Top 12 Education Apps Like PAS-SNP - Best Alternatives

PAS-SNP Alternatives

Do you want to find the best PAS-SNP alternatives for iOS? We have listed 12 Education apps that are similar to PAS-SNP. Pick one from this list to be your new PAS-SNP app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to PAS-SNP on your iOS devices.

Top 12 Apps Like PAS-SNP - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid PAS-SNP alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 12 similar apps like PAS-SNP 2025.

Français premiers pas

Français premiers pas

Français premiers pas est une application d’apprentissage du français développée par le CAVILAM – Alliance Française et soutenue par le Ministère français de la Culture (DGLFLF) et la Fondation Alliance Française. Elle est destinée aux débutants complets et permet d'apprendre...

Price: Free Developer: CAVILAM - Alliance française
Petits Pas Nursery

Petits Pas Nursery

Founded by the passion of the childhood world since April 2008 in West Bay, Qatar, Petits Pas Nursery welcomes children from the age of 3 months to 4 years old. Our team is committed to ensuring your child a...

Price: Free Developer: CME SARL


PAS-Code is exclusively non-profit, academic and free application founded on the scientific, clinical and modern technology premise to facilitate in having efficient access to the ICD and NDC classifications.

Price: Free Developer: Zeeshan Ahmed


PAS-Gen is first exclusively non-profit, academic and free application founded on scientific and modern technology premise to educate its users about authentic genes and related classifications.

Price: Free Developer: Zeeshan Ahmed


PAS-MUT is exclusively non-profit, academic and free application founded on scientific, genomics and modern technology premise to facilitate its users in having efficient access to authentic somatically acquired mutations.

Price: Free Developer: Zeeshan Ahmed
PA Society of PAs

PA Society of PAs

Your source of event information from the Pennsylvania Society of Physician Assistants.

Price: Free Developer: Mobile Town Guide
Ballet Expert

Ballet Expert

These 235 Ballet Tuitional Videos cover all aspects of Ballet - from beginners to advanced and from young to old. Discover the different steps and moves and learn the training techniques that are required. Tutorials include: Ballet A Beautiful Strength Dance Turns Tutorial...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Tony Walsh
Participes passés - Exercices et règles de grammaire

Participes passés - Exercices et règles de grammaire

Participes passés est l'application pour maîtriser les participes passés. Découverte, règles et beaucoup d'exercices pratiques, l'app est conçue pour être utile à l'école comme à la maison : DES MILLIERS D'EXERCICES ▸ 1.200 exercices de participes passés à accorder, ▸ 500 exercices...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Antoine van Eetvelde
Ballet Academy

Ballet Academy

Learn all about Ballet Dancing, the steps, the techniques and the moves with this brilliant collection of 311 tutorial video lessons. Beginners to Advanced levels are all included. Tutorials include: How to Do an Assemble Ballet Dance 04 Level1 Sissonne Pas de...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Peter Walsh
Múzeum SNP

Múzeum SNP

Základné informácie, ktoré hľadá návštevník o Múzeu SNP a jedinečnom pamätníku s priľahlým skanzenom bojovej techniky. História Múzea SNP siaha do roku 1955 - bolo založené 10. rokov po skončení Druhej svetovej vojny. Od roku 1969 sídli v budove...

Price: Free Developer: GAMO a.s.
OxraPro - тесты с ответами

OxraPro - тесты с ответами

В приложение ОхраПро (OxraPro) вы найдете структурированные и полезные курсы по охране труда, пожарной безопасности, экологии, электробезопасности, ГО и ЧС, медицинской помощи, тепловым энергоустановкам, промышленной безопасности Возможность готовиться к экзаменам и сдавать тесты в любом удобном месте и в любое...

Price: Free Developer: OKHRAPRO, OOO

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