Top 16 Education Apps Like Mihai Eminescu, întreaga operă - Best Alternatives

Mihai Eminescu, întreaga operă Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Mihai Eminescu, întreaga operă alternatives for iOS? We have listed 16 Education apps that are similar to Mihai Eminescu, întreaga operă. Pick one from this list to be your new Mihai Eminescu, întreaga operă app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Mihai Eminescu, întreaga operă on your iOS devices.

Top 16 Apps Like Mihai Eminescu, întreaga operă - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Mihai Eminescu, întreaga operă alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 16 similar apps like Mihai Eminescu, întreaga operă 2025.

MEDICS 2018 | Official App

MEDICS 2018 | Official App

MEDICS is the first international conference in Bucharest designed specifically for medical and biomedical students who are looking for new ways to advance their education. The MEDICS 2018 app helps you plan your visit and get instant access to our...

Price: Free Developer: MIHAI STANCU
abc! Colors - Beach Edition

abc! Colors - Beach Edition

•• Your voice for your child •• Record your baby and send by email •• iCloud support: record once, reuse on all devices •• Pre-recorded voices •• Has 6 mini-games •• Gorgeous graphics •• Easy to use •• Parent...

Price: Free Developer: Mihai Chis
abc! Colors - with Your Voice

abc! Colors - with Your Voice

•• Your voice for your child •• Record your baby and send by email •• iCloud support: record once, reuse on all devices •• Pre-recorded voices •• Has 6 mini-games •• Gorgeous graphics •• Easy to use •• Parent interaction...

Price: Free Developer: Mihai Chis
abc! Numbers - Beach Edition

abc! Numbers - Beach Edition

•• Your voice for your child •• Record your baby and send by email •• iCloud support: record once, reuse on all devices •• Pre-recorded voices •• Has 6 mini-games •• Gorgeous graphics •• Easy to use •• Parent...

Price: Free Developer: Mihai Chis
abc! Numbers - with Your Voice

abc! Numbers - with Your Voice

•• Your voice for your child •• Record your baby and send by email •• iCloud support: record once, reuse on all devices •• Pre-recorded voices •• Has 6 mini-games •• Gorgeous graphics •• Easy to use •• Parent interaction...

Price: Free Developer: Mihai Chis
abc! Shapes - Beach Edition

abc! Shapes - Beach Edition

•• Your voice for your child •• Record your baby and send by email •• iCloud support: record once, reuse on all devices •• Pre-recorded voices •• Has 6 mini-games •• Gorgeous graphics •• Easy to use •• Parent...

Price: Free Developer: Mihai Chis
abc! Shapes - with Your Voice

abc! Shapes - with Your Voice

•• Your voice for your child •• Record your baby and send by email •• iCloud support: record once, reuse on all devices •• Pre-recorded voices •• Has 6 mini-games •• Gorgeous graphics •• Easy to use •• Parent interaction...

Price: Free Developer: Mihai Chis
Christmas Coloring Book 4 Kids

Christmas Coloring Book 4 Kids

Enjoy this Christmas Edition Coloring Book for Kids or Adults. You can choose what to color from lots of Christmas illustrations. Draw with your fingers or use the stylus pen for better accuracy. You can start your...

Price: Free Developer: Mihai Ghiserel
Cosmos Creator - AR Universes

Cosmos Creator - AR Universes

"Whether you truly want to learn about the stars and planets, or just want to create your own solar system, Cosmos Creator AR is a terrific app to have. You'll be able to explore and learn, and have fun...

Price: Free Developer: Mihai Ghiserel


Frumoasa artă a limbajului, poezia este muzica și chipul sufletelor mari și sensibile, este însăşi viaţa. Poezia e umbra şi lumina, curcubeul de după ploaie, împărtășanie în orele de tihnă, act de credință, sfâșiere lăuntrică, armonie, uimire, veșmântul în...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Victor Campeanu
Oper online

Oper online

Diese App ist ein elektronischer Opernführer. Sie vermittelt einen kurzen Einblick in die Story, man kann das Libretto mitlesen und kann sich ein entsprechendes Video ansehen, ob dem Betrachter die Musik auch gefällt. Das Libretto und die Story sind...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Oliver Kuck


Noch nie vorher war dein Musikunterricht so mobil. Mit der KONapp und dem E-learning Angebot des Hamburger Konservatoriums bekommst du deinen Unterricht direkt aufs Handy. Unterhalte dich mit deinen Dozenten und Mitschülern, tausche deine Musik aus und erhalte live...

Price: Free Developer: Stashcat GmbH
KulturEtage Erfurt

KulturEtage Erfurt

Private Tanz- und Kunstschule in der Alten Oper Erfurt. Unter der Leitung von professionellen Pädagogen und Künstlern gibt es viele Kurse und Workshops entsprechend der Altersklasse und dem Leistungsniveau. Unsere Tanzschule in Erfurt bietet: Kindertanz, Jazzdance, Show, Musical, Ballett, Kinderballett, Modern Dance,...

Price: Free Developer: Patrik Pavlik


Genießen Sie diesen Mediaguide durch die Glyptothek München. Wir haben das Experiment gewagt, allein durch Atmosphären und Stimmungen einen anderen Weg zur Erkenntnis zu gehen: Diese Begleitung durch das Museum mit seinen antiken Skulpturen will keine wissenschaftlichen Kenntnisse oder Detailwissen vermitteln, Sinnlich...

Price: Free Developer: Staatliche Antikensammlungen und Glyptothek


Bei der Vokalrechtschreibung wimmelt es von Ausnahmen und Unregelmäßigkeiten. Diese Sammel-App enthält 10 Übungen mit insgesamt mehr als 12.000 Übungswörtern, die den 10 größten Tücken gewidmet sind: 1. Einfacher oder doppelter Vokalbuchstabe? 2. i oder ie? 3. Dehnungs-h (Zal oder Zahl)? 4....

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Birgitta Welzel

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