Top 29 Education Apps Like Puni Reo Poi Pātū - Best Alternatives

Puni Reo Poi Pātū Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Puni Reo Poi Pātū alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Education apps that are similar to Puni Reo Poi Pātū. Pick one from this list to be your new Puni Reo Poi Pātū app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Puni Reo Poi Pātū on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like Puni Reo Poi Pātū - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Puni Reo Poi Pātū alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Puni Reo Poi Pātū 2025.

Puni Reo Ki O Rahi

Puni Reo Ki O Rahi

Te Kaupapa o Puni Reo The Puni Reo mobile Māori language movement aims to normalise and activate te reo in our social activities. Drawn from the Māori concept of Puni and our tradition of setting up temporary camps for...

Price: Free Developer: Kawana Wallace
Puni Reo Poitarawhiti

Puni Reo Poitarawhiti

Te Kaupapa o Puni Reo The Puni Reo mobile Māori language movement aims to normalise and activate te reo in our social activities. Drawn from the Māori concept of Puni and our tradition of setting up temporary camps for...

Price: Free Developer: Kawana Wallace
Kōrero Mai Te Reo

Kōrero Mai Te Reo

Kōrero Mai Te Reo is an educational resource for Far North District Council elected members and employees to learn basic te reo Māori and protocol to support their day to day mahi (work). Interactive features within the app include...

Price: Free Developer: Far North District Council


C3LLO-REO is the mobile app for the e-learning platform C3LLO for the Renewable Energy Online curriculum at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. It provides mobile access to C3LLO's main tools, such as forums, messages, appointments, and learning...

Price: Free Developer: C3L der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Te Reo Māori

Te Reo Māori

Te Reo Māori is a Māori language dictionary that is easy to use by searching for Māori or English words. As well as English meanings, it has example sentences with translations for many entries. It even has photographs and...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: AUT University
Tipu Te Reo Māori

Tipu Te Reo Māori

Tēnā koe, nau mai, haere mai ki Tipu, te tino rauemi, kia whakateretere i tōu ako Reo Māori. Tipu will help you to learn Te Reo Māori quickly! Koi is your teacher and she has an innovative Personalised Progression Memory which...

Price: Free Developer: Plink Limited
Kia ora te reo Maori

Kia ora te reo Maori

The basics of any language start with saying hello and building on top of that. This app starts with hello. Kia ora te reo Maori is an app for beginners who are curious about the language and want to be...

Price: Free Developer: Peter Akuhata
History at a Glance

History at a Glance

History of World War 2, science, Roman Empire, or maybe sports and art, even the history of cats! History at a Glance is the app you're looking for. History at a Glance is a fun and easy way of exploring...

Price: Free Developer: Reo-Tek
Rūaumoko - The Rumbling Voice

Rūaumoko - The Rumbling Voice

Te whakarāpopototanga Rūaumoko - Te Reo Haruru - He pukapuka matihiko pāhekoheko mō te ako e takina ana e ētahi ākonga Māori e turi ana i Te Reo Turi reo Māori, i Te Reo Turi o Aotearoa hoki. Ka takina i...

Price: Free Developer: Kiwa Digital Limited
Spinballs Poi

Spinballs Poi

At Spinballs, we believe practicing poi makes people happier and healthier. As part of our mission to raise awareness and increase the visibility of poi, we have created this app to share content and make it easy for anyone...

Price: Free Developer: Spinballs llc
Geology POI

Geology POI

For geology enthusiasts, this app provides a roadside guide to fossils and the environment in Wyoming. Get detailed information about fossil sites in Wyoming, including what type of fossils will be found there and the regulations on fossil collection....

Price: Free Developer: Frog Baby Apps LLC
Fun In Motion Toys

Fun In Motion Toys

Welcome to our instructional videos for toys that make you move and groove! Learn cool tricks to do with your Mozi arm spinner, and how to spin poi with Spinballs LED Poi! The Fun in Motion Toys app will...

Price: Free Developer: Spinballs llc
Hetekia Te Kani Te Ua

Hetekia Te Kani Te Ua

Te Kōrero Pūrākau a Hetekia Te Kani Te Ua rāua ko Matariki Nā te rōpū kapa haka ō Waihirere Ko te poi a Matariki, e pīkau nei i ngā kōrero mō te kaumātua rongonui rā o te Te Aitanga-a-Māhaki,...

Price: Free Developer: Ministry of Education New Zealand


Scienzi è la calcolatrice che parla in dialetto! Parla tutte le lingue del mondo, parla pure in siciliano. Presto tutti i dialetti d'Italia. E poi. E poi? E poi... trasforma Scienzi in SCIUNZ. SCIUNZ è la calcolatrice più irriverente, più divertente che sia...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Giuseppe Buono


GoogleマイマップをAR(拡張現実)で見るスマートフォンアプリ GISARとは 「GISAR」は、Googleマイマップに登録した地点をAR拡張現実技術を使い表示するアプリです。 スマートフォンには、GPS、地磁気センサー、ジャイロ、カメラが備わっているので、今どこにおり、カメラがどの方向を向いているかわかります。 そのためGISARを使うとGoogle マイマップに登録した地点がカメラ画面に説明とともにAR表示されるのです。 Googleマイマップの作成 ARで表示する地図は、このアプリではなく、パソコンのブラウザを使いGoogleマイマップで作成します。 スマートフォン版のGoogleマップでは作成できません。 またブラウザ画面の広さの点でパソコンをおすすめします。 他の人が作成して公開しているGoogleマイマップも使えますが、自分で作成するのが簡単です。 作成方法は、GoogleのHELPが詳しいです。 作成後は、後で読み込ませるために、「リンクを知っている全員」で共有しておきます。 表示する地図の登録 地図の登録は、GoogleマイマップのURLを地図登録・選択画面にペーストすることで行います。 GoogleマイマップのURLは複雑で長いので、地図を作成したパソコンから行うのが妥当です。 このページは、スマートフォンからもアクセスでき、外出先で地図を切り替えるときに使えるようになっています。 アプリの操作 Rangeボタン 起動後Rangeボタンを押すと、表示する範囲を絞り込むことができます。 POIのタップ AR表示されているPOI(Googleマイマップで登録した地点のタイトル)をタップすると、マップで説明項目として入力したものを表示することができます。

Price: Free Developer: 宮城教育大学
Nursing History in Liverpool

Nursing History in Liverpool

The History of Nursing & Healthcare in Liverpool is a project developed by nursing students and staff at the University of Liverpool to explore the beginnings of modern nursing, and the general development of healthcare in Liverpool over the...

Price: Free Developer: University of Liverpool


It is an educational app that you can play with simple operations. This app nurtures the sensitivity and curiosity of children. For adults, you can enjoy it as a relaxation application. We prepared a playroom for children! Lay down the block and break...

Price: Free Developer: Takahiro Yamada


Sillabando è un tachistoscopio semplificato. Il suo utilizzo permette ai bambini, e in particolare a quelli che frequentano le prime classi della Scuola Primaria, di apprendere in modo corretto e di esercitare il riconoscimento della struttura sillabica delle...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Roberto De Lorenzo
Lexico Compreender (pt)

Lexico Compreender (pt)

Lexico Compreender é um aplicativo com o desenvolvimento da linguagem de crianças que podem ser encorajadas pela brincadeira entre os três e os dez anos. Muito simples e facil de usar, imagens engraçadas e atrativas, ilustrações lógicas, Ler...

Price: Free Developer: Pappy GmbH
Lexico Compreender (pt-br)

Lexico Compreender (pt-br)

Lexico Compreender é um aplicativo com o desenvolvimento da linguagem de crianças que podem ser encorajadas pela brincadeira entre os três e os dez anos. Muito simples e facil de usar, imagens engraçadas e atrativas, ilustrações lógicas, Ler em...

Price: Free Developer: Pappy GmbH
Lexico Compreender Pro (pt)

Lexico Compreender Pro (pt)

Lexico Compreender é um aplicativo com o desenvolvimento da linguagem de crianças que podem ser encorajadas pela brincadeira entre os três e os dez anos. Muito simples e facil de usar, imagens engraçadas e atrativas, ilustrações lógicas, Ler...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: Pappy GmbH
Lexico Compreender Pro (pt-br)

Lexico Compreender Pro (pt-br)

Lexico Compreender é um aplicativo com o desenvolvimento da linguagem de crianças que podem ser encorajadas pela brincadeira entre os três e os dez anos. Muito simples e facil de usar, imagens engraçadas e atrativas, ilustrações lógicas, Ler...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: Pappy GmbH
NPTE PT PTA Practice Exam prep

NPTE PT PTA Practice Exam prep

NPTE PTA/PT is the only exam prep app that you need to score high on your NPTE PTA/PT exam. This app is designed to help applicants take a deeper understanding of the relevant concepts for the NPTE PTA/PT exam....

Price: Free Developer: ImpTrax Corporation
NPTE-PT Practice Exam Prep 2017 – Q&A Flashcards

NPTE-PT Practice Exam Prep 2017 – Q&A Flashcards

NPTE PT Tutor - Practice Test is the most comprehensive and time-efficient study tool to pass your NPTE PT exam with flying colors. The app's unique capability offers complete freedom of usage anywhere, everywhere, without the need of internet...

Price: Free Developer: Recurvo Learning & Educational Apps
Dicionário Porto Editora

Dicionário Porto Editora

A app Dicionário Porto Editora é a mais completa aplicação de dicionários, em língua portuguesa, disponível no iTunes. Esta app disponibiliza, gratuitamente, os dicionários da Língua Portuguesa com e sem acordo ortográfico. Em regime de subscrição, sem publicidade, com...

Price: Free Developer: Porto Editora
PT Cards

PT Cards

Englischvokabeln lernen – schnell und einfach mit PT Cards! Die Zeit sinnvoll nutzen und unterwegs seine Sprachkenntnisse auffrischen - um das zu ermöglichen, wurde das bekannte und erfolgreiche Prinzip der Lernkarten auf das iPhone portiert. Das iPhone ist fast immer griffbereit:...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: PhoneTec GmbH


Developed by CIAFEL - - with contribution of Professor Emeritus Thom McKenzie, San Diego State University. Viable tool for assessing physical activity on parks and recreation. iSOPARC is an application that implements the SOPARC protocol strategies in an effort...

Price: Free Developer: Joao David
Caderneta Digital

Caderneta Digital

Caderneta Digital é uma aplicação que permite comunicação com o Educador(a) de Infância do seu filho e de forma muito fácil. Sempre que o Educador de Infância do seu filho envia uma mensagem, vocês irá receber uma notificação, dessa forma...

Price: Free Developer: Systems4You, Lda.

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