Top 26 Social Networking Apps Like United Federation of Planets - Best Alternatives

United Federation of Planets Alternatives

Do you want to find the best United Federation of Planets alternatives for iOS? We have listed 26 Social Networking apps that are similar to United Federation of Planets. Pick one from this list to be your new United Federation of Planets app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to United Federation of Planets on your iOS devices.

Top 26 Apps Like United Federation of Planets - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid United Federation of Planets alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 26 similar apps like United Federation of Planets 2025.



United-Fone Dialer is dedicatedly for calling between different countries. With crystal clear Sound and cheapest call rate, you can enhance your experience with VoIP Calls. We have included the latest call processing technology and still providing updates for further...

Price: Free Developer: Harikumar P
MIU - Model United Nations

MIU - Model United Nations

MIU - MUN is an extracurricular activity that has been operating on Misr International University’s campus for 11 consecutive years. Our mission is to build a platform that will connect all MUN enthusiasts under one roof where they can exchange...

Price: Free Developer: Mohamed Abdelghany
HAUMC Live Stream

HAUMC Live Stream

Live streaming for Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church in Minneapolis, MN.

Price: Free Developer: Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church
CocoPPa Play

CocoPPa Play

Create your kawaii avatar and produce wonderful fashion shows! Over 55 million downloads all over the world! From the globally popular smartphone community app, "CocoPPa", comes a special lovely app, "CocoPPa Play". Now create and decorate your avatar with cute outfits! Create fashion...

Price: Free Developer: UNITED, Inc.
Gulflink: Gulf Area Social App

Gulflink: Gulf Area Social App

Connect, grow and become even a prouder Khaleeji with Gulflink. With a vision to empower, glorify and unify the people from the Gulf area, Gulflink is a premium social network & multimedia messaging app which exclusively connects people from:...

Price: Free Developer: Gulflink
LinkedIn: Network & Job Finder

LinkedIn: Network & Job Finder

LinkedIn is the social network for job seekers, professionals, and businesses. Build your network, find business contacts, connect with recruiters, and use your professional profile as an online resume. LinkedIn’s job search filters help you narrow down from the millions...

Price: Free Developer: LinkedIn Corporation
Prophytes: Greek Life Network

Prophytes: Greek Life Network

Prophytes: My Greek Life App mission is to empower fraternity and sorority members to create opportunities both personally and professionally using our network marketplace And of course, to make their campus life easier. We are a social network for...

Price: Free Developer: Prophytes LLC
Korea Roaming

Korea Roaming

Tourist services, local people concerned nation (a tourlist, business. student), since his arrival in South Korea, including overseas Koreans use cell phones in Korea, the roaming heed to the opening of the signing.Annex Telecom for a period of time...

Price: Free Developer: Annex
Christmas Cards • Greeting

Christmas Cards • Greeting

Christmas cards and more than 300 stickers to send your wishes. - Select stickers from a large choice of 300 images. - Compose your own greetings. - Personalize your greeting cards by adding stickers, photos or emojis. - Choose background color, shadows, font,...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Ghislain Fortin


The World Trade Point Federation and the OISTE Foundation bring to you the ETO mobile app secure by WISeKey that makes possible to share international trade opportunities globally with full authentication of users and products, more secure and easier....

Price: Free Developer: OISTE


This application is about All India jain minority Federation. This Application is useful To connect and communicate among people.

Price: Free Developer: Aniket Jain


L'application de la fédération ingénia permet d’accéder à l'annuaire des diplômés de l'ESA Angers, de l'ISA Lille, de l'ISARA Lyon et de l'EI Purpan Toulouse. En toutes situations, retrouvez tous les ingénieurs autour de vous et consultez l'ensemble des...

Price: Free Developer: NetAnswer
Clichy Club by Kidizz

Clichy Club by Kidizz

Clichy Club: Le lien Parents – Enfants – Professionnels de l’enfance Clichy Club est une application réservée aux parents des enfants accueillis en crèches, ainsi qu’aux adolescents du Club Ados et du CCJ de La Ville de Clichy. Clichy Club est...

Price: Free Developer: KidizzApp


The Society of Obstetricians & Gynecologists of Pakistan (SOGP) is the oldest specialist professional body. Its foundations were laid in March 1957 when Prof.H.Dewattleville, President of International Federation of Gynecology & Obstetrics (FIGO) visited Karachi. He addressed the students,...

Price: Free Developer: Muhammad Sheikh
City of Fillmore

City of Fillmore

The City of Fillmore mobile app connects you directly with Fillmore City Hall. Have you spotted a pothole, graffiti, downed power line or broken water main? Use this app to take a photo of the issue, and...

Price: Free Developer: County of Ventura
Social Scanner - Analysis of social accounts

Social Scanner - Analysis of social accounts

Social Scanner is the only app in the App Store to perform real analysis of your Instagram account and provide analytics. Social Scanner will help you to find out: - mutual friends - who are not following you back - whom you are...

Price: Free Developer: Igor Nazarov
World of Clubs

World of Clubs

Make your club ideas happen. Manage all your social and professional clubs from one place. Club examples: Friends club, Soccer club, Base Ball club, Gaming club, Event management club, Trip related club, Getaway planning club, Science fair planning club, School...

Price: Free Developer: ELGO LIFE INC
WICT Rocky Mountain Walk of Fame

WICT Rocky Mountain Walk of Fame

Stay up to date with Women in Cable Telecommunications (WICT) Rocky Mountain Chapter Conference. Learn more about this award winning event that brings together thought-leaders, power-house speakers, cutting edge technology, cable industry professionals and local High School and College...

Price: Free Developer: Women in Cable Telecommunications
Guernsey College of FE Connect

Guernsey College of FE Connect

Everything you need whilst studying with us! Enhance your experience by accessing personalised information via your fingertips, staying up to date with latest events, benefits and things to do, whilst exploring and collaborating with tutors and peers on key...

Price: Free Developer: Guernsey College of Further Education
Amino for: Game of Thrones

Amino for: Game of Thrones

The only social network just for fans of GoT. With a feed of great content (photos, fan art, videos, GIFs), chat, polls, and more, you’ll get your daily Thrones dose. Share your knowledge, discover things you never knew existed,...

Price: Free Developer: Narvii Inc.
Amino for: League of Legends

Amino for: League of Legends

League of Legends Amino is the fastest growing mobile social network for League of Legends players! - Build a profile showing your passion for LoL - Connect and create teams with other players around the world - Discover amazing plays and show...

Price: Free Developer: Narvii Inc.
Karma the Game of Destiny

Karma the Game of Destiny

Karma the Game of Destiny, is a novel new social, friend making, dating, and going to venues and events GAME. Karma is FREE to join and PLAY for up to 30 Days. You get 3 FREE lives when...

Price: Free Developer: AlquimiSoft
Kerala Hindus of North America

Kerala Hindus of North America

Kerala Hindus of North America (KHNA) is a conference app and provides a common platform for all Kerala Hindus to come together, comprehend, celebrate and promote the eternal truth and teachings of Hinduism – better understanding of God and...

Price: Free Developer: Apps Team Technologies Private Limited
BasePedia for Clash of Clans

BasePedia for Clash of Clans

- Do you want to copy new base/map layouts links for Clash Of Clans? - Do you need to manage many base layouts and have them tested and rated by other clash players? Clash BasePedia is all you need!!! This is...

Price: Free Developer: Andrei Chiritescu
niconico ch

niconico ch

「あの人」をもっと近くに。 niconico chでは、数百万人のクリエイターのオリジナルアプリが作れます! オリジナルアプリから、「あの人」の投稿・更新をまとめてチェックすることができます。 ◆著名人、ゲーム実況者、アニメやアーティストまで、さまざまなクリエイターやコンテンツが勢揃い ◆動画だけじゃない、ブログやTwitter、Youtube、公式ブログなどの外部コンテンツも ◆チャンネルだけでなく、一般投稿者もniconico chでチェックできます! ■ niconico chとは ■ ・お気に入りのクリエイターの情報を、クリエイターごとのオリジナルアプリに集約しました ・動画やブロマガに加え、TwitterやYoutube、公式ブログなどもniconico chですべてチェックできます ・生放送が開始されると、通知でお知らせが届きます このアプリだけのオリジナル機能! 好きなチャンネル/ユーザーのオリジナルアプリをホーム画面に置くことができます。 もちろん、あなたのアプリも作れます。 ■ 主な機能 ■ ・チャンネル/ユーザーごとのオリジナルアプリ作成 ・チャンネルの検索 ・お気に入りクリエイターの更新チェック ・動画だけではない、生放送やTwitterなど外部コンテンツのチェック ・生放送を見逃さない開場通知 ■ 人気カテゴリ ■ niconico chには様々なカテゴリのチャンネルが揃っています。 ゲーム実況  ・幕末志士、キヨ、チャンネルの主役は我々だ!、M.S.S P、牛沢といった人気ゲーム実況主のニコ動/ニコ生を見逃しません。 アニメ  ・けものフレンズ、進撃の巨人、僕のヒーローアカデミアなど話題のアニメが勢揃い 映画  ・毎週新作が続々登場。国内・海外問わず様々な人気作品が視聴できます。 スポーツ  ・メジャースポーツから、テレビでは配信されないスポーツまで、幅広く配信。 社会・言論  ・今話題のあのニュース。記事だけでなくニコ生でも配信しています。 音楽  ・歌ってみた、ボカロ、AKB48など音楽に関するコンテンツも盛りだくさん。 芸能  ・芸能人やアイドルなど、様々なタレントのチャンネルが揃っています。 生活  ・あなたの生活に欠かせない情報がチャンネルに。 政治  ・エンタメコンテンツだけではなく、政治なども生放送などでコンテンツが揃っています。 バラエティ  ・お笑いやパチンコ・パチスロなどエンタメコンテンツのチャンネルは数え切れません。 ■ 人気チャンネル/五十音順 ■ アイドルマスター ミリオンラジオ! アイドルマスターSideMラジオ animeloLIVE! あみあみチャンネル『れい&ゆいの文化放送ホームランラジオ!』 牛沢の牛沢まみれ M.S.S Projectチャンネル OH!! MY!! GACKT!! 岡田斗司夫ブロマガチャンネル キャストサイズチャンネル キヨの人生あまちゃんネル けものフレンズ 週刊文春デジタル CINDERELLA PARTY! 竹田恒泰チャンネル チャンネルの主役は我々だ! 鳥海浩輔・安元洋貴の禁断生ラジオ ニコナナ/パチンコ・パチスロ“おもしろがり方”100万通り ニコニコゲーム実況チャンネル ニコプロ -ニコニコプロレスチャンネル- ニコレトチャンネル 幕末志士 パチンコ/パチスロ ジャンバリ.TV ハッピーチャンネル PLANETSチャンネル 堀江貴文 ブログでは言えないチャンネル マックスむらい部 めいこいファンクラブ MEGA地震予測チャンネル メンタリストDaiGoの「心理分析してみた!」 YOSHIKI CHANNEL LOVE&ART 鷲崎健のヨナ×ヨナチャンネル

Price: Free Developer: DWANGO Co., Ltd.

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