Top 21 Education Apps Like Campus MasterD Portugal - Best Alternatives

Campus MasterD Portugal Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Campus MasterD Portugal alternatives for iOS? We have listed 21 Education apps that are similar to Campus MasterD Portugal. Pick one from this list to be your new Campus MasterD Portugal app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Campus MasterD Portugal on your iOS devices.

Top 21 Apps Like Campus MasterD Portugal - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Campus MasterD Portugal alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 21 similar apps like Campus MasterD Portugal 2025.

Campus Labs® Event Check-in

Campus Labs® Event Check-in

Campus Labs® Event Check-in is a companion app for the Campus Labs® Engage student engagement web application that enables campus event hosts to easily and securely check students into events using mobile devices. This app is for event hosts, students...

Price: Free Developer: Campus Labs, Inc.
Kiosque Campus France

Kiosque Campus France

Le Kiosque est une application bibliothèque d’études et analyses pointues, dans différents domaines de la mobilité étudiante, proposée par Campus France, la marque de l’enseignement supérieur français à l’étranger. A l’attention de l’ensemble des établissements d’enseignement supérieur et d’un...

Price: Free Developer: Campus France
Campus Student

Campus Student

Attention all students! Say hello to your new best friend this school year, Campus Student. Campus Student puts your school information at your fingertips. Real-time access to announcements, assignments, attendance, grades, schedules and much more. LOGIN INSTRUCTIONS 1. Download...

Price: Free Developer: Infinite Campus, Inc.
Campus Parent

Campus Parent

Attention all parents and guardians! Campus Parent puts your student’s school information at your fingertips. Real-time access to announcements, assignments, attendance, grades, schedules and much more. LOGIN INSTRUCTIONS 1. Download the App 2. Search for your district name and state 3....

Price: Free Developer: Infinite Campus, Inc.
Campus Tutor

Campus Tutor

Campus Tutor connects university students with one another to facilitate the performance of offline tutoring sessions. Through the app, users can sign-up as both a student and a tutor. The platform is exclusively available in pre-selected universities and each...

Price: Free Developer: Campus Tutor OU
Campus Deutsch

Campus Deutsch

Mit dieser kostenlosen App greifen Sie unkompliziert und schnell auf die Audios, Word-Dokumente und PDFs von Campus Deutsch zu. Mit der neuen Bibliotheksfunktion verwalten Sie jetzt selbst die Inhalte zu allen verfügbaren Büchern. Die Campus Deutsch App nutzt das beliebte...

Price: Free Developer: Hueber Verlag
Boston City Campus

Boston City Campus

An application for Boston City Campus students to keep in touch with what's going on at Boston City Campus, as well as check their results, enter Boston City Campus competitions, listen to the latest tracks and news on BMH...

Price: Free Developer: Boston City Campus


Studierende der FH Campus Wien können mit der Campus+ App ganz einfach auf die für ihr Studium relevanten Inhalte zugreifen. Die Features der Campus+ App: - Aktueller Stundenplan - Guthaben der Campus-Card - Speiseplan der Mensa - Übersicht der eigenen Lehrveranstaltungen - Infos zu Studierenden...

Price: Free Developer: FH Campus Wien
Mein Campus

Mein Campus

Mein Campus – der unverzichtbare Begleiter für Ihr Studium an der Euro-FH Die App „Mein Campus“ bietet Ihnen alles, was Sie zum mobilen Studieren brauchen. Mit nur einem Klick haben Sie Ihren aktuellen Studienfortschritt im Blick und können die wichtigsten...

Campus Outreach Columbia

Campus Outreach Columbia

Welcome to the official Campus Outreach Columbia app! Check out all kinds of interesting content like audio from talks, information on upcoming events, updates from our campuses, and Bible reading plans. For more information about Campus Outreach Columbia, visit The Campus...

Price: Free Developer: Campus Outreach
MasterD CreaDiseño

MasterD CreaDiseño

La aplicación CreaDiseño te permite crear y visualizar tus diseños de interiores y de moda en tiempo real mediante Realidad Aumentada. Aplicación de uso exclusivo para los alumnos de interiores y de moda de la escuela a través de...

Price: Free Developer: masterd
Cambridge School Portugal

Cambridge School Portugal

Features of Cambridge School Portugal Mobile: - navigate course content, even offline; - carry out homework; - conduct training tests; - Receive instant notifications of messages and events (start of classes, tests, deadlines for submission of papers); - contact the teacher

Price: Free Developer: Escolas Cambridge Portugal SA
Portugal dos Pequenitos

Portugal dos Pequenitos

Situado em Coimbra, o Portugal dos Pequenitos é desde 8 de junho de 1940, data da sua inauguração, um parque lúdico-pedagógico destinado essencialmente à Criança. Nascido pela mão e pelo génio de Bissaya Barreto e projetado pelo arquiteto Cassiano Branco,...

Price: Free Developer: Fundação Bissaya Barreto
Portugal State Maps

Portugal State Maps

Maps of the States (Districts) of Portugal. Cycle through the list or select a specific District Can also take a quiz to test your knowledge of Maps of the states

Price: Free Developer: Ralph DMello
ABC para Crianças - Learn Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal)

ABC para Crianças - Learn Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal)

Learn, Test your skills and Play with over 180 words, images and sounds . "ABC for Kids" is an all-in-one app for children between 1 and 7 years old. The application helps children develop their vocabulary and their...

Learn Portugal Portuguese Words&Phrases FlashCards

Learn Portugal Portuguese Words&Phrases FlashCards

“Simple and practical!”“I love this app. The images are pretty and stylish paintings.”“The level-beating system is really a good design. It gives me motivation to learn!”“It’s a high quality app! Strongly recommended.”“It’s free but perfect!”--- Fun and Relaxing Learning...

Price: Free Developer: LETS Limited
Portugal Prime Ministers and Stats

Portugal Prime Ministers and Stats

* Information of the Portuguese Prime Ministers from 1834. * PM’s name, born, died, in office from, in office till, party * NO INTERNET connection required for any of the information or stats * Summary of various stats by PM and...

Price: Free Developer: Ralph DMello
RTP Museu Realidade Aumentada

RTP Museu Realidade Aumentada

Quer experimentar o mundo real misturado com o mundo virtual? Explore as várias experiências que o Museu da RTP coloca ao seu dispor: - Carro de Exteriores Visualize o carro de exteriores da RTP numa escala imersiva e envolvente. Dentro ou...

Price: Free Developer: Rádio e Televisão de Portugal, S.A.
Simply Learn Portuguese - Travel Phrasebook

Simply Learn Portuguese - Travel Phrasebook

*** Learn Portuguese language when visiting Portugal *** Simply Learn Portuguese Language App is a FREE language app that will assist you to speak Portuguese quickly and effectively. All Portuguese phrases and words are presented to you in both phonetic and...

Price: Free Developer: Simya Solutions Ltd.
Click Exames

Click Exames

O ClickExames é uma APP dos Ginásios da Educação Da Vinci para alunos, pais e professores com informação e recursos sobre provas e exames nacionais do ensino básico e secundário em Portugal. O ClickExames tem para consulta em dispositivos móveis...

Price: Free Developer: Ginásios da Educação Da Vinci

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