Top 19 Education Apps Like Running Lisa - Best Alternatives

Running Lisa Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Running Lisa alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Education apps that are similar to Running Lisa. Pick one from this list to be your new Running Lisa app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Running Lisa on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Running Lisa - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Running Lisa alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Running Lisa 2025.

Sight Running NRW

Sight Running NRW

Die komplett kostenlose und werbefreie App von Sight Running NRW verbindet mit Hilfe eines Audioguides Bewegung und Baukultur zu einem spannenden Lauferlebnis. Sight Running NRW stellt zahlreiche attraktive Laufstrecken in ganz NRW vor, die spannende und faszinierende Natur- und Stadterlebnisse...

Price: Free Developer: Architektenkammer Nordrhein-Westfalen
Running Social Story and Visual Tool About When and Where to Run

Running Social Story and Visual Tool About When and Where to Run

A simple visual tool to help teach children where and when it is safe or unsafe to run. The app includes a social story that teaches why it is OK to run sometimes and not other times. The app...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Touch Autism
Running Record Assistant

Running Record Assistant

Running Record Assistant is the number one choice for calculating Running Record scores. The app combines all the standard running record calculator and stopwatch functions with the convenience of audio recording playback. Flagging lets you score as you go...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Von Bruno
Running Record Toolbox

Running Record Toolbox

Children do so many things as they are learning how to read. It's our job to record those many things and use that information wisely to help guide our reading instruction. Let the Running Record Toolbox help you! ...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Doodle Smith Ink
Running Recs

Running Recs

Running Recs is an easy way for teachers to check the results for a running record test of reading. Simply enter the number of words read, number of errors and the number of self corrections. Running Recs will then...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Matthew Thomas
Numbie Run: An exciting running game for 1st to 3rd grade!

Numbie Run: An exciting running game for 1st to 3rd grade!

Numbie is an exciting, brain-teasing adventure that combines running and jumping with math education! Watch your child zip through puzzles and race their way to math proficiency with Numbie Run! Numbie Run! includes over one hundred mini-games and puzzles that will...

Running Record Calculator

Running Record Calculator

The Running Record Calculator makes reading assessment easier. Simply type in your running words, the number of errors and the number of self-corrections, and the app will then display the error and self-correction rates along with the accuracy rate.

Price: Free Developer: John Rooney
RMS - Running Memory Span

RMS - Running Memory Span

As an exercise on the road for preparation for the RMS (Running Memory Span) test. The app only offers one speed. This is explicitly desired, since only the fastest speed is requested during the test. If you start to...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Thomas Entner
Running games for kids - Infant & Toddler Learning

Running games for kids - Infant & Toddler Learning

Go into the jungle and discover the habitats of the bear! Help the bear catch the bees to get the honey from the hive. Put the honey into jars with different labels and caps. Discover the magical forest together...



e-LISA.shoulder is a digital platform to help orthopaedic surgeons to minimise errors in the process of diagnosis and surgery. In e-LISA.shoulder there are virtual pre-operative planning services and 3D printing of fractures. You'll see a video of complex surgical...

Price: Free Developer: Smartech Group
Lisa Students

Lisa Students

Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita, sperando di non far brutta figura, ecco finalmente l'app finita! La prima versione dell'App Lisa è qui, lascia una recensione! Integreremo presto ulteriori funzionalità!

Lisa Mills Online

Lisa Mills Online

I help people learn sign language - the fun, easy and accessible way! Let me show you how! Together we’ll transform lives and create deeper connections between the deaf and hearing community. Join me!

Price: Free Developer: Honeybee Productions Pty Ltd
Piccadilly's Magical Storyteller

Piccadilly's Magical Storyteller

Who knew building sentences could be so much fun?! Learn proper sentence structure while telling stories with Piccadilly and her friends in this companion application to the award-winning children's book series: "Piccadilly and Her Magical World" by Lisa Anne Novelline....

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Lisa Novelline
This Jungian Life

This Jungian Life

This is the most convenient way to access This Jungian Life. Eavesdrop on three Jungian analysts as they engage in lively, sometimes irreverent conversations about a wide range of topics. Join them for a new episode every Thursday as...

Price: Free Developer: Lisa Marchiano
Birdhouse – for Special Education Teachers

Birdhouse – for Special Education Teachers

Helping you take more control of your classroom organization The classroom can be a very busy place. The Birdhouse student documentation app was designed to help you stay organized, be more efficient, and free you up to have time...

Price: Free Developer: Birdhouse LLC
Mobi Blum: Wesoły Las

Mobi Blum: Wesoły Las

Leśne domki czekają, aż je umeblujesz! Wybierz sprzęty do domku wiewiórki, lisa i innych zwierząt. Gra edukacyjna rozgrywająca się w środowisku leśnym. Dziecko ma do wyboru kilka różnych domów zwierząt (dziupla, nora, gniazdo), które może dowolnie urządzać i dekorować materiałami...

Price: Free Developer: Nowa Era Sp. z o.o.
Tyra - Förskoleappen

Tyra - Förskoleappen

All information och kommunikation på ett ställe! Vilken dag var nu förskolan stängd? Skulle jag fylla på med blöjor eller utekläder? Har Lisa det mysigt på utflykten? När skulle de åka iväg till badplatsen nästa vecka? och vad skulle...

Price: Free Developer: Bayou
Read With Me

Read With Me

My name is Lisa VanDamme and I am the founder of VanDamme Academy, a small private school in Southern California with big ambitions to provide students with an exceptional education and a joyful learning experience. The single, animating element of...

Price: Free Developer: Joseph Tabenkin

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