Top 10 Education Apps Like EI Família - Best Alternatives

EI Família Alternatives

Do you want to find the best EI Família alternatives for iOS? We have listed 10 Education apps that are similar to EI Família. Pick one from this list to be your new EI Família app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to EI Família on your iOS devices.

Top 10 Apps Like EI Família - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid EI Família alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 10 similar apps like EI Família 2025.



EI国际有限公司(Early Infinity Holding Sdn Bhd)是由英国上市公司(EEQP)大股东组成的专业团队,注入巨资成立的趋势平台。EI控股于2015年1月在马来西亚实达沙亚南以4层 高半独立式办公楼设立总部, 以整合资源、『共创同享』企业理念开创趋势商机,展开了企业的全新篇章。 EI领导团队由各领域精英组成, 并拥有卓越的管理与拓展的实力。我们管理团队实力涵盖金融界风险管理、电子商务运作、国际连锁经营及保健网络营销等。除此之外,企业旗下还拥有专业的理财和投资专家,并多次成功把国内外公司包装上市,不论是后台管理还是客服都使用电脑化网络系统管理以达至全球通联的平台。 EI国际以【网络行销结合资本市场】的独特商业模式,推广新颖的营销概念, 让消费创业者以小资本加盟获取倍增的收入及建立永续经营的事业。 EI国际企业宏愿是透过新颖的商业模式,让所有追求健康、年轻、美丽的消费创业者,拥有高收入并同时共享资本市场的财富,实现非凡自由的人生。 EI国际以强大的管理团队为根基,“共创同享”的理念、“换个品牌,换个未来”的使命及网络行销结合资本市场独特的商业模式,立足大马,放眼全世界。

Price: Free Developer: Pang Yee Seong


==ei课堂机构版 -功能多样== 【配合书写版】只需绑定书写版 可还原纸笔体验 自动批卷 【在线签到】可让机构学生报名即可签到,无需费力重新报道 【扫描绑定】只需打开app扫一扫,即可绑定书写板 【即刻归还】机构可查看未归还书写板的学生,点击立刻归还书写板 ==ei课堂机构版 -课程多样== ①书写板课程 教师可通过选择课次查看学生书写板归还情况,未归还学生可点击“归还”,成功归还的学生则会在该账号上显示“已归还”。 ②普通课程 课程开始前,学生列表会显示学生的签到情况,学生可点击“签到”进行线上签到,也让教师更方便更直观的查看课程的签到情况。

Price: Free Developer: 杭州书山府科技有限公司
iYeled EI

iYeled EI

Manage your Yeled EI paperwork on your iDevice. * View your case load on your iDevice, and enter session notes easily with the help of our session note helper and then get them signed digitally. * Submit your invoices.

Price: Free Developer: Yeled V'Yalda Early Childhood Center Inc.
VOCABULYNX CP 2 ( Lecture des sons in,an,ai,en,gu,ou,on,oi,ei )

VOCABULYNX CP 2 ( Lecture des sons in,an,ai,en,gu,ou,on,oi,ei )

"VOCABULYNX est une petite merveille ..." Agnès Desjobert, orthophoniste *** " Perfectionner sa lecture en jouant au loto ! Un joli coup de coeur " 4,5 étoiles sur app-enfant *** Cette version de VOCABULYNX correspond au niveau de lecture du CP Niveau 2 (...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Fabrice Eveillard
e-Docente EI/anos iniciais EF

e-Docente EI/anos iniciais EF

Em um só lugar, tudo o que você precisa para ensinar. O e-docente é o aplicativo de conteúdos e materiais pedagógicos para professores antenados, que buscam fontes de formação e novidades do mercado educacional brasileiro. Nele você acessa materiais criados...

Price: Free Developer: Abril Educacao S/A
Diário Escola Mestres EI

Diário Escola Mestres EI

O aplicativo Diário Escola Mestres é a maneira mais simples, prática e segura de você se comunicar com os pais dos alunos de sua escolinha ou creche. Esqueça as ultrapassadas cadernetas de papel, você pode utilizar seu tablet para...

Price: Free Developer: Mongaba Solucoes de Tecnologia Ltda. - ME
EI App 1

EI App 1

Early Inspiration is passionate about children's development and stimulation, and how the effects of early intervention can enhance the young child’s learning potential. Educating and equipping parents and care-givers as to how they can enhance the child's development from...

Price: Free Developer: Snapp Mobile Technologies PTY Ltd
EI App 2

EI App 2

Early Inspiration is passionate about children's development and stimulation, and how the effects of early intervention can enhance the young child’s learning potential. Educating and equipping parents and care-givers as to how they can enhance the child's development from...

Price: Free Developer: Snapp Mobile Technologies PTY Ltd
EI App 3

EI App 3

Early Inspiration is passionate about children's development and stimulation, and how the effects of early intervention can enhance the young child’s learning potential. Educating and equipping parents and care-givers as to how they can enhance the child's development from...

Price: Free Developer: Snapp Mobile Technologies PTY Ltd

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