Top 26 Book Apps Like Bani Garib Das Ji - Best Alternatives

Bani Garib Das Ji Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Bani Garib Das Ji alternatives for iOS? We have listed 26 Book apps that are similar to Bani Garib Das Ji. Pick one from this list to be your new Bani Garib Das Ji app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Bani Garib Das Ji on your iOS devices.

Top 26 Apps Like Bani Garib Das Ji - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Bani Garib Das Ji alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 26 similar apps like Bani Garib Das Ji 2025.

Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Bani

Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Bani

Guru Granth Sahib (Punjabi (Gurmukhi): (Gurū Gra°th Sāhib Jī), Punjabi pronunciation: , /ɡʊəru ɡrʌnt səhɪb/) is the central religious scripture of Sikhism, regarded by Sikhs as the final, sovereign and eternal living Guru following the lineage of...

Price: Free Developer: Mohit Agarwal
Sundar Gutka (Damdami Taksal)

Sundar Gutka (Damdami Taksal)

Sundar Gutka (Damdami Taksal) contains all the Gurbani (Sikh Prayers)-with optional color coded vishraams (pauses)- of the Damdami Taksal Sundar Gutka, Nitnem Gutka, and more. Bani has been reviewed by scholars of the Taksal. Optimized for iPhone and iPad. Color Coded...

Price: Free Developer: Lakhvir Brar
Chaupai Sahib Paath

Chaupai Sahib Paath

Chaupai sahib also known as Benti Chaupai is a prayer or Bani composed by tenth Sikh Guru, Shri Guru Gobind Singh. This bani is present in Charitar 404 of Dasam Granth in Bani Ath Pakhyan Chairtar Likhyatey. This Bani...

Price: Free Developer: Karampreet Singh
Rehras Sahib Path With Audio

Rehras Sahib Path With Audio

'Rehras Sahib Path' app let you read and listen to 'Rehras Sahib' on your mobile. You can read 'Rehras Sahib Path' in Punjabi, Hindi or English and also can read meaning of path while reading or listening to 'Rehras...

Price: Free Developer: Navdip Singh
Sundar Gutka

Sundar Gutka

Khalsa Sundar Gutka contains the daily and extended Sikh Prayers also known as nitnem. The Sikh scriptures are known as Gurbani and were written by the ten Sikh Gurus. We have tried to include many banis and features to serve...

Price: Free Developer: Khalis, Inc.
Anand Sahib Paath

Anand Sahib Paath

Anand Sahib This Bani is part of the Nitnem (prayers) which are read by Amritdhari Sikhs in the morning. This Bani was written by Guru Amar Das, the third Guru of the Sikhs and forms part of the 5 Banis...

Price: Free Developer: Karampreet Singh
Anand Sahib Paath with Audio

Anand Sahib Paath with Audio

This Bani is part of the Nitnem (prayers) which are read by Amritdhari Sikhs in the morning. This Bani was written by Guru Amar Das, the third Guru of the Sikhs and forms part of the 5 Banis that...

Price: Free Developer: Sukhpreet Singh
Chaupai Sahib Paath with Audio

Chaupai Sahib Paath with Audio

Chaupai sahib or Benti Chaupai is a prayer or Bani composed by tenth Sikh Guru, Shri Guru Gobind Singh Sahi Ji. This bani is present in Charitar 404 of Dasam Granth in Bani Ath Pakhyan Chairtar Likhyatey. This Bani...

Price: Free Developer: Sukhpreet Singh
Jaap Sahib Paath

Jaap Sahib Paath

Jaap is the bani (set of hymns) uttered by Guru Gobind Singh ji, the Tenth Sikh Guru, the Tenth Nanak. It is one of the Five Banis recited by most practising Sikhs each morning and the bani that the Panj...

Price: Free Developer: Karampreet Singh
100 Tipps für das Putzen

100 Tipps für das Putzen

Schlieren auf den Fensterscheiben, Wollmäuse in den Ecken, klebriger Fußboden, schmierige Spülbecken? Selten hat man große Lust und viel Zeit, um sich um aufwendiges Putzen zu kümmern. Sauberkeit zu wahren ist mit den richtigen Mitteln und Strategien aber gar...

Price: Free Developer: Kigorosa UG (haftungsbeschr�nkt)
100 Tipps für das Putzen PRO

100 Tipps für das Putzen PRO

Schlieren auf den Fensterscheiben, Wollmäuse in den Ecken, klebriger Fußboden, schmierige Spülbecken? Selten hat man große Lust und viel Zeit, um sich um aufwendiges Putzen zu kümmern. Sauberkeit zu wahren ist mit den richtigen Mitteln und Strategien aber gar...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Kigorosa UG (haftungsbeschr�nkt)
Das Notizbuch

Das Notizbuch

Sherlock Holmes - das Original: "Das Notizbuch von Sherlock Holmes“ enthält weitere 12 Geschichten des berühmtesten aller Meisterdetektive.  Sie haben schon mal Bücher oder Hörbücher gekauft, die ihnen nach den ersten paar Kapiteln nicht mehr gefallen haben und dann in...

Price: Free Developer: DUTYFARM GMBH
Veten Berachá - Leis das Bênçãos de Alimentos

Veten Berachá - Leis das Bênçãos de Alimentos

A recitação das berachot (bênçãos) anteriores e posteriores ao consumo de alimentos é de extrema importância no Judaísmo. Já que a devida concentração e a recitação correta das berachot são comparadas ao cumprimento de toda a Torá, se torna...

Price: Free Developer: Natan L Rolnik
BIM - Das digitale Miteinander

BIM - Das digitale Miteinander

Mit "BIM – Das digitale Miteinander" führt André Pilling den Leser spielerisch an die Digitalisierung und den damit verbundenen Change-Prozess heran. Das bewusst analog gehaltene Buch besitzt einen Zwilling in Form einer kostenlosen Augmented Reality App, den „BIM Twin“, der...

Price: Free Developer: Beuth Verlag GmbH
Heidi - Das Kinderbuch + Spiel

Heidi - Das Kinderbuch + Spiel

• Alle Heidi-Bücher zum (Vor-)Lesen • Spiel mit den Bildern der alten Original-Ausgaben: Finde das Paar! Wer könnte sie vergessen: Heidi, der Geißenpeter, der Großvater "Alpöhi", Klara, Herr Sesemann und Fräulein Rottenmeier gehören fest zu unserer Kindheit. Und sie begeistern noch...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Mario Guenther-Bruns
Das Buch der Wahrheit

Das Buch der Wahrheit

Das Buch der Wahrheit als APP beinhaltet alle 1335 Botschaften

Price: Free Developer: Ivan Petrovic
Das Lexikon der Mentaltechniken LITE

Das Lexikon der Mentaltechniken LITE

Ob Prüfung, Wettkampf, Unternehmensführung oder Alltag - zu jedem Bereich gibt es erprobte Verfahren für mehr Gesundheit, Leistung und Lebensfreude. Mit dieser App wird das Lexikon der Mentaltechniken zu Ihrem persönlichen Taschenpsychologen. 16 Defizite und 16 Stärken, nach Themen...

Price: Free Developer: Draksal Fachverlag GmbH
Prinzessin Lillifee und das Einhorn – Bildergeschichte, Malspaß, Stickerzauber

Prinzessin Lillifee und das Einhorn – Bildergeschichte, Malspaß, Stickerzauber

Das sagen die Eltern: ***Immer noch eine der Lieblingsapps meiner Tochter und nach dem Update mit mehr Inhalt und besser.*** ***Süße app, unsere Tochter ist begeistert. Hübsche Farben und Langeweile kommt so schnell nicht auf!*** ***Pupsi-gut - Drei süße Bereiche, viel rosa,...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Blue Ocean Entertainment AG
Guru Nanak Dev Ji - The founder of Sikhism

Guru Nanak Dev Ji - The founder of Sikhism

Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the founder of Sikhism and the first of the eleven Gurus of the Sikhs, was born in the village of Talwandi. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born on 15th April 1469. However, Sikhs now...

Price: Free Developer: Jagpal Singh
Japuji Sahib Ji With Meaning

Japuji Sahib Ji With Meaning

Japuji Sahib Ji With Meaning And Offline App, read Japuji Sahib Ji Whenever You Want Without Internet Connection And Listen To Japuji Sahib Ji , read japuji sahib ji with meaning so you can know the real meaning of...

Price: Free Developer: Ninder Singh
Asa Di Var - Asa ki Var - Guru Nanak Dev ji

Asa Di Var - Asa ki Var - Guru Nanak Dev ji

ASA KI VAR, is the term recorded in the index to the Guru Granth Sahib but this Gurbani is commonly called "Asa di Var". It is a composition by Guru Nanak dev ji, the founder of Sikhi and is...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Jagpal Singh
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Guru Granth Sahib is the religious scripture of Sikhism, regarded by Sikhs as the final, sovereign, and eternal living Guru following the lineage of the ten human Gurus of the Sikh religion. Adi Granth, the first rendition, was compiled...

Price: Free Developer: Sukhpreet Singh
Gateway of God

Gateway of God

Gateway of God is a collection of Aarti , Chalisa , VratKatha , Sunderkhand. This application comes with a unique user interface where user can see any content either offline or online. No need to download different apps for Aarti...

Price: Free Developer: Bhaskar Dular
KOREAN 100 : 100 readings for korean learners

KOREAN 100 : 100 readings for korean learners

What is the easiest and most accurate way to learn Korean? 100 books of -Korean Reading for Foreigners- -Outline- • These reading books can help you improve your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. • These books have been designed for foreigners...

Price: Free Developer: Y Factory
Rehras Sahib Path Audio

Rehras Sahib Path Audio

'Rehras Sahib Path' app let you read and listen to 'Rehras Sahib' on your mobile. You can read 'Rehras Sahib in Hindi' 'in Punjabi or 'in English'. Also read meaning of 'Rehras Sahib' while reading and listening it...

Price: Free Developer: Veena Rani

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