Top 49 Education Apps Like VR Europe - Lets vote NRW - Best Alternatives

VR Europe - Lets vote NRW Alternatives

Do you want to find the best VR Europe - Lets vote NRW alternatives for iOS? We have listed 49 Education apps that are similar to VR Europe - Lets vote NRW. Pick one from this list to be your new VR Europe - Lets vote NRW app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to VR Europe - Lets vote NRW on your iOS devices.

Top 49 Apps Like VR Europe - Lets vote NRW - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid VR Europe - Lets vote NRW alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 49 similar apps like VR Europe - Lets vote NRW 2025.

AR VR Molecules Editor

AR VR Molecules Editor

AR VR Molecules Editor allows one to build and manipulate 3D molecules models of organic and inorganic compounds in a smartphone VR headset. This is a valuable tool for chemistry students for learning about molecular bonding with the aid...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Virtual Space OOO
AR VR Molecules Editor Lite

AR VR Molecules Editor Lite

AR VR Molecules Editor allows one to build and manipulate 3D molecules models of organic and inorganic compounds in a smartphone VR headset. This is a valuable tool for chemistry students for learning about molecular bonding with the aid...

Price: Free Developer: Virtual Space OOO
Athens in VR

Athens in VR

Please note that a VR headset is required for this experience. Purchase yours here: For the first time ever, you can use your iPhone to take a self-guided on site tour of Athens, Greece, the greatest tourist destination of...

Price: Free Developer: Lithodomos VR
Croatia in VR – Ancient Pula

Croatia in VR – Ancient Pula

Please note that a VR headset is required for this experience. Purchase yours here: Experience Croatia in a way that has not been possible for 2,000 years. Step into the shoes of a Roman, and see Pula exactly as...

Price: Free Developer: Lithodomos VR
Hyperloop VR

Hyperloop VR

Download the VR app now to discover the technological breakthroughs from the Delft Hyperloop team. Use your mobile VR headset or Google Cardboard to bring the Hyperloop concept to life. Features: · Sit...

Price: Free Developer: INDG
VR Classroom

VR Classroom

Assistant app to VIRTUAL CLASSROOM: ATOMS AND ORBITALS - the first of a kind educational virtual reality experience designed for group visits to location-based virtual reality venues from schools, summer camps, education centers, and for everyone else who wants...

Price: Free Developer: Abelana VR Productions Inc
ID College VR

ID College VR

De ID College VR app is een co-creatie onder leiding van EMansion, i.s.m. DutchVR, Rabobank en ID College. Het maakt het voor toekomstige studenten makkelijk een virtuele kijk in de klas te kunnen nemen, het gebouw te kunnen ervaren en interviews met...

Price: Free Developer: DUTCH VR BV
Metro VR Store

Metro VR Store

Welcome to your METRO VR store! Experience first-hand how to keep a store running! Restock, take care of quality and presentation, and make sure everything is nice and customer friendly. In three exciting games you will boost the customer experience and...

Price: Free Developer: VR Owl
MLU VR Führung

MLU VR Führung

Fast wie live vor Ort! Unsere VR-App bietet mit 360-Grad-Videos und interaktiven 360-Grad-Panoramen Eindrücke von den Studienbedingungen an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) sowie der attraktiven Studentenstadt Halle (Saale) die zugleich Kulturhauptstadt des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt ist. Die optimale Wirkung der vollsphärischen...

Price: Free Developer: Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
VR Karbala 360°

VR Karbala 360°

VR Karbala is an innovative project that is aiming to bring the tragic incident of Karbala to life. Through virtual reality, VR Karbala is aiming to allow its user to walk among the companions of Imam (as), praying behind...

Price: Free Developer: VMA Nordic IVS
Europe - A Montessori Approach To Geography

Europe - A Montessori Approach To Geography

***Our series of geography apps are being used successfully by parents, schools and therapists all over the world! The method had been tested thoroughly and it works! Give it a try and see for yourself!!"*** Learn the names and locations...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Rantek Inc.
ESCP Europe App

ESCP Europe App

Your education, everywhere you go with the new ESCP Europe app.   Find out about all the news and events from the school. By connecting using your ESCP Europe login, get instant access to all the data from your intranet in real-time...

Price: Free Developer: ESCP Europe
SuperFlash Europe

SuperFlash Europe

Quickly learn every European country’s location, capital, abbreviation and spelling with SuperFlash Europe: Study Map • 9 geographic regions • Card for each country showing shape, name, capital and 2-letter abbreviation • Country and capital name pronunciations • Country flags Quizzes • Countries (by location), capitals,...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Atomic Imagination
Europe 45-68

Europe 45-68

„Art in Europe 1945-1968“ generates a new narrative about Europe. The separation of Europe as a result of the Yalta Conference in 1945 and the resulting Cold War gravely impacted on both Eastern Europe and Western Europe. The fact...

Price: Free Developer: ZKM Karlsruhe
EUROPE-LIST – Searching for a european culture

EUROPE-LIST – Searching for a european culture

What on Earth is Europe? The EUROPE-LIST gives answers to such questions as: What keeps us together? Which are our most eminent cultural achievements? How do our neighbours from Casablanca to Beirut perceive Europe? In which language is saying “I...

Price: Free Developer: Goethe-Institut e.V.
PP's Europe Geography Quiz Edu

PP's Europe Geography Quiz Edu

Learn the locations of the countries, capitals, and flags of EUROPE with interactive learning! Select the correct answer on a scrollable, high-resolution image of Europe. The 'Edu' edition (Education Edition) of Europe Geography Quiz is a paid app with...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Peaceful Pencil Ltd., The
GeoFlight Europe Pro

GeoFlight Europe Pro

Climb aboard and get ready to fly - because GeoFlight Europe will take you to the skies in a geographical adventure! This award-winning game brings the world to your fingertips... literally! Can you name all 43 countries? How about...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: TopoMonkey
Have your say on Europe

Have your say on Europe

Reflecting on Europe is an initiative launched by the European Committee of the Regions to offer a space for citizens to present their ideas, thoughts and opinions on what the European Union should be. The main objective is to...

Price: Free Developer: European Union Apps
Know Your Europe

Know Your Europe

Know Your Europe is great for learning all about the geography of Europe. It is perfect for children to learn the countries, capitals, mountains and rivers of Europe. There is lots of information on each feature too in the...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: EdWare
Talking Europe

Talking Europe

Discuss with somebody from another European country in a live-translated 1:1 chat! Talking Europe is your unique app for pan-European political dialogue. An algorithm matches you to somebody who has a different political opinion than you and lives in...

Price: Free Developer: Diskutier Mit Mir e.V.
Lets Learn Colors

Lets Learn Colors

Lets Learn Colors is an app that helps kids learn the 12 main colors and how they sound, the app also has games that make sure that your kids are learning and moving forward, the app also has beautiful...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Simon Musa
LETS Learn Hiragana & Katakana

LETS Learn Hiragana & Katakana

“Simple and practical!” “It’s the most beautiful language learning app” “I love the pretty photos in the app” “It is fun to learn a language with your app” “Thank you for creating the high quality and accurate contents” --- Fun and Relaxing Learning Experience...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: LETS Limited
Ali & Sumaya:Lets Pray Kurdish

Ali & Sumaya:Lets Pray Kurdish

NOW IN KURDISH! English Version Highlights - *Reached #2 top grossing education in App Store in UK *Top 10 education in App Store in more than 10 countries *Helped to teach over 200 Thousand children how to pray "Let's Pray!" is Ali...

Price: Free Developer: Imanimation Studios
Ali and Sumaya: Let's Read

Ali and Sumaya: Let's Read

"Let's Read" is the follow up to the worldwide successful Islamic children education App "Let's pray" Ali and Sumaya Lets Read teaches children how to read the Holy Qur’an according to the rules of Tajweed in a fun and simple...

Price: Free Developer: Imanimation Studios
Alphabet Flash Cards Lets Leap Ahead

Alphabet Flash Cards Lets Leap Ahead

Let's Leap Ahead is the best selling line of educational books which are sold at all major bookstores in North America. Our apps have become the most sought after apps by parents and teachers nationwide. Our products are...

Price: Free Developer: WS Publishing Group, Inc.
Lets Leap Ahead Colors

Lets Leap Ahead Colors

Let's Leap Ahead is a line of best-selling children's books and apps, sought after by parents and teachers nationwide. Our products are designed to be fun and interactive, and are filled with beautiful graphics and bright colors. This App...

Price: Free Developer: WS Publishing Group, Inc.
Dinosaurs. Let's create from modelling clay. Wikipedia for kids. Dino pets creative craft.

Dinosaurs. Let's create from modelling clay. Wikipedia for kids. Dino pets creative craft.

Do your child like to watch cartoon "Dinosaur Train"? Or he likes "Walking with Dinosaurs"? Then be sure to install this app! 30 workshops for kids. Create and play. How to make a dinosaur out of modelling clay (plasticine). The modelling...

Price: Free Developer: Maria Dobretskaya
Kids Maths - Lets learn Maths

Kids Maths - Lets learn Maths

Kids Maths is here to make the experience of learning maths fun. Mathematics is one of the most important tool yet kids tend to ignore it because of the old and boring learning methods. Maths is something you master...

Price: Free Developer: feng gao
Let's Discover the Alef Bet

Let's Discover the Alef Bet

Help students interact with the printed pages from Let's Discover the Alef Bet using the new Augmented Reality App from Behrman House. Kids will watch the pages come alive with help from the camera on their mobile device or tablet...

Price: Free Developer: Behrman House Inc.
Let's Learn ABC

Let's Learn ABC

As a first step in learning, Let's Learn ABC is introducing alphabets. Let's Learn ABC helps to learn ABC by associating. The app presents a set of cards on learning every letter. On dragging the letter to each card, the...

Price: Free Developer: Mohd Junaidi
Cast Your Vote

Cast Your Vote

It's just a few weeks until Election Day, are you ready? In our completely reimagined Cast Your Vote you'll discover what it takes to become an informed voter - from knowing where you stand on important issues to uncovering...

Price: Free Developer: iCivics, Inc.
OnPoint VS

OnPoint VS

Vote Smart’s exciting new mobile app OnPoint arms citizens with up to date info on today’s hot topics. Want to know how your officials relate to the big picture? Click the issue you’re interested in and the facts you...

Price: Free Developer: Project Vote Smart
Vote Jobs Maryland

Vote Jobs Maryland

Jobs are the root of success for our economy. They provide our citizens a sense of self worth, a sense of identity, build skills, act as an example to our youth and provide a path towards prosperity for all....

Price: Free Developer: Modern Advocacy, LLC
VR Europe - Lets vote

VR Europe - Lets vote

Was hat die Europäische Union eigentlich mit Dir zu tun? Wieso solltest Du wählen gehen? Erlebe in Virtual Reality was das alles mit Dir zu tun hat und reise von Berlin aus direkt in das Herz der EU nach...

Price: Free Developer: Timmersive UG
Council Voting Calculator

Council Voting Calculator

Do we have a qualified majority? Simulate a vote at the Council of the EU with the voting calculator It's always been difficult to check whether the Council of the European Union has reached the qualified majority it needs to...

Price: Free Developer: European Union Apps
UK Election 2015 (PSHE)

UK Election 2015 (PSHE)

The big goal of this mystery, which was created with support from Newcastle University, is to get young people more aware of and interested in politics by using the 2015 UK general election as an example. It works well...

Price: Free Developer: Reflective Thinking


ActiVote is an exciting tool that takes the guesswork out of voting and allows everyone to participate in elections at the local, state and federal level! You can see all your upcoming elections and candidates, participate in polls, and even...

Price: Free Developer: ActiVote Inc
My School: School Diary

My School: School Diary

In the coming years we will have flying cars, homes that can be cleaned automatically and we are not going to school anymore with the weight of the diary ... oh no! The diary we can already throw from now,...

Price: Free Developer: Paul Production


Experience and learn about Single Transferable Vote (STV). Vote, then follow the counting in a simulated election conducted under STV. See how your one vote can be apportioned to one or more of your ranked candidates. See who gets...

Price: Free Developer: gordon devlin
Sight Running NRW

Sight Running NRW

Die komplett kostenlose und werbefreie App von Sight Running NRW verbindet mit Hilfe eines Audioguides Bewegung und Baukultur zu einem spannenden Lauferlebnis. Sight Running NRW stellt zahlreiche attraktive Laufstrecken in ganz NRW vor, die spannende und faszinierende Natur- und Stadterlebnisse...

Price: Free Developer: Architektenkammer Nordrhein-Westfalen

Ein Land, so bunt und unverwechselbar wie seine Menschen. Mit seinen Dörfern und Städten, Flüssen und Seen, Mühlen und Schlössern, Museen und Denkmälern, Wäldern und Wiesen ist NRW viele Entdeckungsreisen wert. Überall setzen sich Bürgerinnen und Bürger für dieses...

Price: Free Developer: Nordrhein-Westfalen-Stiftung
Floristische Kartierung NRW

Floristische Kartierung NRW

Diese App unterstützt Sie bei der Kartierarbeit für die "Floristische Kartierung NRW". Sie stellt eine Ergänzung zu dem Internetportal dar. Mithilfe der App können Sie Pflanzenfunde im Gelände erfassen und direkt in die Datenbank dieses Projektes melden. Die...

Price: Free Developer: GeoMobile GmbH
NRW Skulptur

NRW Skulptur

Mehr als 600 Werke quer durch ganz NRW! Die NRW Skulptur-App präsentiert ab sofort eine große Auswahl an herausragender Kunst im öffentlichen Raum, bei der nicht nur Kunstinteressierte, Touristen und (Rad-Wanderer voll auf ihre Kosten kommen. Neben beeindruckender Kunst...

Price: Free Developer: Kultursekretariat NRW Gütersloh
ver.di TK IT NRW

ver.di TK IT NRW

Mehr Geld, mehr Sicherheit, mehr Lebensqualität: ver.di in der TK/IT-Branche ver.di ist die Gewerkschaft in der Telekommunikations- und IT-Branche. Gemeinsam vertreten wir die Interessen der Arbeitnehmer*innen und setzen uns für die besonderen Belange der Beamten ein. Bessere und sichere Arbeitsplätze...

Price: Free Developer: Yekta IT UG
AbiNotenRechner NRW

AbiNotenRechner NRW

Die App hat zwei Hauptfunktionen: - Berechnung der Abiturnote entsprechend den Vorgaben NRW für 2015 und 2016 - Notenplaner, d.h. Eingabe der Noten/Prüfungen (Punkte und/oder Noten) für alle Fächer Achtung: Die richtige Kursbelegung wird vorausgesetzt. Neben der Eingabe der bisherigen...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Dieter Bartsch
DGB Bildungswerk NRW Seminare

DGB Bildungswerk NRW Seminare

Wir sind das Bildungswerk der Gewerkschaften in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Unsere Seminare richten sich an Betriebsräte und Personalräte, Mitarbeitervertreter/innen, JAVis und Vertrauenspersonen der Schwerbehinderten und an alle Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer, die sich für ihre Rechte interessieren. Über unsere App lassen sich...

Price: Free Developer: Yekta IT UG
Wildnisgebiete NRW

Wildnisgebiete NRW

„Was ist Wildnis? Was bedeutet uns Wildnis? Was können wir für sie tun?“ sind die Leitfragen des Projektes. Einige der rund 100 Wildnisentwicklungsgebiete in Nordrhein-Westfalen sind ideale Erlebnis- und Lernorte, um Wildnis bzw. ihr Werden verstehen zu lernen. Mit...

Price: Free Developer: Andreas Hoffmann
Textilakademie Learning App

Textilakademie Learning App

Textilakademie NRW „Learning App“ Sie können mit der App jederzeit und von jedem Ort aus flexibel, einfach und komfortabel lernen. Die App ermöglicht Ihnen eigenständig und effizient auf Basis von interaktiven Lernmedien und Lernerfolgskontrollen die im Unterricht vermittelten Inhalte zu vertiefen...

Price: Free Developer: Textilakademie NRW

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