Top 36 Reference Apps Like Glossary of Austrian Terms - Best Alternatives

Glossary of Austrian Terms Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Glossary of Austrian Terms alternatives for iOS? We have listed 36 Reference apps that are similar to Glossary of Austrian Terms. Pick one from this list to be your new Glossary of Austrian Terms app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Glossary of Austrian Terms on your iOS devices.

Top 36 Apps Like Glossary of Austrian Terms - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Glossary of Austrian Terms alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 36 similar apps like Glossary of Austrian Terms 2025.

Glossary of Geology

Glossary of Geology

This indispensable reference tool contains nearly 40,000 entries of terms used in the earth and environmental science literature. Long considered the definitive reference by geoscientists and other students and professionals needing fully supported and detailed definitions of earth science...

Price: USD 29.99 Developer: American Geological Institute
Shakespeare glossary, lexicon and quotation

Shakespeare glossary, lexicon and quotation

Shakespeare Glossary, Lexicon and Quotation has investigated the meaning of every word that Shakespeare wrote. The app clarifies those words in Shakespeare whose senses or connotations may be unfamiliar to the modern reader, paying special attention to dialect forms, idioms,...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Trung Nguyen
Harvey's Financial Glossary Plus

Harvey's Financial Glossary Plus

Campbell R. Harvey's Hypertextual Financial Glossary is the largest and most widely used glossary on the Internet. It is deployed by hundreds of sites including The New York Times, The Washington Post, Yahoo-Finance, CNN-Money, and Bloomberg. An early version...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Campbell Harvey
Shakespeare Glossary - Advanced Edition

Shakespeare Glossary - Advanced Edition

C. T. Onions's famous 1911 lexicon of terms used in Shakespeare's plays and poems is still an indispensable resource for readers and scholars who wish to clarify their understanding of unfamiliar words or phrases. This glossary includes brief definitions...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Trang Hoai
English-Russian Policy Glossary

English-Russian Policy Glossary

Struggling to find the right policy terminology in Russian? The ICPA English-Russian Policy provides overlapping, commonly used translation options to illustrate the core meaning of challenging policy terminology and also illustrates translation options in use. In practical terms, the English-Russian...

Price: Free Developer: ICPA gGmbH
ISTQB Glossary

ISTQB Glossary

The ISTQB Glossary app has two main objectives: - Support the understanding of ISTQB syllabi by defining the terms used in the various syllabi - Support communication within the international testing community and with its stakeholders by providing a standard testing vocabulary. This app...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Takehiro Masaki
ITIL 2011 Glossary

ITIL 2011 Glossary

This app presents concepts, terms and definitions designed to aid communication in IT service management and related disciplines. It supports the terminology used in the various ITIL Foundation, ITIL Advanced, ITIL Master syllabi. This app completes words in ITIL...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Takehiro Masaki
Old English Glossary

Old English Glossary

This app provides glossary of old english and studying tools for you to learn old english vocabulary. ■ Glossary - Over 1533 words - Each entry has old english audio and detailed meaning ■ Multiple choice QUIZ - Quizzes and answers shuffle every time ■...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Trang Hoai
New Latin Grammar, Glossary

New Latin Grammar, Glossary

This app offers New Latin Grammar for Schools and Colleges It is generally considered one of the best Latin Grammar resources by Classics scholars. It is invaluable not only for reviewing those basics, but for going beyond them. For students, It...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Trang Hoai
Pevsner's Architectural Glossary

Pevsner's Architectural Glossary

Look up architectural terms anywhere with Pevsner’s vocabulary in your pocket… From abacus to zigzag via dosseret, hoodmould and squinch, this explanatory glossary draws on the architectural vocabulary of the Buildings of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland series. Beginners will...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Aimer Media Ltd.
Oxford Dictionary of English

Oxford Dictionary of English

Oxford Dictionary of English is widely accepted as one of the highest authorities in the study and reference of English language globally, with more than 150 years of research behind it. Regarded as one of the flagship products in...

Price: Free Developer: MobiSystems, Inc.
Legends of Trucking

Legends of Trucking

Legends of Trucking beschreibt die Geschichte des Lastwagens anhand der Fahrzeuge, die unter den Markennamen Daimler, Benz und Mercedes-Benz entstanden sind. Mit der Erfindung des motorisierten Nutzfahrzeugs 1896 entwickelte sich über die Jahrzehnte das bis heute wichtigste Transportmittel für...

Price: Free Developer: EuroTransportMedia Verlags-und Veranstaltungs-GmbH
Law Society of Ireland

Law Society of Ireland

Access Law Society of Ireland Library from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Manage your account, search the catalogue, renew and reserve books.

Price: Free Developer: Law Society of Ireland
Mary Mother Of Hope JNS

Mary Mother Of Hope JNS

The School App provides Parents & Students with a single touch point to receive and access all news, notifications and information published by the school. It is a gateway for the submission of forms, making payments and accessing...

Price: Free Developer: Mary, Mother of Hope Junior National School
Star Of The Sea Sandymount

Star Of The Sea Sandymount

The School App provides Parents & Students with a single touch point to receive and access all news, notifications and information published by the school. It is a gateway for the submission of forms, making payments and accessing...

Price: Free Developer: Star of the Sea Sandymount
PRO - Hand of Fate Version

PRO - Hand of Fate Version

The deck-building comes to life in Hand of Fate! A series of quests to replay endlessly: Earn new cards, build your deck and try to win! Draw your cards, play your hand, and discover your destiny. Beyond the thirteen doors...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Quyen Linh
World of Dinosaurs: KIDS

World of Dinosaurs: KIDS

Hey KIDS ! do you love dinosaurs? let’s journey to the amazing WORLD OF DINOSAURS!!!. World of Dinosaurs: Kids is a stunning educational app for kids. It explores all the eras in which dinosaurs existed and provides great illustrations...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: WORLD OF DINOSAURS
Superior Court of CA Imperial

Superior Court of CA Imperial

Access the Superior Court of California Imperial County Docket. Search Dockets by case number. Access Imperial County Jury Website.

Price: Free Developer: Superior Court of California County of Imperial
Atoms To Go Periodic Table of the Elements

Atoms To Go Periodic Table of the Elements

Atoms To Go is your go to source for chemical and nuclear data on the elements, much like a periodic table of the elements. In addition to the usual information found in such programs, it also contains a wealth...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Black Cat Systems
Breaking the Yoke of Marital

Breaking the Yoke of Marital

Breaking the Yoke of Marital Delay is a Program developed by Dr. D. K. Olukoya, the general overseer of the Mountain of Fire Miracles Ministries. The battle against marital delay is one that requires that you fight with all your...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries Virginia
idict Austrian AT-GER

idict Austrian AT-GER

Ever visited Austria near Germany ? You can speak a little German and wondered about the German pronunciation and words in Austria ? Well, there are around 10.000 words in the Austrian German language (dialect), which are totally different to German language...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Tobias Werner
Constantia Flexibles Events

Constantia Flexibles Events

Constantia Flexible's Sales Conference 2017 takes place from June 19th to 21st in the beautiful Austrian Alps. Expertise, networks and communities. With this app you have all relevant information for your conference participation: program, presentations, list of participants and organizational...

Price: Free Developer: Constantia Interactive
Austria Forum

Austria Forum

With the Austria-Forum App you have the possibility to explore an accumulation of knowledge with a special focus on Austrian topics. If you are currently not motivated for an active research there are easy ways to retrieve new information. If...

Price: Free Developer: TU Graz


The German-Greek & Greek-German Dictionary of Legal Terms, edited by Nomiki Bibliothiki is the most complete, accurate and easy-to-use dictionary of legal terms, an instant landmark in Greek legal lexicography. Renowned for its comprehensive coverage, it offers speedy access...

Price: USD 54.99 Developer: Nomiki Bibliothiki Commercial Industrial Corporation Group S.A.
Dictionary German - English ADVANCED by PONS

Dictionary German - English ADVANCED by PONS

A comprehensive dictionary with 775,000 keywords, phrases and translations. Do you talk to German or English friends in your spare time? Do you read or write in German or English in a wide range of subjects – privately or even...

Price: USD 22.99 Developer: PONS GmbH
Comprehensive Technical Terms Dictionary (Jpn-Eng)

Comprehensive Technical Terms Dictionary (Jpn-Eng)

Do you know how to say "multivariable adaptive control" in Japanese? With this application you can immediately find the equivalent of 多変数適応制御. At home, at work and on the go, translators, students and professionals will often encounter technical terms...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: CJKI
Chemical Terms Dict (Jpn-Chi)

Chemical Terms Dict (Jpn-Chi)

Do you know how to say "丙酮丁醇发酵" in Japanese? With this application you can immediately find the equivalent of "アセトンブタノール発酵". At home, at work and on the go, translators, students and professionals of chemistry will often encounter technical terms related...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: CJKI
Oxford Literary Terms

Oxford Literary Terms

The best-selling Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms (formerly the Concise dictionary) provides clear, concise, and often witty definitions of the most troublesome literary terms from abjection to zeugma. Now available in new, fully updated and expanded edition, it offers...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: MobiSystems, Inc.
Tech Terms

Tech Terms

Want to ramp up your knowledge of technology terms? Try the Tech Terms app from View definitions for over a thousand of today's most commonly used technical terms. Terms cover a broad range of categories,...

Price: Free Developer: Sharpened Productions
Accounting Terms Dictionary

Accounting Terms Dictionary

Accounting Terms Dictionary contains 3,200 of the most frequent but however most difficult to find accounting terms, expressions and idioms used for educational and professional purposes with clearly understandable definitions, everywhere off-line, without internet connection.. This app is very user-friendly,...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Murat Akdas
Business Terms Dictionary

Business Terms Dictionary

Business Terms Dictionary contains 4,600 of the most frequent but however most difficult to find terms, expressions and idioms used in field of business for educational and professional purposes with clearly understandable definitions, everywhere off-line, without internet connection. This app...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Murat Akdas
Electronics Terms Dictionary

Electronics Terms Dictionary

Electronics Terms Dictionary contains 3,200 of the most frequent but however most difficult to find terms, expressions and idioms used by technicians, engineers, electricians clearly understandable definitions, everywhere off-line, without internet connection. This app is very user-friendly, as it offers...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Murat Akdas
Equity Terms

Equity Terms

Equity is the residual claim or interest of the most junior class of investors in assets, after all liabilities are paid. If valuations placed on assets do not exceed liabilities, negative equity exists. In an accounting context, Shareholders' equity...

Price: Free Developer: Winjit Technologies Pvt Ltd
1450 Oil and Gas Dictionary of Terms

1450 Oil and Gas Dictionary of Terms

Contains over 1450 oil & gas interlinked terms defined in a clear way. Ideal for field personnel, students and investors. Each term is linked to related terms. No network connection is needed so you can use it anywhere. * Add...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Sand Apps Inc.
Biology Terms Dictionary

Biology Terms Dictionary

Biology Dictionary contains 5,600 of the most frequent but however most difficult to find terms, expressions and idioms used in the field of biology for educational and professional purposes with clearly understandable definitions, everywhere off-line, without internet connection. This app...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Murat Akdas

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