Top 29 Education Apps Like Servicio Social UG - Best Alternatives

Servicio Social UG Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Servicio Social UG alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Education apps that are similar to Servicio Social UG. Pick one from this list to be your new Servicio Social UG app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Servicio Social UG on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like Servicio Social UG - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Servicio Social UG alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Servicio Social UG 2025.

Easy Point

Easy Point

Aplicación que proporciona el servicio de renta de lockers en diferentes escuelas del país que cuenten con servicio de Easy Point

Price: Free Developer: Industria Comercial y Servicio Diaem S.A. de C.V.
Museo Geológico Nacional

Museo Geológico Nacional

El SERVICIO GEOLÓGICO COLOMBIANO pone disposición el aplicativo móvil denominado “Museo Geológico Nacional ”, cuyo objeto es permitir el acceso gratuito al público a información sobre el “Museo Geológico Nacional José Royo y Gómez”, especialmente sobre sus exhibiciones...

Price: Free Developer: Servicio Geológico Colombiano
Volcanes de Colombia

Volcanes de Colombia

El SERVICIO GEOLÓGICO COLOMBIANO pone a disposición el aplicativo móvil denominado “Volcanes de Colombia”, cuyo objeto es permitir el acceso gratuito al público a información sobre los volcanes.

Price: Free Developer: Servicio Geológico Colombiano
Connecting Europe

Connecting Europe

Esta aplicación está dirigida para los usuarios de la empresa Connecting Europe. Aplicación, que consta de dos funcionalidades principales. La primera, tendría como objetivo facilitar un método de control de acceso o fichado. La segunda por otra parte, daría a...

Price: Free Developer: Prisma Cm
TodoExamen Test de Oposiciones

TodoExamen Test de Oposiciones

Permite a los usuarios preparar en cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento sus pruebas, exámenes y test de oposiciones. Los exámenes y test de oposiciones que están disponibles, entre otros, son: Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado Bomberos Policía Nacional Escala Básica Policía Nacional...

Price: Free Developer: Cesar Themudo Goday
Acceso y Admisión UGR

Acceso y Admisión UGR

Acceso y Admisión UGR, es la App del Servicio de Alumnos de la Universidad de Granada, encargada de proporcionar información acerca de los procedimientos de Acceso y Admisión a la Universidad de Granada. La principal ventaja que proporciona esta App,...

Price: Free Developer: Universidad de Granada
Biblioteca Escolar Digital Colegio Cumbres

Biblioteca Escolar Digital Colegio Cumbres

Biblioteca Escolar Digital del Colegio Cumbres El Colegio Cumbres tienen como principal fin la educación integral del alumno(a) a la luz de la revelación cristiana que nos indica inequívocamente quién es el hombre y cuál es su destino final. Queremos suscitar...

Price: Free Developer: ebooks Patagonia


Aplicació oficial de la Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB) adreçada a estudiants i professors de títols oficials de grau i màster. S’hi accedeix mitjançant les claus d’UIBdigital. Segons la seva matrícula vigent, els estudiants poden veure l’horari...

Price: Free Developer: cti.uib
Bebe babau

Bebe babau

Bebe Babau es una aplicación con contenidos Premium exclusivamente desarrollado por profesionales Psicólogos y Psicopedagogos. Los contenidos están cuidadosamente pensados para entretener y educar a niños de 1 a 5 años, teniendo en cuenta aspectos del aprendizaje y la...

Price: Free Developer: T-Mobs
Social Detective Advance

Social Detective Advance

The Social Detective Advanced app picks up where the Social Detective Intermediate app leaves off. The user is asked to create social behavior maps from video scenarios shown to identify: • Expected and Unexpected Behaviors • The Feelings of Others • How a Person Responded...

Price: USD 12.99 Developer: Social Skill Builder, Inc.
Social Perspective Taking

Social Perspective Taking

This app teaches children and adolescents empathy and how to take the perspective of others. The app allows users to match the appropriate thoughts, feelings, and verbal dialog to the individuals shown in various social scenarios in an elementary...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Social Skill Builder, Inc.
Social Schools 3.0

Social Schools 3.0

Social Schools facilitates communication between all school stakeholders with many handy features for teachers, parents and students in a safe and secured app. - Send group-posts to your classes with pictures, videos and files. - Interact with group-posts with comments and...

Price: Free Developer: Social Schools
ECo-C Social

ECo-C Social

Welcome to the world of the ECo-C İnitiative The ECo-C Social Media Certificate internationally proves yor skills, knowledge and abilities to make - responsible and, - safe use of social media. The ECo-C Social Media Online Training is suitable for - Persons above 14...

Price: Free Developer: Philipp Kaiblinger
Social Detective

Social Detective

The You Are a Social Detective Beginner App has 3 exciting levels with numerous video prompts to break down social situations into functional terms. For Ages 7 - 12 Discover how to become a better social thinker with...

Price: USD 12.99 Developer: Social Skill Builder, Inc.
Conversation Social Stories & Simple PECS Communication Tool

Conversation Social Stories & Simple PECS Communication Tool

Conversation social stories is made up of four social stories about different conversational skills and simple communication tools to go with them. The stories focus on greetings, asking someone to play, what to talk about in a conversation and...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Touch Autism
Joke Telling Social Story & Speech Tool

Joke Telling Social Story & Speech Tool

This app includes a social story about how and why people tell jokes, and a simple visual/audio support for telling knock knock jokes. The story focuses on why it’s important to tell people jokes, why a joke is funny,...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Touch Autism
Potty Training Social Story

Potty Training Social Story

This app is an interactive social story about potty training that is customizable for boys or girls. The app also includes a visual schedule for using the potty and an extensive FAQ page that lists answers written by a...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Touch Autism
Social Detective Intermediate

Social Detective Intermediate

The Social Detective Intermediate app is meant to be the next addition to the Social Detective Beginner app and a companion to the You are a Social Detective book By Michelle Garcia Winner and Pamela Crooke. The Social Detective...

Price: USD 12.99 Developer: Social Skill Builder, Inc.
Social Quest

Social Quest

** Best Educational App of 2012 by Teacher with Apps ** Social Quest is an application developed by author and Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) Rosie Simms to improve pragmatic language comprehension and expression in a variety of social situations for...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Smarty Ears


IMS UG Prep is a mobile application created to enable students of IMS UG test prep programs to access online contents from student portal myIMS, on the move. This app provides flexibility to access quizzes & section tests, build...

Price: Free Developer: Shankar Prabhu
Medical UG Prep (JIPMER AIIMS)

Medical UG Prep (JIPMER AIIMS)

Medical UG Prep (JIPMER AIIMS) is an Exam Preparation and Question Bank app This app brings you JIPMER, AIIMS and AIPMT Under Graduate Medical Entrance previous year question papers in online exam format. This app also provides one full...

NEET UG AIPMT Question Bank

NEET UG AIPMT Question Bank

NEET UG or National Eligibility cum Entrance Test is the newly introduced exam replacing AIPMT (All India Pre-Medical Entrance Test). This exam is one of the highly crucial exam for medical career aspirants in India. brings this App...



Aplicación oficial de la universidad de transmisión en vivo de las plataformas de radio y televisión UG

Price: Free Developer: Universidad de Guanajuato
Amazing Animal Jigsaw Puzzle - Animals Puzzles for Kids and Toddlers

Amazing Animal Jigsaw Puzzle - Animals Puzzles for Kids and Toddlers

This beloved puzzle game is probably one of the best jigsaw puzzles for kids in the store! Our Amazing Animal Jigsaw Puzzle is a child safe app from our beloved “Mr. Pepper” puzzle series, designed with high-quality content, graphics...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: McPeppergames UG (haftungsbeschraenkt) & Co. KG
Amazing Car Wash - The funny cars washing game for kids

Amazing Car Wash - The funny cars washing game for kids

5 out of 5 stars from! Here is what they say: "This app is super cute. Toddlers and preschoolers will absolutely love it. Even my second-grader likes to open it and play every once in a while! It is...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: McPeppergames UG (haftungsbeschraenkt) & Co. KG
FS Theorie

FS Theorie

Die App zum online Lerncenter enthält alle aktuellen Fragen 2019 für alle Klassen und ist in 13 Sprachen verfügbar! Du kannst mit dieser App online oder offline lernen. Zusätzlich kannst du natürlich auch, dass online Lerncenter deiner Fahrschule...

Price: Free Developer: wirFahrlehrer Gemeinschaft WFG UG


Aplicación para la administración de ITSON Campus Guaymas, con el objetivo de facilitar la información a los alumnos, maestros y personas interesadas sobre los diferentes departamentos y áreas con los que cuenta la institución.

Price: Free Developer: ITSON
My Learning Cards - Educational card games for preschool kids premium

My Learning Cards - Educational card games for preschool kids premium

The innovative learning app for preschoolers and kindergarten kids, using Montessori learning methods! The perfect learning experience for kids! Download the app now and see for yourself! The learning app was developed together with educators for and together with children and...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: McPeppergames UG (haftungsbeschraenkt) & Co. KG

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