Top 17 Entertainment Apps Like D12-Mixer - Best Alternatives

D12-Mixer Alternatives

Do you want to find the best D12-Mixer alternatives for iOS? We have listed 17 Entertainment apps that are similar to D12-Mixer. Pick one from this list to be your new D12-Mixer app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to D12-Mixer on your iOS devices.

Top 17 Apps Like D12-Mixer - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid D12-Mixer alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 17 similar apps like D12-Mixer 2025.

Natural 20 - for Rolling Dice

Natural 20 - for Rolling Dice

Ideal for board games, war games and RPG's like Dungeons & Dragons. Natural 20 is a dice rolling app which handles single and multiple dice rolls, and much more. Its comfortable to use, saves time, and its easier than...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Jon Lord
Dice Fairness

Dice Fairness

A fair die should have an equal likelihood of rolling each number. Only one number comes up on each roll, though, so how can you tell if your die is fair?

 The most straightforward way to determine if a die...

Price: Free Developer: John Bender
Dice Roller - Polyhedral Dice

Dice Roller - Polyhedral Dice

Dice Roller is a dice simulation for role playing games. You can add up to 20 of each of the following common dice: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20. This app uses realistic physics, motion, friction,...

Price: Free Developer: MICHAEL ECONOMY
Dice To Go: Tabletop RPG Roller

Dice To Go: Tabletop RPG Roller

Your virtual dice kit full of powerful features for D&D & other tabletop games! Dice To Go is a 3D physics-based dice roller with customizable roll buttons to make d20, pool, target, fate, and fudge rolls for games like D&D,...

Price: Free Developer: Electronic Gaming Solutions
Game Author

Game Author

Dice : Design, Roll and Share Game Author gives tabletop game designers and players the tools to design, roll, organize and share their dice collection. Create your own dice in a variety of ways: use the built-in tools to pick...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Trapset Interactive
Real RPG Dice Free

Real RPG Dice Free

Clean, easy, real HD quality and real-time physics Role playing dice is for use with any RPG or board game on Iphone and Ipat. Now with d4, d6, d8, d10, d12 and d20 dice available. d100 with 2xd10 d1000 with 3xd10

Price: Free Developer: Justo Salcedo Lopez
RPG Dice Roller Lite

RPG Dice Roller Lite

Immersive dice roller. - Shake to roll - Change design to match your campaign (fantasy, sci-fi etc.) - Landscape and portrait mode - From coin toss to D1000 - Roll: D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D20, D100 and D1000 - Sophisticated random number generator - Quick...

Price: Free Developer: SCAIRP LTD
Ambient Mixer Music

Ambient Mixer Music

Ambient Mixer is a community driven project offering you some unique quality soundscapes with different atmospheres for chilling, relaxing or as background music for tabletop games. You can further effectively mix and create your own sounds. Enter into a...

Price: Free Developer: QaamGo Web GmbH
Mixer - Interactive Streaming

Mixer - Interactive Streaming

With the new Mixer app, you can do more than just watch — you can take part in the action! Direct game choices, place objects, select sounds and much more. Join now to experience the future of live, interactive...

Price: Free Developer: Microsoft Corporation


Lotto-Mixer unterstützt Sie beim Ausfüllen ihres nächsten Lotto 6aus49 oder Eurojackpot Scheins. Nutzen Sie ganz einfach den Knopf für die Zufallszahlen. Haben Sie Glückszahlen, Geburtstage oder Jahrestage die Ihnen wichtig sind, so treffen Sie einfach eine Vorauswahl und drücken Sie...

Price: Free Developer: Roland Heiny
Party Mixer 3D

Party Mixer 3D

It's time to create your own fantastic nightclub story! Meet brand new Party Mixer 3D and become a real dj master! Powerful dj mix maker in 3D edition. NEW SOUND and EFFECTS Brand new original and powerful sound packs, don’t forget...

Price: Free Developer: Groove Vibes
Cheer Mixer

Cheer Mixer

Cheer Mixer is for cheerleaders and dancers to create rolling, dynamic music playlists. Features: ● iTunes library integration ● selectable start & stop times for individual songs & effects ● easy drag & drop rearranging of songs ● single volume control ● total time counter ●...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Mark Weil
Fast Mixer

Fast Mixer

If you need a rhythm music now,this app will help you get it done quickly.Whether you're a professional musician or an amateur music enthusiast.It's a great mixer,a lot of music people need it,it can be for DJ rap rap...

Price: Free Developer: Zhirong Hu
Photo Mixer and Editor

Photo Mixer and Editor

This application has grid style collages with photo effects applied to photos. Add multiple shapes to your photos and make stunning images. Grid Collages with grids for 2,3,4 and more photos. Free Form Collages with shapes are here now. Select...

Price: Free Developer: Jyoti Yadav


•・ 16路信号输入(8路MIC输入3组立体声输入) 数字输入:光纤/声卡,MP3 •・输入通道声像调节 •・ MIC输入增益调节(数字增益) •・ +48V幻象电源(MIC通道均可独立打开关闭) •・ 内置压限器,高低通,4段参数均衡,延时,输通道声像平衡调节 •・通道参数快速拷贝功能 •・输入输出EQ ON/OFF •・多功能旋钮 •・各通道均设有多功能菜单,哑音和监听 •・ 通道均设有100MM电动推杆,信号、峰值灯(11个电动推子) •・ 8路信号输出(立体声主输出,6路AUX输出) •・ AUX输出(推子前/后) •・ 输出处理:高低通滤波,13段参数均衡,压缩器,延时,相位 •・数字录音功能 •・双排12段电平指示灯 •・内置声卡(MP3、PC直接播放音乐) •・ 4个快捷场景调用模式,12个场景存储 •・用户参数的存储与调取(可在pc端管理) •・内置双DSP效果器 •・ FX踏板开关接口 •・光纤输入/输出 •・多操作系统操控软件(IOS系统, WINDOWS系统) •・ 支持有线网口调节(或外接路由器无线调节) •・ 4.7寸400*240电阻触摸显示屏

Price: Free Developer: KE LI
Mojiseed - Sticker Maker and Emoji Mixer

Mojiseed - Sticker Maker and Emoji Mixer

Mojiseed is awesome. Our super developer dude with emoji fetish was fed up with all emoji apps on the App Store. One day, with no friends, no life, having nothing else better to do, he decided to come up with...

Price: Free Developer: Jason Taylor

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