Top 20 Book Apps Like M digital - Best Alternatives

M digital Alternatives

Do you want to find the best M digital alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Book apps that are similar to M digital. Pick one from this list to be your new M digital app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to M digital on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like M digital - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid M digital alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like M digital 2025.

Pios ine o A.M.?

Pios ine o A.M.?

Τhe Greek Easy Reader Apps are language learning apps based on short stories accompanied by related exercises, which aim at improving the learner’s reading comprehension skills and building up their vocabulary. All stories are authored by experienced Greek language...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Deltos Publishing
Checklist: M.C. Beaton Edition

Checklist: M.C. Beaton Edition

My Favorite Author: MC Beaton Edition is a simple checklist app for readers of MC Beaton, an author who has won international acclaim for her bestselling Hamish Macbeth and Agatha Raisin mysteries. M.C. Beaton is the most well-known pseudonym of...

Price: Free Developer: Carolyn Lea
Eu Gosto M@is RA

Eu Gosto M@is RA

Dê comandos diferentes e brinque com o cãozinho da coleção Eu Gosto M@is! Com o aplicativo da coleção Eu Gosto M@is você conta com a tecnologia de realidade aumentada para brincar com o personagem desta coleção do IBEP e da...

Price: Free Developer: Editora FTD S/A


R.E.M.已推出了多本「電子書」iPhone版,於Apple App Store發售。今後無論你身在何方,只要你有iPhone、iTouch或iPad,就可以下載閱讀。特別是身在海外的朋友,以後不必再繳付昂貴郵費,花數周時間等待或駕車到大城市的書店購買。R.E.M.亦得以合宜的價錢推廣優良的屬靈書籍,省時又環保。 我們將會陸續把更多著作製作成「電子書」,以饗全球基督徒和中文讀者。請密切留意!

Price: Free Developer: R.E.M. (HK) Limited


Монгол хэлээр гадаад, дотоодын зохиолчдын мянга мянган шилдэг зохиол, подкастыг УНШИХ, СОНСОХ боломжийг М+ аппликейшн олгохоос гадна шилдэг сэтгүүлийг дижитал интерактив хэлбэрт шилжүүлэн сонирхолтой байдлаар та бүхэнд хүргэхээр бүтээгдсэн билээ.

Price: Free Developer: Woovoo LLC
Una mosca avida.I bambini racconto per M. Bulatova

Una mosca avida.I bambini racconto per M. Bulatova

Divertente racconto di volo. Le domande per i figli di genitori di oggi. Il formato interattivo della nostra applicazione include un'animazione che viene eseguita quando si tocca lo schermo di un (chiave candidata) punto particolare, ci sono anche eventi...

Price: Free Developer: Mikhail Bulatov
Dark Forest - HORROR GameBook

Dark Forest - HORROR GameBook

Mystery and Horror Book with multiple endings. "Dark Forest” Louis Versetti, a young man comes out of his mansion far from his father authority figure, he enters the "Dark Forest "where he will encounter supernatural and terrifying difficulties he...

Price: Free Developer: Living a Book Inc.
Vachanamrut (Read and Listen)

Vachanamrut (Read and Listen)

Officaial Vachnamrut Rahsyrath - Vachanamrut with Guide app from Shri Swaminarayan Divine Mission App Features : -Download and listen vachanamrut audio files. - Universal Search in all vachanamrut prakrans. - Highlight and write notes. - Easily share the content you like. - Automatic...

Price: Free Developer: Linath Infotech Private limited
Caribu: Video-Calls Kids Love

Caribu: Video-Calls Kids Love

Listed among Fast Company’s “World Changing Ideas” for 2019, Caribu makes family video-calling unforgettable by letting you paint and read bedtime stories in real-time with the kids. Find out why families in 160+ countries connect on Caribu for immersive...

Price: Free Developer: Caribu Inc.
Livro Digital

Livro Digital

Eis a nova versão do aplicativo sPED Livro Digital com evoluções na sua navegação, disponibilização de um Repositório na nuvem e mais alguns recursos que reforçam sua agilidade e simplicidade de utilização. Para usar o sPED o usuário tem...

Price: Free Developer: Plataforma Digital Tecnologia e Informatica Ltda.
Ganeca Digital

Ganeca Digital

Ganeca Digital, an application that combines digital library and book store, provides reading materials from various publishers including our own - Ganeca Exact (est. 1982) with thousands of books published. Users can choose their reading source by either renting...

Price: Free Developer: PT Ganeca Digital Cerdas
Digital Future Reader

Digital Future Reader

برنامج يعرض الكتب الإلكترونية الصادرة عن شركة المستقبل الرقمي والتي تتضمن أصوات أو أفلام أو محتوى تفاعلي إمسح على رمز الـ QR للمنتج الذي بين يديك وقم بتحميل المحتوى الرقمي المرافق له. واحصل على المنتجات بأفضل الأساليب العالمية المعتمدة. The program...

Price: Free Developer: Digital Future LTD
Flames Of War Digital

Flames Of War Digital

FOW Digital provides you with access to the growing range of Flames Of War products quickly and easily. From this app you will be able to download exclusive free-of-charge digital content, purchase new Intelligence Handbooks and individual Briefings for...

Price: Free Developer: Battlefront Miniatures Ltd
JLG Digital

JLG Digital

Introducing JLG Digital, the reading revolution that puts exceptional eBooks and Audiobooks in the hands of K-12 readers. Experience the award-winning selections you love and trust from JLG now in eBook and Audiobook format with anytime, anywhere access. Browse and...

Price: Free Developer: Media Source Inc. - Largest Digital Islamic Library - Largest Digital Islamic Library

The official app of the Digital Islamic Library Project: Get access to over 1700+ books, articles and over 2000 media resources on various topics such as: God and His Attributes Resurrection and Afterlife Sunni and Shia Comparative Religion Spirituality Philosophy Ethics Islam and Women Prophet Muhammad(s) Imam Ali Fatima al-Zahra Companions Imam...

Price: Free Developer: Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project
BA Digital Universitas Terbuka

BA Digital Universitas Terbuka

Open University launched a new service for all students in the form of application to access BMP UT offline via the iOS device. More information can be read on the following frequency question (FAQ). What is a digital teaching...

Price: Free Developer: Dimas Prasetyo
Patagonia Ebooks - Free digital library

Patagonia Ebooks - Free digital library

Digital Library of books from Ebooks Patagonia where you can read free titles. All ebooks in EPUB format from this Latin American publishing are available to you. Start reading the first chapters for free now and if you like...

Price: Free Developer: ebooks Patagonia
Digital Thailand

Digital Thailand

Digital Thailand Application เป็นหนังสือมัลติมีเดีย (M Book) ที่ถ่ายทอดแผนพัฒนาดิจิทัลเพื่อเศรษฐกิจสังคม กระทรวงเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศและการสื่อสาร ให้เกิดการรับรู้อย่างกว้างขวาง เพื่อให้นักเรียน นักศึกษา นักวิชาการ อาจารย์ นักธุรกิจ นักลงทุน ผู้ประกอบการร้านค้า ผู้ประการสินค้าชุมชน และประชาชนที่ทั่วไป ได้รับทราบถึงแผนพัฒนาดิจิทัลเพื่อเศรษฐกิจสังคม ซึ่งเป็นเครื่องมือสนับสนุนในการพัฒนาประเทศของรัฐบาล และเป็นแม่บทสำคัญทางด้านเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศและการสื่อสาร (ไอซีที) ของประเทศ หนังสือมัลติมีเดีย (M Book) แผนพัฒนาดิจิทัลเพื่อเศรษฐกิจสังคมเล่มนี้ นำเสนอเรื่องราวของแผนพัฒนาดิจิทัลเพื่อเศรษฐกิจสังคม เพื่อเป็นกรอบแนวทางการดำเนินการตามนโยบายเศรษฐกิจและสังคมดิจิทัลของรัฐบาล ให้เกิดการนำเทคโนโลยีที่ทันสมัยและหลากหลายมาเปลี่ยนเป็นวิธีการดำเนินธุรกิจ การดำเนินชีวิตของประชาชน และการดำเนินงานของภาครัฐ ซึ่งจะส่งผลให้เกิดความมั่งคั่งทางเศรษฐกิจที่แข่งขันได้ใในเวทีโลก และความมั่นคงทางสังคมของประเทศต่อไป

Price: Free Developer: 80root
AFV Modeller Digital

AFV Modeller Digital

As the publishers of the highly regarded AFV Modeller and AIR Modeller magazines it seemed to be a natural progression for us to enter into book publishing and we have been working over recent years towards this goal. We...

Price: Free Developer: AFV Modeller Limited

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