Top 19 Education Apps Like Ste Rita - Best Alternatives

Ste Rita Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Ste Rita alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Education apps that are similar to Ste Rita. Pick one from this list to be your new Ste Rita app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Ste Rita on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Ste Rita - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Ste Rita alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Ste Rita 2025.

Ste. Genevieve R-II, MO

Ste. Genevieve R-II, MO

The official app for the Ste. Genevieve Schools allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from the...

Price: Free Developer: Ste. Genevieve R-2 School District
Collège Ste Marie Barbezieux

Collège Ste Marie Barbezieux

Application de l'établissement scolaire sainte marie à Barbezieux. Pour accéder aux espaces Professeurs/Parents/Elèves de la version mobile pronote, les identifiants sont ceux qui vous ont été remis en début d'année. Cette application permet de recevoir en temps réel des notifications pour...

Price: Free Developer: Philippe Garcia
Katarina Zachar

Katarina Zachar

ENGLISH VERSION I believe that each person has their own authentic life story to fulfil. This world needs people who are real - free, aware and awakened to their truth. Its time for you to liberate yourself from fears, past...

Price: Free Developer: ITDream
Moja Autoškola

Moja Autoškola

Nová verzia aplikácie Moja Autoškola Vám prináša efektívny spôsob komunikácie so svojou autoškolou, v ktorej práve vykonávate vodičský kurz. Je určená účastníkom kurzov všetkých slovenských autoškôl, ktorých zoznam si môžete pozrieť na portáli Aplikácia Moja Autoškola...

Price: Free Developer: Ministerstvo dopravy a vystavby Slovenskej republiky
IZZI obrazovni sadržaji

IZZI obrazovni sadržaji

IZZI aplikacija korisnicima omogućava pregled, preuzimanje i ažuriranje naprednih IZZI digitalnih obrazovnih sadržaja za osnovnu i srednju školu. Nakon preuzimanja, sadržaje možete pregledavati i bez internetske veze, a prilikom svakog spajanja na internetsku vezu, vaši rezultati uspješnosti će se...

Price: Free Developer: Profil Klett d.o.o.
German Croatian Dict - Njemačko-Hrvatski rječnik

German Croatian Dict - Njemačko-Hrvatski rječnik

Ovo je Njemačko - Hrvatski i Hrvatsko - Njemački rječnik; German - Croatian and Croatian - German dictionary / Wörterbuch Deutsch - Kroatisch und Kroatisch - Deutsch. Aplikacija funkcionira OFFLINE i nije joj potrebna internetska veza. Baza podataka će biti...

Price: Free Developer: Nikolay Sidorenko
German Slovene Dictionary Nemško-Slovenski slovar

German Slovene Dictionary Nemško-Slovenski slovar

To je Nemško - Slovenski in Slovensko - Nemški slovar; German - Slovenian (Slovene) and Slovenian (Slovene) - German dictionary / Wörterbuch Deutsch - Slowenisch und Slowenisch - Deutsch. Aplikacija deluje BREZ SPLETA in ne potrebuje internetne povezave. Podatkovna...

Price: Free Developer: Vladimir Demchenko


mojRječnik - nije obični rječnik! Sastoji se od preko 2600 riječi i 400 fraza koje će vam pomoći da se lakše snalazite na njemačkom jeziku! Rubrika "moj tekst dana" vam pomaže da svaki dan naučite bar jednu novu riječ ili da...

Price: Free Developer: Ivan Covic
Bauvais-Amoureux House, The Story of Pelagie

Bauvais-Amoureux House, The Story of Pelagie

For over 150 years this story remained undiscovered. “The Story of Pelagie” app was created to bring a face to the many brave African American women who remain faceless in the history books, and whose lives made a real...

Price: Free Developer: Tristan Interactive
Instituto Santa Rita

Instituto Santa Rita

O aplicativo do Instituto Santa Rita de Cássia é destinado aos alunos e seus responsáveis, como forma de se manterem informados sobre o calendário, eventos, comunicados e demais notificações da escola.

Price: Free Developer: Prime Technology Solutions LLC
Rita Schedule

Rita Schedule

App designed to be an extra tool for St. Rita students to personalize their own class schedule and receive real time updates about timing changes. Students are able to set dates for class assignments and deleted when not...

Price: Free Developer: Frank Tellez
Santa Rita Mobile

Santa Rita Mobile

Aproximando escola, pais, alunos e professores! O Santa Rita - Mobile oferece acompanhamento acadêmico/escolar mobile para pais, alunos e professores integrados por escolas associadas à rede Phidelis. Compatível com os principais dispositivos móveis, através do App você tem as seguintes...

Price: Free Developer: Phidelis Tecnologia
St Rita's College

St Rita's College

The St Rita's College App is developed in partnership with Digistorm Education and Alaress. It is designed to give parents, students and teachers a seamless environment with ready access to important information about events and daily activities at the...

Price: Free Developer: Digistorm Education
St.Rita Schedule

St.Rita Schedule

This App is design to be another tool for students to check schedule updates due to modifications that might occur in school for various reasons. This is a real time app that keeps students inform of changes up...

Price: Free Developer: Frank Tellez
ASL - skriva sig till läsning

ASL - skriva sig till läsning

ASL – Att skriva sig till läsning – är en enkel och elevanpassad strategi för att utveckla skrivlust och läsglädje. Strategin är utarbetad utifrån det faktum att det är lättare för 4-7-åringar att skriva än att läsa, men genom...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Digitalt Hjarta AB
Berätta med NE

Berätta med NE

Berätta är speciellt framtagen i utbildningssyfte med förskola och årskurs F-3 i åtanke och kan användas av alla förskolor och skolor som har tillgång till Junior via sitt NE-avtal. Din skolas eller kommuns utbud kan variera. Du loggar in i...

Price: Free Developer: Nationalencyklopedin AB
Anaana's Tent

Anaana's Tent

Anaana’s Tent is an educational preschool app that teaches literacy, numeracy, and prepares children for their first years of school in a fun and interactive way. Perfect for kids, parents, teachers, educators, and anyone else interested in supporting preschool...

Price: Free Developer: Inhabit Media Inc. apps
Column Addition

Column Addition

This math app can be used to teach and study the column addition method. The app is easy to use and it has an intuitive interactive interface with customizable colors and other settings. The user can solve random or...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Esa Helttula

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