Do you want to find the best Sudoku JA alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Games apps that are similar to Sudoku JA. Pick one from this list to be your new Sudoku JA app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Sudoku JA on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Sudoku JA alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar games like Sudoku JA 2025.
Train your brain anytime and anywhere with Sudoku :), the classic logic number puzzle game FREE on iOS! Sudoku :) is the classic Japanese logic puzzle game with numbers. Play easier levels to exercise your brain or challenge yourself with...
New Sudoku players and experienced masters will both enjoy this beautiful version of the famous Japanese number puzzle game. Key features: ------------------------------- • Easy level for new players; hard level for experienced players seeking new challenges. • Complete statistics to help you track...
Sudoku by Brainium is the #1 classic Sudoku game you know and love for your phone and tablet, and the best way to learn and improve your skills in this classic puzzle game. With our Sudoku app, not only will...
Sudoku by Brainium is the #1 classic Sudoku game you know and love for your iPhone and iPad, and the best way to learn and improve your skills in this classic puzzle game. With our Sudoku app, not only will...
△△△△△ Sudoku Champ International △△△△△ SudokuChamp is a new and improved game of Sudoku developed by If you're serious with Sudoku game you can not miss this one! 4 levels of difficulty and the possibility to write your...
Sudoku Battle is more than just a Sudoku game for iPad; it is a unique application to challenge your friends and family. First, enjoy unlimited high quality Sudoku puzzles and improve your solving skills at your own pace in...
Sudoku Ronin is free version of Sudoku Samurai (Unlock Sudoku Samurai game features from within the game). Lose yourself in hours of satisfying sudoku puzzle solving. Beautiful art and music make this game you'll want to relax with when...
+++ Stefan Heine Sudoku Series +++ +++ As seen and heard in the press, radio, and TV — Now available as an app +++ Sudoku for fierce puzzlers - challenging and beautiful Puzzle fun guaranteed — With Stefan Heine's Sudoku apps! All puzzles...
+++ Stefan Heine Sudoku Series +++ +++ As seen and heard in the press, radio, and TV — Now available as an app +++ Sudoku for fierce puzzlers - challenging and beautiful Puzzle fun guaranteed — With Stefan Heine's Sudoku apps! All puzzles...
THE WORLD's NUMBER ONE FREE ONLINE SUDOKU GAME! Get your portion of fun daily brain training for Sudoku with the best FREE Online puzzles game! Sudoku Wizard is the #1 online puzzle game to play on your iPhone. Learn and...
Pöllöperheen pesä on tuhoutunut myrskyssä. 7-vuotiaat Esa-pöllö ja Caretta-kilpikonna eivät kuitenkaan vastoinkäymisestä lannistu vaan aikovat pelastaa pesän. Esan ja Caretan sanaseikkailu on suunniteltu lukemisen harjoittelun tueksi 5–7-vuotiaille lapsille. Peli on opetussuunnitelman mukainen, joten se sopii hyvin tukimateriaaliksi kouluihin...
How to get started After the game is loaded, click PLAY - and then click on the game page to start the game Game goals Reasonable operation, get high marks! game introduction The thief climbed the walls of the castle and wanted to enter...
Det spennende eventyret om «Gutten som lurte Stallo». Gutten, Eles, bruker sin list til å lure den skumle Stalloen som har kidnappet Áirá. En morsom og litt skummel historie basert på et samisk folkeeventyr som handler om mot og tapperhet,...
Taituroi vaa'at tasapainoon, löydä piilotetut tähdet ja ratkaise kaikki viisi kiehtovaa maailmaa! Tuleeko juuri sinusta seuraava rubiiniguru? Rubiiniguru on hauska ongelmanratkaisupeli, jossa ratkaistaan pirteissä maisemissa fysiikkapohjaisia pähkinöitä käyttäen apuna erilaisia painoja ja vaakoja. Peli opettaa mielenkiintoisesti ja oppijalähtöisesti fysikaalisten ilmiöiden...
Hirsipuu - klassikko koulusta. Tämä on klassinen, tunnettu luultavasti koulusta. Voit valita eri ryhmiin ja näin sinulle annetaan sanoja arvata! Nykyiset luokat ovat: - Maat - Eläimet - Julkkikset / Julkkikset - Brands - Ruoka - Kaupungit - Chemistry - Athletes - Comics - Musicians Toisaalta voit pelissä nähdä, kuinka monta kierrosta olet...
Seikkaile Euroopan taivailla kuumailmapallollasi, löydä kätkettyjä aarteita ja toimita arvokkaita lähetyksiä eri maiden pääkaupunkeihin. Lounatuuli Express on veikeä maantietopeli, jossa pelaat kuumailmapallolla liikkuvaa lähettiä, toimittaen paketteja ympäri Eurooppaa. Peli opettaa hauskasti ja inspiroivasti maantietoa sekä Euroopan kaupunkeja. Lounatuuli Express on tarkoitettu...
Desafia a teus amigos ou qualquer jogador no jogo clásico do enforcado Jogardes quatro rodadas e em cada rodada vai ter você e seu opontene três palabras idénticas para adivinar. As categorias são selecionadas alternadamente, então você tem a chance...
“Shogi” is a classic board game that has been popularly played for the past 1000 years. It is similar to the games of chess and xiangqi. One unique feature of “Shogi” is it allows players to use the captured pieces. Enjoy playing...
笑いあり! 失笑あり! そしてちょっとの感動あり!! 至高の短編9本がセットになった! 別途配信中の本編が動作する端末では問題なく動作しますので、まずはご確認を! 一風変わった童話の主人公達が紡ぐ、連載型ダークファンタジーノベルゲーム……の、 サイドストーリーが短編集として遂に登場! 声優によるフルボイス、物語をより引き立てるBGM。 目で見て、耳で聞いて、心で楽しめる! インディーズ団体がノリと勢いで作った、完全書き下ろしストーリー! 今回は、笑顔になれる要素を多めにしてお送りいたします! ◆登場キャラクター◆ ヘンゼル グレーテル (cv:上之薗 花奈) 迦具夜比売命(かぐや姫) (cv:畠中 愛) トーメリーサ・トゥーリパン(親指姫) (cv:績利) メロウ・モルーアクア(人魚姫) (cv:恵美 友香織) 長谷 初瀬(鉢かづき姫) (cv:小沢 美樹) アリス・リデル(不思議の国のアリス) (cv:多田 智美) マルガレータ・フォン・ヴァルデック(白雪姫) (cv:阿部 彬名) ツバメ(熊) (cv:???) ◆動作推奨端末◆ iPhone5S以上 ◆注意事項◆ 1:本ゲームは、完全無料で配信中のダークファンタジーノベルゲーム プリンセスナイトの サイドストーリー集となります。 本編のネタバレを含みますので、まずは本編をご覧ください。(完全無料) 2:この物語はフィクションです。 実在の人物・団体・事件とは一切関係ありません。 ◆情報◆ 『PRINCESS NIGHT』、縮めて『プリナイ』の最新情報は、HPやTwitterで随時配信予定! ・公式HP ・公式Twitter ◆開発◆ クリエイティブ集団 SOLDIER STORAGE(ソルジャーストレージ)
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