Top 25 Finance Apps Like Tipper 2019 LITE - Best Alternatives

Tipper 2019 LITE Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Tipper 2019 LITE alternatives for iOS? We have listed 25 Finance apps that are similar to Tipper 2019 LITE. Pick one from this list to be your new Tipper 2019 LITE app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Tipper 2019 LITE on your iOS devices.

Top 25 Apps Like Tipper 2019 LITE - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Tipper 2019 LITE alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 25 similar apps like Tipper 2019 LITE 2025.

Tipper 2019

Tipper 2019

Tipper is a tip calculator app which helps calculate tip % on top of bills; and helps split bills when you're out with friends. Simply enter the bill amount to reveal tipping values of 10%, 15% 20% and 25% on...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Vincent Chan


How does it work? The whole premise behind Tip Bucket was to make it easy for patrons to give tips—and easy for you to receive them. All that’s needed is a mobile phone. There are three easy steps: 1. The tipper...

Price: Free Developer: App to App, LLC


It’s Fast – Fast as tipping with cash from a wallet or money clip It’s Easy – Easy to setup, transact & administer for the Tipper & Tippee It’s Secure – Secure as any PayPal or credit card transaction It’s Anonymous –...

Price: Free Developer: Ryan Memmelaar


A completely safe & secure way to tip anyone, anywhere using location services from your mobile device. Tippers: You are about to make someone happy with your generosity. With the click of a button, you can send a tip...

Price: Free Developer: Goozmo
PERE 2019

PERE 2019

Despite high levels of political uncertainty across the continent, European real estate remains an attractive proposition to investors. In 2019, PERE will once again feature in-depth case studies on the latest real estate deals, analyse capital strategies and discuss...

Price: Free Developer: PEI Media Inc
Lönekalkylatorn 2019

Lönekalkylatorn 2019

Lönekalkylatorn 2019 Lönekalkylatorn 2019 är en vanlig enkel kalkylator men med den helt unika funktionen att den också räknar fram skatt och arbetsgivaravgift med ett klick. Du väljer själv vilken löneuppgift som ska anges för att räkna fram de övriga. Ange...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: DataVara AB
AfDB AM Digital 2019

AfDB AM Digital 2019

AM Digital 2019 App is designed participants to request, access and view the Travel, Hotel, Visa,Car and Group Chat for the Annual Meetings 2019.

Price: Free Developer: Africa Development Bank
Lönekollen 2019

Lönekollen 2019

Lönekollen 2019 ger dig en överblick över vad du får ut av lönen, hur mycket du kostar för din arbetsgivare eller vad dina anställda faktiskt kostar dig baserat på bruttolönen. * Visar skatteåret 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 och 2019 i...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Biqoro AB
2019 Quarterly Tax Estimator

2019 Quarterly Tax Estimator

If you're self-employed, you've probably been encouraged to set aside 30% of each paycheck in federal taxes. Often this is much higher than is required and is money you could better spend on investments or you own personal life....

Price: Free Developer: Jon Paul Miles
AIC 2019

AIC 2019

This app is designed to support the Association of Investment Companies’ 2019 Conference. Features in this app include: - A full conference programme - ...

Price: Free Developer: The Association of Investment Companies
Credicorp 2019

Credicorp 2019

We are pleased to welcome you to our XVII Andean Investor Conference, to be held in Lima on September 25-26, 2019. As usual, this year's program includes presentations by relevant decision makers with impact on the Andean capital markets.

Price: Free Developer: Credicorp Capital
MEET 2019

MEET 2019

Tramite l’App Meet 2019 potrete condividere i momenti più interessanti degli eventi Meet, rimanere sempre aggiornati su iniziative degli espositori presenti e inoltre potrete condividere velocemente i vostri contatti.

Price: Free Developer: GoApp s.r.l.
AGA PDT 2019

AGA PDT 2019

Association of Government Accountants (AGA) 2019 Professional Development Training

Price: Free Developer: Association of Government Accountants
EÜR 2019 für Numbers

EÜR 2019 für Numbers

Sie erhalten die Kassenbuch-Vorlage, die nach "Numbers" übertragen wird um sie dort zu bearbeiten und zu verwalten. Mit dieser App erhalten Sie die EÜR-Vorlage für 2019 für Numbers. Erfassen Sie das Geschäftsjahr inklusive oder ohne Umsatzsteuer einfach und übersichtlich auf...

Price: USD 17.99 Developer: Stephan Hartmann
MCB Lite Mobile Wallet

MCB Lite Mobile Wallet

The MCB Lite Mobile Wallet The MCB Lite Mobile Wallet application is the official mobile wallet application for the customers of MCB Lite, a socially connected payments solution. This application provides the customers the ease of accessing their MCB Lite...

Price: Free Developer: MCB Bank Ltd.
WalletWhiz Lite

WalletWhiz Lite

"We all know tracking spending habits for anyone is difficult. Is there a solution? Yes! WalletWhiz is one of the best solutions for an iPhone owner." - Simple-Reviews "A Handy Personal Financial Tool that’s helpful for all!" - AppShouter "This app...

Price: Free Developer: Numlock Business Solutions Co.
Adding Machine 10Key Lite

Adding Machine 10Key Lite

'Adding Machine 10Key Lite' behaves like a true '10 Key' or 'printing calculator' such as those made by Monroe, Casio, Sharp and others. A total is obtained by pressing the asterisk (*), operator entry is reversed, and percentages are...

Price: Free Developer: Richard Silverman
Manappuram OGL Lite

Manappuram OGL Lite

Manappuram Finance Limited a leading Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) in India under the able stewardship of Shri. V.P. Nandakumar, MD & CEO of the Company. Manappuram is pleased to announce a new age OGL Lite app whereby the Customers...

Price: Free Developer: Manappuram Finance Ltd
Road Trip MPG Lite

Road Trip MPG Lite

Road Trip is the fastest and easiest iPhone application for tracking your car's mileage, fuel economy, and maintenance expenses. Unlike other "lite" applications, Road Trip Lite does not limit the amount of data you can save. You can use...

Price: Free Developer: Darren Stone
Chebyshev Trend Lite

Chebyshev Trend Lite

ChebyshevTrendLite gives you the real, underlying trends of all the stocks showing in Yahoo Finance. Save stock symbols in groups, adjust trend dates, get buy and sell signals, compare with other indicators and more. Everything you need to keep...

Price: Free Developer: IGOR VLASOV
Home Bookkeeping Lite

Home Bookkeeping Lite

You say you don't have the discipline to control your budgeting? With Home Bookkeeping, it's a snap! It's your chance to finally become a savvy spender and protect yourself from the danger of debt. Unlike the usual paper and...

Price: Free Developer: Pavel Kozlovsky
BillTracker Lite

BillTracker Lite

From the water bill to the car payment to the cell phone subscription, BillTracker Lite can help you stay on top of your bills. Features of BillTracker Lite: • All new design, now updated for iOS 8 • The new Upcoming screen...

Price: Free Developer: SnapTap
Daily Expense Manager Lite

Daily Expense Manager Lite

Can't handle your daily expense? Daily Expense Manager Lite is here to help. Daily Expense Manager Lite is the simplest way to manage your personal finances and daily expense. This application helps you budget and track your spending. Flow-oriented interface...

Price: Free Developer: WebPix Solutions
Expense Lite

Expense Lite

Are you worried about your expenses? Are you worried about your income? Then stay relaxed & Check out our new app "Expense Lite" to track your daily transactions. Expense Lite helps you track your financial activity efficiently. Its beautiful simple design makes...

Price: Free Developer: Zoetlk Chyicro

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