Top 24 Productivity Apps Like Russian Sponsorship Forum - Best Alternatives

Russian Sponsorship Forum Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Russian Sponsorship Forum alternatives for iOS? We have listed 24 Productivity apps that are similar to Russian Sponsorship Forum. Pick one from this list to be your new Russian Sponsorship Forum app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Russian Sponsorship Forum on your iOS devices.

Top 24 Apps Like Russian Sponsorship Forum - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Russian Sponsorship Forum alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 24 similar apps like Russian Sponsorship Forum 2025.

Russian Fans House RIO-2016

Russian Fans House RIO-2016

This is the official app for the Russian Fans House in 2016 in Rio de Janeiro. Receive real-time schedule updates, mark events you would like to attend and get reminders when they are about to start.

Price: Free Developer: Mercury Development, LLC
Svensk-Rysk ordbok

Svensk-Rysk ordbok

RUSSIAN (РУССКИЙ): Приложение содержит: 1. Шведско-русский словарь; 2. Русско-шведский словарь; 3. Самоучитель шведского языка; 4. Краткий Разговорник (включен в словарь 1-2) 5. Краткий Словарь выборочных выражений (включен в словарь 1-2) 6. Грамматика; 7. Таблица особых глаголов; 8. Избранные Таблицы грамматики; 9. Шведский алфавит. Словарь Scandi позволяет: + добавлять новые слова! +...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Valeriy Petrenko
Doc Scanner - Scan PDF

Doc Scanner - Scan PDF

Doc Scanner is the most powerful document scanning app on the market today. Flawlessly scan unlimited documents and save them as PDF files, in addition to performing a whole range of actions such as e-sign, extract, translate, share, create...

Price: Free Developer: Zoho Corporation
Translator Guru: Voice & Text

Translator Guru: Voice & Text

LIVE CONVERSATION MODE Transform your phone into live translation device. Choose a pair of languages and communicate easily anywhere in the world. The language is no longer a barrier! ADVANCED TEXT TO TEXT MODE Enter any phrase you want to translate...

Price: Free Developer: GM UniverseApps Limited


TwelvePoint is a software for writing and publishing screenplays, teleplays, theatrical plays and novels. Write your own story, the software will automatically take care of the layout. TwelvePoint (iOS) is designed for professionals and beginners to take full advantage of...

Price: USD 18.99 Developer:
TransGo Voice & Text Translate

TransGo Voice & Text Translate

TransGo is the application voice and text translator, that help you to communication effectively with any language in the world. With GoTranslate you can easily translate by the use of text, voice or images and you will be confident...

Price: Free Developer: 5SKay Software


Translate+ is an indispensable voice and text translator that allows to communicate effectively in any corner of the globe. Instantly speak 42 languages and hold written conversations in 100 languages! EXCELLENT TRANSLATION OPTIONS: * Advanced voice recognition technology * Dictate what you...

Price: Free Developer: NGOC KHOA NGUYEN
EAI Mail

EAI Mail

Mail App is World's First IDN/EAI capable app which can allow you to configure EAI (Email address Internationalization) email addresses for your Internationalized domain names. This app can be used to configure any email server using IMAP and utilize...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Bharat Sync Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Capti Voice

Capti Voice

Slant: #1 in "Best Text to Speech Software" lists for Mac, Windows, and iOS EdTech Digest: "Best Special Needs Solution of 2017" Listen to documents, news, books, etc. Capti will improve your productivity and make your reading more enjoyable. A great...

Price: Free Developer: Charmtech Labs LLC
My Food Program

My Food Program

My Food Program was designed from the ground-up to be an intuitive and easy software solution for managing the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program. The intuitive interface reduces the chances for mistakes and fraud. Below are some...

Price: Free Developer: Genius Programs LLC
My Food Program for Reviewers

My Food Program for Reviewers

My Food Program was designed from the ground-up to be an intuitive and easy software solution for managing the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program. The intuitive interface reduces the chances for mistakes and fraud. Below are some...

Price: Free Developer: Genius Programs LLC
Hello Pay - Rodan + Fields Consultants US, CA, AU

Hello Pay - Rodan + Fields Consultants US, CA, AU

Hello Pay™ Calculates, Simplifies and Enlightens Your Rodan + Fields Business for Consultants Worldwide Calculate, Simplify and Enlighten your understanding of the Rodan + Fields Pay Structure for Veteran Consultants and Engage Prospective Consultants with Ease using Hello Pay's Intuitive...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Timothy Japenga
IEGWorld 2019

IEGWorld 2019

Join 1,200 industry leaders in Chicago, March 18-20, for the world’s largest and most important conference on sponsorship and partnership marketing. You will come away smarter, more connected and better able to tackle the toughest partnership challenges. No large...

Price: Free Developer: IEG
Forum Feedback

Forum Feedback

Om continu te kunnen luisteren en leren van uw klanten ontwikkelde Forum klantfeedback- en opvolgsysteem Performitor®. Performitor® is uniek omdat het niet alleen klantfeedback monitort, maar ook de interne opvolging faciliteert en borgt. Geen fancy onderzoekstool dus, maar een...

Price: Free Developer: Forum Performance Management
YPO Forum

YPO Forum

The YPO Forum app gives you the power to build custom agendas, in less time. Instantly access valuable meeting planning and management tools, making it quick and easy for you to lead more effective forum meetings and retreats. Extend...

Price: Free Developer: YPO, Inc.
UN Trade Forum 2019

UN Trade Forum 2019

The UN Trade Forum 2019 web app, dedicated to attendees, will help you maximize your experience in Geneva, and stay connected with fellow participants. You can: - Set up a profile - Arrange your agenda - Take notes, ask questions, download hand-outs and...

Price: Free Developer: United Nations
Commerce forum

Commerce forum

Welcome to Commerce Forum!!! We thank you for using the services of Commerce Forum mobile app. Commerce Forum is communication channel and it helps people get connected with the people of the same idea and the information flow from...

Price: Free Developer: Vivid Innovation Pvt Ltd
EU Brazil Green Business Forum

EU Brazil Green Business Forum

Following on the Paris Agreements, COP 21 and COP 22, the European Union together with the WWF and FEBRABAN is pleased to welcome you to the EU-Brazil Green Business Forum taking place in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on 8 and...

Price: Free Developer: Pathable, Inc.
PBIS Leadership Forum 2019

PBIS Leadership Forum 2019

Official mobile app of the PBIS Leadership Forum. This two-day forum for school, state, district ,and regional Leadership Teams and other professionals has been designed to help increase the effectiveness of PBIS Implementation. Enhance your Forum experience...

Price: Free Developer: Midwest PBIS
Social Finance Forum 2018

Social Finance Forum 2018

The Social Finance Forum app, powered by Pathable, will help you network with other attendees, interact with our speakers, learn about our sponsors, set up meetings, start discussions, make connections, and build your personal schedule of educational sessions. Here are...

Price: Free Developer: Pathable, Inc.
100+ Forum Russia

100+ Forum Russia

The official Application of the International Forum and Exhibition for high-rise and special constructions 100+ Forum Russia. You can: • check the program in real time and create your personal schedule; • receive instant notifications of updates of the program; • communicate with other participants, ask...

AHA Executive Forum

AHA Executive Forum

AHA Executive Forum is the official mobile app for the AHA Executive Forum Series. This mobile app allows you to: - View schedules, explore sessions, and find networking events. - Curate your own personal...

Price: Free Developer: American Hospital Association
Hotel Business Forum

Hotel Business Forum

Официальное приложение для мероприятия “Hotel Business Forum”. HOTEL BUSINESS FORUM - самая масштабная площадка в России и СНГ для встреч ведущих экспертов отрасли и проактивных отельеров с целью обмена лучшей практикой и технологиями управления, нахождения путей решения самых актуальных управленческих...

Price: Free Developer: KHOTELIT GRUPP, OOO

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