Top 30 Education Apps Like Conexão Escola Açaí-SIG - Best Alternatives

Conexão Escola Açaí-SIG Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Conexão Escola Açaí-SIG alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Education apps that are similar to Conexão Escola Açaí-SIG. Pick one from this list to be your new Conexão Escola Açaí-SIG app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Conexão Escola Açaí-SIG on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Conexão Escola Açaí-SIG - Best Picks for 2024

The best free and paid Conexão Escola Açaí-SIG alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Conexão Escola Açaí-SIG 2024.

Escola Esperança

Escola Esperança

O app da Escola Esperança é um aplicativo que conecta a escola com os pais, otimizando a comunicação com os professores e diretoria, facilitando a rotina diária da escola e o dia a dia do seu filho no ambiente...

Price: Free Developer: Escola Nossa Senhora da Esperanca
Escola Vale do Sol

Escola Vale do Sol

CONECTANDO A COMUNIDADE ESCOLAR Pais, alunos, professores e escola conectados O APP Escola Vale do Sol, é uma plataforma simples e intuitiva, que conecta escola, pais e alunos em um só lugar. Permite receber avisos de falta ou atraso de seus filhos,...

Price: Free Developer: Escola Vale do Sol
Escola Verde

Escola Verde

A Escola “Verde que te quero verde…” foi fundada em 1983 pela professora Catherinne Timm e sua filha Sylvia Timm. Naquela época, a Escola tinha como espaço somente o antigo casarão da Pero Corrêa, 519, onde morou Catherine e...

Price: Free Developer: Escola Verde
Escola Babylândia.

Escola Babylândia.

Escola Babylândia!Acesse as informações da escola através deste aplicativo. Com este aplicativo, os pais, responsáveis e professores poderão receber as últimas informações da escola, as notícias do dia a dia dos seus filhos e o calendário de atividades escolares. * Obs:...

Price: Free Developer: Jardim Escola Babylândia - Ltda
Escola Bom Pastor

Escola Bom Pastor

Escola Bom Pastor Através do aplicativo Escola Bom Pastor, os pais ou responsáveis poderão receber informações acerca do dia a dia de seus filhos, comunicados, tarefas e atividades a serem realizadas, eventos organizados pela Escola, planejamento e produções pedagógicas, calendário...

Price: Free Developer: Escola Bom Pastor
Escola Canto dos Pássaros.

Escola Canto dos Pássaros.

Escola Canto dos Pássaros! Acesse as informações da escola através deste aplicativo. Com este aplicativo, os pais, responsáveis e professores poderão receber as últimas informações da escola, as notícias do dia a dia dos seus filhos e o calendário de...

Price: Free Developer: Escola Infantil Canto do Portinho Ltda
Creche e Escola Tati Bi Tati

Creche e Escola Tati Bi Tati

Creche e Escola Tati Bi Tati! Acesse as informações da escola através deste aplicativo. Com este aplicativo, os pais, responsáveis e professores poderão receber as últimas informações da escola, as notícias do dia a dia dos seus filhos e o...

Price: Free Developer: Creche Escola TBT Ltda
Creche Escola Grandini.

Creche Escola Grandini.

Creche Escola Grandini! Acesse as informações da escola através deste aplicativo. Com este aplicativo, os pais, responsáveis e professores poderão receber as últimas informações da escola, as notícias do dia a dia dos seus filhos e o calendário de atividades...

Price: Free Developer: Creche Escola Grandini LTDA
Creche Escola Piuii

Creche Escola Piuii

Creche Escola Piuii! Acesse as informações da escola através deste aplicativo. Com este aplicativo, os pais, responsáveis e professores poderão receber as últimas informações da escola, as notícias do dia a dia dos seus filhos e o calendário de atividades...

Price: Free Developer: Criativando Creche Escola Ltda ME
Escola Alef Peretz

Escola Alef Peretz

Escola Alef Peretz! Acesse as informações da escola através deste aplicativo. Com este aplicativo, os pais, responsáveis e professores poderão receber as últimas informações da escola, as notícias do dia a dia do seus filhos e o calendário de atividades...

Price: Free Developer: Escola Alef Peretz
AA Power

AA Power

AA Power is an English learning platform for students aged 6-18 that utilizes artificial intelligence technology, designed and developed by Smart Education. AA Power has an extensive question bank of over a million questions carefully selected from SmartABC's 20...

Price: Free Developer: Smart Education
AA Live

AA Live

AA School Live, the essential AA app from The Architectural Association. What’s on at the Architectural Association in Bedford Square, London re-imagined for your phone: the future in architectural culture in AA lectures, exhibitions, conferences, roundtables and artist talks. My AA...

Price: Free Developer: Architectural Association
Big - LAZ Reader [Level aa–kindergarten]

Big - LAZ Reader [Level aa–kindergarten]

PRESCHOOL TO KINDERGARTEN readers will try to think of the biggest thing - A house? A tree? A plane? A dinosaur? They are all featured in this adorable book “Big”, the companion book to “Little.” Repeated high-frequency words assist...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Language Technologies, Inc.
Farm Animals - LAZ Reader [Level aa–kindergarten]

Farm Animals - LAZ Reader [Level aa–kindergarten]

PRESCHOOL TO KINDERGARTEN readers will enjoy this simple book that introduces seven charming farm animals, most of which will be familiar to the reader. The playful illustrations support one-to-one picture to text correspondence. A discussion question after the reading...

Price: Free Developer: Language Technologies, Inc.
In - LAZ Reader [Level aa–kindergarten]

In - LAZ Reader [Level aa–kindergarten]

PRESCHOOL TO KINDERGARTEN readers will love this enthusiastic monkey that can't resist jumping into everything – the boat, the grass, the mud, and finally the bathtub. The humorous illustrations provide support for new vocabulary. A discussion question after the...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Language Technologies, Inc.
Aa match preschool alphabet

Aa match preschool alphabet

“Aa Match Preschool Alphabet” is a premium alphabet learning game for preschoolers. If your children love letters and the alphabet song, they will love this game. The game consists of matching lower case letters to their capital letters. The...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Tantrum Solutions
Aa match preschool alphabet HD

Aa match preschool alphabet HD

“Aa Match Preschool Alphabet HD” is a premium alphabet learning game for preschoolers. If your children love letters and the alphabet song, they will love this game. The game consists of matching lower case letters to their capital letters....

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Tantrum Solutions
Venture AA

Venture AA

Ventures AA is a Conference Application, which is used in private conferences. It provides information about current and upcoming events. We can access some course material on some particular subject. It contains FAQs section , where we can ask our questions...

Price: Free Developer: Anglo African Ltd
AR สสวท. คณิต มัธยม

AR สสวท. คณิต มัธยม

สถาบันส่งเสริมการสอนวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี (สสวท.) โดยสาขาคณิตศาสตร์ภาคบังคับได้พัฒนาสื่อคณิตศาสตร์แบบสื่อดิจิทัลแสดงผลเสมือนจริง หรือสื่อ AR 3 มิติ (Augmented Reality) เพื่อเป็นสื่อประกอบหนังสือเรียนรายวิชาพื้นฐานคณิตศาสตร์ ระดับมัธยมศึกษา ที่เน้นการคิด วิเคราะห์ แก้ปัญหา และการนำไปใช้ โดยมุ่งเน้นให้ครูผู้สอนคณิตศาสตร์และนักเรียน ระดับมัธยมศึกษาตอนต้น ได้ใช้ประกอบหนังสือเรียนเพื่อเพิ่มศักยภาพของผู้เรียน อันจะส่งผลต่อการยกระดับคุณภาพการเรียนรู้วิชาคณิตศาสตร์

Price: Free Developer: The Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology (IPST)
Toddlers RAZ AA Reading books

Toddlers RAZ AA Reading books

It is an educational flashcard and very interesting app. it encourages kid to speak out loudly, Play games. words list for quick learning *** Speak out: Kids can speak out and hear the voices. This process is amazing, parents and kids will...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: 推荐精品
lära sig läsa 2

lära sig läsa 2

Lära sig läsa 2 är ett fantastiskt pedagogiskt spel för barn som håller på att lära sig att läsa. Den hjälper de verkligen att förbättra sin läsförmåga och vokabulär. “Gå med Nico och hjälp honom att hitta en skatt...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer:
Mina första ord : Lära sig Läse

Mina första ord : Lära sig Läse

Mina första ord är ett fantastiskt pedagogiskt spel för barn som håller på att lära sig att läsa. Den hjälper de verkligen att förbättra sin läsförmåga och vokabulär. “Gå med Nico och hjälp honom att hitta en skatt ...”...

Price: Free Developer:
Rxpert - Pharmacy Sig Code Game

Rxpert - Pharmacy Sig Code Game

Read prescriptions and interpret sig codes in this educational game that can be helpful in training for: • Pharmacy Technician • Nursing • Medical Assistant • Healthcare workers Rxpert simulates REAL prescriptions using pharmacy sig codes that a Medical Doctor (MD) or...

Price: Free Developer: Steven Pettit
ASL - skriva sig till läsning

ASL - skriva sig till läsning

ASL – Att skriva sig till läsning – är en enkel och elevanpassad strategi för att utveckla skrivlust och läsglädje. Strategin är utarbetad utifrån det faktum att det är lättare för 4-7-åringar att skriva än att läsa, men genom...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Digitalt Hjarta AB
Sig Fig Tutor

Sig Fig Tutor

The Sig Fig Tutor is intended to help high school and college students learn how to use significant figures. You are given the option to Learn, Practice, or complete Challenges designed to help you: (1) Identify the number of...

Price: Free Developer: Cheryl Montgomery
lära sig läsa för barn

lära sig läsa för barn

Du vill också att ditt ”förskole” barn ska börja i den “stora skolan” med en fördel? Då borde du ladda ned “börja att läsa” som så många andra föräldrar har gjort! Detta pedagogiska spel kommer att hjälpa ditt barn...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer:
Minilobes - Räknetornet

Minilobes - Räknetornet

Allmän beskrivning Minilobes behöver hjälp med att bygga räknetornet! Hjälp Minilobes att lära sig räkna och förstå ord för att bygga ett torn som når ända till himlen. En berättarröst guidar och ger feedback på ett lekfullt sätt för att...

Price: Free Developer: Whale on the Moon
Färger och fordon

Färger och fordon

I Färger och fordon får ni träna färgord och ordförråd inom området fordon. Appen består av tre spel som utspelar sig på en flygplats, i en verkstad och i en stad. Färger och fordon är framtagen av logopeder och...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Språka Mera
Trilo Stavar

Trilo Stavar

UTVECKLAD AV PEDAGOGER ** - Rekommenderad av Pappas Appar: "Trilo Stavar kan medverka till att väcka intresse för läsning och skrivning. För den som redan börjat komma igång ger den en kul och stimulerande träning som stärker självförtroendet. Även något...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Trilo Interactive AB

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