Top 40 Business Apps Like DES: Digital Entrance System - Best Alternatives

DES: Digital Entrance System Alternatives

Do you want to find the best DES: Digital Entrance System alternatives for iOS? We have listed 40 Business apps that are similar to DES: Digital Entrance System. Pick one from this list to be your new DES: Digital Entrance System app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to DES: Digital Entrance System on your iOS devices.

Top 40 Apps Like DES: Digital Entrance System - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid DES: Digital Entrance System alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like DES: Digital Entrance System 2025.

Des-Case IsoLogic

Des-Case IsoLogic

Patent-pending Des-Case® IsoLogic™ is the latest addition to the Des-Case family of specialty filtration products for industrial lubricants. Utilizing our desiccant breathers, Des-Case IsoLogic offers the same breather technology our customers know and trust, now with sensor technology and...

Price: Free Developer: Des-Case Corporation
Ordre des Experts Comptables POITOU CHARENTES VENDEE

Ordre des Experts Comptables POITOU CHARENTES VENDEE

L'application smartphone développée par l'Ordre des Experts-Comptables Région Poitou-Charentes-Vendée est un guide gratuit. Cette application est destinée à tous et plus particulièrement aux dirigeants, créateurs d'entreprises, ainsi qu'aux jeunes désirant rejoindre cette profession. Accédez à l'annuaire complet et consultez tous les...

Price: Free Developer: Ordre des Experts-Comptables région Poitou-Charentes-Vendée
Club des Créateurs 17

Club des Créateurs 17

Le Club des Créateurs et Repreneurs d’Entreprises Industrielles de Charente-Maritime a été créé en 1983 à l’initiative des Chambres de Commerces et d’Industries de Rochefort et La Rochelle. Le Club propose des conférences thématiques comme par exemple, l’analyse du bilan,...

Price: Free Developer: KookiApps
Foulée des parcs Outremont

Foulée des parcs Outremont

Téléchargez l'application de la Foulée des parcs - Outremont. Avec un seul téléchargement de l'application, vous aurez accès à tout le contenu de la Foulée des parcs- Outremont, avec entre autre: • Fil d'actualité - Voyez les discussions et photos des...

Price: Free Developer: APPTCOM Software Development
StaffMe - Des jobs à la carte

StaffMe - Des jobs à la carte

Travaille si tu veux, quand tu veux, où tu veux. StaffMe te donne accès à des centaines de jobs bien payés, disponibles près de chez toi et qui s'adaptent à ton emploi du temps. Comme 50 000 staffers, reçois des...

Price: Free Developer: StaffMe
Couvent des Jacobins, centre des congrès de Rennes Métropole en réalité augmentée

Couvent des Jacobins, centre des congrès de Rennes Métropole en réalité augmentée

Visitez, dès aujourd’hui, l’ensemble des espaces du Couvent des Jacobins, centre des congrès de Rennes Métropole, qui ouvrira ses portes en janvier 2018. Nous vous invitons à télécharger le marqueur ( qui vous permettra, en complément à cette application, de...

Price: Free Developer: Artefacto SAS
Le Forum des Clubs

Le Forum des Clubs

Le forum des clubs d’entreprises de l’Artois et du Douaisis est devenu "LE" rendez-vous à ne pas manquer pour qui veut enrichir son carnet d’adresses avec des contacts qualifiés dans une ambiance conviviale et détendue... mais aussi prendre de...

Price: Free Developer: UseKey
Onestaff - Le Club des Extras

Onestaff - Le Club des Extras

Rejoignez Onestaff comme plus de 15 000 extras et 3 500 établissements, en devenant membre du premier club des meilleurs extras indépendants d'Europe, en toute liberté. Onestaff est la première et unique plateforme à proposer tous les métiers de l’hôtellerie...

Price: Free Developer: Onestaff
SMCL 2019 - Salon des Maires

SMCL 2019 - Salon des Maires

Le Salon des Maires et des Collectivités Locales accueille plus de 55 000 visiteurs et 800 exposants. C’est le seul rendez-vous annuel national qui réunit tous les grands acteurs de la commande publique avec l’ensemble de leurs partenaires institutionnels...

Price: Free Developer: ARTIFICA
Rencontres des Décideurs RH

Rencontres des Décideurs RH

Les rencontres & débats sont créés par le Figaro à destination de tous les professionnels RH en entreprise. Sa vocation est de réunir des DRH, chaque mois, dans l’auditorium Jean d’Ormesson, au Figaro, afin d’échanger et de confronter...

Price: Free Developer: Paloma Figar

L'application permet aux divers acteurs de la chaîne logistique d’accéder à plateforme et de participer en temps réel aux processus correspondant à leurs missions. Pour utiliser l'application, l’utilisateur doit être enregistré comme utilisateur reconnu. Cela est réalisé manuellement jusqu’en...

Price: Free Developer: France
Empresário Digital

Empresário Digital

Revista Brasileira de Impressão Digital, Comunicação Visual, Sublimação, Digital Signage, materiais para Ponto de Venda e Out of Home, Mídia Exterior.

Price: Free Developer: Empresário Digital
Digital Lebanon

Digital Lebanon

The Digital Lebanon mobile app comes as a highly interactive app in its ability to connect event’s participants with the upmost ease through the matchmaking online platform. The Digital Lebanon Conference aims to bring the brightest minds to discuss the...

Price: Free Developer: Al-Iktissad Wal-Aamal
IBM Digital Analytics Mobile

IBM Digital Analytics Mobile

OVERVIEW IBM Digital Analytics for Mobile provides marketing executives with real-time access to their top-line performance metrics and key performance indicators, anytime, anywhere. IBM Digital Analytics for Mobile complements the IBM Digital Analytics Platform and enables marketers to view real-time insight...

Price: Free Developer: Coremetrics, Inc.
Biscom Digital Fax

Biscom Digital Fax

Biscom Digital Fax breaks the color, resolution and speed barriers of fax by getting rid of expensive telephone lines and fax machines and using the Internet. With the Biscom Digital Fax mobile app, you can: • Send or receive high resolution...

Price: Free Developer: Biscom, Inc.
Digital Catalogue

Digital Catalogue

Mon catalogue de produits automatiquement à jour sur tablettes Contexte numérique Les entreprises doivent aujourd’hui s’adapter aux nouveaux usages de consommation et équiper leurs forces commerciales d’un outil de travail digital, mobile et simple pour rester connecté et accéder à...

Price: Free Developer: Orange Applications for Business
Pegadaian Syariah Digital

Pegadaian Syariah Digital

Pegadaian Syariah Digital merupakan salah satu layanan Pegadaian berbasis aplikasi yang membantu Anda melakukan transaksi Pegadaian Syariah melalui smartphone Anda. Untuk keamanan dalam bertransaksi, mohon jaga kerahasiaan data diri Anda (Nomor Handphone, Alamat Email, kode OTP dan PIN Transaksi). Pegadaian Syariah...

Price: Free Developer: PT. Pegadaian (Persero)
Spinoff Digital App

Spinoff Digital App

Spinoff Digital owned and run by Phil Knight and Amit Sethi who have worked together since 2003, but they have brought together a team of designers, programmers and support staff who have all worked with each other for many...

Price: Free Developer: Spinoff Digital Pty Ltd
Western Digital Events

Western Digital Events

This app is free to download and specifically designed to help participants connect, engage, and take part in an interactive experience at the Western Digital event. The Western Digital event app provides everything you need to know on your mobile...

Price: Free Developer: Western Digital Corporation
BMC Helix Digital Workplace

BMC Helix Digital Workplace

Download BMC Helix Digital Workplace to launch your company’s own one-stop shop to request services, find FAQs, read how-to guides, and submit helpdesk tickets all from your iPhone. What can you do with BMC Helix Digital Workplace? • Onboard employees while...

Price: Free Developer: BMC Software, Inc
Entrance doors HD

Entrance doors HD

Which door fits into my house? Are you not sure, how the new entrance door for your house should look like? With the Rodenberg entrance door app you can find out in only 3 steps which entrance door would...

Price: Free Developer: Rodenberg Türsysteme AG
Dizizid Entrance Management

Dizizid Entrance Management

Organise a seamless entrance at your event with the Dizizid Entrance Management app. Everything you need to manage your event. This app allows you to scan tickets from your attendees without the need of any external equipment. Let your guests...

Price: Free Developer: Dizizid - entrance manager - entrance manager

Check in guests at the door of your event. Works with events.

Price: Free Developer: Robert Baelde
Emma (Entrance Manager)

Emma (Entrance Manager)

Emma stelt verscheidene functies van EntranceManager beschikbaar op een mobiel platform. Zij maakt het onmogelijke mogelijk. Door haar onafhankelijke integraties van alle benodigde schoolgegevens ontstaat een onmisbaar platform voor administratie, leerkrachten, maar ook voor de ouders en de leerlingen...

Price: Free Developer: IDODI B.V.
Entrance Management System

Entrance Management System

This application allow users to attend a visitor by scanning the QR code on his/her badge. Shows all the scanned records in a history page within the app.

Price: Free Developer: Rentech Service Limited
Eyedius Pass

Eyedius Pass

Eyedius Pass is the automatic pass mobile application that provides entrance-exit control through mobile facial recognition with front cameras of smart phones or tablets. You can go through facial recognition only by looking at the camera on the application...

Price: Free Developer: Eyedius Teknoloji Anonim Sirketi
Door Equipment Company

Door Equipment Company

We have been opening doors for business in Kentucky and Indiana for 40+ years. We are equipped to construct and service all commercial pedestrian entrance solutions from initial build to routine maintenance, including related metal and glass work. Based...

Price: Free Developer: Appsme Ltd


Prioripark is the ultimate solution for business men and women who are always short on time, suffer from parking anxiety or just want to be treated like VIPs. :-) Prioripark pairs drivers with access-control reserved spots. We offer only the...

Price: Free Developer: prioripark
iFLYER TicketGate

iFLYER TicketGate

iFLYER TicketGate is an e-Ticket and guest entrance management system for event organisers. It uses a unique QR code provided by the customer for quick verification on entry. Customers can purchase e-Tickets from iFLYER or from your website. Please...

Price: Free Developer: iFLYER


A complete repository containing all the marketing tools of the Ceramics division of System from Fiorano, Modena. Case studies, Brochures, Catalogues, Photos, Applications, Videos, Price Lists and Technical Documentation to download and share. Easy to use, nice design and useful...

Price: Free Developer: System S.p.A.


TMS EVV (Electronic Visit Verification) SYSTEM is an add-on/module to our existing Windows based TMS Software. TMS EVV System is used daily by employees to provide necessary data, allowing their employer to track prescribed services. While...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Systems, Inc
Xpert System

Xpert System

Smart manufacturing has set a path for world-class manufacturing industry. The digitization of information and the evolving of Smart Industrial 4.0 is a technological revolution that focuses on cost and efficiency. Softfoundry FacePro Xpert System realizes industrial information visualization...

Price: Free Developer: Softfoundry International Pte Ltd
Rating System

Rating System

Rating System mobile application allows you to submit ratings and reviews, ask questions about Rating System services and get answers. Rating System makes it easy to collect ratings and reviews, video testimonials and Q&A. Customer can record and upload directly...

Price: Free Developer: Sergiy Bruksha
Restaurant Management System

Restaurant Management System

Restaurant Management System (RMS) empowers restaurant owners with the ability to manage all restaurant information, see and reply to customer reviews, and most importantly allows restaurants to take on delivery orders from LINEMAN and Wongnai with minimal effort. Wongnai, Thailand's...

Price: Free Developer: Wongnai Media Co., Ltd.
Teddy’s Transportation System

Teddy’s Transportation System

Teddy’s Transportation System’s app quickly and easily books private and exclusive executive transportation. Teddy’s service features a fresh fleet of luxury cars with vetted and specially licensed, uniformed chauffeurs. Book service fast with your travel profile and preferences already...

Price: Free Developer: Teddy’s Transportation System Inc.
Emergency Notification System

Emergency Notification System

Send emergency text/email and receive feedback from employees and tenants: The Emergency Notification System is a service offered by Datawatch that enables management to send information to their employees, tenants or vendors by property or specific groups. The system...

Price: Free Developer: Datawatch Systems
Entrée System - by Ben E Keith

Entrée System - by Ben E Keith

Entrée System is a task management tool exclusively designed for customers of Ben E. Keith Foods. Entrée System allows customers to quickly and easily place orders, view invoices, pay bills, track deliveries, browse an extensive product catalog, and more.

Price: Free Developer: Ben E. Keith Company
Kemper System

Kemper System

Kemper System, the inventor and global leader in cold, liquid-applied, reinforced roofing, waterproofing and surfacing technology has introduced a new iOS app. The Kemper System app provides a simpler and quicker way to access product information at your fingertips....

Price: Free Developer: Kemper System
Ajour System

Ajour System

Klar til digital byggestyring? Prøv Ajour Systems app Ajour System leverer brugervenlige IT-værktøjer til bygge- og ejendomsbranchen til kvalitetsstyring, mangelgennemgang, tilsyn og dokumenthåndtering. Med appen i hånden kan du oprette og udføre dine registreringer, mens du er på stedet....

Price: Free Developer: Status System A/S

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