med Women's Health

An app that has the health needs of women in mind. Recommendations from the United States Preventative Services Task Force are available based on personal and family health history. The ability to to check when your next preventative appointments...

Price: Free Developer: University of Nevada, Reno
Med Melon

Med Melon

Med Melon, Φυσικά Συμπληρώματα Διατροφής, Flora, Καναδάς, Φυτικά συστατικά, Βοτανικά Εκχυλίσματα, Κορυφαία Ποιότητα Το περιεχόμενο της εφαρμογής έχει ως στόχο να προβάλλει τα προϊόντα της εταιρείας μας και να ενημερώσει όσο το δυνατόν καλύτερα τον επισκέπτη. Σε καμία περίπτωση, το ενημερωτικό...

Price: Free Developer: Tessera Multimedia S.A.
Labby MED

Labby MED

Con Labby MED puoi avere a disposizione la terapia personalizzata del tuo dottore! Puoi scambiare messaggi e ricevere in tempo reale la tua nuova terapia, eseguire gli esercizi e non perderla mai di vista... questa terapia! Solo per i dottori aderenti al...

Price: Free Developer: METAWELLNESS SRL
Labby MED Pro

Labby MED Pro

Con Labby MED Pro hai la gestione del tuo studio medico a portata di Smartphone. Potrai accedere e consultare le terapie dei clienti ed aggiornale in qualsiasi momento con tanti esercizi e soluzioni specializzate. Segui il piano terapeutico dei propri clienti e...

Price: Free Developer: METAWELLNESS SRL


APPETITUS er et verktøy for valg og registrering av mat, drikke og energiberiking. Målet er å bidra til inspirasjon, oppmuntring, orientering og organisering for å forebygge ernæringsproblemer. Appen viser matretter fordelt på måltidene frokost, lunsj, middag, kveldsmat...

Price: Free Developer: Norsk Regnesentral
Orto Med Sport

Orto Med Sport

Rewolucyjna aplikacja treningowa dla pacjentów. Pisana przez doświadczonych lekarzy dla pacjentów. Unikalne podejście do problemów z układem ruchu. Chcesz wrócić do zdrowia, zacznij trenować razem z nami! Aplikacja dla wszystkich, którzy mają problemy z układem ruchu. Pomocna w szybkim dochodzeniu do...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Bartlomiej Kacprzak
VRMED TOTAL PATHWAY - a VR360 experience

VRMED TOTAL PATHWAY - a VR360 experience

This VR application is particularly useful for hospital management, clinics, patient-information, surgeons, medical students, medical education, medical schools, physiotherapists and procurement management. This application describes the journey of a knee operation out of the perspective of a patient. What if you...

Price: Free Developer: VRmed Ltd.


See, Learn and Discover your infrared body. Infrared-Body is an informational app introducing Medical Infrared Imaging as a tool for health and prevention to a wider audience. We believe it is important to communicate our conviction that access to health care...

Price: Free Developer: Med-Hot Thermal Imaging Inc.


Til dig som har diabetes og tæller kulhydrater. Du indtaster vægten på din mad i første kolonne og antal kulhydrater pr. 100 gram i anden kolonne. Hvorefter du kan se det samlede antal kulhydrater for dit måltid. Bemærk: Det er...

Price: Free Developer: Morten Munk Madsen

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