Top 14 Health & Fitness Apps Like TRIVIHAL Positivo iOS - Best Alternatives

TRIVIHAL Positivo iOS Alternatives

Do you want to find the best TRIVIHAL Positivo iOS alternatives for iOS? We have listed 14 Health & Fitness apps that are similar to TRIVIHAL Positivo iOS. Pick one from this list to be your new TRIVIHAL Positivo iOS app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to TRIVIHAL Positivo iOS on your iOS devices.

Top 14 Apps Like TRIVIHAL Positivo iOS - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid TRIVIHAL Positivo iOS alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 14 similar apps like TRIVIHAL Positivo iOS 2025.

Each Mind Matters

Each Mind Matters

Let’s Make it Safe to Talk About Mental Health When it comes to health, our minds deserve the same attention as our bodies. Mental health is an integral part of each of us as humans. That’s why Mission Hospital is activating...

Price: Free Developer: Rief Media, Inc
Revista Actas. Fundación Caser

Revista Actas. Fundación Caser

Publicación sobre atención integrada, coordinación sociosanitaria y dependencia   Revista Actas de Coordinación Sociosanitaria es una publicación divulgativa de la Fundación Caser de difusión gratuita. Con periodicidad cuatrimestral aborda en profundidad, desde una perspectiva técnica y científica, y por especialistas...

Price: Free Developer: Itbook Editorial
Relaciones Toxicas

Relaciones Toxicas

Somos un grupo de alumnos de tercero de enfermería de Badajoz. Queremos ayudar a identificar las relaciones tóxicas y reflexionar acerca del balance positivo/negativo de este tipo de relaciones. A través de esta app nos puedes seguir en...

Price: Free Developer: The Appmakers


De ahora en más hacer un plan de alimentación no es igual con la app de OKNUTRI totalmente GRATIS, porque podes comer de verdad lo que te gusta dentro de lo que te hace bien. Sumado que vas a tener...

Price: Free Developer: Matias Montero
Gymnadz - Women's Fitness App

Gymnadz - Women's Fitness App

Gymnadz is free to download. All users can access the free content in the app for an unlimited time. Gymnadz also offers premium content for it’s subscribers. If you wish to access premium content, you can upgrade to GymNadz...

Price: Free Developer: Gym Nadz Limited
JTC Healthy Diet and Fitness Tracker by JoinTheChallenge

JTC Healthy Diet and Fitness Tracker by JoinTheChallenge

JoinTheChallenge helps you live a healthier lifestyle and invites you to try our app, with your first 30 days FREE! We made the easiest app for tracking your food, water, exercise, steps, and weight, while giving you the feedback...

Price: Free Developer: JoinTheChallenge
MyCognition HOME

MyCognition HOME

MyCognition HOME - Improved Mental Resilience, Self-Management, Learning Outcomes and Performance for the Whole Family ### Enjoy MyCognition HOME today with a 7-day free trial ### MyCognition HOME is an NHS and ORCHA accredited cognitive fitness programme that has a...

Price: Free Developer: MyCognition
Doc Nutrition

Doc Nutrition

Mosate is a professional meal planning, food and activity logging tool that can only be activated by an authorized nutrition counselor. You can login to Mosate by using the username and password that was provided by the counselor when...

Price: Free Developer: Daniel Botha


HEROVI is a professional meal planning, food and activity logging tool that can only be activated by an authorized nutrition counselor. You can login to HEROVI by using the username and password that was provided by the counselor when...

Price: Free Developer: Andrea Ngui
Water: Liquid Tracker

Water: Liquid Tracker

For your health und to reach best productivity it’s important to drink enough. It's too late only to drink when you are thirsty. Water is a simple app which helps you to monitor your daily water intake and reminds...

Price: Free Developer: Alexander Johmann
Detox Pro - Diets & Plans

Detox Pro - Diets & Plans

“Utilising the Power of iOS… Detox Pro Brings A Unique Way Of Regenerating The MIND, BODY & SOUL. Detox Pro helps the health conscious individual, find, manage and track detox diets from start to finish.” Our bodies are constantly under...

Price: Free Developer: Appy Monkey - App Developers


Glow is a fitness and wellness marketplace powered by POPSUGAR. Shop for workout videos, healthy-living guides, meal plans, merchandise, and more from your favorite health and wellness trainers and experts. Here’s how it works: 1. Download the app and sign...

Price: Free Developer: POPSUGAR Inc.


■ このアプリについて  体質チェックを受診された方の検査結果をご覧いただくアプリです。  現在は主に以下のような機能を搭載しています。 ・アルコール体質チェックの結果表示  医療機関等で受診されたアルコール体質チェックの検査結果を表示します。  結果は5タイプで表示され、体質の特徴や飲酒の際の注意点をお知らせします。 ・飲酒と健康にまつわる情報の提供  飲酒と健康に関する正しい知識を得るための情報を提供しています。  また、あなたの飲酒習慣が健康へおよぼす影響をチェックできます。 ・かみの毛体質チェックの結果表示  医療機関等で受診されたかみの毛体質チェックの検査結果を表示します。  結果は男性型脱毛症のなりやすさ、およびフィナステリドを成分とする治療薬の効きやすさで表示されます。 ・男性型脱毛症に関する情報の提供  男性型脱毛症や男性型脱毛症治療薬成分のフィナステリドに関する情報を閲覧できます。 ■ 推奨環境 iOS 8.0以降のiPhone ■ 動作確認済み機種 iPhone5S(iOS 8.4.1) iPnone6(iOS 9.2.1) iPhone6 Plus(iOS 10.1.1)

Price: Free Developer: NSD CO., LTD.

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