Top 28 Education Apps Like Ecs. ax+b=cx+d - Best Alternatives

Ecs. ax+b=cx+d Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Ecs. ax+b=cx+d alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Education apps that are similar to Ecs. ax+b=cx+d. Pick one from this list to be your new Ecs. ax+b=cx+d app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Ecs. ax+b=cx+d on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like Ecs. ax+b=cx+d - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Ecs. ax+b=cx+d alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like Ecs. ax+b=cx+d 2025.

ECS Revision

ECS Revision

With over 250 up to date Health and Safety questions, the ECS Revision app is the best way to prepare for your ECS site card exam. Unlike official CSCS-affiliated Revision offers unlimited revision test retakes. The app offers the following features: ...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: James Kelly
Aircraft ECS Check using AR

Aircraft ECS Check using AR

The easiest and safest way to learn how to perform operational check on the environmental control system (ECS) of a light aircraft. Step-by-step guide is provided. Ideal for those who want to train to be an aircraft maintenance engineer. Important:...

Price: Free Developer: Fong Fook meng
ECS Learning Hub

ECS Learning Hub

Quickly and easily keep up to date with what's happening at ECS Learning Hub. Latest news from the school. Upcoming events and integrated calendar with option to save diary dates in iCal. Photo galleries with slide, pinch and zoom. Pull to refresh. Share news,...

Price: Free Developer: Green Schools Online
Ecs. ax+b=c

Ecs. ax+b=c

Mate365 presenta la aplicación para resolver ecuaciones de la forma: ax+b = c utilizando propiedades de los números, tales como el inverso aditivo, el inverso multiplicativo, agrupación y reducción de términos semejantes, etc, con la finalidad de despejar...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Marta Silvia Saldivar Valencia
Ecs. x+a=b

Ecs. x+a=b

Mate365, presenta la resolución de miles de casos diferentes de ecuaciones lineales o de primer grado de la forma: x+a=b, al considerar diferentes valores numéricos para las literales: a & b en los conjuntos de...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Marta Silvia Saldivar Valencia
Brevet Bac Sup 2019

Brevet Bac Sup 2019

L'App gratuite pour réussir : Collège, Lycée et Etudes Sup' ! - COLLÈGE : 6ème, 5ème, 4ème, 3ème (spécial Brevet !) - LYCÉE : Seconde, Première, Terminale. Tous les Bacs (Généraux, Technologiques, Professionnels) - inclus les nouveaux Programmes de la Réforme...

Price: Free Developer: Nomad Education


Kartable c'est l'application n°1 pour tes cours et révisions en ligne, qui accompagne déjà plus d'un élève français sur trois. En utilisant régulièrement Kartable, un élève progresse de 3,9 points en moyenne ! ***** Avec Kartable, retrouve tous tes cours et...

Price: Free Developer: Kartable
Ellsworth Lancers, MI

Ellsworth Lancers, MI

The official app for Ellsworth Community School (ECS), MI allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Don't miss out on any important notifications. Users may also access the directory of district faculty and...

Price: Free Developer: Apptegy
Emmanuel Christian School

Emmanuel Christian School

Emmanuel Christian School, Skoolbag App for parent and student community. Download this App to be kept up to date with everything that is happening at ECS. It features Events, News, School Enews Newsletters,Documents, and push notification alerts direct from...

Price: Free Developer: SKOOLBAG PTY LTD
Cubic Solver - plot graph and find roots of cubic function [y = ax³ + bx² + cx + d]

Cubic Solver - plot graph and find roots of cubic function [y = ax³ + bx² + cx + d]

* Build interactive graphs of the cubic function (y = ax³ + bx² + cx + d) * Solve cubic equations (ax³ + bx² + cx + d = 0) * Get familiar with the cubic function coefficients and how...

Price: Free Developer: Yaroslav Mironov
First Degree Equation (ax+b=c)

First Degree Equation (ax+b=c)

Application content Lesson 01 :: Subtraction Review ​ - Definition of subtraction (the process of removing one number from another) - Different rules (step by step explanation) - Practice and Review (with progression check) ​ Lesson 02 ::...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Paulo Narra
First Degree Equation : ax+b=c

First Degree Equation : ax+b=c

First Degree Equations (Linear Equations) Application that explains how to solve first-degree equations (linear equations) with a variable. For easier learning, start by reviewing subtraction and multiplication with parentheses. It explains in detail the manipulation of first degree equations, with...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Paulo Narra
Partial Fractions

Partial Fractions

Partial Fractions is a handy way to compute partial fraction expansions. It works for 2nd and 3rd order denominators and supports many different input forms (listed below). Supports real and complex answers. It is very useful when trying to...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: squishLogic


2+3? 7x8? or (99-88)x7+?=149 5 games of 26 levels of math exercises to learn addition and times tables. Start from a simple addition and go on to hard math. Practice multiplication and division with a bit of addition and subtraction....

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Creepytwo Labs Ltd
Maths Equation

Maths Equation

Maths Equation is a very fast and easy tool to solve quadratic equations and find area of area of 6 shapes. You input your numbers and instantaneously get solution in Fractions of second.
 Excellent app for students, teachers, scientists and...

Price: Free Developer: Tatvasoft
Quadratic Equation Calculator with Steps

Quadratic Equation Calculator with Steps

An easy to use calculator with steps that solves quadratic equations in the form ax^2 + bx + c = 0, ax^2 + bx = 0 and ax^2 + c = 0. Just enter the values of ‘a’, ‘b’...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Intemodino Group s.r.o.
Quadratic Equation Solver with Steps

Quadratic Equation Solver with Steps

A handy calculator with steps to solve linear and quadratic equations. Quadratic Equation Solver can handle a wide range of linear and quadratic equations, including equations with fractions and parentheses. Features: Solves quadratic equations with real and complex roots. Solves linear equations. Shows...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Intemodino Group s.r.o.


App-en benyttes for å kunne lese digitale bøker (d-bøker). I d-bøker blir den tradisjonelle boken kombinert med styrken som ligger teknologien. En d-bok kan være beriket med lyd, video, bildespill, lenker og interaktive oppgaver. Denne d-bok-leseren gir deg i...

Price: Free Developer: Forlagshuset Vigmostad & Bjørke AS


D-brief.ev is a novel, multifunctional application which allows residents to receive different types of evaluations, including Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA) evaluations, all throughout their residency. This app is an essential tool for programs transitioning to Competency by Design (CBD)....

Price: Free Developer: Dominic Jean
D-Day Odyssey

D-Day Odyssey

Dive to discover the D-Day landing wrecks in 3D Play the role of an underwater archeologist searching for the remains of the landings in Normandy Use the historical and technological resources made available to you to locate, identify and re-assemble the...

Price: Free Developer: Reseau Canope
D.C. Everest School District

D.C. Everest School District

The official D.C. Everest School District app gives you a personalized window into what is happening at the district and schools. Get the news and information that you care about and get involved. Anyone can: -View...

Price: Free Developer: D.C. Everest Area School District
Pablo Picasso, 24 chefs d’œuvres expliqués aux enfants

Pablo Picasso, 24 chefs d’œuvres expliqués aux enfants

Une application de la RMN – Grand Palais destinée aux enfants de 8 à 12 ans 4 jeux intégrés : Cherche et Trouve, les Sept Erreurs, le Mémory et un Quizz Quel incroyable artiste que ce Picasso ! Avec lui, les couleurs...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Réunion des Musées Nationaux
Washington D.C. VUE Real Estate Agent Exam Prep.

Washington D.C. VUE Real Estate Agent Exam Prep.

Washington D.C. Pearson VUE Real Estate Exam Cram: You can pass the Washington D.C. Real Estate Salesperson License Exam on your 1st try! by Exam Cram Gurus, LLP You cannot pass the Washington D.C. Real Estate Salesperson Exam without the extra knowledge...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Exam Cram Gurus, LLP
VOCABULYNX Confusions ( b / d )

VOCABULYNX Confusions ( b / d )

Un jeu de Loto pour travailler les confusions sans opposition !! ( ou avec ... c'est vous qui choisissez ). Cette version de VOCABULYNX correspond aux confusions ( b / d ) et peut être utilisée en autonomie par les...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Fabrice Eveillard
Level D(5-6) Library - Learn To Read Books

Level D(5-6) Library - Learn To Read Books

Get a complete set of Level D(5-6) books for less than 1/2 the price of Scholastic leveled PDF books and less than 1/3 the cost of print books. Plus, these books are interactive! Remember to check out the Apple...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Visions Encoded Inc.
Maintenance Vocabulary D-E

Maintenance Vocabulary D-E

TECHVOC D-E ist ein Maintenance Vocabulary Trainer D-E und ein ideales Trainingstool für (zukünftige) Flugzeugtechniker, die ihren Wortschatz im Bereich der Aviation auffrischen wollen oder sich erstmalig damit befassen: SPIELERISCH TRAINIEREN UND SICH LAUFEND STEIGERN TECHVOC D-E, der Maintenance...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Sabine Mertens
Studyaid D.B. ビューア

Studyaid D.B. ビューア

数研出版のプリント作成ソフト「Studyaid D.B.」専用の無料ビューアアプリ「Studyaid D.B. ビューア」が登場! 「Studyaid D.B.」で作成したプリントを、iPhoneやiPadで表示できるようになりました! 【Studyaid D.B. ビューアの特徴】 ◆プリントの表示 - 「Studyaid D.B.」で作成したプリントを受信して表示 - 受信したプリントはいつでもどこでもオフラインで表示 - 1問ごとに問題や答、解説を切り替えて表示も可能 ◆回答機能で理解度を共有 - 問題ごとに「わかった」「わからない」などを回答して理解度を共有 【ご利用時の注意点】 ・本アプリでプリントを受信するには、あらかじめ「Studyaid D.B.」でプリントを配信しておく必要があります。 ・本アプリはネットワーク接続が必要となります(受信済みのプリントはオフラインでも表示可能)。 ・ネットワーク接続に際し発生する通信料は利用者のご負担となります。 【サンプルプリントについて】 いつでも受信できる以下のサンプルプリントをご用意しています。 ぜひお試しください。 ・プリントID:0001 「(サンプル)三角比の公式の確認」  ・プリントID:0002 「(サンプル)展開の公式 確認問題」 ・プリントID:0003 「(サンプル)円周角の定理の利用」 ・プリントID:0004 「(サンプル)2次関数の最大・最小」

Price: Free Developer: Suken Shuppan K.K.

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